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    1. Smolensk State Medical University (Smolensk, Russian Federation)

    Keywords: Helicobacter pylori, antimicrobial resistance, clarithromycin, metronidazole

    Abstract: The article reviews current approaches to the choice of H. pylori eradication therapy depending on the antimicrobial susceptibility patters of this pathogen to the major components of eradication treatment. First and second line eradication therapy in patients with intolerance to antimicrobials are also discussed, as well as the options for the third line therapy in case of unknown H. pylori susceptibility patterns.

      1. Sugano K., Tack J., Kuipers E.J., Graham D.Y., El-Omar E.M., Miura S., Haruma K., Asaka M., Uemura N., Malfertheiner P. Kyoto global consensus report on Helicobacter pylorigastritis. Gut. 2015;64:1-15. doi:10.1136/gutjnl-2015–309252.
      2. Malfertheiner P., Megraud F., O’Morain C. et al. Management of Helicobacter pylori infection – Maastricht V / Florence consensus report. Gut. 2016;(1):1-25. doi:10.1136/gutjnl-2016–312288.
      3. Graham D.Y., Fischbach L. Helicobacter pyloritreatment in the era of increasing antibiotic resistance. Gut. 2010;59:1143-53.
      4. Horiki N., Omata F., Uemura M., Suzuki S., Ishii N., Iizuka Y., Fukuda K., Fujita Y., Katsurahara M., Ito T., Cesar G.E., Imoto I., Takei Y. Annual change of primary resistance to clarithromycin among Helicobacter pylori isolates from 1996 through 2008 in Japan. Helicobacter. 2009;14:86-90.
      5. Megraud F. H. pylori antibiotic resistance: prevalence, importance, and advances in testing. Gut. 2004;53:1374-84.
      6. Cun S., Li H., Ge R., Lin M.C., Sun H. A histidine-rich and cysteine-rich metal-binding domain at the C terminus of heat shock protein A from Helicobacter pylori: implication for nickel homeostasis and bismuth susceptibility. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2008;283(22):15142-51. doi:10.1074/jbc.M800591200
      7. Graham D.Y., Lee Y.C., Wu M.S. Rational Helicobacter pylori therapy: evidence-based medicine rather than medicine-based evidence. Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology. 2014;12(2):177-86.
      8. Reza Ghotaslou, Hamed Ebrahimzadeh Leylabadlo, Yalda Mohammadzadeh Asl. Prevalence of antibiotic resistance in Helicobacter pylori: A recent literature review. World Journal of Methodology. 2015;5(3):164-74.
      9. De Francesco V, Giorgio F, Hassan C, Manes G, Vannella L, Panella C, Ierardi E, Zullo A. Worldwide H. pylori antibiotic resistance: a systematic review. J Gastrointestin Liver Dis. 2010;19:409-414.
      10. Nishizawa T., Suzuki H., Matsuzaki J., Muraoka H., Tsugawa H., Hirata K., Hibi T. Helicobacter pylori resistance to rifabutin in the last 7 years. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemother. 2011;55(11):5374-75.
      11. Pozdeev O.K., Morozova L.G., Pozdeeva A.O., Valeeva Yu. V., Gulyaev P.E. Monitoring pervichnoi antibiotikorezistentnosti shtammov Helicobacter pylori, vydelennykh v respublike Tatarstan v 2008–2013 gg. Klinicheskaya mikrobiologiya i antimikrobnaya khimioterapiya – Clinical Microbiology and antimicrobial Chemotherapy. 2016;18(2):146-51.
      12. Dekhnich N.N., Kostyakova E.A., Punin A.A., Alimov A.V., Ivanchik N.V., Kozlov R.S. Antibiotikorezistentnost' H. pylori: rezul'taty mikrobiologicheskogo regional'nogo issledovaniya. Rosciiskii zhurnal gastroenterologii, gepatologii, koloproktologii. – The Russian Journal of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Coloproctology. 2011;21(2):37-42.
      13. Dekhnich N.N., Ivanchik N.V., Kozlov R.S., Alimov A.V., Luk'yanova A.V., Nagaeva O.A., Steshits A.S., Bruk P. G. Chuvstvitel'nost' shtammov H. Pylori k antimikrobnym preparatam v g. Smolenske v 2015–2016 gg. Rossiiskii zhurnal gastroenterologii, gepatologii, koloproktologii. – The Russian Journal of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Coloproctology. 2016;6:24-31.
      14. Sablin O.A., Mikhailov N.V., Yurin M.V., Il'chishina T.A., Kondrashin A.S., Kobiashvili M.G., Mikhailova I.A., Svarval' A.V., Zhibrun A.B. Pervichnaya rezistentnost' Helicobacter pylori k antibiotikam v Sankt-Peterburge. Eksperimental'naya i klinicheskaya farmakologiya. 2012;(8):18–23.
      15. Simanenkov V. I., Zakharova N. V., Zhebrun A. B., Svarval' A. V., Savilova I. V., Ferman R. S. Rezistentnost' Helicobacter pylori k antimikrobnym preparatam po rezul'tatam bakteriologicheskogo testirovaniya. Lechashchii vrach. 2015;(4):91–5.
      16. Lazebnik L.B., Belousova N.L., Bordin D.S., Mikheeva O.M., Dubtsova E.A., Vorob'eva N.N., Zelenikin S.A. Rezistentnost' Helicobacter pylori k klaritromitsinu v Moskve i propolis kak sredstvo, povyshayushchee effektivnost' eradikatsii. Eksperimental'naya i klinicheskaya farmakologiya. 2012;(8):10–14.
      17. Kornienko E.A., Suvorov A.N., Tkachenko E.A., Uspenskii Yu.P., Baryshnikova N.V. Kriticheskii rost rezistentnosti Helicobacter pylori k klaritromitsinu v pediatricheskoi i vzrosloi gastroenterologicheskoi praktike. Spravochnik poliklinicheskogo vracha. 2010;(12):54–56.
      18. Bokarev A.A., Perfilova K.M., et al. Ustoichivost' Helicobacter pylori k makrolidam u bol'nykh c N. pylori-pozitivnoi gastroduodenal'noi patologiei. Materialy II Ezhegodnogo Vserossiiskogo Kongressa po infektsionnym boleznyam. Moskva, 29-31 marta 2010 g.
      19. Osipenko M.F., Bikbulatova E.A., Shakalite Yu.D., Chernova L.N. Rezistentnost' Helicobacter pylori k klaritromitsinu v No vosibirske. Российский журнал гастроэнтерологии, гепатологии и колопроктологии. – The Russian Journal of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Coloproctology. 2012;22(5)(прил. 40):36.
      20. Ivashkin V.T., Maev I.V., Lapina T.L., Sheptulin A.A., et al . Rekomendatsii Rossiiskoi Gastroenterologicheskoi Assotsiatsii po diagnostike i lecheniyu infektsii Helicobacter pylori u vzroslykh. Российский журнал гастроэнторологии, гепатологии, колопроктологии. – The Russian Journal of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Coloproctology. 2012;22(1):87-89.

    Full text is published :
    Dekhnich N.N., Ivanchik N.V., Prischepova E.A., Kozlov R.S. THE CHOOSE HELICOBACTER PYLORIERADICATION THERAPY IN ADULTS. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2017;148(12):60-66.
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    1. North-Western State Medical University n. a. I. I. Mechnikov

    Keywords: candidiasis, therapy of H. pylori proton pump inhibitors

    Abstract: Pathogenesis of candidiasis of the digestive tract is characterized by sequential passage of the mushrooms following stages - adhesion, invasion, candidemia and visceral lesions. In the first stage, the micromycetes adhere to the epithelial cells of any portion of the mucous membrane. Further, defects in the system of resistance allows the micromycetes through transformation in pseudomycelia implemented (to invazirujutsja) in the mucous membrane and underlying tissues. Cytopenia - a crucial factor that allows invazirujutsja mushrooms to reach the walls of blood vessels, to destroy it, and to circulate in the bloodstream (this step is called candidemia). In the absence of adequate therapy in candidemia leads to the formation of foci of invasive candidiasis in visceral organs, most often in the liver and the spleen, the lungs, the Central nervous system. Introduction fungi of the genus Candida commonly occurs in areas of the mucous membrane, presents a multilayered epithelium (mouth, esophagus) and significantly less in single-layer epithelium (stomach, intestines). Proton pump inhibitors, reducing the acidity of the upper gastrointestinal tract and antibiotics killing the natural competitors of micromycetes of bacteria that can cause candidiasis, especially in patients at risk. The data on etiology, clinical features, diagnostic criteria and treatment of the most common oral lesions..

      1. Management of Helicobacter pylori infection - the Maastricht V/Florence Consensus Report. Article in Gut · October 2016, DOI: 10.1136/gutjnl-2016-312288
      2. Sugano K, Tack J, Kuipers EJ, et al. Kyoto global consensus report on Helicobacter pylori gastritis. Gut 2015;64:1353-67.
      3. Hunt RH, Camilleri M, Crowe SE, et al. The stomach in health and disease. Gut, 2015;64:1650-68.
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      5. Jobst D., Kraft K. Candida species in stool, symptoms and complaints in general practice - a cross-sectional study of 308 outpatients. Mycoses, 2006, 49, 415-420.
      6. Hube B. Candida albicans secreted aspartyl proteinases. // Curr Top Med Mycol. - 1996. - Vol.7(1). - P. 55-69.
      7. Хмельницкий О. К., Хмельницкая Н. М. Патоморфология микозов человека. - Спб.: Издательский дом СПбМАПО, 2005. - 432 с., ил.
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    Full text is published :
    Shevyakov M.A. Melekhina Yu.E., Klimko N.N. CANDIDIASIS OF MUCOUS MEMBRANES AS A COMPLICATION OF THE COURSE OF HELICOBACTER-ERADICATION. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2017;148(12):67-71.
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    1. Clinic № 1 of Department for presidential Affairs of RF

    Keywords: Helicobacter pylori,gastro,schemes of eradication,H. pylori therapy,food allergies,intolerance of antibiotics,antibiotic resistance

    Abstract: The study of the pathogenic properties of Helicobacter pylori have shown that this microorganism is able to damage the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum may contribute to the protracted course of gastroduodenitis, increases the frequency of relapses. This has changed approaches to the treatment and especially the prevention of recurrence. Developed and widely used in eradication schemes with the prolonged use of multiple antibiotics, which often leads to serious complications. In this article, we analyzed a number of controversial issues related to the study of HP-associated pathology.

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    Full text is published :
    Drynov G.A.,Ivaniushina D.C.,Mikhalina I.A., THE ROLE OF Helicobacter pylori INFESTATION IN ALLERGIC PATHOLOGY: DISCUSSION QUESTIONS. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2017;148(12):72-75.
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