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№ 05 (129) 2016

  • Уважаемые коллеги !
    У вас в руках свежий номер журнала «Экспериментальная и клиническая гастроэнтерология», посвященный актуальным и нерешенным вопросам в гастроэнтерологии и адресованный широкому кругу врачей разных специальностей. Открывает номер передовая статья в которой описаны оригинальные исследования по проблемам коморбидности у современных пациентов. Так, статья Ткаченко Е. И., Орешко Л. С., Соловьева Е. А., Шабанова А. А., Журавлева М. С. посвящена ассоциации наиболее частых, генетически детерминированных заболеваний: целиакии и дисплазии соединительной ткани В разделе «клиническая гастроэнтерология» представлены: «Роль микробиоты кишечника в развитии ожирения в возрастном аспекте» (авторы М. Ю. Щербакова, А. В. Власова, Т. А. Роживанова), статья продолжает серию публикаций, о роли микробиоты при различных соматических заболеваниях. В актуальном обзоре содержатся сведения о популяционном и видом составе микроорганизмов у пациентов различного возраста, страдающих ожирением, представлен анализ публикаций о механизмах развития метаболического синдрома с учетом вклада кишечника и его значимой составляющей — микробиоты в каскад патологических реакций, приводящих к развитию ожирения. Приводятся данные о результатах комплексного лечения ожирения с включением пробиотиков. Работа Гриценко Т. А., Давыдкина И. Л., Осадчук А. М., Косталановой Ю. В. об особенностях ГЭРБ у пациентов с гемобластозами, получающих полихимиотерапию. Авторы отметили рефрактерность ГЭРБ к терапии ИПП, связанную с нарушениями процессов пролиферации и дифференцировки эпителоцитов на фоне агрессивной полихимиотерапии. Несомненный интерес и клиническую значимость представляет работа Л. П. Розумбаевой, И. В. Козловой, А. П. Быковой о коморбидности патологии печени, билиарного тракта и псориаза. Полученные авторами результаты необходимо учитывать при оценке эффективности и безопасности базисной терапии дерматоза. Ассоциация двух функциональных заболеваний — синдром раздраженного кишечника и функциональная диспепсия с анализом механизмов развития такой коморбидности с позиций нарушений нейрогуморальной регуляции описана в статье М. А. Осадчук, В. О. Бурдиной. Оригинальное исследование А. А. Марковой, Е. И. Кашкиной, Г. Н. Масляковой посвящено иммуногистохимической диагностике нарушений пролиферации кишечного эпителия у пациентов с язвенным колитом в сопоставлении с длительностью заболевания и активностью патологического процесса в кишке. В разделе «Хирургические аспекты гастроэнтерологии» публикуется статья О. И. Кита, Е. М. Франциянц с соавт., посвященная анализу тканевых факторов регуляции неоангиогенеза и фибринолиза при аденокарциноме прямой кишки, имеющих значимую роль в канцерогенезе. В разделе «Экспериментальная гастроэнтерология» — статья Жеребятьева А. С., Камышного А. М. о региональных различиях распределения популяции иммунных клеток в кишечнике, во многом определяющих специфику патологического процесса в эксперименте. В соответствующем разделе номера — две актуальные лекции, посвященные эозинофильному эзофагиту. В последнее десятилетие число публикаций по этой проблеме в зарубежной литературе возросло почти в 200 раз. Объединенными усилиями гастроэнтерологов, аллергологов и патоморфологов созданы международные согласительные и национальные документы, в которых рассмотрены современные клинико-диагностические критерии эозинофильного эзофагита. У российских пациентов разного возраста эозинофильный эзофагит диагностируют редко. Вниманию читателей представлены две взаимно дополняющие лекции «Особенности диагностики эозинофильного эзофагита» (авторы И. С. Садиков, Д. Ш. Мачарадзе, С. Г. Хомерики) и «Эозинофильный эзофагит у взрослых: особенности диетотерапии» (авторы И. В. Козлова, А. Л. Пахомова). Указанные публикации восполняют дефицит сведений по клиническим особенностям, методам диагностики и немедикаментозного лечения этой патологии. Всегда интересна и полезна врачам рубрика журнала «Случаи из практики». В этом номере представлены два клинических наблюдения. Материал Бабаевой А. И. с соавт. посвящен гемангиомам печени у ревматологических пациентов. Обобщая накопленный опыт, авторы трактуют выявленные при УЗИ гемангиомы печени у пациентов с ревматоидным артритом как системное проявление заболевания, отмечая при этом, что при остеоартрозе гемангиомы печени встречаются достоверно реже. В статье А. Ю. Рябовой с соавт. представлен случай острого холецистита под маской острого инфаркта миокарда. Данное клиническое наблюдение еще раз напоминает практикующим врачам, что холецисто-кардиальный синдром, впервые описанный С. П. Боткиным, часто встречается, но не всегда своевременно распознается у полиморбидных пациентов. В разделе «Материалы конференции» опубликованы материалы выездного пленума НОГР «Болезни органов пищеварения в 21 веке: мультидисциплинарный подход. Гастроэнтерология в возрастном аспекте». Пленум организован совместными усилиями научного общества гастроэнтерологов России и Саратовским государственным медицинским университетом им. В. И. Разумовского МЗ РФ. Саратовский государственный медицинский университет им. В. И. Разумовского — один из старейших медицинских вузов нашей страны. Он был основан более 100 лет назад — в 1909 году. За это время СГМУ преодолел огромный путь от единственного в составе университета факультета до солидного учебного заведения со сложившимися традициями, уникальным медицинским потенциалом и накопленным научным опытом. В университете на протяжении многих лет развивается, обогащаясь новыми идеями и результатами клинических наблюдений, научная гастроэнтерологическая школа, которую основали и продолжают развивать известные хирурги, терапевты, педиатры. В разделе история медицины — яркая и интересная статья об образцовой системе здравоохранения, созданной первым наркомом здравоохранения СССР Николаем Александровичем Семашко. В феврале 2015 года исполняется 80 лет со дня рождения профессора кафедры факультетской терапии Тверской государственной медицинской академии, видного ученого, заслуженного врача России, доктора медицинских наук, профессора Вячеслава Васильевича Чернина. От всего сердца Научное общество гастроэнтерологов России, редакция журнала и коллеги поздравляют Вячеслава Васильевича со славным юбилеем, желают здоровья, радости, интересной и плодотворной работы, творческих побед!
    Ответственный за выпуск редактор,

      заведующая кафедрой терапии педиатрического
    и стоматологического факультетов
    ГБОУ ВПО «Саратовский государственный медицинский
    университет им. В. И. Разумовского» МЗ РФ

    доктор медицинских наук, профессор 
      И. В. Козлова
    1. PG «GEOTAR-Media» (Moscow, Russian Federation)
    2. Graduate School of organization and management healthcare (Moscow, Russian Federation)

    Keywords:accreditation of specialists,additional professional education,professional development of specialists,professional standards,continuing medical education

    Abstract:The authors provide information about the factors affecting the quality of medical care, recent changes in the regulatory framework in medical education and its development in Russia compared with developed countries. For healthcare leaders are described the risks for the implementation of these changes in public health practice, are given recommendations for leveling the risks and further improve the quality of medical care in the Russian Federation.

      1. A New, Evidence-based Estimate of Patient Harms Associated with Hospital Care / Ed. by John T. James // Journal of Patient Safety. USA, 2013. Vol. 9, N 3. P. 122 - 128.
      2. John Norcini, FAIMER (Foundation for Advancement of International Medical Education and Research).

    Full text is published :
    Balkizov Z.Z., Palevskaya S.A. NEW IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF MEDICAL EDUCATION IN RUSSIA: CONTINUITY AND SPECIALISTS’S ACCREDITATION. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2016;129(05):03-11
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    1. Public budgetary educational institution of higher education «Tver State Medical University» of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russia (Tver, Russian Federation)

    Keywords:diet,acid-alkaline balance,oral cavity,caries of teeth,parodontitis

    Abstract:The aim was to investigate the acid-base balance in the mouth and assess the risk of dental disease in practically healthy persons depending on the habitual diet. Materials and methods: The study involved 162 people, divided into three groups: with a mixed diet, with protein foods of animal origin and vegetarians. There were studied the pH value of oral fluid, dental, lingual plaque at stimulation with sucrose and urea. Results: In individuals, characterized by the habitual diet, there are statistically significant persistent changes in acid-base balance in the mouth, which provoke an increased risk of developing dental diseases. At normal mixed diet there is moving the acid-base balance towards weak acidosis that in the presence of other predisposing factors can lead to the risk of development of dental caries. There is a displacement of acid-base balance in the oral cavity to the alkaline side in case the long predominant consumption of protein foods of animal origin, that is dangerous in terms of formation of hard dental deposits and consequently of the development of inflammatory periodontal diseases. In vegetarians, there is a persistent shift of acid-alkaline balance in the mouth in the direction of acidosis, which is a risk factor for development of dental caries.

      1. Румянцев В. А. Кривые рН после стимуляции протеолитической микрофлоры полости рта мочевиной (карбамидом). Новое в стоматологии. - 1998. - № 2. - С. 29 - 34.
      2. Румянцев В. А., Есаян Л. К., Зюзькова Е. Д., Леонова С. О., Наместникова И. В. Нарушения кислотно-основного равновесия в полости рта при общесоматической патологии. Стоматология. - 2013. - № 2. - С. 22 - 26.
      3. Hall-Scullin E., Goldthorpe J., Milsom K., Tickle M. A qualitative study of the views of adolescents on their caries risk and prevention behaviours. BMC Oral Health. - 2015. - Vol. 10, № 15. - Р. 141 - 142.
      4. Kipiani N. V., Iverieli M., Mosemgvdlishvili N., Kipiani N. V., Jafaridze S. Parodontitis pathogenetic factors, their interaction and effects. Georgian Med News. - 2014. -№ 228. - Р. 88 - 91.

    Full text is published :
    Namestnikova I.I., Rumyantsev V.A., Egorova E.N. INFLUENCE OF NUTRITION NATURE ON ACID-BASE BALANCE IN THE MOUTH AND THE RISK OF DENTAL DISEASES. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2016;129(05):12-15
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    1. Rostov Research Institute of Oncology (Rostov-on-don, Russian Federation)

    Keywords:squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus,uPA,tPA,PAI-1,gender differences

    Abstract:Aim: comparative analysis of uPA-Ag, uPA-act, tPA-Ag, tPA-act, PAI-1-Ag and PAI-1-act in tissues of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) in men (M) and women (W) to clarify some pathogenesis issues. Material and methods. Tumor tissue of ESCC and its perifocal area (19 M and 8 menopausal W aged 38 - 72 years, st II, G2, T2-3N0-1M0-1) were studied by ELISA using standard test kits. Results. ESCC tissue of M showed an increase in both uPA types from the resection line (RL), while in W only uPA-act was increased. tPA-Ag was decreased in tumors of W, tPA-act - in tumors of all patients. Levels of both PAI-1 types were higher in ESCC of M than in W. In M, tPA-Ag in perifocal area was lower than in RL, while in W, on the contrary, it was higher. tPA-Ag/tPA-act coefficient in M tumors was 5.7 times higher than in W; in perifocal area it was reduced in all patients, being at the same time in M lower than in W. Both PAI-1 types were increased in malignant tissues of all patients, prevailing in M tumors, and PAI-1-Ag in peritumoral tissue was higher in M than in W. Conclusions. Significant gender differences were found in expression of uPA, tPA and PAI-1 in tissues of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Presence of tumor-associated uPA, PAI-1 and tPA in men and uPA and PAI-1 in women is possible in tumor tissue of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma and its perifocal area. Determination of plasminogen regulation system in tissues of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma can be used for the selection and individualization of postoperative treatments.

      1. Tihan T., Harmon J. W., Wan X. et al. Evidence of androgen receptor expression in squamous and adenocarcinoma of the esophagus. Anticancer Res. 2001; 21: 3107 - 3114.
      2. Sukocheva O. A., Li B., Due S. L. et al. Androgens and esophageal cancer: What do we know? World. J. Gastroenterol. 2015; 21 (20): 6146 - 6156.
      3. Duffy M. J., McGowan P. M., Harbeck N. et al. uPA and PAI-1 as biomarkers in breast cancer: validated for clinical use in level-of-evidence-1 studies. Breast Cancer Res. 2014; 16 (4): 428.
      4. Asuthkar S., Stepanova V., Lebedeva T. et al. Multifunctional roles of urokinase plasminogen activator (uPA) in cancer stemness and chemoresistance of pancreatic cancer. Mol. Biol. Cell. 2013; 24 (17): 2620 - 2632.
      5. Wang JG, Geddings JE, Aleman MM. et al. Tumor-derived tissue factor activates coagulation and enhances thrombosis in a mouse xenograft model of human pancreatic cancer. Blood. 2012; 119 (23): 5543 - 5552.
      6. Geddings J. E., Hisada Y., Boulaftali Y. et al. Tissue factor-positive tumor microvesicles activate platelets and enhance thrombosis in mice. J. Thromb. Haemost. 2016; 14 (1): 153 - 166.
      7. Aĭsina R. B., Mukhametova L. I. [Structure and functions of plasminogen/plasmin system]. Bioorg. Khim. 2014; 40 (6): 642 - 657. Review. Russian.
      8. Huang C., Xie D., Cui J. et al. FOXM1c promotes pancreatic cancer epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition and metastasis via upregulation of expression of the urokinase plasminogen activator system. Clin. Cancer Res. 2014; 20 (6): 1477 - 1488.
      9. Witzel I., Milde-Langosch K., Schmidt M. et al. Role of urokinase plasminogen activator and plasminogen activator inhibitor mRNA expression as prognostic factors in molecular subtypes of breast cancer. Onco. Targets Ther. 2014; 28 (7): 2205 - 2213.
      10. Del Rosso M., Margheri F., Serratì S. et al. The urokinase receptor system, a key regulator at the intersection between inflammation, immunity, and coagulation. Current Pharmaceutical Design. 2011; 17 (19): 1924 - 1943.
      11. Schuliga M. The inflammatory actions of coagulant and fibrinolytic proteases in disease. Mediators Inflamm. 2015; 2015: 4376 - 4395.
      12. Schardt F. W., Schmausser B., Bachmann E. Monoclonal antibodies for immunodetection of fibrin deposits on cancer cells. Histology and Histopathology. 2013; 28 (8): 993 - 998.
      13. Yang D., Kuan C. Y. Anti-tissue Plasminogen Activator (tPA) as an effective therapy of neonatal hypoxia-ischemia with and without inflammation. CNS Neuroscience & Therapeutics. 2014.
      14. Франциянц Е. М., Комарова Е. Ф., Верескунова М. И., Черярина Н. Д. Состояние тканевой фибринолитической системы при опухолях органов женской репродуктивной системы. Успехи современного естествознания. 2014; (4): 46 - 48.
      15. Xiao W., Hsu Y.-P., Ishizaka A. et al. Sputum cathelicidin, urokinase plasminogen activation system components, and cytokines discriminate cystic fibrosis, COPD, and asthma inflammation. Chest. 2005; 128 (4): 2316 - 2326.
      16. Ma Z., Paek D., Oh C. K. Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 and asthma: role in the pathogenesis and molecular regulation. Clinical and Experimental Allergy. 2009; 39 (8): 1136 - 1144.
      17. Iwaki T., Urano T., Umemura K. PAI-1, progress in understanding the clinical problem and its aetiology. British Journal of Haematology. 2012; 157 (3): 291 - 298.
      18. Yang L. F., Ji X. G., Xing M. D. et al. The relationship between esophageal cancer and androgen-estrogen receptors. Zhongguo Xiongxinxieguan Waike Linchuang Zazhi. 2001; 8: 154 - 156.
      19. Flüchter S. H., Weiser R., Gamper C. The role of hormonal treatment in prostate cancer. Recent Results Cancer Res. 2007; 175: 211 - 237.
      20. Levin E. R., Pietras R. J. Estrogen receptors outside the nucleus in breast cancer. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2008; 108: 351 - 361.
      21. Cook M. B., Wood S. N., Cash B. D. et al. Association between circulating levels of sex steroid hormones and Barrett’s esophagus in men: a case-control analysis. Clin. Gastroenterol. Hepatol. 2015; 13: 673 - 682.
      22. Cooper S. C., Trudgill N. J. Subjects with prostate cancer are less likely to develop esophageal cancer: analysis of SEER 9 registries database. Cancer Causes Control. 2012; 23: 819 - 825.
      23. Tang L., Han X. The urokinase plasminogen activator system in breast cancer invasion and metastasis. Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy. 2013; 67 (2): 179 - 182.
      24. Chen H., Peng H., Liu W. et al. Silencing of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 suppresses colorectal cancer progression and liver metastasis. Surgery. 2015; 158 (6): 1704 - 1713.
      25. Schuliga M., Langenbach S., Xia Y. C., et al. Plasminogen-stimulated inflammatory cytokine production by airway smooth muscle cells is regulated by annexin A2. The American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology. 2013; 49 (5): 751 - 758.
      26. Kwaan H. C., McMahon B. The role of plasminogen-plasmin system in cancer. Cancer Treatment and Research. 2009; 148: 43 - 66.
      27. Shimomura M., Hinoi T., Ikeda S. et al. Preservation of peritoneal fibrinolysis owing to decreased transcription of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 in peritoneal mesothelial cells suppresses postoperative adhesion formation in laparoscopic surgery. Surgery. 2013; 153 (3): 344 - 356.
      28. Stewart A. G., Xia Y. C., Harris T. et al. Plasminogen-stimulated airway smooth muscle cell proliferation is mediated by urokinase and annexin A2, involving plasmin-activated cell signalling. British Journal of Pharmacology. 2013; 170 (7): 1421 - 1435.

    Full text is published :
    Kit O.I., Frantsiyants E.M., Kozlova L.S., Kolesnikov E.N. et al. GENDER DIFFERENCES IN TISSUE CASCADE OF ACTIVATION OF PLASMINOGEN AND PAI-1 IN ESOPHAGEAL SQUAMOUS CELL CARCINOMA. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2016;129(05):16-21
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    1. Medical University of South Ural State Medical University (Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation)
    2. Belarusian State Medical University (Minsk, Belarus)

    Keywords:Helicobacter pylori,chronic pancreatitis,eradication therapy

    Abstract:Relevance. Currently, there is a need to study the genetic diversity of H.pylori in patients with variety of acid-related diseases to develop new strategies for the treatment of patients with H.pylori to predict high efficiency of treatment. Objective: To assess the effectiveness of schemes of eradication therapy in patients with chronic pancreatitis and concomitant H.pylori infection. Materials and methods. The study included 108 patients with H.pylori infection: 63 patients had chronic pancreatitis and were concomitant with H.pylori-infection and 45 patients were without chronic pancreatitis and had H.pylori infection with a chronic gastritis. All patients were determined by factors of pathogenicity of H.pylori by immunoblotting. After forming the group randomized patients received eradication therapy scheme I and the scheme I with inclusion of bismuth tripotassium dicitrate. Conclusions. The effectiveness of H.pylori eradication therapy is dependent on the genetic component of H.pylori. In the presence of H.pylori pathogenicity factors p33, p30, p26, p19, p17 in order to increase the effectiveness of treatment the scheme of eradication therapy I line drugs bismuth tri dicitrate should be included.

      1. Пасечников В. Д., Чуков С. З. Значение геномной гетерогенности штаммов НР в развитии ассоциированной патологии гастродуоденальной зоны. Рос. журнал гастроэнтерологии, гепатологии, колопроктологии. 2000; 3: 7 - 11.
      2. Аруин Л. И. Helicobacterpyloriв патогенезе язвенной болезни: что известно и что узнать предстоит. // 5_я сессия Российской группы по изучению НР. - Омск, 1997 - С. 3 - 5.
      3. Ивашкин В. Т., Лапина Т. Л. Роль молекул адгезии в патогенезе инфекции Helicobacterpylori. Рос. журнал гастроэн. гепатол. колопокт. 1997; 6: 32 - 37.
      4. Аруин Л. И., Капуллер Л. Л., Исаков В. А. Морфологическая диагностика болезней желудка и кишечника. - М.: Триада_Х, 1998. - 496 с.
      5. Van Doorn L. J. Geographic distribution of vacA allelic types of Helicobacter pylori. Gastroenterology. 1999; 116: 823 - 830.
      6. Щукин. И. Инфекция Helicobacter pylori / Н. И. Ющук, В. Т. Ивашкин, И. В. Маев // Мед. Газета, 2006. - № 40.
      7. Фадеенко Г. Д. Инфекция Helicobacterpylori: итоги 20-летнего изучения ее патогенности // Вестник Харьковского нац. универс., 2004. - № 614.
      8. De Francesco V., Ierardi E, Hassan C., Zullo A. Helicobacter pylori therapy: Present and future // World J. GastrointestPharmacol. Ther. 2012. № 3 (4). Р. 68 - 73.
      9. Castro-Fernandez M., Vargas-Romero J. Infection with Helicobacter pylori. Prevalence, research and impact of antibiotic resistance // Rev. Esp. Enferm. Dig. 2009. № 101 (11). Р. 743 - 756.
      10. Wu W., Yang Y, Sun G Recent Insights into Antibiotic Resistance in Helicobacter pylori Eradication // Gastroenterol. Res. Pract. 2012. 2012. 723183.
      11. Francesco V. D., Zullo A, Hassan C., et al. Mechanisms of Helicobacter pylori antibiotic resistance: An updated appraisal // World J. Gastrointest. Pathophysiol. 2011. № 2 (3). Р. 35 - 41.
      12. Маев И. В., Казюлин А. Н., Кучерявый Ю. А. Хронический панкреатит. - М.: ОАО «Издательство «Медицина», 2005.

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    1. Federal State Scientific Institution Irkutsk Scientific Center of Surgery and Traumatology (Irkutsk, Russian Federation)

    Keywords:ulcerative colitis,descending colon of rats,technology of the surgery

    Abstract:Background: Ulcerative colitis (UC) is a chronic immune inflammatory condition of the colon with an unknown aetiology, leading to disability and reduced quality of life of patients. UC primarily affects young adults. In most cases, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) debuts at reproductive age. The incidence of UC and severe clinical course has increased overall across the world. The study of the mechanisms of pathogenesis and aetiology of this disease contributes to the development of new effective methods of treatment. Objective: The aim of our study was to develop technology of the surgery directed to induction of reversible ischemic damage, the erosive-ulceration of gut mucosae (descending colon) at rats of the WISTAR line. Materials and methods: Experimental research was done using male rats «Wistar» (n=40), their age was more than 6 months, weight of body is 280 - 350 grams. The animals were separated into 3 groups: 1 - (n=14) Sholimov’s operative method, 2 group (n=16) - model using special technology, 3 group (n=10) - Coopr’s H. S. induction ulcerative colitis. Observation was been done during 10 days. We offered special surgical technique: parietal ligation on every vasa recta of colon descendens of rats the length 3 cm along colon, on the apex vesicae and then vasa recta are cut. Then during 7 days 1% solution of dextran sulfate sodium (DSN) was given for experimental animals after postoperative period. By the histological biopsy of colon mucosa the results were estimated. Results/Conclusion: we have created erosive-ulceration of gut mucosae (descending colon) of rat with productive inflammation, vasculitis and plasmatic impregnation of the vessel walls and intimal thickening. Our model of ulcerative colitis can be used for the development and testing of new methods for the study and treatment of this pathology.

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    Full text is published :
    Kim A.D., Lepekhova S.A., Chashkova Ye.Yu., Gol’dberg O.A., Shedoeva L.R. TECHNOLOGY SURGICAL INTERVENTION IN ULCERATIVE COLITIS MODELING DESCENDING PART OF THE COLON IN RATS LINE «WISTAR». Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2016;129(05):28-32
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    1. State budget institution of higher professional education «Samara State Medical University» Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (Samara, Russian Federation)

    Keywords:consensus of the Working Group III,diagnosis and treatment of H.pylori-infection,cancer prevention

    Abstract:The purpose of the review. Outline the main points of consensus III Working Group Italian for the diagnosis and treatment of H.pylori-infection. The work of the Working Group III was the clarification of certain provisions of the Maastricht IV consensus, and, namely, the nature of H.pylori relationship with gastroesophageal reflux disease, functional dyspepsia, NSAID / aspirin gastropathy, extra-gastric diseases, detailed scope of the invasive and non-invasive methods of investigation, treatment algorithms updated H.pylori-infection antibiotic growth conditions. Indented understanding of the role of H.pylori eradication in the prevention of gastric cancer.

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    Full text is published :
    Osadchuk A.M., Davydkin I.L., Gricenko T.A. OVERVIEW BASIC PROVISIONS CONSENSUS OF THE III WORKING ITALIAN GROUP FOR DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT OF H.PYLORI-INFECTION. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2016;129(05):33-44
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    1. State Organization «Saint-Petersburg I. I. Dzhanelidze Research Institute of Emergency» (St. Petersburg, Russian Federation)
    2. State Organization «Saint-Petersburg I. I. Dzhanelidze Research Institute of Emergency» (St. Petersburg, Russian Federation)
    3. FMBA FGBUN «Institute of Toxicology of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency (St. Petersburg, Russian Federation)

    Keywords:acute poisoning,ethanol,alcoholic fatty liver disease,remaxol

    Abstract:The aim of the study was to increase the efficiency of the treatment of acute ethanol intoxication in patients with alcoholic fatty liver disease. The article presents the results which received during the investigation and treatment of 166 patients with acute ethanol intoxication on the background of alcoholic fatty liver disease Patients were assessed by the severity scale APACHE-II. Were studied the dynamics of clinical, laboratory, biochemical parameters, the state of the antioxidant system activity and lipid peroxidation. The study found the effect of the combination hepatoprotective drug remaxol on the many links of metabolism, which was confirmed by the dynamics of biochemical parameters. There was a quick correction of hyperlactatemia, an effective reduction of ALT activity, the absence of reduction of albumin and urea concentration in the somatic period of ethanol poisoning. Period of using remaxol there was improvement in the clinical course of the disease, which manifested by the reduce the incidence of delirium tremens and shorten the duration of treatment of patients.

      1. Еpмолов А. С., Епифанова Н. М., Pомасенко М. В., Лужников Е. А., Ишмухаметов А. И., Голиков П. П., Хватов В. Б., Кукшина А. А., Давыдов Б. В., Куксова Н. С., Федоpова Н. В., Сыpомятникова Е. Д. Pоль гипеpбаpической оксигенации в лечении постгипоксической энцефалопатии токсического генеза. Анестезиология и реаниматология. 1998; 6: 20 - 25.
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      3. Ливанов Г. А., Батоцыренов Б. В., Калмансон М. Л., Лодягин А. Н., Васильев С. А. Коррекция критических состояний при острых отравлениях ядами нейротропного действия на раннем госпитальном этапе. Скорая медицинская помощь. 2005; Т. 6 (1): 47 - 52.
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    Full text is published :
    Livanov G.A., Shikalova I.A., Lodyagin A.N., Glushkov S.I. et al. FEATURES OF PHARMACOLOGICAL CORR ECTION OF ALCOHOLIC FATTY LIVER DISEASE IN PATIENTS WITH ACUTE ETHANOL INTOXICATION. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2016;129(05):45-50
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    1. State budget institution of higher professional education «Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University» under the Ministry of Public Health of the Russian Federation (St. Petersburg, Russian Federation)

    Keywords:steatosis,treatment,glycyrrhizin acid,ursodeoxycholic acid

    Abstract:Objective: To optimize the diagnostic and therapeutic approaches in polymorbid patients with fatty hepatosis in the practice of general practitioner. The medical tactics of treatment of polymorbidit patient with fatty liver, is considered in regards of the course of concomitant diseases, especially the cardiovascular system. Substantiates the necessity of determination of, in relation to the patient's prognosis, not only the degree of steatosis, but also the liver fibrosis stage changes, developing due to apoptosis of hepatocytes that leads to the progression of endothelial dysfunction A working version of the treatment of hepatic steatosis, designed to reduce progression of fatty degeneration, reducing the risk of steatohepatitis and fibrosis body changes is proposed in the paper. Ursodeoxycholic acid and glycyrrhizin are the most promising medication.

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      8. Мехтиев С. Н., Зиновьева Е. Н. Соколовский С. В. Эндотелиальная дисфункция как фактор прогрессирования неалкогольного стеатогепатита. Терапевтические подходы // Эффективная Фармакотерапия. - 2011. - № 2. - С. 36 - 44.
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    Full text is published :
    Mehtiyev S.N., Mehtiyeva O.A. NEW PARADIGM CHALLENGES OF STEATOSIS TREATMENT IN THE PRACTICE THERAPIST. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2016;129(05):51-57
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    1. I. M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Moscow, Russian Federation)
    2. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University (Moscow, Russian Federation)
    3. Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute named after M. F. Vladimirsky (Moscow, Russian Federation)

    Keywords:birth defects,anorectal malformations,epidemiology,etiology,incidence

    Abstract:The review presents an analysis of current data on the epidemiology, etiology, clinical and genetic characteristics of congenital anorectal malformations (AM). According to international registers of congenital malformations prevalence of the AM varies from 2 to 5 per 10,000 births. There was no change in the prevalence over time of AM (absence of temporal trends). Most studies have indicated the predominance of males among patients with AM. Approximately 40 - 70% of patients with AM have congenital malformations of other organs and systems. The data on the participation of genetic and environmental factors in the origin of the AM. A brief clinical and genetic characteristics of the most common syndromes (association) with the AM.

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    Full text is published :
    Vydrych Yu.V., Demikova N.S., Filyushkin Yu.N., Kalinenkova S.G. et al. EPIDEMIOLOGICAL, CLINICAL AND GENETIC CHARACTERISTICS OF ANORECTAL MALFORMATIONS (REVIEW). Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2016;129(05):58-64
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    1. State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education (SBEI HPE) «A. I. Evdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry Ministry of Healthcare of Russia» (Moscow, Russian Federation)

    Abstract:The paper reflects the issues of pathogenesis of the chronic liver diseases (CLD). The role of the cell membrane lipid peroxidation as well as oxidative stress and fibrosis formation in the development and progression of liver lesions of various aetiologies. are represented in details. Particular attention is given to the justification of pathogenetic approaches to the treatment of liver disease. Presented the evidence base of successful application of the standardized silymarin as a part of the drug Legalon in the CLD of different etiology.

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    Full text is published :
    Golovanova E.V. THE PATHOGENETIC APPROACHES TO THE CHRONIC LIVER DISEASES TREATMENT. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2016;129(05):65-73
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    1. The First Moscow State Medical University (Moscow, Russian Federation)

    Abstract:The purpose of the review is to analyze modern data on pathogenesis, principles of treatment and future prospects treatment of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Modern ideas about the role of insulin resistance, oxidative stress gene polymorphisms in the pathogenesis of disease progression. This has led in recent years to a new strategy of treatment of the disease. Examines the role of physical load, modified diet, the weight loss. Substantiates the primary role of the use of insulin sensitizers, and agents with cytoprotective and antioxidant effect. The lack of the only effective drug for the treatment of NAFLD justifies the appropriateness of the appointment of combination therapy with exposure to various aspects of the pathogenesis. Elaborates on new drugs under clinical study.

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    Full text is published :
    Podymova S.D. THE MODERN VIEW ON PATHOGENESIS AND TREATMENT OF NONALCOHOLIC FATTY LIVER DISEASE. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2016;129(05):74-82
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    1. MultiCare Medical Center of Bank of Russia (Moscow, Russian Federation)
    2. Federal State Institution of Additional professional education «Central State Medical Academy» of President Administration (Moscow, Russian Federation)
    3. State Institution «Psychiatric hospital № 5» of Moscow Department of Health (Moscow, Russian Federation)

    Keywords:Emotional burnout syndrome,health professionals,predictors,prophylaxis

    Abstract:Working in conditions of physical and psychological overload, occupational hazard makes health workers vulnerable to the development of burnout syndrome. Currently, 67.6% of physicians in Russia suffer from emotional burnout syndrome. This syndrome is characterized by a certain symptoms, which have their predictors. Prevention and treatment of emotional burnout syndrome - a complex problem that can be solved with the participation of heads of medical institutions, full-time psychologists and psychotherapists with the direct involvement of health professionals

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    Full text is published :
    Elfimova E.V., Elfimov M.A., Berezkin A.S. HOW TO PREVENT EMOTIONAL BURNOUT SYNDROME IN HEALTH PROFESSIONALS?. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2016;129(05):83-87
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    1. Perm State Medical University. Acad. E. A. Wagner (Perm, Russian Federation)

    Keywords:polymorbidity,comorbidity,ulcer disease,peptic ulcerliver,biliary tract,history,surgery

    Abstract:The Purpose. To present the history of surgical gastroenterology in Perm krai. Materials and methods. Narrative, historical, genetic, comparative and structural. Results. In the early 20th century the main method of surgical treatment of peptic ulcer was gastroenteroanastomosis. A significant number of recurrences resulted to distal gastrectomy implementation in the 30s in the Clinic of hospital surgery of Perm medical institute, led by professor M. V. Shats. It was also performed in major cities of the region: Lysva, Kungur, Berezniki, Kizel, Osa. Treatment of ulcer perforation and bleeding was accomplished at the department of surgical diseases of pediatric faculty, led by Professor V. N. Repin. He also developed vagotomy and methods of diagnostics and treatment of diseases of operated stomach. Comorbidity was also researched. The combination of liver and biliary tract diseases was researched in the Hospital surgical clinic of Perm, initially led by Professor S. Yu. Minkin and then by academician E. A. Wagner (L. F. Palatova). The results of surgical treatment of cholelithiasis, depending on morphological and biochemical abnormalities in liver and chemical composition of gallstones were studied (L. P. Kotelnikova). Indications for surgery in cholelithiasis in conjunction with pathology of stomach, duodenum and liver were defined (A. V. Popov). The results of surgical treatment of biliary pancreatitis and cholangitis (L. B. Guschensky), and diseases of stomach, duodenum and pancreas with cholelithiasis were obtained (D. V. Shvarev). Conclusion. The priority trends of research of Perm scientists were treatment of post-resection syndrome, arteriomesenterial obstruction, pathogenesis of gallstone disease and its combination with other disorders of the digestive system.

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    Full text is published :
    Palatova L.F., Nechaev O.I. DEVELOPMENT OF SURGICAL GASTROENTEROLOGY IN PRIKAMYE. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2016;129(05):88-92
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