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    1. Perm State Medical University. Acad. E. A. Wagner (Perm, Russian Federation)

    Keywords:polymorbidity,comorbidity,ulcer disease,peptic ulcerliver,biliary tract,history,surgery

    Abstract:The Purpose. To present the history of surgical gastroenterology in Perm krai. Materials and methods. Narrative, historical, genetic, comparative and structural. Results. In the early 20th century the main method of surgical treatment of peptic ulcer was gastroenteroanastomosis. A significant number of recurrences resulted to distal gastrectomy implementation in the 30s in the Clinic of hospital surgery of Perm medical institute, led by professor M. V. Shats. It was also performed in major cities of the region: Lysva, Kungur, Berezniki, Kizel, Osa. Treatment of ulcer perforation and bleeding was accomplished at the department of surgical diseases of pediatric faculty, led by Professor V. N. Repin. He also developed vagotomy and methods of diagnostics and treatment of diseases of operated stomach. Comorbidity was also researched. The combination of liver and biliary tract diseases was researched in the Hospital surgical clinic of Perm, initially led by Professor S. Yu. Minkin and then by academician E. A. Wagner (L. F. Palatova). The results of surgical treatment of cholelithiasis, depending on morphological and biochemical abnormalities in liver and chemical composition of gallstones were studied (L. P. Kotelnikova). Indications for surgery in cholelithiasis in conjunction with pathology of stomach, duodenum and liver were defined (A. V. Popov). The results of surgical treatment of biliary pancreatitis and cholangitis (L. B. Guschensky), and diseases of stomach, duodenum and pancreas with cholelithiasis were obtained (D. V. Shvarev). Conclusion. The priority trends of research of Perm scientists were treatment of post-resection syndrome, arteriomesenterial obstruction, pathogenesis of gallstone disease and its combination with other disorders of the digestive system.

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    Full text is published :
    Palatova L.F., Nechaev O.I. DEVELOPMENT OF SURGICAL GASTROENTEROLOGY IN PRIKAMYE. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2016;129(05):88-92
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