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    1. V. I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University (Simferopol, Republic Of Crimea)

    Abstract:Obtaining an eponym for one’s academic literature is regarded as one of the greatest honours: “Eponymity, not anonymity, is the standard” (Merton, 1973). To be exact, we will specifically look at 7 venous eponyms of gastrointestinal tract by analyzing names of the scientist (of the eponyms), their contribution to medicine. This article will provide an anatomical description as well as clinical implication of each of the eponyms.

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      6. Corman M. L. Classic articles in colonic and rectal surgery. Charles Horace Mayo, 1865-1939 // Dis. Colon Rectum. - 1982. - 25(7). - P. 734-739.
      7. Гончаров Н. И. Иллюстрированный словарь эпонимов в анатомии. - Волгоград: Издатель, 2009. - 504с.
      8. Anonymous. The late Jones Quain, M.D. // BMJ. - 1865. - Vol. 214, № 1. - Р. 122.
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    Full text is published :
    Kutia S.A., Lyashchenko O.I., Smirnova S.N., Polishchuk E.A. VENOUS EPONYMS IN DIGESTIVE SYSTEM. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2016;128(04):101-104
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