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    1. State budget institution of higher professional education “Samara State Medical University” Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (Samara, Russian Federation)

    Keywords:Nf-kB,peptic ulcer disease ,disbacteriosis ,transendoskopic treatment ,gastroduodenal zone

    Abstract:The purpose of the study. To determine the prognostic significance of the expression of molecules of PCNA, Bcl-2, NF-Kb and tachykinins (substance P, neurokinin A) in patients with gastric ulcer (GU) receiving cytotoxic therapy. Materials and methods. Total surveyed 90 patients divided into 3 equal groups. The first comparison group consisted of patients with chronic atrophic H. pylori-associated gastritis (CAG) (30 pers.). A second control group consisted of patients with gastric ulcer (30 pers.). Third, the study group consisted of 30 people. with GU suffering from hematological malignancies, in a period of complete clinical remission of the disease and receiving supportive polychemotherapy (PCT). Patients underwent endoscopy, morphological and immunohistochemical study of the mucous membrane of the antrum and body of the stomach to detect the expression of molecules of PCNA, Bcl-2, neurokinin A, substance P and factor Nf-Kb. Results. The total level of dyspeptic syndrome on visual scale analogue in patients receiving chemotherapy and GU (GUpct) was significantly higher (p<0.05) compared with patients with GU. It should be noted that patients with GUpct reducing clinical symptoms is much slower (p<0.05). At the same time in 13 (43.3%) patients with GUpct determines the duration of ulcer healing, whereas in patients with GU in only 4 (13.3%) patients. Patients with GUpct more frequently (p <0.05) were verified II and stage III chronic gastritis (CG), while Stage I - less (p <0.05). Patients with GUpct significantly more often (p<0.05) was determined by the II degree of CG and significantly less (p<0,05) - IV degree. Patients with GUpct determined significantly lower (p <0.05), the expression performance PCNA, substance P and neurokinin A and higher (p<0,05) - Bcl-2 and factor Nf-kB. Conclusion. GU in patients receiving chemotherapy, dyspeptic syndrome is characterized by severe, advanced stage of CG on the background of relatively low severity of CG in accordance with the classification of OLGA (2008). Patients with GUpht have a significant level of violation of regeneration changes how is this atrophy, intestinal metaplasia, dysplasia of gastric mucosa association with gross violations of the processes of epithelial cell homeostasis of epithelial cells regulation after molecules PCNA, Bcl-2, NF-kB and tachykinins (substation P, neurokinin A).

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    1. Ogarev Mordovia State University(Saransk, Russian Federation)

    Keywords:Helicobacter pylori,microbiota,gastritis,peptic ulcer disease,polyposis,gastric cancer

    Abstract:The aim of the study was to examine changes in the microbiota gastric an diseases gastroduodenal zone to highlight gender features. We examined patients at esophagogastroduodenoscopy performed biopsies mucous membrane fence with the wall mucus, followed by microscopic, microbiological, histological examination. When polyposis and gastric cancer incidence in women H. pylori was less than that of men. In diseases of the gastroduodenal zone level changes gastric microbiota reflects the morphological condition of the mucous membrane, the gender differences in most cases are not detected. The highest frequency of inoculation and the amount typical for Streptococcus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, H. pylori, Candida spp., Escherichia coli, Lactobacilli. Status microbiota gastroduodenal zone in patients with consider when correcting their treatment.

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    Kurusin V.M., Matveeva L.V. GENDER FEATURES CHANGES OF MICROBIOTA GASTRIC AT DISEASES GASTRODUODENAL ZONE. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2016;126(02):25-29
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