Welcome to the website
All-Russian public organization
«Gastroenterological Scientific
Society of Russia» (GSSR)!

Society strives to
combine the efforts of medical
society, all citizens and
organizations interested in developing healthy lifestyles.
Along with this GSSR designed to promote scientific - research, innovation, innovative, educational and outreach activities in the field of gastroenterology.
We invite all those who share our goals!

President GSSR
Prof, Phd, MD,
Lazebnik Leonid

CV_LB_Lazebnik}Read CV LB Lazebnik




ООО «КСТ Групп», Москва, Научный проезд, 14Ас1
Телефон: +7 (495) 419-08-68
Электронная почта: info@kstgroup.ru



Международное руководство
в нескольких языках
теперь доступно на русском

  • Адаптировано к Российским условиям
  • 32 выдающихся российских автора, под руководством академика Мартынова А.И. и доцента, к.м.н. Кокорина В.А


SCImago Journal & Country Rank

wmd2018-colourchange.jpgPlease participate in the first WORLD STOMACH DAY by the Healthy Stomach Initiative. As previously discussed, the confirmed date is OCTOBER 2nd, 2018.
The World Stomach Day has been initiated to bring public awareness:
• to the multiple functions of the stomach
• to prevention of stomach diseases
• to present options of therapies for gastric diseases.
The H S I group hopes to engage all its members in whichever way possible. It can be a public awareness event in form of interactive stomach model presentation, public events around stomach health, information session for patients in hospital centers, local news publications on stomach health, interviews in public media about stomach health, engagement in public fairs such as food festivals, fall events, educational events, sport events etc.

We have currently received positive feedback from H S I board members on planned activities in Australia, Germany, Finland and Taiwan. Please join the efforts for the first WORLD STOMACH DAY by the Healthy Stomach Initiative and please send us information about the details and if possible, please engage local media outlets and online platforms. Please remember to use the H S I name/logo during your event and mention the website: www.hsinitiative.org.

Newslatter 01/2018                                  World Stomach Day - pesentation