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SCImago Journal & Country Rank

№ 03 (139) 2017

  • Уважаемые коллеги !
    Мартовский номер нашего журнала «Экспериментальная и клиническая гастроэнтерология» мы посвятили заболеваниям кишечника.
    По уровню распространенности и заболеваемости воспалительные заболевания кишечника (ВЗК) значительно уступают другим заболеваниям органов пищеварения, но по тяжести течения, частоте осложнений и летальности они во всем мире занимают одну из ведущих позиций в структуре болезней желудочно-кишечного тракта. Поэтому открывает этот выпуск статья О. В. Князева и соавт., подробно освещающая заболеваемость и распространенность ВЗК в нашей стране и мире, определяющая основные тенденции этих показателей и обосновывающая необходимость создания единого регистра больных язвенным колитом и болезнью Крона, что будет способствовать совершенствованию мер оказания медицинской помощи больным с ВЗК.
    Раздел «Клиническая гастроэнтерология» представлен рядом оригинальных работ по различным аспектам заболеваний тонкой и толстой кишки. В статье М. Д. Ардатской (Москва) изложены собственные результаты по изучению содержания короткоцепочечных жирных кислот у больных раком толстой кишки в слизистой оболочке толстой кишки и кале, и предложено использовать определение короткоцепочечных жирных кислот в кале в качестве неинвазивного теста, позволяющего косвенно судить о наличии опухолевого процесса, его локализации и степени прорастания стенки кишки опухолью.
    Быкова А. П. и Козлова И. В. из Саратовского государственного медицинского университета имени В. И. Разумовского установили, что хронический панкреатит ассоциирован с функционально-структурными изменениями толстой кишки. Определено, что баланс цитокинов и морфологическая картина в слизистой оболочке толстой кишки наиболее значимо изменены при токсико-метаболическом варианте хронического панкреатита.
    Еще одна работа поступила от сотрудников кафедры госпитальной терапии лечебного факультета Саратовского государственного медицинского университета имени В. И. Разумовского. Наличие у больных алекситимии (сниженной способности или затрудненности в вербализации эмоциональных состояний со следующими особенностями в когнитивно-афферентной сфере) может затруднить оценку тяжести атаки у больных язвенным колитом. Изучению соотношения между показателями выраженности болевого синдрома и алекситимии посвящена представленная работа.
    Профессор И. Л. Халиф и соавт. (ГНЦК им А. Н. Рыжих, Москва) продемонстрировали, что баллонная манометрия позволяет выявлять определенную корреляцию между клинической картиной СРК (преобладание запоров, поносов или неустойчивый стул) и типом моторики прямой кишки, а, следовательно, быть рекомендована как метод функционального исследования у пациентов с СРК.
    Е. А. Маевская и соавт (МГМСУ им. А. И. Евдокимова) доказали, что в сравнении с лактулозой длительная терапия функционального запора псиллиумом характеризуется более выраженным слабительным действием, лучше переносится, снижает выраженность СИБР и улучшает качество жизни больных.
    Следующие две работы посвящены изучению динамики показателей системного воспаления и локального иммунного статуса у больных с СРК при лечении различными фармпрепаратами.
    В разделе «Хирургическая гастроэнтерология» собственным опытом хирургического лечения идиопатического мегаколон и мегаректум у больных различных возрастов делятся наши коллеги из ФГБУ «Государственный научный центр колопроктологии им. А. Н. Рыжих» Минздрава России
    Колоректальный рак является одной из распространенных форм злокачественных новообразований в мире. Сегодня колоректальное стентирование является малоинвазивной альтернативой экстренному оперативному вмешательству. Ведущие сотрудники отделения эндоскопической хирургии ФГБУ «ГНЦ ЛМ ФМБА» суммируют показания и противопоказания, положительные результаты и осложнения стентирования при толстокишечной непроходимости Раздел «Обзоры» открывает статья С. М. Захаренко (Санкт-Петербург), в которой представлены данные последних лет о распространенности и видах Clostridium difficile-инфекции, о циркуляции микроорганизма в окружающей среде и человеческой популяции, об особенностях взаимодействия с нормальной микрофлорой желудочно-кишечного тракта человека.
    Продолжает раздел обзор профессора О. Н. Минушкина и соавт., посвященный проблеме синдрома избыточного бактериального роста. Даны определения синдрома, эпидемиология, клинические проявления, критерии диагностики. Приведены новые данные по изучению синдрома избыточного бактериального роста у больных воспалительными заболеваниями кишечника.
    В следующем материале профессор И. Д. Лоранская., Е. В. Степанова и В. А. Купаева (Москва) рассматривают современные представления о механизмах развития ожирения при нарушениях кишечного микробиоценоза, перспективы использования биокоррекции микрофлоры в лечении метаболических заболеваний.
    В мае 2016 мировое гастроэнтерологическое сообщество на Американской гастроэнтерологической неделе познакомилось с Римскими критериями IV. Основные положения этого консенсуса представлены в настоящей публикации, подготовленной группой авторов под руководством академика РАН И. В. Маева. В отличие от предыдущей классификации в разделе функциональных заболеваний кишечника появилась новая форма — ​опиоид-индуцированный запор. Скорректирована и дефиниция функциональной диареи.
    Нецелиакийная чувствительность к глютену (НЦЧГ) — ​это новый синдром, проявляющийся непереносимостью глютена, это не аллергическое и не аутоиммунное состояние, при котором употребление глютена может приводить к возникновению симптомов, сходных с проявлениями целиакии. Вопросы патогенеза, дифференциальной диагностики и принципов лечения этой нозологии рассматривает в своей статье профессор Е. А. Корниенко (Санкт-Петербург).
    Завершает наш номер материал авторов из ГНИЦ колопроктологии, посвященный терапии по принципу «биологической обратной связи» (БОС-терапия) — ​одному из ведущих методов лечения запора, вызванного функциональным расстройством дефекации (диссинергической дефекации). В статье представлены актуальные данные об эффективности и методах проведения БОС-терапии. Отражен действующий стандартный протокол лечения, предложенный Обществами нейрогастроэнтерологии и моторики США и Европы, представлены перспективы дальнейших научных исследований БОС-терапии в лечении хронического запора. Надеемся, что этот выпуск журнала будет интересным и полезным для очень широкого круга врачей!

    Ответственный за выпуск редактор,

      профессор кафедры гастроэнтерологии ФГБУ ДПО
    «Центральная государственная медицинская академия» УПД Президента РФ

    доктор медицинских наук, профессор 
      Мария Дмитриевна Ардатская 
    1. Moscow clinical scientific practical center of the Department of health of Moscow (Moscow, Russian Federation)
    2. Research Institute for health organization and medical management of the Department of health of Moscow (Moscow, Russian Federation)
    3. State budgetary educational institution of higher professional education “North-Western state medical University n. a. I. I. Mechnikov” (St. Petersburg, Russian Federation)

    Keywords:Inflammatory bowel disease,epidemiology,incidence

    Abstract:Prevalence and incidence of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is significantly inferior to other diseases of the digestive system, but in severity, frequency of complications and mortality in the world they occupy one of the leading positions in the structure of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The results of the large controlled studies show a steady increase in the incidence of this disease in the world. According to recent reports the prevalence of ulcerative colitis (UC) in North America is 249 per 100 thousand population, Crohn’s disease (CD) - 319 to 100 thousand, the prevalence of UC in Europe is 505 per 100 thousand population, CD - 322 to 100 thousand; the incidence of UC in North America is 19.2 per 100 thousand population, CD - 20.2 per 100 thousand, UC incidence in Europe is 24.3 per 100 thousand population, CD - 12.7 per 100 thousand. However, there are no clear data on the prevalence and incidence of this pathology in our country. This circumstance requires the creation of a unified register of patients with UC and CD, which will contribute to the improvement of the measures of care for patients with IBD.

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    Full text is published :
    Knyazev O.V., Shkurko T.V., Fadeeva N.A., Bakulin I.G. et. al EPIDEMIOLOGY OF CHRONIC INFLAMMATORY BOWEL DISEASE. YESTERDAY, TODAY, TOMORROW. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2017;139(03):04-12
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    1. Central state medical Academy (Moscow, Russian Federation)

    Keywords:microflora,of low molecular weight metabolites of the intestinal microbiota,short chain fatty acids (SCFA),colon cancer,butyric acid (butyrate),psyllium,butyrate+inulin

    Abstract:The purpose of the study is to examine the content of short chain fatty acids (SCFA) in patients with colon cancer (CC) in the mucosa of the colon (CM) and feces by GLC-analysis: to assess their significance. Material and methods: the Study was performed in 52 patients operated on for colon cancer. Patients ranged in age from 61 to 81 years, 32 women and 20 men. In 14 cases the tumor was localized in the blind and ascending Department of the colon, 6 - in descending, 26- in the sigmoid colon, in 6 - in rectosigmoid part. In this regard, in 14 cases, the right hemicolectomy, 14 left hemicolectomy, 16 resection of the Sigma, 8 - anterior resection of the rectum. Histological examination revealed colon adenocarcinoma varying degrees of differentiation (high difference-25, moderate - -20, low of -7). Distribution of patients according to prevalence of tumor process was as follows: -2 I, IIA -4, -36 IIIA, IIIB -10. By GLC analysis to determine the content SCFA in CM and feces. Results: the Absolute contents SCFA in CM, the group of patients with CC tends to decrease compared to the control group. The total absolute concentration SCFA when the tumor in the right departments is higher in comparison with the concentration of SCFA when left-sided localization (0,420±0,110 mg/g and of 0.350±0.001 mg/g, respectively). In the study profiles in samples of tumor and feces when left localization of the significantly elevated level of propionic and butyric acids (up to 0,159±0,001 ed and 0,105±0,002 units, respectively, at a rate of 0,134±0,001 ed and 0,087±0,004 units, respectively, in CM; to 0,241±0,001 0,221 and u of±0.002 units, respectively, at a rate 0,189±0,001 ed and 0,176±0,004 units, respectively, in the feces), when right - level of isolated oil acid (0,093±0,011 u, at a rate of up to 0,067±0,01 IU per CM; to 0.281±0,002 units, at a rate of up to 0,176±0,004 ed feces). Among CC patients with increasing tumor stage marks an increase in the level of butyric acid (0,099±0,021 ed at T 1-3, to 0,110±0,030 ed at T4 in SOTK, 0,201±0,002 ed at T 1-3, to 0,220±0,002 ed at T4 in the feces) and increasing the ratio of isocyclic to acids in CM and feces (1,929±0,010 u at T 1-3, to 2,217±0,019 ed at T4 in CM, with 2,432±0,120 ed at T 1-3, to 4,327±0,110 units at T4 in feces). By reducing the degree of tumor differentiation (highly, moderately -, poorly-differentiated) in CM marked increase in the proportion of propionic (of 0.152±0,010 u, 0,209±0,01 units, 0,224±0,010 u, respectively) and mainly oil acid (of 0.085±0,010 units, 0,120±0,010 units, 0,168±0,010 units, respectively). The ratio of isocyclic forms to acids do not differ. Conclusion: in CC patients revealed specific changes SCFA in CM, depending on the localization, differentiation grade and depth of germination by the tumor of the intestinal wall is comparable to the change in feces. Changes SCFA in the stool can be used as a non-invasive test that allows indirectly to judge the presence of tumor, its localization and extent of germination of the bowel wall by the tumor. The use of preparations containing precursors of butyric acid (psyllium) or itself butyric acid, is a promising direction of CC canceroprevention.

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    1. Saratov State Medical University n. a. V. I. Razumovsky (Saratov, Russian Federation)

    Keywords:chronic pancreatitis,colon,colonoscopy,cytokines

    Abstract:Purpose of the study. To investigate the clinical and morphological characteristics of the intestine in patients with chronic pancreatitis with the assessment of the quantitative determination of proinflammatory cytokines in the mucosa of the colon. Material and methods. In a study of 113 patients with chronic pancreatitis included. The analysis of intestinal dysfunction symptoms, endoscopic, morphological changes of the colon, the quantitative content of proinflammatory cytokines in colonic biopsies: IL-2, IL-6, IL-8, a more pronounced when toxic-metabolic chronic pancreatitis. Results. It has been established that chronic pancreatitis functionally associated with structural changes of the colon. In colonic biopsies increased content of IL-2, IL-6, IL-8. Morphological picture of colon mucosa in patients with normal excretory function of the pancreas and moderate exocrine insufficiency of pancreas (EIP) as a whole was normal. Revealed lymphoplasmacytic infiltration of the mucosa - 47 (68 %) patients, a decrease in the number of glands. Proliferation of the capillaries of the mucosa was observed in 21 (30,4 %) patients, in 16 (23.2 per cent) of the observed decrease in the number and size of crypts. A number of patients - 19 (40,4 %) with moderate EIP showed a growth of connective tissue fibers in the lamina propria that were regarded as early signs of fibrosis of the colon wall. In patients with severe EIP infiltration of the mucosa and submucosa by lymphocytes and plasma cells were observed more frequently in 85 %. For this group of patients was characterized by the abundance of connective-tissue elements of the mucosa and marked reduction of crypts in the tissue of the colon.

      1. Ивашкин В. Т., Маев И. В., Охлобыстин А. В. c соавт. Рекомендации российской гастроэнтерологической ассоциации по диагностике и лечению хронического панкреатита. Российский журнал гастроэнтерологии, гепатологии, колопроктологии 2014; 4: 70-97.
      2. Hoffmeister A, Mayerle J, Beglinger C und and. S 3-Leitlinie: Chronische Pankreatitis: Definition, Ätiologie, Diagnostik und konservative, interventionell endoskopische und operative Therapie der chronischen Pankreatitis. Leitlinie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Verdauungs- und Stoffwechselkrankheiten (DGVS). AWMF-online 2012: 115 P.
      3. Козлова И. В., Пахомова А. Л. Современный пациент гастроэнтерологического профиля: штрихи к клиническому портрету. Экспериментальная и клиническая гастроэнтерология. 2015; 6: 4-10.
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      8. Быкова А. П., Козлова И. В. Механизмы развития и особенности патологии органов желудочно-кишечного тракта при хроническом панкреатите. Экспериментальная и клиническая гастроэнтерология 2016;11:69-75.
      9. Васильев А. В., Бакарев М. А., Лапий Г. А. с соавт. Структурная реорганизация слизистой оболочки двенадцатиперстной кишки при хроническом панкреатите. Фундаментальные исследования 2012; 7: 278-282.
      10. Токарева Е. В., Хлынова О. В., Горовиц Э. С. Микрофлора кишечника у больных хроническим панкреатитом. Вестник Здоровье и образование в XXI веке 2011; 2: С. 84-85.
      11. Сираева А. С., Фаизова Л. П. Показатели колонизационной резистентности толстой кишки у больных хроническим панкреатитом. Экспериментальная и клиническая гастроэнтерология 2014; 5: 21-26.
      12. Мингазова С. К., Хасанова А. Р., Нигматуллина А. Э. c соавт. Показатели цитокинового воспаления при хроническом панкреатите. Медицинский вестник Башкортостана 2012; 6: 49-52.
      13. Аскаров Т. А., Сулейманов С. Ф., Махмудов Б. Ф., Узаков Ф. М. Коррекция иммунных расстройств у больных хроническим панкреатитом. Вісник проблем біології і медицини 2013; 3: 20-22.
      14. Etemad B, Whitcomb DC. Chronic pancreatitis: diagnosis, classification, and new genetic developments. Gastroenterology 2001;120(3):682-707.
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      16. Кулик И. А., Бойко В. В., Шевченко А. Н. c соавт. Иммунологический статус пациентов при хроническом рецидивирующем панкреатите. Инновации в науке 2013; 23: 141-149.
      17. Lindley KJ. Chronic Pancreatitis. Indian Journal of Pediatrics 2006; 73(10): 907-912.
      18. Basuroy S, Sheth P, Mansbach CM, Rao RK. Acetaldehyde disrupts tight junctions and adherens junctions in human colonic mucosa: protection by EGF and L-glutamine. American Journal of Physiology - Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology 2005; 289: 367-375.

    Full text is published :
    Bykova A.P., Kozlova I.V. CLINICAL-ENDOSCOPIC AND MORPHOLOGICAL FEATURES OF THE COLON IN CHRONIC PANCREATITIS. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2017;139(03):22-27
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    1. Federal State Budget Educational Institution of High Education «Saratov State Medical University named after V. I. Razumovsky» of the Ministry of Public Health of Russia (Saratov, Russian Federation)

    Keywords:ulcerative colitis,pain syndrome,alexithymia

    Abstract:Purpose of the study: to investigate the relationship between the index of alexithymia and severity of pain in patients with ulcerative colitis and comparable severity of the next attack. Materials and methods: the study included 59 patients with acute exacerbation of ulcerative colitis who were hospitalized in the gastroenterological department of the Saratov Regional Hospital. On admission to the hospital for all patients was determined the level of alexithymia using the Toronto alexithymia scale (1985), adapted in the Institute named after VM Bekhterev (2005). The severity of the next attack of ulcerative colitis was evaluated according to the criteria of Truelove-Witts (1955). Results: with comparable severity of the next attack of ulcerative colitis patients with high alexithymia significantly more often reported higher levels of pain than at low values one. Conclusion: in the choice of optimal tactics analgesic drug therapy in patients with ulcerative colitis in the period of exacerbation it is necessary to consider psychological characteristics of their personality.

      1. Под ред. Ивашкина В. Т. Рекомендации Российской гастроэнтерологической ассоциации и Ассоциации колопроктологов России по диагностике и лечению взрослых больных язвенным колитом. Росс. Журн. Гастроэнтерол, гепатол., колопроктол. - 2015. - № 1. - С. 48-65.
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      7. Ересько Д. Б. Алекситимия и методы ее определения при пограничных психосоматических расстройствах. Пособие для психологов и врачей. Санкт-Петербург 2005. -25с.
      8. S. Nahon, P. Lahmek, C. Saas et al. “Socioeconomic and psychological factors associated with nonadherence to treatment in inflammatory bowel disease patients: results of the ISSEO survey,” Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, vol. 17, no. 6, pp. 1270-1276, 2011.
      9. Truelove SC, Witts LJ. Cortisone in ulcerative colitis: final report on a therapeutic trial. Br Med J 1955; ii:1041-8.
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    Full text is published :
    Fedosova M.A., Kashkina E.I., Kunitsuna M.A. CORRELATION BETWEEN SEVERETY OF PAIN SYNDROME AND ALEXITHYMIA IN PATIENTS WITH ULCERATIVE COLITIS. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2017;139(03):28-31
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    1. State scientific center of coloproctology (Moscow, Russian Federation)

    Keywords:rectal motility,gastrocolic reflex,irritable bowel syndrome (IBS),constipation,diarrhea,rectal manometry

    Abstract:Background and aims: the article presents the results of the study rectal motility in patients with IBS. Our aim was to investigate the possibility of using balloon manometry to assess the locomotor activity of the rectum in patients with IBS. Material and methods: The investigation was conducted on total 168 patients in the clinical pathophysiology laboratory for the period June 2014 - September 2015. Male - 41 (24.4 %), mean age was 40,1 ± 17,2 years, female - 127 (75.6 %), mean age - 44,1 ± 15,3 years. The average age of patients older than 60 years was 69,4 ± 7,7 years. All patients fulfilling the Rome III criteria for IBS, and the prevalence of constipation was observed in 109 (64.9 %), diarrhea - in 29 (17.3 %), unstable stool (alternating diarrhea and constipation) - 30 (17.8 %).Rectal motility was evaluated by using air-filling catheters with manometry system Solar GI (MMS/Laborie, The Netherlands). We studied the background activity of the rectum and meal stimulated motility in both phases of gastrocolic reflex in patients with different clinical manifestations of IBS. Results: We diagnosed “irritable colon” type of motor activity in 56 (33.3 %) of 168 patients by analyzing the background motility. Irritable colon was found in 25 (22.9 %) of 109 patients with constipation, in 12 (41.4 %) of 29 patients with diarrhea and in 19 (63.3 %) of 30 patients with unstable stool. Remaining patients had hypokinetic background motility of the rectum, regardless of clinical manifestations (even in patients with diarrhea). Irritable bowel syndrome after eating was diagnosed in 111 (66.1 %) of 168 patients. They are 63 (57.8 %) patients with constipation, 20 (68.9 %) patients with diarrhea and 28 (96.6 %) patients with an unstable chair. The response to stimulation was not expressed in the remaining patients. They preserved hypokinetic motility type. Conclusions: Balloon manometry reveals a certain correlation between the clinical picture of IBS (the prevalence of constipation, diarrhea, or an unstable chair) and rectal motility type. This allows recommending balloon manometry as method of functional studies in patients with IBS.

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    Full text is published :
    Fomenko O.Yu., Halif I.L., Aleshin D.V., Belousova S.V. RECTAL NONPERFUSION MANOMETRY AS A WAY OF RECTAL MOTILITY ASSESSMENT IN PATIENTS WITH IRRITABLE BOWEL SYNDROME. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2017;139(03):32-37
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    1. Moscow state medical dental University named A. I. Evdokimov Ministry of health of the Russian Federation (Moscow, Russian Federation)

    Keywords:comorbid pathology,functional constipation,non-alcoholic steatohepatitis,treatment,psyllium,lactulose

    Abstract:The aim of the study was to Evaluate the effectiveness of long-term therapy dietary fiber (DF) or lactulose on the course of functional constipation when combined with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) Material and methods. Was conducted an open prospective comparative study in parallel groups with the inclusion of 102 patients with NASH, among whom were allocated to patients with symptoms of functional constipation. The main group consisted of 70 people (NASH and functional constipation), a comparison group of 32 people with just NASH. The main group patients were randomized into two equal subgroups of 30 people IA and IB, differentiated by the treatment of functional constipation: patients of subgroup IA in addition to modification of lifestyle was prescribed the drug lactulose, patients IB - preparation of dietary fiber (psyllium). All patients 1 time per 3 months was carried out dynamic assessment of specific markers of functional constipation, frequency of defecation, stool type, indicators of quality of life, check bacterial overgrowth syndrome. The observation period of the patients was 6 months. Results. For the period 6-month observation the most significant regression of markers of functional constipation (natureline, frequency of defecation), better tolerance of therapy, including less pronounced side effects significantly greater reduction of bacterial overgrowth syndrome (p < 0.05) was achieved only in the subgroup of dietary fiber, which is reflected in a statistically more significant improvement in quality of life than in the subgroup of lactulose. Conclusion: long-term treatment of functional constipation with psyllium is characterized by a more pronounced laxative effect, better tolerated, reduces the severity bacterial overgrowth syndrome that regularly impact on improving the quality of life compared with lactulose.

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    Full text is published :
    Maevskaya E.A., Cucheryavy Y.A., Cheremushkin S.V., Shestakov V.A. et. al. THE EFFECTIVENESS OF PSYLLIUM AND LACTULOSE IN TREATMENT OF FUNCTIONAL CONSTIPATION WHEN COMBINED WITH NONALCOHOLIC STEATOHEPATITIS. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2017;139(03):38-47
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    1. Volgograd state medical University (Volgograd, Russian Federation)
    2. First Moscow state medical University. I. M. Sechenov, the Ministry of health of the Russian Federation (Moscow, Russian Federation)

    Keywords:irritable bowel syndrome,systemic inflammation,cytokines

    Abstract:In the presented article the data gained from recent publications and our original investigations conducted in term to determine the role of low grade systemic inflammation in the pathogenesis and clinical manifestation of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) were analyzed. It was shown that in patients with IBS levels of circulating key pro-inflammatory cytokines (TNFα, IL-1, IL-6, IL-8) were increased while the levels of anti-inflammatory IL-10 tends to decrease. Revealed cytokine imbalance correlated with severity of the intestinal symptoms such as abdominal pain and changes in bowel habits. The raised levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines were detected in 30-40 % pts with IBS and in 60-85 % pts with ulcerative colitis (UC) versus 2-6 % in controls. In pts with active UC pro-inflammatory cytokines raised much more prominent than in IBS, nevertheless in IBS group levels of these cytokines were significantly higher than in controls. The results of randomized placebo controlled study had demonstrated the efficacy and safety of combination of affinity purified release-active antibodies (RAAT) to histamine, TNFα and brain-specific S-100 protein with anti-cytokine property in the treatment of IBS. In pts treated with combination of affinity purified RAAT to histamine, TNF-α and brain-specific S-100 protein the significant improvement in intestinal and non-intestinal systemic symptoms was registered. These data support the concept of relationship between cytokine imbalance and functional GI disorders and suggest the recommendation to include combination of affinity purified RAAT to histamine, TNF-α and brain-specific S-100 protein as disease modifying drug in IBS treatment.

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      26. Zhang G, Yu L, Chen ZY, Zhu JS, Hua R, Qin X, Cao JL, Zhang YM. Activation of corticotropin-releasing factor neurons and microglia inparaventricular nucleus precipitates visceral hypersensitivity induced bycolorectal distension in rats. //Brain Behav Immun. 2016 Jul;55:93-104. doi: 10.1016/j.bbi.2015.12.022. Epub 2015 Dec 29.
      27. Zhen Y, Chu C, Zhou S, Qi M, Shu R. Imbalance of tumor necrosis factor-α, interleukin-8 and interleukin-10 productionevokes barrier dysfunction, severe abdominal symptoms and psychological disorders in patients with irritable bowel syndrome-associated diarrhea.// Mol Med Rep. 2015 Oct;12(4):5239-45. doi: 10.3892/mmr.2015.4079. Epub 2015 Jul 5

    Full text is published :
    Babaeva A.P., Osadchuk M.A., Vidiker R.V., Kalinina E.V. et. al. MARKERS OF SYSTEMIC INFLAMMATION IN PATHOGENESIS AND OPTIMIZATION OF PHARMACOTHERAPY OF IRRITABLE BOWEL SYNDROME. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2017;139(03):48-55
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    1. State scientific centre of coloproctology (Moscow, Russian Federation)

    Keywords:idiopathic megacolon,idiopathic megarectum,longitudinal proctoplasty

    Abstract:The study focuses on surgical treatment of idiopathic megacolon and megarectum. Methods: 36 patients (18-78 years, 20 male) were operated in 2004-2014. 25 (69.4 %) patients had idiopathic megacolon. 11 (30.6 %) patients had idiopathic megarectum with or without megacolon. The choice of surgical procedure depended on extent and localization of megacolon and function of nondilated colon. Left colectomy was performed in 12 (33.3 %) cases, subtotal colectomy and ascendorectal anastomosis - in 13 (36.1 %) cases. All patients with idiopathic megarectum were undergone longitudinal proctoplasty combined with left colectomy or subtotal colectomy. Results: After surgery 1 (2.8 %) patient died and 5 (13.9 %) had complications that required reoperation. In follow up 1 patient have got megacolon recurrence. 9 of idiopathic megarectum patients whom stoma was closed were followed up. There were not megacolon or megarectum recurrence. In 8 (88.9 %) patients were detected significant improvement and satisfaction with surgery. There also was found significant reduction of constipation rate and rectal function improvement. No one patient had sexual or urological impairment. Conclusion: In cases of idiopathic megacolon only dilated colon resection may be justified in selected patients with good function of nondilated colon. Longitudinal proctoplasty leads to significant improvement of rectal function and may be used in idiopathic megarectum surgical treatment.%

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    Full text is published :
    Aleshin O.V., Achkasov S.I., Fomenko O.Yu. SURGICAL TREATMENT OF IDIOPATHIC MEGACOLON AND MEGARECTUM. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2017;139(03):56-59
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    1. RUDN University (Moscow, Russian Federation)

    Keywords:colorectal cancer,colonic obstruction,stenting

    Abstract:Colorectal cancer is one of the common forms of malignancies in the world. Despite advances in the diagnosis of early stage of the disease in a large enough number of patients develop clinical bowel obstruction. Colorectal stenting is a minimally invasive alternative to emergency surgery, associated with high morbidity and mortality. Since its first application in 1991, has accumulated a lot of experience not only as palliative care for inoperable patients, but also as a «bridge to surgery» for radical treatment. In this review, the literature data relating to various techniques, indications and contraindications, results and complications of stenting in colonic obstruction.

      1. Alcantara M., Serra-Aracil X., Falco J. et al. Prospective, controlled, randomized study of intraoperative colonic lavage versus stent placement in obstructive left-sided colonic cancer.World J Surg, 2011, Vol.35, pp.1904-10.
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      5. Cheung DY., Lee YK., Yang CH. Status and Literature Review of Self-Expandable Metallic Stents for Malignant Colorectal Obstruction. Clinical Endoscopy,2014, Vol. 47, рр. 65-73.
      6. Cirocchi R., Farinella E., Trastulli S., et al. Safety and efficacy of endoscopic colonic stenting as a bridge to surgery in the management of intestinal obstruction due to left colon and rectal cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Surg Oncol, 2013, Vol.22, pp. 14-21.
      7. De Ceglie A., Filiberti R., Baron TH., et al. A metaanalysis of endoscopic stenting as bridge to surgery versus emergency surgery for left-sided colorectal cancer obstruction. Crit Rev Oncol Hematol, 2013, Vol.88, pp.387-403.
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      9. Fiori E., Lamazza A., Schillaci A., et al. Palliative management for patients with subacute obstruction and stage IV unresect-able rectosigmoid cancer: colostomy versus endoscopic stenting: final results of a prospective randomized trial. Am J Surg, 2012, Vol.204, pp.321-326.
      10. Govindarajan А., Naimark D., Coburn NG. Use of Colonic Stents in Emergent Malignant Left Colonic Obstruction: A Markov Chain Monte Carlo Decision Analysis. Dis Colon Rectum, 2007, Vol. 50, N. 11, pp.1811-24.
      11. Ho KS., Quah HM., Lim JF., et al. Endoscopic stenting and elective surgery versus emergency surgery for left-sided malignant colonic obstruction: a prospective randomized trial. Int J Colorectal Dis, 2012, Vol.27, pp.355-362.
      12. Huang X., Lv B., Zhang S., Meng L. Preoperative colonic stents versus emergency surgery for acute left-sided malignant colonic obstruction: a meta-analysis. J Gastrointest Surg, 2014, Vol.18, pp.584-591.
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      42. Yoon J., Kwon SH., Lee C-K. Radiologic Placement of Uncovered Stents for the Treatment of Malignant Colonic Obstruction Proximal to the Descending Colon. Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol
      43. Yoon JY., Jung YS., Hong SP., et al. Outcomes of secondary stent-in-stent self-expandable metal stent insertion for malignant colorectal obstruction. Gastrointest Endosc, 2011, Vol.74, рр.625-633.
      44. Yoon JY., Park SJ., Hong SP., et al. Outcomes of secondary self-expandable metal stents versus surgery after delayed ini-tial palliative stent failure in malignant colorectal obstruction. Digestion, 2013, Vol.88, рр.46-55.
      45. Young CJ., De-loyde KJ., Young JM., et al. Improving Quality of Life for People with Incurable Large-Bowel Obstruction: Randomized Control Trial of Colonic Stent Insertion. Dis Colon Rectum, 2015, Vol.58, pp.838-849.
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    Full text is published :
    Vodoleev A.S., Duvanskiy V.A. COLORECTAL STENTING FOR THE TREATMENT OF MALIGNANT COLONIC OBSTRUCTION. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2017;139(03):60-66
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    1. Federal state budget military educational institution of higher professional education “Military medical Academy named after S. M. Kirov” Ministry of defense of the Russian Federation (St. Petersburg, Russian Federation)

    Keywords:Clostridium difficile infection,epidemiology,treatment,prevention

    Abstract:The review presents recent data on the prevalence and types of Clostridium difficile infection, about the circulation of the microorganism in the environment and the human population, the peculiarities of interaction with the normal microflora of the gastrointestinal tract that will allow for a fresh look at the epidemiology of diseases caused by this microorganism, to enhance the effectiveness of preventive interventions, to improve treatment outcomes.

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      2. Rupnik M., Wilcox M. H., Gerding D. N. Clostridium difficile infection: new developments in epidemiology and pathogenesis. Nat Rev 2009; 7: 526-36.
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      5. Kuijper E.J., Coignard B., Tull P. Emergence of Clostridium difficile-associated disease in North America and Europe. Clin Microbiol Infect 2006; 12(Suppl. 6): 2-18.
      6. Bouza E. Consequences of Clostridium difficile infection: understanding the healthcare burden. Clin Microbiol Infect 2012; 18(Suppl. 6): 5-12.
      7. Desai, K., Gupta, S.B., Dubberke, E.R., Prabhu, V.S., Browne, C., Mast, T.C. Epidemiological and economic burden of Clostridium difficile in the United States: estimates from a modeling approach. BMC Infect. Dis. 2016; 16: 303.
      8. See I., Mu Y., Cohen J. et al. NAP1 strain type predicts outcomes from Clostridium difficile infection. Clin Infect Dis 2014; 58: 1394-1400.
      9. Elliott B., Androga G. O., Knight D. R., Riley T. V. Clostridium difficile infection: Evolution, phylogeny and molecular epidemiology. Infect Genet Evol. 2016 Dec 22; 49: 1-11.
      10. McDonald L.C., Coignard B., Dubberke E., Song X., Horan T., Kutty PK. Recommendations for surveillance of Clostridium difficile-associated disease. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 2007; 28: 140-145.
      11. van Beurden Y. H., Bomers M. K., van der Werff S. D., Pompe E. A.P.M., Spiering S., Vandenbroucke-Grauls C.M.J.E., Mulde C. J.J. Cost analysis of an outbreak of Clostridium difficile infection ribotype 027 in a Dutch tertiary care centre. Journal of Hospital Infection xxx (2017) 1-5.
      12. Cohen S.H., Gerding D. N., Johnson S., Kelly C. P., Loo V. G., McDonald L.C., et al. Clinical practice guidelines for Clostridium difficile infection in adults: 2010 update by the Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America (SHEA) and the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA). Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 2010; 31: 431-55.
      13. Butler M., Bliss D., Drekonja D., Filice G., Rector T., MacDonald R., et al. Effectiveness of early diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of Clostridium difficile infection. Rockville (MD): Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, US Department of Health and Human Services; 2011.
      14. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Vital signs: preventing Clostridium difficile infections. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2012; 61: 157-62.
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      16. Khanna S., Pardi D. S., Aronson S. L., Kammer P. P., Orenstein R., Sauver J. L. St., Harmsen W. S., Zinsmeister A. R. The Epidemiology of Community-acquired Clostridium difficile infection: A population-based study. Am J Gastroenterol. 2012 Jan; 107(1): 89-95.
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      19. Furuya-Kanamori L., McKenzie S.J., Yakob L., Clark J., Paterson D. L., Riley T. V., Clements A. C. Clostridium difficile infection seasonality: patterns across hemispheres and continents - a systematic review. PLoS One 2015; 10: e0120730.
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      25. Rodriguez-Palacios A., Reid-Smith R.J., Staempfli H. R., Daignault D., Janecko N., Avery B. P., Martin H., Thomspon A. D., McDonald L.C., Limbago B., Weese J. S. Possible seasonality of Clostridium difficile in retail meat, Canada. Emerg Infect Dis. 2009 May; 15(5): 802-5.
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      27. Bauer M.P., Notermans D. W., van Benthem, B.H., Brazier, J.S., Wilcox, M.H., Rupnik, M., Monnet, D.L., van Dissel, J.T., Kuijper, E. J. Clostridium difficile infection in Europe: a hospital-based survey. Lancet 2011; 377; 63-73.
      28. Rodriguez-Palacios A., Ilic S., LeJeune J. T. Clostridium difficile with Moxifloxacin/Clindamycin Resistance in Vegetables in Ohio, USA, and Prevalence Meta-Analysis. Journal of Pathogens. 2014, Article ID 158601, 7 p.
      29. Sjörberg M., Eriksson M., Andersson J., Noren T. Transmission of Clostridium difficile spores in isolation room environments and through hospital beds. APMIS. 2014 Sep;122(9):800-3.
      30. Alqumber M. A. Clostridium difficile in retail baskets, trolleys, conveyor belts, and plastic bags in Saudi Arabia, Saudi Med. J. 2014; 35: 1274-1277.
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      33. Rodriguez C., Van Broeck J., Taminiau B., Delmée M., Daube G. Clostridium difficile infection: Early history, diagnosis and molecular strain typing methods. Microb Pathog. 2016 Aug; 97: 59-78. doi: 10.1016/j.micpath.2016.05.018.
      34. Yutin N., Galperin M. Y. A genomic update on clostridial phylogeny: Gramnegative spore formers and other misplaced clostridia. Environ. Microbiol. 2013; 15; 2631-2641.

    Full text is published :
    Zakharenko S.M. EPIDEMIOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF C. DIFFICILE INFECTION. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2017;139(03):67-70
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    1. Central state medical Academy (Moscow, Russian Federation)

    Keywords:bacterial overgrowth syndrome,inflammatory bowel disease

    Abstract:Review article devoted to the problem of small intestinal bacterial overgrowth syndrome (SIBO). This definition of the syndrome, epidemiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis. Discussed the pathogenesis and the relationship SIBO with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The new studies SIBO in patients with inflammatory bowel disease.

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    Full text is published :
    Topchy T.V., Minushkin O.N., Skibina Y.S,, Evsikov A.E. THE BACTERIAL OVERGROWTH SYNDROME IN CLINICAL PRACTICE. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2017;139(03):71-78
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    Abstract:The review deals modern ideas about mechanisms of obesity development due to disorders of gut microbiota, prospects of using probiotics and prebiotics in treatment of metabolics diseases.

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    Full text is published :
    Loranskaya I.D., Stepanova E.V., Kupaeva V.A. GUT MICROBIOTA AND OBESITY. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2017;139(03):79-83
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    1. “Moscow state medical dental University named A. I. Evdokimov” Ministry of health of the Russian Federation (Moscow, Russian Federation)
    2. “Central clinical hospital № 2 of them. N.. Semashko” JSC “Russian Railways” (Moscow, Russian Federation)

    Keywords:functional diarrhea,Rome criteria IV,diagnosis

    Abstract:The achievements of basic and clinical science over the past 10 years in the study of epidemiology, etiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis and therapy of functional disorders of the intestine necessitated the revision existed since 2006, the Rome III criteria. In may 2016 the global gastroenterology community on the American gastroenterological week met with Roman criteria IV, the main provisions of the consensus are presented in this publication. Functional bowel disease continues to include clinical disease as irritable bowel syndrome, functional constipation, functional diarrhea, functional abdominal bloating, and nonspecific functional bowel disorders. Unlike the previous classification in the section of functional bowel diseases has a new form - opioid-induced constipation, designed to draw attention of clinicians on the sharply increased frequency of use of opiates and associated with a large number of side effects in their application. Roman urges the Committee not to consider this form as a separate disease, and to classify the developed clinical picture as opioid-induced adverse effects. Functional diarrhea (FD) is characterized by the persistence loose or watery stools, an important distinguishing criterion for diagnosis is not a criteria of IBS, i. e. in this disorder of stool abdominal pain or bloating certainly can be present but are never dominant symptoms. In addition to these changes, according to the study, Whitehead W. E. et al. for the diagnosis of functional diarrhea is the criterion of the frequency of episodes of liquid stools or watery stools was reduced from 75 % to 25 %

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    Full text is published :
    Cheremushkin S.V., Kucheryavy Y.A., Cheremushkina N.V., Maev I.V. FUNCTIONAL DIARRHEA. ROME CRITERIA IV. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2017;139(03):84-88
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    1. Saint-Petersburg state pediatric medical University (St. Petersburg, Russian Federation)

    Keywords:Nonceliac sensitivity to gluten,allergies to wheat,celiac disease

    Abstract:Nonceliac sensitivity to gluten (NCSG) is a new syndrome manifested by a gluten intolerance is not allergic and non-autoimmune condition in which eating gluten can cause symptoms similar to the manifestations of celiac disease. NCSG the diagnosis requires the exclusion of coeliac disease and allergies to wheat. NCSG occurs mainly by intestinal symptoms that appear soon after eating gluten-containing foods and are rapidly after discontinuation of gluten. NCSG is not accompanied by retardation in physical and sexual development, weight loss and autoimmune or allergic comorbidity. The basis for the development of this syndrome probably is the effect of microbiota and metabolites of gluten on the neuroreceptors, as well as a mild inflammation of the intestinal mucosa without atrophy. NCSG more characteristic of adults than children and often manifests at a young age. The article presents the differential diagnostic signs of NCSG, celiac disease and allergies to wheat.

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    Full text is published :
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    1. A. N. Ryzhikh State scientific center of coloproctology (Moscow, Russian Federation)

    Keywords:Biofeedback therapy (BFB-therapy),constipation

    Abstract:Biofeedback therapy (BFB-therapy) is one of the main treatment modalities for constipation caused by functional defecation disorder. This review contains and update on effectiveness and methods of BFB-therapy. Described are inclusion criteria for BFB-therapy based on Rome IV consensus as well as standard treatment protocol developed by US and European Societies of neurogastroenterology and motility. Perspectives for future research in BFB-therapy for chronic constipation are proposed

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    Full text is published :
    Golovenko A.O., Fomenko O.Yu., Egorova D.V., Belous S.S. BIOFEEDBACK THERAPY FOR TREATMENT OF CHRONIC CONSTIPATION. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2017;139(03):99-105
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