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    1. Autonomous Public Health Care Institution «Emergency hospital № 2» (Tomsk, Russian Federation)

    Keywords:X-ray examination,gastrointestinal tract,magnetic foreign body,gastrointestinal disorders,radiological control

    Abstract:Objective: to identify the features of stay magnetic foreign bodies (MFB) in the gastrointestinal tract in children, to determine the diagnostic and therapeutic measures. Materials and methods: we studied 14 cases of ingestion MFB. Results: the presented clinical examples revealed variability of stay MFB in the digestive tract, presents options for surgical removal of magnetic objects. The presence of multiple MFB led to the development of severe complications. Conclusion: the developed tactics of conducting patients with the presence of magnetic foreign bodies in various parts of the gastrointestinal tract. X-ray examination of the abdominal cavity in children is required for the diagnosis of foreign MFB and for intraoperative exclusion of the remaining magnetic objects in the digestive tract.

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    Full text is published :
    Bocharov P.W.,Karavaev A.V.,Osipkin V.G.,Pogorelko V.G. THE RESULTS OF TREATMENT OF CHILDREN WITH MAGNETIC FOREIGN BODIES IN THE GASTRO-INTESTINAL TRACT. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2016;125(01):60-64
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