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    1. Public budgetary educational institution of higher education «Tver State Medical University» of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russia (Tver, Russian Federation)

    Keywords:diet,acid-alkaline balance,oral cavity,caries of teeth,parodontitis

    Abstract:The aim was to investigate the acid-base balance in the mouth and assess the risk of dental disease in practically healthy persons depending on the habitual diet. Materials and methods: The study involved 162 people, divided into three groups: with a mixed diet, with protein foods of animal origin and vegetarians. There were studied the pH value of oral fluid, dental, lingual plaque at stimulation with sucrose and urea. Results: In individuals, characterized by the habitual diet, there are statistically significant persistent changes in acid-base balance in the mouth, which provoke an increased risk of developing dental diseases. At normal mixed diet there is moving the acid-base balance towards weak acidosis that in the presence of other predisposing factors can lead to the risk of development of dental caries. There is a displacement of acid-base balance in the oral cavity to the alkaline side in case the long predominant consumption of protein foods of animal origin, that is dangerous in terms of formation of hard dental deposits and consequently of the development of inflammatory periodontal diseases. In vegetarians, there is a persistent shift of acid-alkaline balance in the mouth in the direction of acidosis, which is a risk factor for development of dental caries.

      1. Румянцев В. А. Кривые рН после стимуляции протеолитической микрофлоры полости рта мочевиной (карбамидом). Новое в стоматологии. - 1998. - № 2. - С. 29 - 34.
      2. Румянцев В. А., Есаян Л. К., Зюзькова Е. Д., Леонова С. О., Наместникова И. В. Нарушения кислотно-основного равновесия в полости рта при общесоматической патологии. Стоматология. - 2013. - № 2. - С. 22 - 26.
      3. Hall-Scullin E., Goldthorpe J., Milsom K., Tickle M. A qualitative study of the views of adolescents on their caries risk and prevention behaviours. BMC Oral Health. - 2015. - Vol. 10, № 15. - Р. 141 - 142.
      4. Kipiani N. V., Iverieli M., Mosemgvdlishvili N., Kipiani N. V., Jafaridze S. Parodontitis pathogenetic factors, their interaction and effects. Georgian Med News. - 2014. -№ 228. - Р. 88 - 91.

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    Namestnikova I.I., Rumyantsev V.A., Egorova E.N. INFLUENCE OF NUTRITION NATURE ON ACID-BASE BALANCE IN THE MOUTH AND THE RISK OF DENTAL DISEASES. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2016;129(05):12-15
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    1. Rostov Research Institute of Oncology (Rostov-on-don, Russian Federation)

    Keywords:squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus,uPA,tPA,PAI-1,gender differences

    Abstract:Aim: comparative analysis of uPA-Ag, uPA-act, tPA-Ag, tPA-act, PAI-1-Ag and PAI-1-act in tissues of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) in men (M) and women (W) to clarify some pathogenesis issues. Material and methods. Tumor tissue of ESCC and its perifocal area (19 M and 8 menopausal W aged 38 - 72 years, st II, G2, T2-3N0-1M0-1) were studied by ELISA using standard test kits. Results. ESCC tissue of M showed an increase in both uPA types from the resection line (RL), while in W only uPA-act was increased. tPA-Ag was decreased in tumors of W, tPA-act - in tumors of all patients. Levels of both PAI-1 types were higher in ESCC of M than in W. In M, tPA-Ag in perifocal area was lower than in RL, while in W, on the contrary, it was higher. tPA-Ag/tPA-act coefficient in M tumors was 5.7 times higher than in W; in perifocal area it was reduced in all patients, being at the same time in M lower than in W. Both PAI-1 types were increased in malignant tissues of all patients, prevailing in M tumors, and PAI-1-Ag in peritumoral tissue was higher in M than in W. Conclusions. Significant gender differences were found in expression of uPA, tPA and PAI-1 in tissues of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Presence of tumor-associated uPA, PAI-1 and tPA in men and uPA and PAI-1 in women is possible in tumor tissue of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma and its perifocal area. Determination of plasminogen regulation system in tissues of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma can be used for the selection and individualization of postoperative treatments.

      1. Tihan T., Harmon J. W., Wan X. et al. Evidence of androgen receptor expression in squamous and adenocarcinoma of the esophagus. Anticancer Res. 2001; 21: 3107 - 3114.
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      3. Duffy M. J., McGowan P. M., Harbeck N. et al. uPA and PAI-1 as biomarkers in breast cancer: validated for clinical use in level-of-evidence-1 studies. Breast Cancer Res. 2014; 16 (4): 428.
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      18. Yang L. F., Ji X. G., Xing M. D. et al. The relationship between esophageal cancer and androgen-estrogen receptors. Zhongguo Xiongxinxieguan Waike Linchuang Zazhi. 2001; 8: 154 - 156.
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      22. Cooper S. C., Trudgill N. J. Subjects with prostate cancer are less likely to develop esophageal cancer: analysis of SEER 9 registries database. Cancer Causes Control. 2012; 23: 819 - 825.
      23. Tang L., Han X. The urokinase plasminogen activator system in breast cancer invasion and metastasis. Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy. 2013; 67 (2): 179 - 182.
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      25. Schuliga M., Langenbach S., Xia Y. C., et al. Plasminogen-stimulated inflammatory cytokine production by airway smooth muscle cells is regulated by annexin A2. The American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology. 2013; 49 (5): 751 - 758.
      26. Kwaan H. C., McMahon B. The role of plasminogen-plasmin system in cancer. Cancer Treatment and Research. 2009; 148: 43 - 66.
      27. Shimomura M., Hinoi T., Ikeda S. et al. Preservation of peritoneal fibrinolysis owing to decreased transcription of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 in peritoneal mesothelial cells suppresses postoperative adhesion formation in laparoscopic surgery. Surgery. 2013; 153 (3): 344 - 356.
      28. Stewart A. G., Xia Y. C., Harris T. et al. Plasminogen-stimulated airway smooth muscle cell proliferation is mediated by urokinase and annexin A2, involving plasmin-activated cell signalling. British Journal of Pharmacology. 2013; 170 (7): 1421 - 1435.

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    Kit O.I., Frantsiyants E.M., Kozlova L.S., Kolesnikov E.N. et al. GENDER DIFFERENCES IN TISSUE CASCADE OF ACTIVATION OF PLASMINOGEN AND PAI-1 IN ESOPHAGEAL SQUAMOUS CELL CARCINOMA. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2016;129(05):16-21
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    1. Medical University of South Ural State Medical University (Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation)
    2. Belarusian State Medical University (Minsk, Belarus)

    Keywords:Helicobacter pylori,chronic pancreatitis,eradication therapy

    Abstract:Relevance. Currently, there is a need to study the genetic diversity of H.pylori in patients with variety of acid-related diseases to develop new strategies for the treatment of patients with H.pylori to predict high efficiency of treatment. Objective: To assess the effectiveness of schemes of eradication therapy in patients with chronic pancreatitis and concomitant H.pylori infection. Materials and methods. The study included 108 patients with H.pylori infection: 63 patients had chronic pancreatitis and were concomitant with H.pylori-infection and 45 patients were without chronic pancreatitis and had H.pylori infection with a chronic gastritis. All patients were determined by factors of pathogenicity of H.pylori by immunoblotting. After forming the group randomized patients received eradication therapy scheme I and the scheme I with inclusion of bismuth tripotassium dicitrate. Conclusions. The effectiveness of H.pylori eradication therapy is dependent on the genetic component of H.pylori. In the presence of H.pylori pathogenicity factors p33, p30, p26, p19, p17 in order to increase the effectiveness of treatment the scheme of eradication therapy I line drugs bismuth tri dicitrate should be included.

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