Welcome to the website
All-Russian public organization
«Gastroenterological Scientific
Society of Russia» (GSSR)!

Society strives to
combine the efforts of medical
society, all citizens and
organizations interested in developing healthy lifestyles.
Along with this GSSR designed to promote scientific - research, innovation, innovative, educational and outreach activities in the field of gastroenterology.
We invite all those who share our goals!

President GSSR
Prof, Phd, MD,
Lazebnik Leonid

CV_LB_Lazebnik}Read CV LB Lazebnik




ООО «КСТ Групп», Москва, Научный проезд, 14Ас1
Телефон: +7 (495) 419-08-68
Электронная почта: info@kstgroup.ru



Международное руководство
в нескольких языках
теперь доступно на русском

  • Адаптировано к Российским условиям
  • 32 выдающихся российских автора, под руководством академика Мартынова А.И. и доцента, к.м.н. Кокорина В.А


SCImago Journal & Country Rank

Dear Friends of Rome Foundation,

The Rome Foundation is excited to announce the launch of our Young Investigator Mentoring Program.

Third Annual Rome Foundation Young Investigator Mentoring Program

 This programs gives researchers in the early stages of their careers--who do not have access to an experienced mentor-- the opportunity to present proposed research studies to Rome Foundation Board members.

They will review their proposals, identify pitfalls or opportunities, and give advice and guidance to the six selected applicants who will be allotted fifteen minutes each to present. This will take place at a 2 hour meeting at DDW on Saturday, May 18th, 2019 from 3:30-5:45 p.m at the Hilton San Diego Bayfront.

To apply, applicants must be researchers who:

1. Are interested in functional GI disorders and/or GI motility problems or function

2. Do not have sufficient mentoring input or support for their project

3. Can fund their own travel to San Diego, CA for DDW.

The program has no geographic or age restrictions, and the deadline for applicants April 1, 2019 with applicants being selected the third week of April.

The program is consistent with and supports the Foundation’s commitment “to the continuous development, legitimization and preservation of the field of FGIDs through science-based activities.”

If you know anyone who you think may be a good fit for this program, please forward them the below link to the application. Please contact Michelle Berry, Project Manager at the Rome Foundation, with any questions at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

2019 Rome Foundation Mentorship program available here .