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    1. Clinical Hospital № 122 them L. G. Sokolova, St. Petersburg, Russia
    2. SPb St. Mary Magdalene Children’s City Hospital № 2, St. Petersburg, Russia
    3. St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, Russia
    4. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia

    Keywords: food hypersensitivity, diet, an individual diet, ulcerative colitis, inflammatory bowel disease, the methods of selection of the diet for ulcerative colitis, prevention of exacerbations of ulcerative colitis

    Abstract: Allergic reactions to foods can occur in any one of four major types of reactions [P. Gell, R. Coombs].The most typical combination of several types of reactions, one patient. Food antigens can modify cellular and humoral immune response by influencing the emergence of new and for chronic diseases. Objective: to study the spectrum of food sensitization in patients with diseases of the digestive system (DDS) to adjust their dietary therapy. The laboratory examination and treatment of 210 patient: 185 patients with DDS (gastroesophageal reflux disease, chronic gastroduodenitis, biliary dyskinesia, irritable bowel syndrome, IBD (ulcerative colitis(UC) and Crohn’s disease) and 25 healthy adults. To identify the reactions I, III and IY-type food allergens used a range of methods - ELISA (IgE-specific) and the reaction of inhibition of migration of leukocytes (RIML), modification NN Matyshevoy and LS Kositsky. Products that implement positive reactions, patients were excluded from the diet. 100% of patients identified specific reactions I, III and IY-type food allergy, the number of responses increased in proportion to the severity of the disease, most patients with IBD, the smallest - in healthy individuals. Exclusion from the diet of the identified potential allergens contributed to a significant clinical improvement, and in patients with UC onset of persistent clinical and endoscopic remission. Conclusion: to determine the most complete range of food sensitization in patients with DDS is necessary to use methods for assessing cellular and humoral sensitization types together. Diet exclusion of food allergens from the diet of patients with DDS leads to persistent clinical improvement and long-term maintenance of remission, especially in patients with UC.

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    Full text is published :
    Kryukova O. A., Matysheva N. N., Drygin A. N., Khavkin A. I. Food sensitization in patients with diseases of the digestive system. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology. 2019;163(3): 4–9. (In Russ.) DOI: 10.31146/1682-8658-ecg-163-3-4-9
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    1. V. A. Nasonova Research Institute of Rheumatology, 115522 Moscow, Russia

    Keywords: dysbiosis of the upper digestive tract; rheumatoid arthritis; microbiome; periodontitis

    Abstract: Currently an increasing attention in rheumatology is paid to the identification of diseases at the earliest possible time, the so-called preclinical stages, which may contribute to a more favorable response to therapy and improved prognosis. The etiology of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is still unknown. One of the possible factors of its development can be periodontal disease (PD) associated with oral dysbiosis. This review examines the relationship between the development of periodontitis and RA, discusses the involvement of the oral microbiome in the common mechanisms of the pathogenesis of PD and RA. Identified cell-mediated mechanisms that cause chronic inflammation and lead to bone resorption and destruction of the joints. The role of PD and P.gingivalis in the process of disruption of autoantigens citrullination is described.

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      3. Nasonov E. L., Galushko E. A., Gordeev A. V. Sovremennyj vzglyad na patogenez spondiloartritov - molekulyarnye mekhanizmy. Nauchno-Prakticheskaya Revmatologiya = Rheumatology Science and Practice. 2015; 53 (3):299-307. (In Russ.)
      4. Galushko E. A., Gordeev A. V. Koncepciya «bolezni bar’ernogo organa» v patogeneze spondiloartritov. Nauchno-Prakticheskaya Revmatologiya = Rheumatology Science and Practice. 2016; 54(2):199-205. (In Russ.)
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    Full text is published :
    Gordeev A. V., Galushko E. A., Savushkina N. M. Dysbiosis of the upper digestive tract — a harbinger of rheumatoid arthritis? Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology. 2019;163(3): 10–15. (In Russ.) DOI: 10.31146/1682-8658-ecg-163-3-10-15
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