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    1. Saratov state medical university of V. I. Razumovsky of the Russian Ministry of Health, Saratov, Russia
    2. Branch of private institution of the educational organization of the higher education “The medical university “Reaviz”, Saratov, Russia

    Keywords: sharp cholecystitis. mechanical jaundice, system infl ammatory answer (SIRS)

    Abstract: The modern literary review the devoted question of sharp cholecystitis and mechanical jaundice is presented in article, it is established that now weight of a condition of the patient with sharp cholecystitis and mechanical jaundice is still estimated on kliniko-biochemical weight of an ikterus and the progressing liver failure. Other syndromes are considered insufficiently. It is especially important to reflect a syndrome of the system inflammatory answer (SIRS) which reflects weight of the developing inflammatory process in a biliarny system.

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    Full text is published :
    Fedorov V. E., Zaharova N. B., Logvina O. A., Maslyakov V. V. Assessment of severity of the patient at sharp cholecystitis and mechanical jaundice in the light of national clinical recommendations (the review of literature). Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology. 2019;163(3): 97–104. (In Russ.) DOI: 10.31146/1682-8658-ecg-163-3-97-104
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    1. EI of HE “The Surgut State University”, Surgut, Russia
    2. Surgut District Clinical Hospital, Surgut, Russia
    3. FSEBI of HE “The Ulianov Chuvash State University”, Cheboksary, Russia
    4. Khanty-Mansiysk State Medical Academy, Khanty-Mansiysk, Russia

    Keywords: chronic viral hepatitis, protein metabolism, liver fi brosis

    Abstract: Purpose. To analysis of Russian and foreign literature about epidemiology, etiology and pathogenesis of chronic viral hepatitis B and C, including the factors that are likely to have effect on the progression of liver fibrosis, such as, condition of protein metabolism. Materials and methods. The literature data about this subject in the volume 58 sources of literature, 22 - Russian works and foreign - 36 was studied. Results and discussion. The most frequent factors that are likely to have effect on the progression of liver fibrosis, such as, etiology of chronic viral hepatitis B and C, combined viral pathology, features of the macrooganism, duration of infection, effect of alcohol and smoking were detected. The questions of the condition protein metabolism of chronic viral hepatitis B and C has been considered. Conclusion. The obtained data is different, because impact of the condition protein metabolism and other factors are important for learning and use in clinical practice with this pathology.

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    Full text is published :
    Tarasova L. V., Ariamkina O. L., Volkova T. V., Busalayeva E. I., Sosnovskaia E. V. Protein metabolic disorders in chronic viral hepatitis. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology. 2019;163(3): 105–112. (In Russ.) DOI: 10.31146/1682-8658-ecg-163-3-105-112
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