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    1. The experience of N. N. Blokhin Russian Cancer Research center (Moscow, Russian Federation)

    Keywords:Hepatocellular carcinoma,fibrolamellar carcinoma,chronic hepatitis B,chronic hepatitis C,cirrhosis,metabolic syndrome

    Abstract:Aims: To explore the spectrum of risk factors associated with hepatocellular cancer (HCC) in Russian Federation, their prognostic significance for overall survival (OS). Methods: retrospective trial of 380 HCC cases referred to Russian Cancer Research center n. a.N.N.Blokhin between 2005 and 2015. Results: We observed viral hepatitis in 221 (58,2%) pts; liver cirrhosis 203 (53,4%) pts. The most (n=94 from 105 pts) HBs+ cases were men, with cirrhosis in 64,8%. There was men’s (n=82) prevalence in HCV patients (n=114, 30%) also, mostly complicated with cirrhosis (n=100, 87,7%). We didn’t find any HCC-driven risk factors in 59 pts, including 28 pts with fibrolamellar carcinoma. There were 33 pts with alcohol intake as a risk factor. The main risk factors for 66 pts were signs of metabolic-associated diseases. HBV+ (p=0,041, HR=1,36), alcohol intake (р=0,0001, HR=1,75) and smoking (р=0.009, HR=1,52) were significant for OS. Diabetes mellitus, (p=0,03; HR=1,62), TNM stage (p<0,001; HR=1,42), АFP level (p=0,001) and male gender (p=0,024; HR=1,82) negatively correlates with OS worsening. Conclusions: Less than 60% of Russian HCC pts were HBV/HCV carriers or cirrhotic. HBV+ and HCV+ (27,6% and 30% pts); metabolic disorders (17,4%) and alcohol intake (8,7%) were predominant risk factors for HCС We didn’t observe significant OS difference between viral- and nonviral-associated HCC.

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    Full text is published :
    Breder V.V. RISK FACTORS FOR HEPATOCELLULAR CANCER IN ONCOLOGY PRACTICE The experience of N. N. Blokhin Russian Cancer Research center. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2016;128(04):04-12
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