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    1. Federal research center of epidemiology and Microbiology them. N.F. Gamalei (Moscow, Russian Federation)
    2. Russian Medical Academy оf Continuing Professional Education (Moscow, Russian Federation)
    3. First MSMU n. a. I.M. Sechenov (Moscow, Russian Federation)

    Keywords: H.pylori , intestinal-brain axis, visceral sensitivity, cytokines

    Abstract: A complex combination of external factors (stress), host immune status and virulence factors determines the susceptibility and severity of the outcome of H. pneumonia infection and associated pathology. H.pylori and intestinal-brain axis relationships are bi-directional and affect the infection process and neuroendocrine immunological response of the host organism, including changes in secretory and motor functions of the digestive tract, modification of visceral sensitivity and cognitive functions. The effect of H.pylori on intestinal-brain axis is based on direct neurotoxic action, micronutrient deficiency, the activation of inflammatory processes in the epithelium, destruction of the barrier function, destabilization of the blood-brain barrier and the systemic action of pro-inflammatory cytokines.

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    Full text is published :
    Ryabichenko E.V., Burgasov O.A. , Zhukhovitskii V.G. THE ROLE OF INTESTINAL BRAIN AXIS IN THE PATHOGENESIS OF DISEASES ASSOCIATED WITH . Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2017;148(12):4-8
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