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    1. Academician Yu. E. Veltishchev Research Clinical Institute of Pediatrics (Moscow, Russian Federation)
    2. N. I. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (Moscow, Russian Federation)


    Abstract:Background: Anaphylaxis is a potentially fatal allergic reaction. Food allergy is one of the main causes of anaphylaxis in children. Anaphylaxis research in different populations across Europe is one of the unmet needs. The aim of this study is to evaluate typical clinical features of anaphylaxis to fish in Russian Federation children admitted to the allergy department. Materials and methods: Allergy history of 80 children with food anaphylaxis was investigated and specific IgE concentration in serum was tested. Results: Among the causes of food anaphylaxis in children fish was the cause of anaphylactic reactions in 33,7% of patients. Single episode of anaphylaxis to fish was diagnosed in 77,8% of children, more than one episode in 22,2% of patients. 3 children had anaphylaxis after the first in a life of eating fish. Specific IgE levels ≥ 0,35 кUA/l to fish associated with anaphylaxis episodes were revealed in all children. 38,5% of children had anaphylaxis episodes after inhalation contact with fish. In patients with fish anaphylaxis and sIgE < 100 кUA/l, anaphylaxis episodes due to inhalation contact was twice less often (25% of cases) than in children with fish anaphylaxis and sIgE level ≥ 100 кUA/l (54,5% of cases). Clinical manifestations with skin/mucosa and respiratory system involvement were the most frequent (97,5% and 92% respectively), 44,4% of patients presented with cardiovascular symptoms. 22% of children had severe anaphylaxis to fish. Conclusion: Among the causes of food anaphylaxis in children fish is the cause of anaphylactic reactions in more than 1/3 of patients. Anaphylaxis to fish may occur during the first in the life eating fish. Level of specific IgE to fish is useful for the diagnosis of fish anaphylaxis and for the selection of a subgroup of children with high risk of anaphylactic reactions after inhalation of allergen of fish.

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    Full text is published :
    CLINICAL AND IMMUNOLOGICAL FEATURES OF ANAPHYLAXIS TO FISH IN CHILDREN. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2017;137(01):78-82
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