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    1. Public budgetary educational institution of higher education Tver State Medical University Healthcare of the Russia(Tver, Russian Federation)

    Keywords:fatty liver disease,postoperative hypothyroidism,steatosis ,protein degeneration ,fibrosis

    Abstract:The aim was to investigate the morphological features of the liver in animals at different periods of post-operative hypothyroidism to reproduce the experimental fatty liver disease. Materials and methods: thyroidectomy was performed 20 laboratory rats, females breed nonlinear, thyroid was mobilized without thyroid thyroidectomy to 10 individuals. The morphological pattern of the rat’s liver was studied in terms of 4 and 8 weeks after surgery at the light optical level. Results. 4 weeks after thyroidectomy was found in rat liver protein and fatty degeneration with focal of inflammatory infiltration, against the backdrop of a serous edema. On the 8th week of the experiment observed the progression of degenerative, necroinflammatory processes expressed hydropic dystrophy, atomizing steatosis and the appearance of periportal fibrosis.

      1. Калинин А. В., Такмулина Г. М. Метаболический синдром и неалкогольная жировая болезнь печени. Научные ведомости Белгородского государственного университета. Серия: Медицина. Фармация. - 2009. - Т. 67. № 8. - С. 5-10.
      2. Ткаченко Е. И., Успенский Ю. П., Белоусова Л. Н., Петренко В. В. Неалкогольная жировая болезнь печени и метаболический синдром: единство патогенетических механизмов и подходов к лечению. Экспериментальная и клиническая гастроэнтерология. - 2008. № 2. - С. 93-97.
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    Full text is published :
    Dzhulay G.S., Shchelochenkov S.V., Petrova M.B., Bibikova A.A. EXPERIMENTAL POSTTERIOIDEKTOMIC FATTY LIVER DISEASE IN RATS. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2016;126(02):35-39
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    1. Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution «Institute of Experimental Medicine» (St. Petersburg, Russian Federation)

    Keywords:psychogenic stress,dysmotility of the gastroduodenal zone,duodenogastric reflux

    Abstract:Psychogenic stress in rabbits caused dysmotility of the gastroduodenal zone: inhibition of contractile activity (CA) in antral and pyloric parts of the stomach simultaneously with the increase of CA in proximal and distal parts of duodenum. Stress induced inhibition of the gastric contractile activity is substantially “non-adrenergic non-cholinergic” and only in the initial phase of the reaction it appears to be «α-adrenergic”. The strengthening of CA in the proximal duodenum resulted from the direct exciting action of endocrine stress factor on the smooth muscle of the gut. The strengthening of the CA in the distal duodenum is a result of the endocrine action of catecholamines on stimulating β-adrenergic receptors of enteric cholinergic neurons. Stress induced dyscoordination of the gastroduodenal motility can cause duodenogastric reflux and as a consequence, erosive damage of the gastric mucosa.

      1. Михайлусов С. В., Барт Б. Я., Силуянов С. В., Михайлусова М. П., Николаева А. С. Дуоденогастральный рефлюкс и патология желудка у пожилых // Эксперм. клин. гастроэнтерол. - 2010. - № 12. - С. 54-59.
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      16. Овсянников В. И., Шемеровский К. А., Никульшина С. А. Влияние иммобилизационного стресса на гастродуоденальную миоэлектрическую активность кроликов // Росс. физиолог. журн. - 1996. - Т. 82, № 3. - С. 131-140.

    Full text is published :
    Ovsiannikov V.I., Berezina T.P., Shemerovskii K.A. EMECHANISMS OF GASTRODUODENAL DYSMOTILITY UNDER STRESS. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2016;126(02):40-44
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    1. Federal North-West medical research centre (St. Petersburg, Russian Federation)

    Keywords:activity karbohidrat,ischemia of the small intestine,mo-vidual experiments

    Abstract:The purpose of the study. To study the activity of carbohydrase in model ex-perimented on dogs. Material and methods. The research was carried out on 20 adult mongrel dogs of both sexes weighing from 12 before 22 kg and consisted of two series of experiments. The first one was 12 animals with 50% wrap-retirement stenosis of the celiac trunk. In the second series of experiments consisted of 8 animals with 50% compression stenosis of the cranial brizee Noi artery. The activity of amidalas and sucrase were determined to wrap-retirement narrowing of the arteries and through 114-173 after stenosis. Results. In conditions of chronic ischemia of the small intestine revealed as an increase in the activity of one, and unchanged levels of other Carbo-hydras: in biopsies of the mucosa of the proximal small intestine experienced dogs activity of pancreatic alpha-amylase stress-Valas is on average 13 times the original values, the activity of one membrane enzymes - gamma-amylase was increased by 4 times, the activity of another membrane enzyme sucrase remained without changes.

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