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Welcome to the website
All-Russian public organization
«Gastroenterological Scientific
Society of Russia» (GSSR)!

Society strives to
combine the efforts of medical
society, all citizens and
organizations interested in developing healthy lifestyles.
Along with this GSSR designed to promote scientific - research, innovation, innovative, educational and outreach activities in the field of gastroenterology.
We invite all those who share our goals!

President GSSR
Prof, Phd, MD,
Lazebnik Leonid

CV_LB_Lazebnik}Read CV LB Lazebnik



Protocol № 1, Annex 2
President of the GSSR
MD, PhD, Professor Leonid Lazebnik

the XV Congress of GSSR
St. Petersburg, May 27, 2015

Golovanova E.V., Lazebnik L.B., Konev Yu. V., Shaposhnikova N.A.

  1. Gastroenterological Scientific Society of Russia

Wilson’s disease (hepatolenticular degeneration, dystrophia hepatocerebralis) - a chronic, progressive disease with a genetically determined autosomal recessive mode of inheritance. The violence in metabolism of copper with its excessive accumulation in visceral organs and central nervous system is the basis of the disease. The guidelines on clinical diagnosis and management of patients based on a Review and analysis of recent publications on this topic in the global and Domestic literature and on the authors’ experience in treating patients with Wilson’s disease.....


Published in the
Eksperimental’naya i Klinicheskaya Gastroenterologiya 2015; 119 (7): 108-111 =
Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology 2015; 119 (7): 108-111

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