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№ 04 (128) 2016

  • Уважаемые коллеги !
    У вас в руках свежий номер журнала «Экспериментальная и клиническая гастроэнтерология», посвященный актуальным и нерешенным вопросам в гастроэнтерологии и адресованный широкому кругу врачей разных специальностей. Открывает номер передовая статья в которой описаны оригинальные исследования по проблемам коморбидности у современных пациентов. Так, статья Ткаченко Е. И., Орешко Л. С., Соловьева Е. А., Шабанова А. А., Журавлева М. С. посвящена ассоциации наиболее частых, генетически детерминированных заболеваний: целиакии и дисплазии соединительной ткани В разделе «клиническая гастроэнтерология» представлены: «Роль микробиоты кишечника в развитии ожирения в возрастном аспекте» (авторы М. Ю. Щербакова, А. В. Власова, Т. А. Роживанова), статья продолжает серию публикаций, о роли микробиоты при различных соматических заболеваниях. В актуальном обзоре содержатся сведения о популяционном и видом составе микроорганизмов у пациентов различного возраста, страдающих ожирением, представлен анализ публикаций о механизмах развития метаболического синдрома с учетом вклада кишечника и его значимой составляющей — микробиоты в каскад патологических реакций, приводящих к развитию ожирения. Приводятся данные о результатах комплексного лечения ожирения с включением пробиотиков. Работа Гриценко Т. А., Давыдкина И. Л., Осадчук А. М., Косталановой Ю. В. об особенностях ГЭРБ у пациентов с гемобластозами, получающих полихимиотерапию. Авторы отметили рефрактерность ГЭРБ к терапии ИПП, связанную с нарушениями процессов пролиферации и дифференцировки эпителоцитов на фоне агрессивной полихимиотерапии. Несомненный интерес и клиническую значимость представляет работа Л. П. Розумбаевой, И. В. Козловой, А. П. Быковой о коморбидности патологии печени, билиарного тракта и псориаза. Полученные авторами результаты необходимо учитывать при оценке эффективности и безопасности базисной терапии дерматоза. Ассоциация двух функциональных заболеваний — синдром раздраженного кишечника и функциональная диспепсия с анализом механизмов развития такой коморбидности с позиций нарушений нейрогуморальной регуляции описана в статье М. А. Осадчук, В. О. Бурдиной. Оригинальное исследование А. А. Марковой, Е. И. Кашкиной, Г. Н. Масляковой посвящено иммуногистохимической диагностике нарушений пролиферации кишечного эпителия у пациентов с язвенным колитом в сопоставлении с длительностью заболевания и активностью патологического процесса в кишке. В разделе «Хирургические аспекты гастроэнтерологии» публикуется статья О. И. Кита, Е. М. Франциянц с соавт., посвященная анализу тканевых факторов регуляции неоангиогенеза и фибринолиза при аденокарциноме прямой кишки, имеющих значимую роль в канцерогенезе. В разделе «Экспериментальная гастроэнтерология» — статья Жеребятьева А. С., Камышного А. М. о региональных различиях распределения популяции иммунных клеток в кишечнике, во многом определяющих специфику патологического процесса в эксперименте. В соответствующем разделе номера — две актуальные лекции, посвященные эозинофильному эзофагиту. В последнее десятилетие число публикаций по этой проблеме в зарубежной литературе возросло почти в 200 раз. Объединенными усилиями гастроэнтерологов, аллергологов и патоморфологов созданы международные согласительные и национальные документы, в которых рассмотрены современные клинико-диагностические критерии эозинофильного эзофагита. У российских пациентов разного возраста эозинофильный эзофагит диагностируют редко. Вниманию читателей представлены две взаимно дополняющие лекции «Особенности диагностики эозинофильного эзофагита» (авторы И. С. Садиков, Д. Ш. Мачарадзе, С. Г. Хомерики) и «Эозинофильный эзофагит у взрослых: особенности диетотерапии» (авторы И. В. Козлова, А. Л. Пахомова). Указанные публикации восполняют дефицит сведений по клиническим особенностям, методам диагностики и немедикаментозного лечения этой патологии. Всегда интересна и полезна врачам рубрика журнала «Случаи из практики». В этом номере представлены два клинических наблюдения. Материал Бабаевой А. И. с соавт. посвящен гемангиомам печени у ревматологических пациентов. Обобщая накопленный опыт, авторы трактуют выявленные при УЗИ гемангиомы печени у пациентов с ревматоидным артритом как системное проявление заболевания, отмечая при этом, что при остеоартрозе гемангиомы печени встречаются достоверно реже. В статье А. Ю. Рябовой с соавт. представлен случай острого холецистита под маской острого инфаркта миокарда. Данное клиническое наблюдение еще раз напоминает практикующим врачам, что холецисто-кардиальный синдром, впервые описанный С. П. Боткиным, часто встречается, но не всегда своевременно распознается у полиморбидных пациентов. В разделе «Материалы конференции» опубликованы материалы выездного пленума НОГР «Болезни органов пищеварения в 21 веке: мультидисциплинарный подход. Гастроэнтерология в возрастном аспекте». Пленум организован совместными усилиями научного общества гастроэнтерологов России и Саратовским государственным медицинским университетом им. В. И. Разумовского МЗ РФ. Саратовский государственный медицинский университет им. В. И. Разумовского — один из старейших медицинских вузов нашей страны. Он был основан более 100 лет назад — в 1909 году. За это время СГМУ преодолел огромный путь от единственного в составе университета факультета до солидного учебного заведения со сложившимися традициями, уникальным медицинским потенциалом и накопленным научным опытом. В университете на протяжении многих лет развивается, обогащаясь новыми идеями и результатами клинических наблюдений, научная гастроэнтерологическая школа, которую основали и продолжают развивать известные хирурги, терапевты, педиатры. В разделе история медицины — яркая и интересная статья об образцовой системе здравоохранения, созданной первым наркомом здравоохранения СССР Николаем Александровичем Семашко. В феврале 2015 года исполняется 80 лет со дня рождения профессора кафедры факультетской терапии Тверской государственной медицинской академии, видного ученого, заслуженного врача России, доктора медицинских наук, профессора Вячеслава Васильевича Чернина. От всего сердца Научное общество гастроэнтерологов России, редакция журнала и коллеги поздравляют Вячеслава Васильевича со славным юбилеем, желают здоровья, радости, интересной и плодотворной работы, творческих побед!
    Ответственный за выпуск редактор,

      заведующая кафедрой терапии педиатрического
    и стоматологического факультетов
    ГБОУ ВПО «Саратовский государственный медицинский
    университет им. В. И. Разумовского» МЗ РФ

    доктор медицинских наук, профессор 
      И. В. Козлова
    1. The experience of N. N. Blokhin Russian Cancer Research center (Moscow, Russian Federation)

    Keywords:Hepatocellular carcinoma,fibrolamellar carcinoma,chronic hepatitis B,chronic hepatitis C,cirrhosis,metabolic syndrome

    Abstract:Aims: To explore the spectrum of risk factors associated with hepatocellular cancer (HCC) in Russian Federation, their prognostic significance for overall survival (OS). Methods: retrospective trial of 380 HCC cases referred to Russian Cancer Research center n. a.N.N.Blokhin between 2005 and 2015. Results: We observed viral hepatitis in 221 (58,2%) pts; liver cirrhosis 203 (53,4%) pts. The most (n=94 from 105 pts) HBs+ cases were men, with cirrhosis in 64,8%. There was men’s (n=82) prevalence in HCV patients (n=114, 30%) also, mostly complicated with cirrhosis (n=100, 87,7%). We didn’t find any HCC-driven risk factors in 59 pts, including 28 pts with fibrolamellar carcinoma. There were 33 pts with alcohol intake as a risk factor. The main risk factors for 66 pts were signs of metabolic-associated diseases. HBV+ (p=0,041, HR=1,36), alcohol intake (р=0,0001, HR=1,75) and smoking (р=0.009, HR=1,52) were significant for OS. Diabetes mellitus, (p=0,03; HR=1,62), TNM stage (p<0,001; HR=1,42), АFP level (p=0,001) and male gender (p=0,024; HR=1,82) negatively correlates with OS worsening. Conclusions: Less than 60% of Russian HCC pts were HBV/HCV carriers or cirrhotic. HBV+ and HCV+ (27,6% and 30% pts); metabolic disorders (17,4%) and alcohol intake (8,7%) were predominant risk factors for HCС We didn’t observe significant OS difference between viral- and nonviral-associated HCC.

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    Full text is published :
    Breder V.V. RISK FACTORS FOR HEPATOCELLULAR CANCER IN ONCOLOGY PRACTICE The experience of N. N. Blokhin Russian Cancer Research center. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2016;128(04):04-12
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    1. Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Institute of Medicine (Moscow, Russian Federation)

    Keywords:malignant dysphagia,malignant esophageal stenosis,esophageal stenting,self-expanding metal stents,SEMS

    Abstract:Aim: retrospective analysis of the results of stenting versus surgical gastrostomy in patients with malignant dysphagia. Material and methods: 172 patients underwent endoscopic stenting (107) or surgical gastrostomy (65). Level of stenosis: esophagus (70/48), gastric cardia (32/16), esophagogastro- or esophagojejunoanastomoses (5/1). 109 self-expanding metal stents were implanted in 107 patients; 63 Cader and 2 Witzel gastrostomies were performed in surgical group. Results: Stents were successfully inserted in all patients. Early complications were observed in 11 (10,3%) patients after stenting and in 10 (15,4%) after surgical palliation, p=0,2246. In-hospital mortality was 4,7% (5 patients) after stenting and 33,8% (22 patients) after gastrostomy, p<0,0001. Mean hospital stay was 13 days (quartile range 9-17) in stenting group and 15 days (quartile range 12-20) in surgical group, p=0,0040. There was no statistically significant difference in long-term results, neither in late complications (p=0,2212), nor in survival (p=0,0829). Conclusion: Endoscopic placement of self-expanding stents is an effective method of restoration of oral intake in patients with malignant dysphagia. Stenting is associated with equal rates of early and late complications, lower mortality and decreased in-hospital stay as compared with surgical gastrostomy, and therefore may be recommended as a final palliation in inoperable patients.

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      12. Рабкин И. Х., Мамонтов А. С., Прозоров С. А. Первый опыт клинического применения рентгеноэндоэзофагеального протезирования // Тезисы IX Всесоюзного симпозиума «Новые технологии в рентгенохирургии». - М., 1989. - С. 39-40.
      13. Малихова О. А., Поддубный Б. К. Эндоскопическое стентирование органов желудочно-кишечного тракта при опухолевых и рубцово-воспалительных стенозах // Тихоокеанский медицинский журнал 2008; 4 (прил.): 80-83.
      14. Соколов В. В., Карпова Е. С., Павлов П. В. и др. Варианты эндоскопического лечения при раке пищевода и желудка у инкурабельных больных // Эндоскопия 2012; 4: 2-10.
      15. Новиков В. Н., Ложкина Н. В. Стентирование пищевода и пищеводных анастомозов при неопластическом стенозе // Вестник хирургии 2014; 173 (2): 14-17.
      16. Годжелло Э. А., Хрусталёва М. В., Титова И. В. Восьмилетний опыт стентирования злокачественных стенозов пищевода и пищеводных анастомозов металлическими протезами // Доктор.Ру. Гастроэнтерология 2015; 2 (103); Часть II: 65.
      17. Владыко А. К., Каспаров Э. В., Шульмин А. В., Козлов В. В. Эндопротезирование (стентирование) пищевода. Опыт применения на территории Красноярского края с учётом экономического анализа // Врач-аспирант 2013; 60 (5.1): 129-134.
      18. Мумладзе Р. Б., Чеченин Г. М., Лебедев С. С. и др. Сравнение результатов стентирования пищевода и формирования гастростомы лапаротомным методом у больных с дисфагией, вызванной неоперабельным опухолевым поражением пищевода // Медицинский вестник Башкортостана 2013; 8 (4): 35-40.
      19. Гафтон Г. И., Щербаков А. М., Егоренков В. В., Гельфонд В. М. Нарушение проходимости желудочно-кишечного тракта // Практическая онкология 2006; 7 (2): 77-83.
      20. Булыгин Л. Г., Ария Н. Р., Адиев Р. Ф. и др. Разработка метода наложения постоянной щелевидной гастростомы // Медицинский вестник Башкортостана 2014; 9 (4): 69-71.
      21. Годжелло Э. А., Хрусталёва М. В., Галлингер Ю. И., Пермяков В. Б. Эндоскопическая коррекция поздних осложнений стентирования саморасправляющимися эндопротезами при бластоматозных поражениях пищевода, кардии и пищеводных анастомозов // Альманах института хирургии им. А. В. Вишневского 2012; 7 (1): 158-159.
      22. Королёв М. П., Роман Л. Д., Федотов Л. Е. и др. Эндопротезирование пищевода саморасправляющимися стентами при стенозирующих заболеваниях пищевода // Материалы II Всероссийской научно-практической конференции «Актуальные вопросы эндоскопии», Санкт-Петербург, 2011: 58-60.

    Full text is published :
    Davydova S.V., Fedorov A.G., Klimov A.E. ESOPHAGEAL STENTING VERSUS GASTROSTOMY IN PATIENTS WITH MALIGNANT DYSPHAGIA. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2016;128(04):13-19
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    1. Clinical hospital № 61 (Moscow, Russian Federation)
    2. Sklifosovsky Research Institute for Emergency Medicine (Moscow, Russian Federation)

    Keywords:colonic bleeding,colonoscopy,endoscopic hemostasis,polypectomy

    Abstract:For 3 years at the Research Institute of Emergency Care by NV Sklifosovsky received 174 patients with clinical bleeding from the lower gastrointestinal tract. The first group included 76 patients (43.7%) with confirmed at colonoscopy bleeding, the second - 98 patients (56.3%) with no signs of bleeding. Research has shown that the structure of colonic hemorrhage in recent years has changed. If you have previously most often the source of bleeding is cancer and colon diverticula, now the leading source of bleeding is erosive or hemorrhagic colitis. Endoscopic hemostasis was performed in 5.2% of patients, and electroexcision of the polyps - at 9.2%.

      1. Крылов Н, Самохвалов А. Кровотечения из нижних отделов желудочно-кишечного тракта// Врач, 2011. - № 13. - С. 10-16.
      2. Урядов С. Е., Шапкин Ю. Г., Капралов С. В. Эндоскопический гемостаз при толстокишечных кровотечениях // Саратовский научно-медицинский журнал. 2010. Т 6, № 3. С. 719-722.
      3. Овчинников А. А. Кровотечения из нижних отделов желудочно-кишечного тракта // Медицинская помощь. 2003. № 5. С. 13-17.
      4. Рубцов В. С., Урядов С. Е., Шапкин Ю. Г. Методы эндоскопического гемостаза при хирургических заболеваниях ободочной кишки // Современные проблемы науки и образования. - 2012, № 2.
      5. Хантаков А. М., Брегель А. И. Эндоскопическая диагностика толстокишечных кровотечений // Бюллетень восточно-сибирского научного центра СО РАМН. - 2008, № 6, С. 14-15.
      6. A European view of diagnostic yield and appropriateness of colonoscopy / J. J. Gonvers, J/ K/ Harris, V. Wietlisbach et al. // Hepatogastroenterology. 2007. - Vol. 54, № 75. - P. 729-735.
      7. Kawamura T, Yasuda K, Tanaka K. et al. Clinical evaluation of a newly developed single-balloon enteroscope// Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, 2008. - Vol. 68, № 6. - P. 1112-1116.
      8. Barnard J. Screening and surveillance recommendations for gastrointestinal polyposis syndromes // J PediatrGastroenterolNutr. - 2009. - V. 48. - Suppl 2. - P. 75-8.
      9. Shoaib A., Hamade A., Zia A., Basnyat P. S., Taffinder N. Why wait for a colonoscopy? Aneasycure // Colorectal Dis. 2006. - V. 8. - № 6. - P. 480-3.

    Full text is published :
    Pinchuk T.P., Kononenko N.S., Sogreshilin S.S. ENDOSCOPIC DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT OF COLONIC BLEEDING. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2016;128(04):20-23
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    1. Riga Stradins University, Department of Pathology (Riga, Latvia)
    2. Riga East Clinical University Hospital, Pathology Centre (Riga, Latvia)
    3. Riga Stradins University, Department of Internal diseases; Riga East Clinical University Hospital, Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition clinic (Riga, Latvia)

    Keywords:upper gastrointestinal tract,bleeding,diagnostic errors,co-morbidities

    Abstract:Background. Endoscopists, surgeons and gastroenterologists have emphasized the importance of bleeding from oesophageal varicose veins, stomach and duodenum peptic ulcers and malignancies of this region, but less attention has been paid to the role of gastric erosions. Upper gastrointestinal bleeding (UGIB) may happen not only due to primary pathologies of UGI organs but also in case of different concomitant non-oncological and oncological pathologies. Possibilities of autopsies are the detection of real cause of death and misdiagnosed cases with gastrointestinal bleeding. Aim of the study. To analyse UGIB autopsy cases with different co-morbidities. Methods. We have investigated 120 cases of death from UGIB during the period of 2013-2014. Clinical information and laboratory analyses were obtained from the hospital electronic database. Pathology protocols and histological specimens stained with haematoxylin-eosin were analyzed. Diameter, depth and the total area of erosions were evaluated. We focused as well as on the site of death of the patient: whether it happened in hospital or outside it. Risk factors for UGIB were counted by Rockall numerical scoring system but Forrest scale was used for bleeding evaluation. Results. Patients were divided into two groups: 1) the patients, who died of profuse bleeding in connection with the upper digestive organ pathology (n=84), 2) the patients with bleeding developed mostly from erosions as a different disease complication (n=36). The main causes of fatal bleeding of I group persons were: gastric ulcer -38.1%, duodenal ulcer -11. 9%, oesophageal varices -30.9%. 28% of patients had such co-morbidities as: liver steatosis, different localization atherosclerosis and chronic forms of coronary heart disease, chronic pulmonary emphysema and nephrosclerosis. Rockall score was 4. Main illnesses of the II group of patients in case of secondary bleeding from gastric erosions were general atherosclerosis, cardiac pathologies with cardiac failure, chronic pulmonary diseases and non gastric malignancies. In contrast, the duodenal erosions were mostly found in chronic alcoholics with simultaneous pancreas and liver damage. Number of erosions in the stomach and duodenum ranged from 7 to 20. The average value of erosion diameter was 4.7 ± 1.3 mm. Rockall score was 8. Gastric and duodenal tissue tests confirmed the diagnosis of hemorrhagic erosive gastritis and duodenitis. The main diagnosis in this group of patients was correct in 84% of cases, but clinical information about gastric or duodenal bleeding was very insignificant.100 ml to 1.5 litres of blood was found in the stomach in both groups of patients. 29% of all patients died at the stage before hospitalisation. 48% of the patients were in the hospital from a few hours to 1 day. Conclusion. The improvement of the diagnostics of UGIB restricts delays in hospitalization, people low level of responsibility for their own health and insufficient information from family doctors about the patient background chronic diseases.

      1. Sung JJ, Tsoi KK, Ma TK, et al. Causes of mortality in patients with peptic ulcer bleeding: a prospective cohort study of 10,428 cases. Am J Gastroenterol. 2010; 105(1):84-91.
      2. Rockall TA, Logan RF, Devlin HB, et al. Incidence of and mortality from acute upper gastrointestinal haemorrhage in the United Kingdom. Steering Committee and members of the National Audit of Acute Upper Gastrointestinal Haemorrhage. BMJ 1995;311: 222-226.
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      8. Lassen A, Hallas J, Shaffalitzky de Muckadell OB Complicated and uncomplicated peptic ulcers in a Danish county 1993-2002: a population-based cohort study. Am J Gastroenterol 2006;101:945-53.
      9. Roulson J, Benbow EW, Hasleton PS Discrepancies between clinical and autopsy diagnosis and the value of post mortem histology; a meta-analysis and review. Histopathology 2005, 47:551-559.
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      22. Kozek-Langenecker SA, Afshari A, Albaladejo P, et al. Management of severe perioperative bleeding. Guidelines from European Society of Anaesthesiology. Eur J Anaesthesiol 2013; 30:270-382.
      23. Leske M.c., Sorensen A. A., J. G. Zimmer (1978) Discrepancies between admission and discharge diagnoses in a university hospital. Medical care, Sept Vol. VI: 740-748.
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      25. Vane S, Kleina R, Smits A Characteristics of fatal patient cases out of Riga hospitals. 3rd International Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference. Society. Health. Welfare. Paris- Riga, 2012: 00036-p.1-3.

    Full text is published :
    Kleina R., Nazarovs Ju., Derovs A. UPPER GASTROINTESTINAL BLEEDING IN FATAL CASES WITH DIFFERENT CO-MORBIDITIES. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2016;128(04):24-29
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    1. City Clinical Hospital № 29 (Novokuznetsk, Russian Federation)
    2. Novokuznetsk State Institute of Postgraduate Medicine (Novokuznetsk, Russian Federation)

    Keywords:endoscopic papillotomy,acute biliary pancreatitis,papilla morphology,morphology of duodenal mucous

    Abstract:The aim of this study was to evaluate the morphological changes in the duodenum at acute biliary pancreatitis and after cholecystectomy and their influence on the frequency of EPST use at acute biliary pancreatitis. Materials and methods. Multicentre cohort study. A retrospective analysis of medical records of 535 patients with proven biliary pancreatitis from 2007 to 2013. Men - 212 (39.63%), 323 women (60.37%). The average age of 54,83 ± 14,17. The prospective study in 2013-2015 included similar 100 patients, mean age 59,27 ± 16,66 years. Duodenoscopy performed in all patients during the first 4 days. All of these patients underwent biopsy of duodenal mucosa near the papilla Vater. For comparison, 34 morphological studies performed of zone papilla Vater in patients with cholelithiasis after papillotomy. 28 women (82.3%), 6 males (17.7%) aged 25 to 82 years. Statistical analysis performed using the software Statistica 6.0 and SPSS19.0 Results. Frequency of EPST at acute biliary pancreatitis was 16.9%. In a retrospective analysis of the most significant causes of EPST were papillitis (φ = 0,950), functional stenosis of papilla (φ = 0,643), cicatrical stenosis of papilla (φ = 0,299) and obstruction of papilla by stone (φ = 0,299). In a prospective study dominated cicatrical stenosis of papilla (φ = 0,783) and obstruction of papilla by stone (φ = 0,446). Morphological studies of duodenal mucosa showed significant dependence of expression of morphological changes from the severity of acute biliary pancreatitis. Morphological assessment of papillae revealed the prevalence of chronic inflammatory changes, but the frequency of involvement in the inflammation of the deep layers were similar (18% vs. 15%). Conclusion. Frequency of duodenal inflammatory changes and inflammatory changes of papilla are connected among themselves. Endoscopic signs of duodenitis and papillit with expansion of a longitudinal fold demand early correction.

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    Full text is published :
    Korotkevich A.G., Leont’yev A.S., Yaroshchuk S.A., Bondarev O.I., Aksenov P.V. ENDOSCOPIC PAPILLOSPHINCTEROTOMY IN ACUTE BILIARY PANCREATITIS AS PREVENTION AND TREATMENT POSTCHOLECYSTECTOMICAL SYNDROME. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2016;126(04):30-36
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    1. The Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “Petrovsky National Research Center of Surgery” (Moscow, Russian Federation)

    Keywords:esophageal cyst,endoscopic ultrasonography,EUS

    Abstract:The aim of the study is to present an endoscopic ultrasound variety of esophageal cysts as a cause of diagnostic difficulties. Between 2005 and 2015 endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS) was performed in 31 patients with fluid intramural lesion of esophagus (22), stomach (5) and duodenum (4). It was found that intramural cysts can be located in any layers of the esophageal wall. Furthermore they can have the unusual echo-structure, which can lead to wrong conclusions. EUS should be included in the modern algorithm of examination of patients with so-called upper submucosal lesions. FNA may be performed if necessary.

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    Full text is published :
    Bulganina N.A., Godzhello E.A., Khrustaleva M.V. ENDOSCOPIC ULTRASONOGRAPHY IN DIAGNOSIS OF INTRAMURAL ESOPHAGEAL CYSTS. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2016;128(04):37-42
    Read & Download full text

    1. City Clinical Hospital # 1” (Moscow, Russian Federation)
    2. Endocrinology Research Center (Moscow, Russian Federation)
    3. Moscow Regional Research and Clinical Institute(Moscow, Russian Federation)
    4. Medical center “Mozhayka 10”(Moscow, Russian Federation)
    5. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University (Moscow, Russian Federation)

    Keywords:contrast-enhanced endoscopic ultrasound,insulinoma,proinsulin,immunohistochemistry,enucleation,EUS

    Abstract:Since October 2015 we have started to use contrast-enhanced endoscopic ultrasound (CE EUS) in some patients, among them there were two patients with insulinomas. One patient with unknown origin hypoglycemia was interesting from the diagnostic viewpoint. The laboratory diagnostic problems were related to the fact that the tumor almost did not produce insulin. Just detecting hyperproinsulinaemia we managed to prove the endogenous hyperinsulinism. At topical diagnosis CE EUS was the only one method detected hyper-vascularized tumor in pancreatic isthmus. The tumor was successfully enucleated laparoscopically. Immunohistochemical study confirmed neuroendocrine tumor with predominant production of proinsulin. Normoglycemia was defined at two-month follow-up

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    Full text is published :
    Silina T.L., Molashenko N.V., Dalgatov K.D., Raksha A.P. et al. THE FIRST EXPERIENCE OF CONTRAST ENHANCED ENDOSONOGRAPHY IN CONTROVERSIAL DIAGNOSIS CASE OF PANCREATIC INSULINOMA. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2016;128(04):43-46
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    1. Orenburg State medical University(Orenburg, Russian Federation)
    2. Orenburg regional clinical Oncology center (Orenburg, Russian Federation)

    Keywords: INTESTINAL-COLONIC ANASTOMOSIS, SPHINCTER, gastrointestinal surgery

    Abstract:The article is devoted to one of the main problems of gastrointestinal surgery - the pathology of the colon, such as malignant tumors, diverticulosis, Crohn's disease, traumatic injuries, large benign tumors, and some other diseases. All of them require resection of the right half of the colon and the restoration of intestinal continuity by creating an anastomosis between the small and large intestine. However, such operations still have a very large number of complications. The most dangerous complication is the failure of the sutures of the colonic anastomoses and peritonitis that develops as a result, which is the main cause of death of patients. The article gives EXPERIMENTAL SUBSTANTIATION AND describes the CLINICAL APPLICATION OF NEW MICROSURGICAL METHODS of INTESTINAL-COLONIC ANASTOMOSIS WITH SPHINCTER PROPERTIES.

      1. Буценко В. Н., Камеристый В. А., Ахрамее В. Б. Отдаленные функциональные результаты правосторонней гемиколэктомии. //Клиническая хирургия. - 1988. - № 2. - С. 25-28
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    1. State University of Medicine and Pharmacy „Nicolae Testemitanu“ of the Republic of Moldova (Kishinev, Republic of Moldova)
    2. Labromed Laborator SRL company, Republic of Moldova (Kishinev, Republic of Moldova)

    Keywords:lower esophageal sphincter,electrical stimulation,gastroesophageal reflux disease

    Abstract:Study aims. Recently the possibility of LES tonus increasing by the means of implantable electrical stimulator was described. Although this method is already used in clinical practice, optimal parameters of LES electrical stimulation are still unknown. The goal of this study was obtaining of clinical data regarding effects of different modes of electrical stimulation on LES tonus. Methods. LES electrical stimulation using external pulse generator was assessed in 9 patients with severe GERD and decreased LES tonus. These patients underwent standard laparoscopic antireflux intervention with additional insertion of 2 temporary electrodes at the level of gastroesophageal junction. Three sets of parameters were studied: 1) low-frequency, long pulse (375 ms pulses, 5 mA at 6 pulse/min); 2) high-frequency stimulation (0.3 ms, 5 mA at 20 Hz); 3) high-frequency at 40 Hz (0.3 ms, 5 mA). High resolution esophageal manometry was used to assess changes in LES tonus. Results. Values of LES resting pressure and integrated relaxation pressure (IRP) were significantly different between prestimulation and poststimulation periods. The low-frequency, long pulse stimulation produces improvement of esophagogastric junction relaxation in the poststimulation period. Patients stimulated with the second and the third sets of parameters demonstrated moderate relaxation of LES during the stimulation period and considerable increase of sphincter tonus in the poststimulation period. Conclusions. Electrical stimulation of LES produces changes in its tonus. Modifications of LES function during the stimulation and after the stimulation period depend on frequency and pulse width. Further clinical studies are necessary for selection of optimal stimulation parameters, which can be applied in the treatment of GERD.

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      3. Sanmiguel C. P., Hagiike M., Mintchev M. P. et al. Effect of electrical stimulation of the LES on LES pressure in a canine model. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol, 2008, no. 295, pp.389-394.
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      9. Weijenborg P. W., Savarino E., Kessing B. F., Roman S. et al. Normal values of esophageal motility after antireflux surgery; a study using high-resolution manometry. Neurogastroenterol Motil, 2015, vol. 27, no.7, pp. 929-35.
      10. Tøttrup A, Forman A, Funch-Jensen P, Raundahl U, Andersson KE. Effects oftransmural field stimulation in isolated muscle strips from human esophagus. Am J Physiol. 1990 Mar;258(3 Pt 1): G344-51.
      11. Gonzalez A. A., Farre R., Clave P. Different responsiveness of excitatory and inhibitory enteric motor neurons in the human esophagus to electrical field stimulation and to nicotine. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol, 2004, 2004, no.287, pp. G299-G306.
      12. Ho J. S., Yeh A. J., Neofytou E., Kim S. et al. Wireless power transfer to deep-tissue microimplants. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 2014, vol.111, no.22, pp. 7974-9.

    Full text is published :
    Ungureanu S.N., Lepadatu K.I., Sipitco N.I., Vidiborschii V.L. et al. INFLUENCE OF ELECTRICAL STIMULATION ON FUNCTION OF THE LOWER ESOPHAGEAL SPHINCTER IN PATIENTS WITH GASTROESOPHAGEAL REFLUX DISEASE. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2016;128(04):51-55
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    1. Branch Clinical Hospital at the Vladivostok Station, OAO «RZhD» (Vladivostok, Russian Federation)
    2. Pacific State Medical University (Vladivostok, Russian Federation)

    Abstract:The aim of the study was to test effectiveness and safety of cold snare polypectomy in small colonic polyps ≤8 mm in size. Method. In all, 148 consecutive patients with 308 small colorectal polyps were treated with cold snare polypectomy (CSP). Results. The average polyp size was 5.2±1.8 mm. 93.6% of polyps have been retrieved. Lost polyps were smaller then retrieved ones 3.8±1.5 mm vs 5.3±1.7 mm (р=0,0002). R0 resection has been achieved in 88.9% of cases. Serrated morphology was the only risk factor for R1 resection (р=0,008). There was no perforation or delayed bleeding. Intraprocedural bleeding was rate was 1.6% Conclusion. The data show that the CSP technique is safe and effective for small polyp removal.

      1. Владимирова А. А., Чашкова Е. Ю., Григорьев Е. Г. и др. Особенности трансформации небольших эпителиальных новообразований толстой кишки // Колопроктология. - 2009. - № 1. - С. 4-9.
      2. Church JM. Clinical significance of small colorectal polyps. Dis Colon Rectum. 2004 Apr;47(4):481-5.
      3. Tsai FC1, Strum WB. Prevalence of advanced adenomas in small and diminutive colon polyps using direct measurement of size. Dig Dis Sci. 2011 Aug;56(8):2384-8.
      4. Ichise Y, Horiuchi A, Nakayama Y, Tanaka N. Prospective randomized comparison of cold snare polypectomy and conventional polypectomy for small colorectal polyps. Digestion 2011; 84: 78-81.
      5. Paspatis GA, Tribonias G, Konstantinidis K et al. A prospective randomized comparison of cold versus hot snare polypectomy in the occurrence of postpolypectomy bleeding in small colonic polyps. Colorectal Dis. 2011; 13: e345-348.
      6. Robertson DJ. Colonoscopy for colorectal cancer prevention: is it fulfilling the promise? Gastrointest Endosc. 2010;71:118-120.
      7. Aslan F, Camcı M, Alper E, et al. Cold snare polypectomy versus hot snare polypectomy in endoscopic treatment of small polyps. Turk J Gastroenterol. 2014 Jun;25(3):279-83.
      8. Horiuchi A, Nakayama Y, Kajiyama M, et al. Removal of small colorectal polyps in anticoagulated patients: a prospective randomized comparison of cold snare and conventional polypectomy. Gastrointest Endosc. 2014 Mar;79(3):417-23.
      9. Takeuchi Y, Yamashina T, Matsuura N, et al. Feasibility of cold snare polypectomy in Japan: A pilot study. World J Gastrointest Endosc. 2015 Nov 25;7(17):1250-6.
      10. Komeda Y, Suzuki N, Sarah M, et al. Factors associated with failed polyp retrieval at screening colonoscopy. Gastrointest Endosc. 2013;77:395-400.
      11. Deenadayalu VP, Rex DK. Colon polyp retrieval after cold snaring. Gastrointest Endosc. 2005;62:253-256.
      12. Fernandes C, Pinho R, Ribeiro I, et al. Risk factors for polyp retrieval failure in colonoscopy. United European Gastroenterol J. 2015 Aug;3(4):387-92.
      13. Din S, Ball AJ, Riley SA, et al. Cold snare polypectomy: does snare type influence outcomes? Dig Endosc. 2015 Jul;27(5):603-8.
      14. Bordaçahar B, Barret M, Terris B, et al. Sessile serrated adenoma: from identification to resection. Dig Liver Dis. 2015 Feb;47(2):95-102.
      15. Repici A, Hassan C, Vitetta E, et al. Safety of cold polypectomy for №10mm polyps at colonoscopy: a prospective multicenter study. Endoscopy. 2012 Jan;44(1):27-31.

    Full text is published :
    Agapov M.Yu., Khalin K.D., Barsukov A.S., Ryzhkov E.F., Zvereva L.V. THE EFFICACY AND SAFETY OF COLD SNARE POLYPECTOMY FOR COLON POLYPS SIZE ≤ 8 MM. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2016;128(04):56-60
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    1. Scientific Center of Surgery named after M. A. Topchibashev (Baku, Azerbaijan)
    2. “Institute of Emergency and Reconstructive Surgery. VC. Husak “NAMS of Ukraine (Kiyv,Ukraine )
    3. Azerbaijan Medical University named after N. Narimanov (Baku, Azerbaijan)

    Abstract:As it is known, Doppler ultrasound is an effective method for the diagnosis of cirrhotic liver disease. This method allows visualization of the structural features of the liver, as well as to assess its hemodynamics in various pathological conditions. It is characterized by the relative simplicity and affordability. According to the reference data, the ultrasonic Doppler blood flow portal is considered to be the “gold” standard for the diagnosis of liver cirrhosis and portal hypertension. Based on the foregoing, we set a goal to study through experimental research the effectiveness of various methods of transplantation of stem cells to the liver for the hepatic hemodynamics upon simulated cirrhosis. We transplantated the cultured autologous mesenchymal multipotent stem cells to the liver in intrahepatically paracentetic, transportal and transarterial manner. Studies have shown that intra-arterial stem cell transplantation was the most efficient in comparison with intraparenchymal and transportal methods. The advantages of this transplantation method are primarily manifested themselves by comparative decline of the portal stagnation rates for 8 weeks of the treatment, as well as a decrease in the resistance index in the hepatic artery.

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    1. Clinic of internal diseases propedeutics, gastroenterology and Hepatology named after V. H. Vasilenko (Moscow, Russian Federation)

    Abstract:The purpose of this research is to study the effectiveness of ursodeoxycholic acid (Ursosan) in patients with different forms of echographic biliary sludge (BS) and its outcomes in the three-year follow-up period. The study included 68 patients with BS (men - 26, women - 42), aged 18 to 65 years. The diagnosis of biliary sludge was set in 52 patients at the hospital examination in specialized departments (gastroenterology and general therapy), and in 16 patients on an outpatient basis, using modern methods of research: clinical, laboratory, ultrasound and the fractional chromatic duodenal probing. In this case, it is shown, that daily dose and duration of therapy depends on the echographic form of the disease. For the first time, the BS outcomes were analyzed during three years of follow-up, and compared with the control group of 16 patients received only symptomatic treatment. It was found that administration of the short 30 day courses of Ursosan therapy 500 mg a day, twice a year, allow 100 % prevention of the BS recurrence, and the formation of gallstones. Therefore, it can be considered an effective long-term strategy.

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      13. Голофеевский В. Ю., Короваев В. М., Грухин Ю. А. с соавт. Возможна ли профилактика желчнокаменной болезни. \\ С. - П. -2004. -№ 2-3. - С. 33-34.
      14. Селезнева Э. Я. Критерии диспансерного учета больных с желчнокаменнойболезнью.\\РЖГГК. - 2004. - № 5. - С. 105.
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    Full text is published :
    Abgadzhava E.Z., Telnykh Yu.V. PATHOGENETIC THERAPY AND OF THE GALLBLADDER SLUDGE OUTCOMES. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2016;128(04):67-71
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    1. North-Western State Medical University named after I. I. Mechnicov (Saint-Petersburg Petersburg, Russian Federation)

    Keywords:cirrhosis,viral,alcoholic,toxic,autoimmune,metabolic hepatitis,hepatocellular failure,hepatic encephalopathy,pathogenetic therapy,hepatoprotector,Remaxol

    Abstract:The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of infusion therapy hepatoprotector remaxol on the functional state of the liver in liver cirrhosis in the outcome of chronic hepatitis (HBV, HCV), alcoholic, toxic, autoimmune, metabolic origin) for 11 days care. To do this, we examined 130 patients from 25 to 80 years with a diagnosis of chronic (viral (B, C), autoimmune, toxic, alcoholic, non-alcoholic) Hepatitis, cirrhotic stage, Child-Pugh A-C. Patients of the main group (n = 80) in the complex therapy received remaxol daily intravenously at 400,0 ml of 1 times a day, for 10-11 days. Patients comparison group (n = 50) on the background of crystalloid infusion therapy ademetionine received 400 mg per day, (lyophilisates for solution for intravenous and intramuscular reference, diluted in the original solvent) for 10-11 days. It was found that the inclusion in the scheme of complex treatment remaxol in patients with liver cirrhosis of various etiologies (HBV, HCV), alcohol, toxic, autoimmune, metabolic) improves the functional state of the liver: decrease the severity cytolysis syndrome, cholestasis, reduced manifestations of hepatocellular insufficiency, reduce the severity of hepatic encephalopathy, providing cytoprotective effect relative to peripheral blood cells (leukocytes, lymphocytes, platelets) due to membrane stabilizing, antiholestaticheskogo, cytoprotective effects of the drug. The results show the positive effect of therapy remaxol with cirrhosis of the liver of different etiology manifestations of hepatocellular insufficiency and hepatic encephalopathy.

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    1. Federal state budget institution of higher education “North-Western State Medical University named after I. I. Mechnikov” under the Ministry of Public Health of the Russian Federation (Saint-Petersburg Petersburg, Russian Federation)
    2. State budget institution of higher professional education “Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University“ under the Ministry of Public Health of the Russian Federation (Saint-Petersburg Petersburg, Russian Federation)

    Keywords:autoimmune hepatitis,treatment,glucocorticosteroids,glycyrrhizic acid,ursodeoxycholic acid

    Abstract:Aim of study. To examine the possibility of adjuvant therapy in the treatment of autoimmune hepatitis. The theoretical background and the existing research on the use of hepatotropic drugs in autoimmune hepatitis have been considered. We discuss the situation when the therapy of autoimmune hepatitis can be supplemented by non-conventional medicines. It must be assumed that the treatment of autoimmune hepatitis should not always be limited to immunosuppression schemes, and in some cases may be enhanced by drugs that provide additional effects. The most promising agents for adjuvant therapy of autoimmune hepatitis are ursodeoxycholic and glycyrrhiziс acids.

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    Full text is published :
    Raikhelson K.L., Mehtiev S.N. ADJUVANT THERAPY OF AUTOIMMUNE HEPATITIS. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2016;128(04):80-85
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    1. Orenburg State Medical University(Orenburg, Russian Federation)

    Keywords:congenital anomaly of the stomach,the diaphragm of prepiloric part

    Abstract:Aim of the study. Pay attention endoscopists doctors, surgeons, gastroenterologists at the opportunity to meet in practice a rare congenital anomaly - the membrane of the prepiloric part of the stomach. Material and methods: Submitted the patient B., 20 years old, who underwent clinical, endoscopic and radiological studies of the upper gastrointestinal tract. Results: Patient B., during videoezofagogastroduodenoskopi found in the membrane of prepiloricly department with up to 9x5 mm hole in the center of the membrane with a normally functioning gatekeeper, which is confirmed by R-logicall. The treatment of H. pylori-associated gastritis was used. Conclusion: The presented a rare case prepiloricly orifice greater than 8 mm indicates the possibility of drug treatment the gastritis without breaking the evacuation function of the stomach, without resorting to surgery.

      1. Пономарев А. А., Курыгин А. А. Редкие неопухолевые хирургические заболевания пищевода, двенадцатиперстной кишки. Ленинград. Медицина, 1987, 232 с.
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    Full text is published :
    Dronova O.B., Kolesnikova E.V., Tretyakov A.A., Petrov S.V. CONGENITAL MALFORMATIONS OF STOMACH. CLINICAL CASES OF THE STOMACH ANTRUM. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2016;128(04):86-89
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    1. Pacific State Medical University(Vladivostok, Russian Federation)
    2. Branch Clinical Hospital at the Vladivostok Station, OAO «RZhD»(Vladivostok, Russian Federation)
    3. Primorsky Regional Clinical Hospital № 1 (Vladivostok, Russian Federation)

    Abstract:Solid pseudopapillary neoplasm (SPN) - rare tumor of pancreas of low malignant potential, occurs most frequently in young women and has a favorable prognosis. There is a case report of SPN at 20 years old female and literature review.

      1. Choi JY1, Kim MJ, Kim JH et al. Solid Pseudopapillary Tumor of the Pancreas: Typical and Atypical Manifestations. Am J Roentgenol. 2006 Aug;187(2): 178-86.
      2. Adkisson CD, Harris AS, Bridges MD et al. Solid pseudopapillary tumor of the pancreas: Report of five cases. International Journal of Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Diseases 2012;2:914.
      3. Chen X, Zhou GW, Zhou HJ et al. Diagnosis and treatment of solid-pseudopapillary tumors of the pancreas. Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Dis Int 2005;4:456-9.
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      5. Guo N, Zhou QB, Chen RF et al. Diagnosis and surgical treatment of solid pseudopapillary neoplasm of the pancreas: analysis of 24 cases. Can J Surg. 2011 Dec; 54(6): 368-374.
      6. Pettinato G, Manivel JC, Ravetto C et al. Papillary cystic tumor of the pancreas: a clinicopathologic study of 20 cases with cytologic, immunohistochemical, ultrastructural, and flow cytometric observations, and a review of literature. Am J Clin Pathol 1992;5:478-88.
      7. Chang H, Gong Y, Xu J et al. Clinical Strategy for the Management of Solid Pseudopapillary Tumor of the Pancreas: Aggressive or Less? Int J Med Sci 2010; 7(5):309-313
      8. Patil TB, Shrikhande SV, Kanhere HA et al. Solid pseudopapillary neoplasm of the pancreas: a single institution experience of 14 cases. HPB (Oxford). 2006 Apr 1; 8(2): 148-150.
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      10. Zuriarrain A, Nir I, Bocklage T and Rajput A. Pseudopapillary Tumor of the Pancreas in a 17-Year-Old Girl. JCO May 10, 2011; 29(14):395-396
      11. Tang LH, Aydin H, Brennan MF and Klimstra DS. Clinically aggressive solid pseudopapillary tumors of the pancreas: a report of two cases with components of undifferentiated carcinoma and a comparative clinicopathologic analysis of 34 conventional cases. Am J Surg Pathol. 2005 Apr;29(4):512-9.
      12. Lima SO, Santana VR, Leao SC et al. Solid-pseudopapillary tumor of pancreas in a young woman: a case report and literature review. Rev Med Chile 2012; 140: 1179-1184
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      17. Нечипай АМ, Орлов СЮ, Федоров ЕД с соавт. ЭУСбука. Руководство по эндоскопической ультрасонографии. М.: Практическая медицина; 2013:333-4
      18. Yamaguchi M, Fukuda T, Nakahara M et al. Multicentric solid pseudopapillary neoplasms of the pancreas diagnosed by endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration: a case report. Surg Case Rep. 2015 Dec; 1: 110.
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    Full text is published :
    Khalin K.D., Agapov M.Yu., Zvereva N.V., Shul’ga I.V. et al. SOLID PSEUDOPAPILLARY NEOPLASM (SPN). Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2016;128(04):90-93
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    1. Moscow clinical research center(Moscow, Russian Federation)

    Keywords:cardiospasm,achalasia of the esophagus,recurrence,X-ray examination

    Abstract:Solid pseudopapillary neoplasm (SPN) - rare tumor of pancreas of low malignant potential, occurs most frequently in young women and has a favorable prognosis. There is a case report of SPN at 20 years old female and literature review.

      1. Laufer I. Motor disorders of the esophagus. In: Levine MS, ed. Radiology of the esophagus. Philadelphia, PA: Saunders. 1989; 229-246.
      2. Barry G. Hansford, Myrosia T. Mitchell Arunas Gasparaitis. Water Flush Technique: A Noninvasive Method of Optimizing Visualization of the Distal Esophagus in Patients With Primary Achalasia. AJR. 2013; 200:818-821.
      3. Оспанов О. Б., Волчкова И. С. Результаты применения усовершенствованного метода рентгенологической оценки пищеводного клиренса после эзофагокардиомиотомии. Сетевое научное издание «Журнал Медицина и образование Сибири». 2011; № 6.
      4. Хирургия пищевода. Руководство для врачей. Под. ред. А. Ф. Черноусова, П. М. Богопольского и Ф. С. Курбанова. М.: Медицина, 2000; 352 с.
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    1. City Clinical Hospital named after S. I. Spasokukotsky Moscow Health Department (Moscow, Russian Federation)

    Abstract:Gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST) are related to the group of rare gastrointestinal tract tumors with the mesenchymal origin and have their own morphological and immunnogical picture. The incidence of GIST is 10-20 observations per 1 000 000 population per year. About 5000-6000 new observations are recorded In the United States annually, 2000-2500 cases - in Russia. The average age among patients with GIST are primarily women 55-65 years old, rarely under the age of 40 years [2,3,4]. The most frequent GIST localization is 60-70 % in stomach and 25-35 % in small intestine [1,2]. Diagnosis of GIST includes a complex of Fibrogastroduodenoscopy, Ultrasonography and SKT examinations. Verification of GIST should be carried out under the results of the biopsy [4,5,7]. Treatment of patients with this type of disease involves a combination of surgery and chemotherapy.

      1. Cassier P. A., Dufresne A., Blay J. Y. Controversies in the Adjuvant Treatment of Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors (GIST) with Imatinib ASCO Educational Book; 2008.
      2. Casali P. G., Blay J-Y., on behalf of the ESMO/CONTICANET/EUROBONET (2010). «Gastrointestinal stromal tumours: ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up». Annals of Oncology 21(suppl 5): v98-v102.
      3. Demetri G., Benjamin R., Blanke C. D. et al. NCCN доклад: оптимальная терапия пациентов с гастроинтестинальными стромальными опухолями (GIST) - расширение и усовершенствование NCCN клинических рекомендаций // JNCCN. - 2004. - Vol. 2 (suppl. 1). - P. 1-26.
      4. Dirnhofer S., Leyvraz S. Current standarts and progress in understanding and treatment of GIST. Swissmedkly 2009; 139 (7-8): 90-102.
      5. Raut, Chandrajit and Dematteo, Ronald (March 2008). «Evidence-Guided Surgical Management of GIST: Beyond a Simple Case of Benign and Malignant». Ann. Surg. Onc. 15 (5): 1542.
      6. Fletcher C. D., Berman J. J., Corless C. et al. Постановка диагноза гастроинтестинальных стромальных опухолей: общность подходов // Hum. Pathol. - 2002. - Vol. 33. - P. 459-465.
      7. Heinrich M. C., Maki R. G., Corless C. L. et al. Primary Joensuu H. Гастроинтестинальные стромальные опухоли (GIST) // Ann. Oncol. - 2006. - Vol. 17 (suppl. 10). - Р. 280-286.
      8. Miettinen M, Lasota J (2006). «Gastrointestinal stromal tumors: review on morphology, molecular pathology, prognosis, and differential diagnosis». Arch Pathol Lab Med 130 (10): 1466-78.

    Full text is published :
    Domarev L.V., Svitina K.A., Shitikov E.A., Kim D., Astakhova O.I. CLINICAL OBSERVATION OF EMERGENCY ENDOSCOPIC TREATMENT OF A PATIENT WITH STOMACH GASTROINTESTINAL STROMAL TUMORS COMPLICATED BY BLEEDING. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2016;128(04):98-100
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    1. V. I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University (Simferopol, Republic Of Crimea)

    Abstract:Obtaining an eponym for one’s academic literature is regarded as one of the greatest honours: “Eponymity, not anonymity, is the standard” (Merton, 1973). To be exact, we will specifically look at 7 venous eponyms of gastrointestinal tract by analyzing names of the scientist (of the eponyms), their contribution to medicine. This article will provide an anatomical description as well as clinical implication of each of the eponyms.

      1. Merton R. K. The normative structure of science, in: The Sociology of Science, edited by N. W. Storer. - University of Chicago Press, 1973. - P. 267-278.
      2. Fransson S-G. The Botallo mystery // Clin. Cardiol. - 1999. - Vol. 22. - P. 434-436.
      3. Gurunluoglu R., Shafighi M., Gurunluoglu A., Cavdar S. Giulio Cesare Aranzio (Arantius) (1530-1589) in the pageant of anatomy and surgery // J. Med. Biogr. - 2011. - Vol. 19, № 2. - P. 63-69.
      4. Константинович В. Б. О распределении артерий и вен в стенке прямой кишки. Дис. канд. мед. наук - СПб, 1873. - 112 с.
      5. Romero-Reveron R. A. André Latarjet (1877-1947). Anatomist and surgeon specialized in sports medicine // Ital. J. Anat. Embryol. - 2014. - Vol. 119, № 3. - P. 250-254.
      6. Corman M. L. Classic articles in colonic and rectal surgery. Charles Horace Mayo, 1865-1939 // Dis. Colon Rectum. - 1982. - 25(7). - P. 734-739.
      7. Гончаров Н. И. Иллюстрированный словарь эпонимов в анатомии. - Волгоград: Издатель, 2009. - 504с.
      8. Anonymous. The late Jones Quain, M.D. // BMJ. - 1865. - Vol. 214, № 1. - Р. 122.
      9. Triarhou L. C. Anders Retzius (1796-1860) // J. Neurol. - 2013. - 260(5). - P. 1445-6.
      10. Larsell O. Anders Adolf Retzius (1796-1860) // Ann. Med. Hist. - 1924. - Vol. 6, № 1. - 27 p.
      11. Avry L., Rivet R. [Marie Philibert Constant Sappey (1810-1896). The man and the lymphologist] [Article in French] // Bull. Assoc. Anat. - 1976. - Vol. 168. - P. 63-79.
      12. Olry R., Motomiya K. Paolo Mascagni, Ernest Alexandra Lauth and Marie Philibert Constant Sappey on the Dissection and Injection of the Lymphatics // K. Int. Soc. Plastination. - 1997. - Vol. 12, № 2. - P. 4-7.
      13. Chabner D.-E. The Language of Medicine. - Saint Louis: Saunders/Elsevier, 2014. - 1041p.

    Full text is published :
    Kutia S.A., Lyashchenko O.I., Smirnova S.N., Polishchuk E.A. VENOUS EPONYMS IN DIGESTIVE SYSTEM. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2016;128(04):101-104
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    1. Acad. E. A. Wagner Perm State Medical University (Perm, Russian Federation)

    Abstract:The report of plenary session of the gastroenterological scientific society of Russia and scientific-practical conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Acad. E. A. Wagner Perm State Medical University, scientific and practical school for gastroenterologists and therapists


    Full text is published :
    Khlynova O.V. , Tuev A.V. THE REPORT OF PLENARY SESSION OF THE GASTROENTEROLOGICAL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY OF RUSSIA IN PERM. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2016;126(04):105-108
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    1. Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry named after A. I. Evdokimov (Moscow, Russian Federation)

    Abstract:To the 65th anniversary of Alexander Nisonovich Kazyulin - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology of the Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry named after A.I. Evdokimov. The article is published in Russian.


    Full text is published :
    Lazebnik L.B., Levchenko S.V. BY DAY OF BIRTH OF ALEXANDER NISONOVICH KAZYULINA. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2016;128(04):109-109
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    1. Moscow clinical research center (Moscow, Russian Federation)
    2. Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry named after A. I. Evdokimov (Moscow, Russian Federation)

    Abstract:In Memory of Tamara Mikhailovna Tsaregorodtseva, an immunologist, professor, doctor of medical sciences. She was awarded the medals "850 years of Moscow", "The 300 anniversary of St. Petersburg", the winner of the badge "Excellence in Health Care" and "Resident of besieged Leningrad."... The article is published in Russian.


    Full text is published :
    Serova T.I., Trubitsyna I.E., Sivash E.S., Krums L.M., Parfenov A.I. et al. TO THE MEMORY OF TAMARA MIHAJLOVNA TSAREGORODTSEVA. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2016;128(04):110-110
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