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SCImago Journal & Country Rank

№ 11 (147) 2017

  • Уважаемые коллеги !
    В ноябрьском выпуске нашего журнала мы предлагаем вам подборку статей по самым разным проблемам, что, как нам кажется, отражает многогранность гастроэнтерологии.
    Открывает выпуск статья юбиляра этого года известнейшего отечественного гепатолога Светланы Дмитриевны Подымовой, посвященная печеночной энцефалопатии.
    Раздел «Клиническая гастроэнтерология» начинает оригинальная работа, выполненная под руководством профессора С. А. Курилович, освещающая результаты проспективного исследования о прогностической значимости биомаркеров атрофии в развитии рака желудка в популяционной выборке лиц европеоидного происхождения в Сибири.
    Применение нестероидных противовоспалительных и антиагрегантных средств в России, как и во всем мире, ширится. Это неуклонно ведет к росту НПВП-индуцированных эрозивно-язвенных поражений желудочно-кишечного тракта. Этой теме посвящены две работы из Иркутска и Новокузнецка.
    Профессор Е. В. Онучина и соавт. (Иркутск) определили, что сочетание ГЭРБ и хронического панкреатита повышает вероятность рефлюксов с рН > 7 и независимо от типа рефлюксов ухудшает клиренс пищевода, характеризуясь большей частотой эрозивных эзофагитов и пищевода Барретта.
    Авторы Самгина Т. А., Бушуева О. Ю., Назаренко П. М., Полоников А. В. из Курского государственного университета изучали влияние полиморфизмов H139R и I462V генов EPHX1 и CYP1A1 на развитие острого панкреатита (ОП) в русской популяции, а в следующей статье из Казани представлены результаты исследования спектра протеолитических ферментов и их распределение по молекулярным массам и типу активных центров в моче и в сыворотке крови у больных острым панкреатитом. Обе работы дают нам возможность применения принципов персонифицированной медицины для прогнозирования течения заболевания у индивидуума. Известный нутрициолог Л. Н. Костюченко и соавт. предлагают персонификацию программ нутритивного лечения в структуре паллиативной помощи больным с онкологическими заболеваниями, поскольку получены данные о влиянии нутриентов на молекулярные механизмы выживаемости и апоптоза опухолевых клеток, их пролиферацию, ангиогенез и инвазию.
    Наш постоянный автор профессор Я. М. Вахрушев и его группа исследователей (Ижевск) доказали значимость микробиоты в нарушении пищеварительной, всасывательной и моторной функции тонкой кишки при метаболическом синдроме. Наши коллеги Трубицына И. Е., Ручкина И. Н., Варванина Г. Г., Гуляев А. С., Ефремов Л. И., Дегтерев Д. А., Смирнова А. В. из Московского клинического научно-практического центра предположили, что восстановление концентрации БАВ, в частности ацетилхолина и серотонина позволит найти грань между адаптацией и болезнью.
    Для науки очень важно соблюдение чистоты эксперимента и протоколов исследований для обеспечения достоверности и жизнеспособности выводов. Поэтому в разделе «Обмен опытом» мы предлагаем вам материал группы авторов из Первого МГМУ им. И. М. Сеченова об отечественной и мировой практике проведения качественных клинических исследований, в которой представлен обзор и сравнение требований к качеству и производству лекарственных препаратов, использующихся в рамках клинических исследований, согласно российской и зарубежной нормативно-правовой документации, а также обоснована высокая важность международной гармонизации порядка проведения полномасштабных клинических исследований препаратов, содержащих новые/инновационные молекулы.
    В этом же разделе мы представляем три хирургические работы из Москвы, Новосибирска и Чебоксар, которые несомненно будут интересны практикующим врачам.
    В разделе «Дискуссия» для всеобщего обсуждения представлен материал В. В. Чернина с предлагаемой им новой классификацией нарушений симбионтного пищеварения. Участие микробиоты человека в патогенезе большинства его заболеваний подтверждается все большим числом исследований. Поэтому становятся актуальными и вопросы возможностей регуляции микробиоты. В разделе «Экспериментальная гастроэнтерология» предлагаем вашему вниманию очень интересный материал о влиянии колистина на изменение качественного и количественного состава полостной микрофлоры тощей и слепой кишок в условиях гипохлоргидрии.
    Запоры у беременных – широко распространенная проблема. Как и чем можно безопасно и эффективно лечить будущих мам в своей статье рассказывает профессор С. Г. Бурков.
    Завершаем выпуск статьей Н. Б. Грубергриц и соавт. об истории открытия протоковой системы поджелудочной железы. Статья иллюстрирована портретами анатомов, вложивших основной вклад в открытие панкреатических протоков, сфинктера и дуоденального сосочка.

    Мы желаем вам приятного, а главное, полезного прочтения!

    Главный редактор ЭиКГ,

      Президент Научного общества гастроэнтерологов России,
    Вице-­президент Российского научного медицинского
    общества терапевтов, профессор
      Л.Б. Лазебник
    1. Moscow clinical scientific practical center named after A. S. Loginov (Moscow, Russian Federation)

    Keywords:encephalopathy,classification,clinical features,cirrhosis,diagnosis,prognosis,treatment regimens

    Abstract:The importance of the literature and its own materials presented in the article is the significant prevalence of encephalopathy in patients with cirrhosis of the liver (it is 30-45 % among patients with severe encephalopathy). Minimal encephalopathy significantly reduces the quality of life of patients with liver cirrhosis. The international classification of clinical variants of chronic encephalopathy has not been sufficiently extended. The goal of the work is to select various clinical variants of chronic encephalopathy and to evaluate new pathogenetic methods of treatment aimed at increasing the effectiveness of therapy in patients with cirrhosis of the liver.

      1. Ferenci P, et al: Hepatic encephalopathy: definition, nomenclature, diagnosis, and quantification: final report of the working party at the 11th World Congresses of Gastroenterology, Vienna, 1998. Hepatology 2002; 35:716-721.
      2. Конн Г. О., Либертал М. М. Синдромы печеночной комы и лактулеза. - М.: Медицина, 1983. - 514 с.
      3. Conn H. O., Bircher J. Hepatic Encephalopathy: Syndromes and Therapies//Medi-Ed Press, Bloomington. Illinois. - 1994. - 429 p.
      4. Shawcross DL, et al: Role of ammonia and inflammation in minimal hepatic encephalopathy. Metab Brain Dis 2007; 22:125-138.
      5. Shawcross DL, et al: Systemic inflammatory response exacerbates the neuropsychological effects of induced hyperammonemia in cirrhosis. J Hepatol 2004; 40:247-254.
      6. Blei A. T., Cordoba J. The Practice Parameters Committee of the American College of Gastroenterology. Hepatic encephalopathy//Amer. J. Gastroenterol. - 2001. - Vol. 96, N 7. - P. 1968-1976.
      7. Poordad FF: Review article: the burden of hepatic encephalopathy. Aliment Pharmacol Ther 2007; 25(Suppl 1):3-9.
      8. Bustamante J, et al: Prognostic significance of hepatic encephalopathy in patients with cirrhosis. J Hepatol 1999; 30:890-895.(Ref.28)
      9. Ortiz M, Jacas C, Cordoba J: Minimal hepatic encephalopathy: diagnosis, clinical significance and recommendations. J Hepatol 2005; 42(Suppl): S 45-S 53.
      10. Cabre E, Gassull MA: Nutrition in liver disease. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care 2005; 8:545-551.
      11. Sharma B. C., et al: Secondary prophylaxis of hepatic encephalopathy: an open-label randomized controlled trial of lactulose versus placebo. Gastroenterology 2009; v137 p885-891.
      12. Morgan MH, Read AE, Speller DC: Treatment of hepatic encephalopathy with metronidazole. Gut 1982; 23:1-7.
      13. Ong J.P, Gerd Oehler, Christiane Kruger-Jansen et al. L-орнитин- L -аспартат Oral L-Ornithine-L-Aspartate Improves Health-Related Quality of Life in Cirrhotic Patient with Hepatic Encephalopathy/ An Open-Label, Prospective, Multicentre Observational Study. Clin Drug Investig 2011;31(4). 213-220
      14. Van der Rijt CC, et al: Overt hepatic encephalopathy precipitated by zinc deficiency. Gastroenterology 1991; 100:1114-1118.
      15. Heemann U, et al: Albumin dialysis in cirrhosis with superimposed acute liver injury: a prospective, controlled study. Hepatology 2002; 36:949-958.
      16. Hassanein T, et al: Heat stroke: its clinical and pathological presentation, with particular attention to the liver. Am J Gastroenterol 1992; 87:1382.

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    1. Research Institute of Internal and Preventive Medicine - Branch of the Institute of Cytology and Genetics of SB RAS”; Novosibirsk State Medical University (Novosibirsk, Russian Federation)

    Keywords:atrophic gastritis,gastric cancer,pepsinogens,H. pylori,Caucasians

    Abstract:Background: atrophic gastritis (AG) associated with Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori-infection) is one of the precancerous lesions and associated with low level of serum pepsinogen I (PGI) and PGI/PGII ratio, which are also recognized like predictive markers for gastric cancer (GC) development. The aim of the study: to analyze the predictive value of biomarkers in the GC development in a prospective “case-control” study conducted in Caucasian population of Western Siberia (8 years follow-up). Material and Methods: GC cases and control were selected from population cohort of residents of Novosibirsk within the international HAPIEE project during 2003-2005 with inclusion of subjects (n=9360) of both sexes at the age of 45-69 years. Serum samples were stored at -700С. GC cases received from Population Cancer Registry until 2012 were compared with the database of HAPIEE with selection of appropriate on sex and age control in the ratio 1:2. Finally, 156 serum samples (52 - the main group and 104 - control) were available for analysis, and biomarkers were measured. The following criteria for biomarkers of atrophic gastritis were used: PGI < 30 µg/l, PGII < 3 µg/l, PGI/PGII < 3, G-17 < 1 pmol/l. Results: The mean levels of PGI and PgI/PgII ratio in the GC group was lower in comparison with the control (p < 0.005 and p< 0.0001, respectively); no difference was shown in respect to the other biomarkers. The cut-off values of atrophy have appeared above the recommended parameters: for PGI-55 µg/l (р=0.0001; OR=4.1; 95 % CI 2.0-8.4) and PGI/PGII ratio-5 (р=0.0001; OR =5.8; 95 % CI 2.7-12.4). Conditional (fixed effects) logistic regression analysis with inclusion into the model sex, age of the patients, and all biomarkers of test system showed PGI/PGII ratio as the most powerful indicator in the model (OR=2.9; 95 % CI: 1.0-8.0). Conclusions: for the first time the predictive value of low indicators of PGI and PGI/PGII ratio in GC risk development in Caucasian population for 8 years follow-up was demonstrated.

      1. Melton S. D., Genta M., Souza R. F. Biomarkers and molecular diagnosis of gastrointestinal and pancreatic neoplasms. // Nat. Rev. Gastroenterol. Hepatol., 2010; 7: 620-628.
      2. Parkin D. M., Bray F., Ferlay J., Pisani P. Global cancer statistics, 2002. //CA Cancer J. Clin., 2002; 55: 74-108.
      3. Давыдов М. И., Аксель Е. М. Статистика злокачественных новообразований в России и странах СНГ в 2012 году. Москва, 2014. -226 с.
      4. Davidov M. I., Axel E. M. Statistics of neoplasms in Russia and SNG, 2012. M., 2014.-226p.
      5. Correa P., Piazuelo M. B., Wilson T. (2010) Pathology of gastric intestinal metaplasia: Clinical implications.// Am. J. Gastroenterol., 2010; 105: 493-498.
      6. Asaka M., Kato M., Takahashi S., Fukuda Y., Sugiyama T., Ota H., Uemura N., Murakami K., Satoh K., Sugano K. Guideline for the management of Helicobacter pylori in Japan: 2009 revised edition. // J. Helicobacter, 2010; 15: 1-20.
      7. Miki K., Ichinose M., Shimizu A., Huang S. C., Oka H., Furihata C., Matsushima T., Takahashi K. (1987) Serum pepsinogens as a screening test of extensive chronic gastritis. Gastroenterol. Jpn. 1987; 22: 133-141.
      8. Miki K. Gastric cancer screening by combined assay for serum anti-Helicobacter pylori IgG antibody and serum pepsinogen levels - “ABC method”. Proc Jpn Acad Ser B Phys Biol Sci., 2011; 87(7): 405-414.
      9. Vaananen H, Vauhkonen M, Helske T, et al. Nonendoscopic diagnosis of atrophic gastritis with a blood test. Correlation between gastric histology and serum levels of gastrin-17 and pepsinogen I: a multicentre study.// Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol., 2003; 15: 885-891
      10. Syrjanen K. J., Sipponen P., Harkonen M., Peetsalu A. and Korpela S. Accuracy of GastroPanel testing in detection of atrophic gastritis. // Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol., 2015; 27: 102-104
      11. Oishi Y., Kiyohara Y., Kubo M., Tanaka K., Tanizaki Y., Ninomiya T., Doi Y., Shikata K., Yonemoto K., Shirota T., Matsumoto T. and Iida M. The serum pepsinogen test as a predictor of gastric cancer: the Hisayama study.// Am J Epidemiol/, 2006; 163: 629-637
      12. Pasechnikov V., Chukov S., Fedorov E., Kikuste I. and Leja M. Gastric cancer: prevention, screening and early diagnosis. //World J Gastroenterol., 2014; 20: 13842-13862
      13. Oishi Y., Kiyohara Y., Kubo M., Tanaka K., Tanizaki Y. et al. The serum pepsinogen test as a predictor of gastric cancer: the Hisayama study. //Am J Epidemiol/, 2006; 163: 629-637
      14. Yanaoka K., Oka M., Yoshimura N., Mukoubayashi C., Enomoto S., Iguchi M. et al. Risk of gastric cancer in asymptomatic, middle-aged Japanese subjects based on serum pepsinogen and Helicobacter pylori antibody levels. //Int J Cancer, 2008; 123: 917-926
      15. Peasey A., Bobak M., Kubinova R., Malyutina S., Pajak A. et al. Determinants of cardiovascular disease and other noncommunicable diseases in Central and Eastern Europe: rationale and design of the HAPIEE study. //BMC Pub Health, 2006; 6: 255
      16. Yanaoka K., Oka M., Yoshimura N., Mukoubayashi C., Enomoto S. et al. Risk of gastric cancer in asymptomatic, middle-aged Japanese subjects based on serum pepsinogen and Helicobacterpylori antibody levels. //Int J Cancer, 2008; 123: 917-926.
      17. Mizuno S., Miki I., Ishida T., Yoshida M., Onoyama M. et al. Prescreening of a high-risk group for gastric cancer by serologically determined Helicobacter pylori infection and atrophic gastritis. Dig Dis Sci/, 2010; 55: 3132-3137
      18. Shiota S., Murakawi K., Suzuki R., Fujioka T. and Yamaoka Y. Helicobacter pylori infection in Japan. Exp Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol 7: 35-40, 2013.
      19. Ueda J., Gosho M., Inui Y., Matsuda T., Sakakibara M. et al. Prevalence of Helicobacter pylori infection by birth year and geographic area in Japan. //Helicobacter, 2014; 19: 105-110
      20. Lim S. H., Kwon J. W., Kim N., Kim G. H., Kang J. M. et al. Prevalence and risk factors of Helicobacter pylori infection in Korea: nationwide multicenter study over 13 years. // BMC Gastroenterol/, 2013; 13: 104
      21. Mizuno S., Miki I., Ishida T., Yoshida M., Onoyama M., Azuma T., Habu Y., Inokuchi H., Ozasa K., Miki K., Watanabe Y. (2010) Prescreening of a high-risk group for gastric cancer by serologically determined Helicobacter pylori infection and atrophic gastritis.// Dig. Dis. Sci., 2010; 55: 3132-37.
      22. Kodashima S., Miki K., Fujishiro M., Yahagi N., Koike K. (2010) Usefulness of a new gastric cancer screening program using the combination assay of serum anti-Helicobacter pylori IgG antibody and the serum pepsinogen levels. //Am. J. Gastroenterol., 2010; 105: S 38.
      23. Weck M. N., Brenner H. Prevalence of chronic atrophic gastritis in different parts of the world. // Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev, 2006; 15(6):1083-94.
      24. Agreus L., Kuipers E. J., Kupcinskas L., Malfertheiner P., Di Mario.F, Leja M. et al. Rationale in diagnosis and screening of atrophic gastritis with stomach-specific plasma biomarkers. // Scand J Gastroenterol., 2012; 47: 136-147
      25. Storskrubb T., Aro P., Ronkainen J., Sipponen P., Nyhlin H. et al. Serum biomarkers provide an accurate method for diagnosis of atrophic gastritis in a general population: the Kalixanda study. // Scand J Gastroenterol, 2008; 43: 1448-55.
      26. Syrjanen K. J., Sipponen P., Harkonen M., Peetsalu A. and Korpela S. Accuracy of GastroPanel testing in detection of atrophic gastritis.// Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol., 2015; 27: 102-104
      27. Leja M., Kupcinskas L., Funka K., Sudraba A., Jonaitis L. et al. Value of gastrin-17 in detecting antral atrophy. // Adv Med Sci., 2011; 56:145-150
      28. Белковец А. В., Курилович С. А., Решетников О. В., Рагино Ю. И., Щербакова Л. В. Распространенность и особенности фундального атрофического гастрита в популяции с высоким уровнем Helicobacter pylori инфекции. //Эксп. Клин. Гастроэнтерология, 2016; 133(9): 8-13.
      29. Belkovets A. V., Kurilovich S. A., Reshetnikov O. V., Ragino Yu.I., Shcerbakova L. V. Prevalence and peculiarity of corpus gastritis in population with high level of Helicobacter pylori-infection.// Exp. Clin. Gastroenterol., 2016; 133(9):8-13

    Full text is published :
    PROGNOSTIC VALUE OF THE ATROPHIA MARKERS IN GASTRIC CANCER RISK AT THE WEST SIBERIA POPULATION. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2017;147(11):13-21
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    1. Irkutsk State Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education - Branch Campus of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Further Professional Education «Russian Medical Academy of Continuing Professional Education» of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation (Irkutsk, Russian Federation)
    2. Irkutsk Pathoanatomical Bureau (Irkutsk, Russian Federation)

    Keywords:antiplatelet therapy,acetylsalicilic acid,clopidogrel,ticagrelor,esophagitis,gastropathy,duodenopathy

    Abstract:The aim of the work is to estimate endoscopic and morphological peculiarities of the gastrointestinal tract proximal part against the background of acetylsalicilic acid intake, the acetylsalicilic acid in combination with clopidogrel and acetylsalicilic acid in combination with ticagrelor. Materials and methods. There were examined 65 patients taking the different variants of antiplatelet therapy. Data on fibroesophagogastroduodenoscopy and biopsy material were analyzed. Results. In the proximal parts of the gastrointestinal tract, various variants of antiplatelet therapy showed no endoscopic and morphological differences in the changes in the mucous tunic of the stomach and duodenum. In the group of patients taking acetylsalicylic acid and clopidogrel, esophagitis of varying severity, hyperplasia of basal layer, elongation of papillae and greatest polymorphocellular infiltration appeared to be more often.

      1. Marc P. Bonaca, Deepak L. Bhatt, Marc Cohen et al. Long-Term Use of Ticagrelor in Patients with Prior Myocardial Infarction. N Engl J Med. - 2015. - № 372. - Р. 1791-1800.
      2. Jonston S. C., Amarenco P., Albers G. W. et al. Ticagrelor versus Aspirin in Acute Stroke or Transient Ischemic Attack. N Engl J Med. - 2016. - № 375. - Р. 35-43.
      3. Vercellino M., Sanchez F. A., Boasi V. et al. Ticagrelor versus clopidogrel in real-world patients with ST elevation myocardial infarction: 1-year results by propensity score analysis. BMC Cardiovasc Disord. - 2017. - № 17(1): Р. 97.
      4. Takayama S., Izuhara C., Yamada N. et al. A new model of gastric bleeding induced in rats by aspirin plus clopidogrel under stimulation of acid secretion. Prophylactic effects of antiulcer drugs. J Physiol Pharmacol. - 2012. - № 63(1): Р. 41-52.
      5. Takeuchi K., Takayama S., Izuhara C. et al. Comparative effects of the anti-platelet drugs, clopidogrel, ticlopidine, and cilostazol on aspirin-induced gastric bleeding and damage in rats. Life Sci. - 2014. - № 110(2): Р. 77-85.

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    1. Novokuznetsk State Institute for Further Training of Physicians - Branch Campus of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Further Professional Education “Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education” of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation; Municipal Hospital N 29 (Novokuznetsk, Russian Federation)
    2. Municipal Hospital N 22

    Keywords:chronic erosive gastritis,gastroscopy

    Abstract:The article is devoted to the study of chronic gastric erosions in the normal course of gastritis and against the background of cardiac pathology requiring receiving of antiplatelet drugs. In cohort investigation of 1426 patients age characteristics, the frequency of chronic erosive gastritis, clinical manifestations, endoscopic findings and microscopic changes were studied. The proportion of cardiac patients with chronic erosive gastritis makes of 9.3 % from the 12.1 % of all identified chronic erosions. Significant differences in the structure of age groups with chronic erosive gastritis, significantly lower incidence of dysplasia and metaplasia at cardiac patients, the symptoms accompanying inactive gastritis in all cases of chronic asymptomatic erosions in cardiac patients, the same frequency of contamination HP are revealed. The conclusion about same course of chronic erosive gastritis irrespective of cardiac pathology is drawn.

      1. Аруин Л.И., Капуллер Л. Л., Исаков В. А. Морфологическая диагностика болезней желудка и кишечника. М.: Триада-Х, 1998. - 496 с.
      2. Звягинцева Т.Д., Гаманенко Я. К. Эрозивный гастрит: современные представления, принципы диагностики и лечения//Новости медицины и фармации. 2012. № Gastr 1 (407). С. 18-21.
      3. Вахрушев Я.М., Белова Е. В., Ефремова Л. И. Эрозия гастродуоденальной зоны: самостоятельная нозологическая форма или фаза язвенной болезни // Экспериментальная и клиническая гастроэнтерология. - 2003. - № 2. - с. 19-21.
      4. Kyoto global consensus report on Helicobacter pylori gastritis/ Sugano K., Tack J., Kuipers E. J., et al. // Gut 2015; 64: 1353-1367.
      5. Stolte M., Meining A. The updated Sydney system: Classification and grading of gastritis as the basis of diagnosis and treatment// Can J Gastroenterol 2001; 15 (9): 591-598
      6. Эрозивно-язвенные поражения верхних отделов ЖКТ у пациентов с ОКС высокого риска / Э. М. Петрова, Л. А. Соколова, Л. В. Прохорова // 2009: материалы четвертого Национального конгресса терапевтов. - Москва: ООО «Издательский дом «Бионика». - С. 194.
      7. Assessment of safety of performing percutaneous coronary intervention after a recent episode of gastrointestinal bleeding/Karim S, Ador-Dionisio ST, Karim M et al.// Acute Card Care. 2016 Oct 27: 1-6.
      8. Proton pump inhibitors are associated with lower gastrointestinal tract bleeding in low-dose aspirin users with ischaemic heart disease/Miyake K, Akimoto T, Hanada Y et al.// Dig Liver Dis. 2015 Sep; 47(9): 757-762.
      9. Бобрик Ю.М., Бобрик Ю. В. Особые формы гастрита: этиология, патогенез, клинические проявления//Крымский журнал экспериментальной и клинической медицины. 2012. № 1-2 (5-6). С. 163-167.
      10. Factors affecting occurrence of gastric varioliform lesions: A case-control study/Zou TH, Zheng RH, Gao QY et al.// World J Gastroenterol. 2016 Jun 14; 22 (22): 5228-5236.
      11. Гаджиева М. Г. Клинико-функциональные особенности и лечение эрозивных поражений гастродуоденальной слизистой: автореф.дисс. … д. м. н. - Москва, 2005
      12. Маев И. В. Эрозивный гастрит: отдельная нозологическая форма или универсальная реакция слизистой оболочки на повреждение?// РЖГГК, 2005; 6: 53-60.
      13. Маев И.В., Кучерявый Ю. А., Гаджиева М. Г. Новые подходы к диагностике и лечению хронических эрозий желудка//Российский журнал гастроэнтерологии, гепатологии, колопроктологии. 2003. Т. 13. № 1. С. 43-50
      14. Microcirculatory changes of gastric mucosa in patients with chronic H. pylori-associated erosive gastritis with non-alcoholic steatohepatitis during treatment/ Svintsits’kyĭ AS, Solovŭova HA, Kuryk OH, Dolhaia NIe// Lik Sprava. 2013 Mar; (2): 48-56
      15. Ниценко А. Ю. Особенности диагностики и течения хронических эрозий антрального отдела желудка по данным многолетнего эндоскопического наблюдения: автореф. дисс. … к. м. н. - М., 2009
      16. Морфологическая характеристика полных эрозий слизистой оболочки желудка/ Сысоев К. В., Шаверская Э. Ш., Ефремова Л. И и др.// Экспериментальная и клиническая гастроэнтерология. 2014. № 2 (102). С. 51.
      17. Srivastava A., Lauwers G Y Pathology of non-infective gastritis// Histopathology 2007; 50: 15-29
      18. Диагностика и диспансерное наблюдение за хроническими эрозиями антрального отдела желудка/ Никифоров П. А., Ниценко А. Ю., Хомерики С. Г., Зверков И. В.// Кремлевская медицина. Клинический вестник. 2008. № 4. С. 61-64.
      19. Рудая Н. С. Современные подходы к диагностике и выбору тактики лечения хронических эрозий желудка: автореф. дисс. … д. м. н. - Томск, 2012
      20. Морфофункциональное состояние слизистой желудка у больных при торпидном течении хронических эрозий/ Иванов Л. А., Сысоев К. В., Марданов Д. Н., Соловьева Н. В. // РЖГГК. - 2010. - Т. 20. - № 5. - Прил. № 36. - С. 27.

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    CHRONIC GASTRIC EROSION IN CARDIAC PATIENTS: A SEPARATE FORM OR MANIFESTATION OF USUAL GASTRITIS? Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2017;147(11):25-30
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    1. Non-state healthcare institution «Road clinical hospital at the station Irkutsk-Passenger JSC ”Russian Railways”» (Irkutsk, Russian Federation)
    2. Irkutsk State Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education - Branch Campus of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Further Professional Education «Russian Medical Academy of Continuing Professional Education» of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation (Irkutsk, Russian Federation)

    Keywords:chronic pancreatitis,gastroesophageal reflux disease,daily 24-hour pH-metry,types of refluxes

    Abstract:The purpose of the study. To compare the type of reflux and endoscopic pattern of distal esophagus of patients with a combination of GERD-chronic pancreatitis and monopathology of GERD. Materials and methods: 155 patients with GERD were examined. The first group consisted of 75 patients with a combination of GERD and chronic pancreatitis, the second with 80 patients with monopathology. The analysis was applied to the data of fibroesophagogastroduodenoscopy with biopsy, daily 24-hour pH-metry of the esophagus and the stomach, multispiral computed tomography of the abdomen. Results. The combination of GERD and chronic pancreatitis increases the likelihood of reflux with pH >7 and independently on the type of reflux worsen clearance of the esophagus, characterizing by a higher frequency of erosive esophagitis and Barrett’s esophagus.

      1. El-Serag HB, Sweet S, Winchester CC, Dent J. Update on the epidemiology of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease: a systematic review. Gut. 2014.-№ 63(6). - Р.871-800.
      2. Löhr J. M., Dominguez-Munoz E., Rosendahl J. et al. United European Gastroenterology evidence-based guidelines for the diagnosis and therapy of chronic pancreatitis (HaPanEU). United European Gastroenterol J. 2017. - № 5(2). - Р.153-199.
      3. Васильев Ю. В., Машарова А. А., Янова О. Б. Гастроэзофагеальная рефлюксная болезнь, сочетающаяся с хроническим панкреатитом и язвенной болезнью. Материалы 6-й Вост.-Сиб. гастроэнтерологической конференции «Клинико-эпидемиологические и этно-экологические проблемы заболеваний органов пищеварения». - Красноярск. 2005. - С. 18-19.
      4. Губергриц Н. Б., Крюк Н. А. Особенности лечения больных хроническим панкреатитом в сочетании с гастроэзофагеальной рефлюксной болезнью. Гастроэнтерология СПб. 2007.-№ 1-2.-С. 114.
      5. Губергриц Н. Б., Крюк Н. А. Особенности лечения больных хроническим панкреатитом в сочетании с гастроэзофагеальной рефлюксной болезнью. Гастроэнтерология СПб. 2007.-№ 1-2.-С. 114.
      6. Машарова А. А., Бордин Д. С. Особенности гастоэзофагеальной рефлюксной болезни у пожилых. Экспериментальная и клиническая гастроэнтерология. 2007. - № 4.-С. 37-40.
      7. Онучина Е. В., Цуканов В. В. Проспективное пятилетнее наблюдение ГЭРБ у лиц пожилого и старческого возраста. Клин. геронтология. 2010.-№ 1-2.-С.34-38.
      8. Vakil N., van Zanden S. V., Kahrilas P. et al. The Montreal definition and classification of gastroesophageal reflux disease: a global evidence-based consensus. Am. J. Gastroenterol. 2006.-№ 101 (8).-Р. 1900-1920.
      9. Lundell L. R., Dent J., Bennet J. R. Endoscopic assessment of oesophagitis clinical and functional correlates and further validation of Los Angeles classification. Gut. 1999.-№ 45.-Р.72-180.
      10. Spechler S. J., Sharma P., Souza R. F. et al. American Gastroenterological Association medical position statement on the management of Barrett’s esophagus. Gastroenterology 2011.-№ 140.-Р. 1084-91.
      11. Shaheen N. J., Falk G. W., Iyer P. G., et al. ACG Clinical Guideline: Diagnosis and Management of Barrett’s Esophagus. Am J Gastroenterol 2016.-№ 111.-Р. 30-50.
      12. Ивашкин В. Т. с соавт. Рекомендации Российской гастроэнтерологической ассоциации по диагностике и лечению хронического панкреатита РЖГГК. 2014.-№ 46.-С.70-97.

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    1. Federal public budgetary educational institution of higher education “Kursk State Medical University” of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russia (Kursk, Russian Federation)

    Keywords:acute pancreatitis,genetic polymorphism,xenobiotics biotransformation enzymes

    Abstract:The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between polymorphisms H139R and I462V of genes EPHX1 and CYP1A1 in the development of acute pancreatitis (AP) in the Russian population. Whole blood samples were collected from 299 patients with acute pancreatitis and 238 healthy controls. Genotyping of the SNPs (rs2234922) EPHX1 gene and (rs1048943) CYP1A1 gene accomplished using PCR with allele discrimination using TaqMan-probes. It has been found that the allele 139H (OR = 1.34 95 % CI 1.03-1.75) associated with a reduced risk of acute pancreatitis. I462V polymorphism association with development of acute pancreatitis detected. Conducted stratified analysis of smoking and genotypes of polymorphisms H139R and I462V genes EPHX1 and CYP1A1 in the development of acute pancreatitis also found no differences in the groups of patients and healthy controls.

      1. La Rusch J, Whitcomb DC. Genetics of pancreatitis// Curr. Opin. Gastroenterol. - 2011.-№ 27. - P. 467-474.
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      3. Yin YW, Sun QQ, Feng JQ, Hu AM, Liu HL, Wang Q. Influence of interleukin gene polymorphisms on development of acute pancreatitis: asystematic review and meta-analysis //Mol. Biol. Rep. - 2013 Oct;40(10).-P.5931-5941.
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    1. Moscow clinical scientific practical center named after A. S. Loginov (Moscow, Russian Federation)
    2. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical Universityv (Moscow, Russian Federation)

    Keywords:oncology,palliative care,nutritional treatment,personification of programs

    Abstract:The aim is to develop recommendations for the use of nutritional schemes for palliative care for cancer patients. Material and methods. The severity of the condition, the degree of protein-energy deficiency and organ deficiency (according to the method of alimentary-vollemic diagnosis), the degree of nutritional risk, the stage of the process, the assessment of the intensity of intoxication, the state of the immune system and genomic prognosis were assessed in cancer patients. Criteria for assessment of homeostasis in all patients with oncopathology are divided into 3 main groups: 1) patients who could performed radical surgery and/or comprehensive treatment; 2) patients receiving at the time of providing support to various regimens; 3) patients requiring only palliative care. With this gradation, the use of information, literature data and own observations, we proposed for each group a specialized nutritional program. Results and discussion. Patients in need of palliative care were diagnosed with asthenia, early satiety, progressive weight loss, anorexia, tissue protein deficiency, the growth of pro-inflammatory cytokines and tumor-specific cachexia factors. For such patients, a program is proposed that includes a diet, sipping with the use of a caliper; In the case of probe alimentation, partially disintegrated formulations are recommended (for example, nutrihim). In severe patients, the nutritional effect was enhanced by progestogen preparations (megas, ondasetron), anti-catabolic agents (indomethacin, ibuprofen, EPA), anabolics (retabolil). Conclusions. The composition of the sipping rations should include nutrients that affect the molecular mechanisms of survival, apoptosis of tumor cells, proliferation, angiogenesis and invasion of tumor cells.

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      3. Kaefer C. M. The role of herbs and spices in cancer prevention / C. M. Kaefer, J. A. Milner // J. Nutr. Biochem. - 2008. - 19 (6). - P. 347-361.
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      5. Kenzelmann Broz D. In vivo analysis of p53 tumor suppressor function using genetically engineered mouse models / D. Kenzelmann Broz, L. D. Attardi // Carcinogenesis. - 2010. - 31 (8). - P. 1311-1318.
      6. Pedraza W Fariсa L. G. Mechanisms of oncogenic cooperation in cancer initiation and metastasis / L. G. PedrazaWFariсa // Yale J. Biol. Med. - 2006. - 79 (3/4). - P. 95-103.
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      9. Свидетельство о государственной регистрации программ для ЭВМ № 2013612878 Зарегистрировано 20 июня 2013 г.).

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    1. Izhevsk State Medical Academy (Izhevsk, Russian Federation)

    Keywords:Metabolic syndrome,small intestine,small intestinal bacterial overgrowth,microbiota,digestion,absorption,intestinal motility

    Abstract:Objective. Investigation of the importance of microbiota in the violation of digestive, absorption and motor function of the small intestine (SI) in the metabolic syndrome (MS). Materials and methods. 58 patients with MS were examined. To assess the processes of digestion and absorption in the intestine, stress tests were carried out with mono-, di- and polycarbohydrates. The motor-evacuator function of SI was studied with the help of gastroenteromonitor “Gastroscan-GEM”. In the definition of small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) in the SI, a hydrogen breathing test with lactulose was used. The state of the colon’s microbiocenosis was determined by sowing feces on various selective nutrient media. Results. In MS, there was a violation of all stages of the hydrolysis-resorption process in the SI. Depression of cavity and parietal hydrolysis of carbohydrates, increased absorption of glucose in the proximal part of the SI was noted. When conducting peripheral electrogastroenterocolography in most patients with MS there was a violation of the motor function of the intestine, aggravated in the postprandial period. In 40 % of patients, SIBO was detected, and in 72 % of cases it is localized in the distal part of the SI against the background of insufficient ileocecal valve and impaired propulsive motility of the intestine. A regularity is established between the severity of SIBO and the violation of digestion, absorption and motor functions of the SI. The conclusion. A new information on the conjugation of the functional state of SI and intestinal microbiocenosis in patients with MS has been obtained.

      1. Парфёнов А. И. Энтерология. - М.: Триада-Х, 2009.
      2. Вахрушев Я. М., Ляпина М. В. Клинико-функциональная характеристика тонкой кишки при метаболическом синдроме. Экспериментальная и клиническая гастроэнтерология, 2011, № 9, с. 26-29.
      3. Чернин В. В., Парфенов А. И., Бондаренко В. М. и соавт. Симбионтное пищеварение человека. Физиология. Клиника, диагностика и лечение его нарушений. Издание 2-е, переработанное и дополненное. - Тверь: ООО «Издательство «Триада», 2013.
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      12. Вахрушева Н. В., Вахрушев Я. М. Сравнительная оценка терапевтической эффективности лактазы при первичной и вторичной гиполактазии тонкого кишечника. Экспериментальная и клиническая гастроэнтерология, 2006, № 5, с. 59-62.
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      14. Плотникова Е. Ю., Краснова М. В., Баранова Е. Н. и соавт. Непрошеные гости: избыточный бактериальный рост в тонкой кишке. Что делать? Consilium medicum. Гастроэнтерология, 2013, № 1, с. 36-41.
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      17. Звенигородская Л. А., Самсонова Н. Г., Ефремов Л. И. Гастроэнтерологические аспекты атеросклероза. Экспериментальная и клиническая гастроэнтерология, 2011, № 2, с. 31-35.
      18. Петухов В. А., Стернина Л. А., Травкин А. Е. Нарушения функций печени и дисбиоз при липидном дистресс-синдроме: современный взгляд на проблему. Consilium medicum, 2004, Том 6, № 6, с. 406-412.
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    1. Moscow clinical scientific practical center named after A. S. Loginov (Moscow, Russian Federation)

    Keywords:serotonin,acetylcholine,intestinal motility,inflammatory bowel diseases

    Abstract:Introduction. It is known that biologically active substances (serotonin, acetylcholine) participate in the regulation of motor activity of the intestine in patients with inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD). The aim of the study was to determine the concentration of neurotransmitters of acetylcholine and serotonin in the serum at IBD. Material and methods. 69 patients with IBD were examined. The control group consisted of 30 volunteers regularly undergoing a prophylactic check-up. The concentration of Ach and serotonin in serum was determined. Statistical processing of the results was carried out using a nonparametric analog of the variance analysis. Result and discussion. The concentration of 5-HT in the blood of patients with IBD: 0.39 ± 0.05 μg. So, it is established that the presence of the disease promotes an increase in the concentration of Ac and serotonin. There is a violation of the neuronal regulation of the functional activity of the digestive system as a vicious circle. In patients, in contrast to the control group, there is a high initial level of neurotransmitter concentration. Conclusion. In the chain of cause-effect relationships, the main link is identified, this is the level of concentration of neurotransmitters. Patients have a high quantitative composition of neurotransmitters. Perhaps the determination of the concentration of BAS will allow us to find the line between adaptation and disease.

      1. Фролов В. А. Болезнь как нарушение информационного процесса. - М.: РУДН, 2006
      2. Kim D. Y., Camilleri M. Serotonin: a mediator of the brain-gut connection // Am J Gastroenterol. 2000. 95. Р. 2698-2709.
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    1. I. Metchnikov North-West State Medical University (St. Petersburg, Russian Federation)

    Keywords:actinomycetes,actinomycosis,anaerobic infection,drugs penicillin group

    Abstract:The results of the single-center study of the intestinal actinomycosis patients, treated at the Research Institute of mycological clinic in 2005-2016. Age of patients from 8 to 81 year, median - 42 (36,5÷52). Risk factors for intestinal actinomycosis were acute appendicitis with perforation (OR= 3.857[1.527-28.242]). Appendix (64 %), omentum (64 %) are the most common abdominal sites of actinomycosis. Patients may present with non-specific symptoms such as fever (100 %), abdominal pain (91 %), weight loss (36 %). The formation of spontaneous draining of purulent material was in 27 % cases. The time from onset to diagnosis varied from a few weeks to two years (median - 27 +/- 2 days). Surgical resection of infected tissue and long-term antibiotic therapy will be effective in the treatment of abdominal actinomycosis - 94 %

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    Full text is published :
    FEATURES INTESTINAL ACTINOMYCOSIS. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2017;147(11):55-59
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    1. FGBI Federal scientific-clinical center of physico-chemical medicine FMBA Russia (Moscow, Russian Federation)

    Keywords:type 2 diabetes mellitus,NETosis,glycated haemoglobin,purulent necrotic complications,neutrophil extracellular traps

    Abstract:Objective of the Paper: Quantitative comparison of neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) in blood between type 2 diabetes mellitus patients with purulent necrotic complications at various locations and healthy volunteers. Key Points: NETs concentration in patient blood was, on average, higher than that for healthy subjects. NETs blood concentration in the latter and in patients (n = 5) with high levels of NETs increased as HbA1c increased. For other patients, NETs concentration decreased as HbA1c increased, indicating the existence of a compensatory mechanism to inhibit NETosis in conditions of inflammation in type 2 diabetes mellitus. High NETs levels and a positive correlation between this parameter and HbA1c were observed in patients with phlegmon, vast infected wound, gangrene of lower leg, purulent pyogenic mediastinitis. Infected wounds, abscess, gangrene of finger were predominant among other patients. Analysis of the two clinical examples shows the relationship between inflammation severity, including wound healing speed, and NETs concentration in patient blood. Conclusion: This study suggests that monitoring blood levels of NETs alongside HbA1 levels in healthy subjects and type 2 diabetes mellitus patients with allow more accurate assessment of the risk of various complications, the disease severity and the duration of post-surgical treatment

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    1. First Moscow state medical University n. a. I. M. Sechenov (Moscow, Russian Federation)

    Keywords:clinical trials,investigational new drugs,clinical examples,legal and regulatory documentation,international harmonization of clinical trials

    Abstract:Phase I/III full clinical trials of investigational new drugs (INDs) and generic bioequivalence studies are conducted using experimental drugs or clinical examples. Clinical examples are most often produced either on pilot plant or on specialized semiwork-scale plants that do not directly involve development of technology. In some cases, full (serial) production might be used for this purpose. Its advantage is non-commercial clinical examples production during the stage of clinical trials and then commercial release (after a medicine registration). Special attention is paid to quality assurance of Clinical examples as it plays an important role in guarantee of trial subjects protection and scientific validity of results. Clinical examples production, in turn, is connected with certain difficulties in comparison with serial production release. This is the result of inadequate optimization of technological processes and control procedures used in the case of the compendial requirements absence toward active substances and dosage forms. Difficulties also arise with production packaging and marking. Moreover, potential negative influence on the personnel involved in manufacture requires better understanding. Consequently, clinical examplesс production should be performed in strict observance of the high-performance quality system principles. This article contains a review and comparison of quality and production requirements for drugs in clinical trials; the high importance of international harmonization in proceedings of full clinical trials with investigational new/innovative molecules is also highlighted. The information is based on Russian and foreign regulatory documentation.

      1. Приказ Министерства промышленности и торговли Российской Федерации от 14 июня 2013 г. № 916 «Об утверждении Правил надлежащей производственной практики.
      2. EudraLex. The Rules Governing Medicinal Products in the European Union.Volume 4. EU Guidelines to Good Manufacturing Practice. Medicinal Products for Human and Veterinary Use.
      3. Приказ Министерства здравоохранения Российской Федерации от 1 апреля 2016 г. № 200н. “Об утверждении правил надлежащей клинической практики”.
      4. Regulation (EU) № 536/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 April 2014 on clinical trials on medicinal products for human use.
      5. M4: The Common Technical Document. ICH.
      6. В. В. Береговых с соавт. Системный подход к регистрации лекарственных средств в России и за рубежом. М. Издательство РАМН 2013.
      7. Directive 2001/20/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 4 April 2001. on the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States relating to the implementation of good clinical practice in the conduct of clinical trials on medicinal products for human use.
      8. Detailed guidance for the request for authorisation of a clinical trial on a medicinal product for human use to the competent authorities, notification of substantial amendments and declaration of the end of the trial. CT 1. Revision 2. European Commission. CHMP/QWP/185401/2004 final. October 2005.
      9. Руководство по экспертизе лекарственных средств под редакцией А. Н. Миронова. Министерство здравоохранения Российской Федерации. ФГБУ Научный центр экспертизы средств медицинского применения. Том I. Москва, 2013, с. 174-197.
      10. Multisource (generic) pharmaceutical products: guidelines on registration requirements to establish interchangeability. In: WHO TRS 992, 2015, Annex 7.
      11. Guideline on the investigation of bioequivalence. Doc. Ref.: CPMP/EWP/QWP/1401/98 Rev. 1/ Corr. European Medicines Agency. London, 20 January 2010.

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    Meshkovsky A.P., Pyatigorskaya N.V., Smolyarchuk E.A., Drozdov V.N. et al. DOMESTIC PRACTICE AND INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCE IN CONDUCTING QUALITY CLINICAL RESEARCH. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2017;147(11):64-70
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    1. A. V. Vishnevsky Institute of Surgery (Moscow, Russian Federation)

    Keywords:ERCP,endoscopic treatment,iatrogenic strictures,posttraumatic strictures,strictures of bile ducts,stenting,plastic stents,metal stents,complications

    Abstract:Background. Intraoperative bile duct injury is a serious and potentially life-threatening complication in post-operative period. The treatment of surgical trauma is complex and multiple. The incidence of disability is up to 50 % and duration of treatment is up to 42 weeks. Objective. To estimate the feasibilities of endoscopic treatment of iatrogenic biliary strictures. Material and methods. The series of 19 patients underwent endoscopic treatment of iatrogenic biliary strictures in a period from 2014 to 2017. Treatment protocol included: ERCP, balloon and bougie dilation of strictures followed by stenting with several plastic stents or stenting with one full cover metallic stent. After primary endoscopic procedure all patients underwent step-wise restenting procedures with increasing number of plastic stents. Results. The technical success rate of endoscopic procedures is 100 %. The step-wise endoscopic stenting was completed in 12 out of 16 followed-up patients. The clinical success rate which imlicates full release of the stricture was in 12 out of 12 patients with complete endoscopic treatment. The intraoperative complication included bleeding in one patient, which required stenting with SEMS for hemostasis. The late postoperative complication included new stricture at the upper level was observed in two patients. The recurrent choledoholithiasis was observed in one patients. Conclusion. Endoscopic procedures are effective and safe treatment option for iatrigenic biliary strictures, but more prolonged studies are needed for appropriate assessment of the long-term results.

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      28. Baillie J. Clinical trial report: endoscopic treatment of postoperative bile duct strictures using multiple stents: long-term results. // Curr Gastroenterol Rep, 2011. 13(2): p. 114-6.

    Full text is published :
    Starkov Y.G., Solodinina E.N., Zamolodchikov R.D., Dzhantukhanova S.V. et al. RESULTS OF ENDOSCOPIC TREATMENT OF POSTTRAUMATIC BILIARY STRICTURES. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2017;147(11):71-77
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    1. Novosibirsk State Medical University (Novosibirsk, Russian Federation)

    Keywords:diverticular disease,Hinchey classification,laparoscopic lavage

    Abstract:In the clinic of General surgery Department of Novosibirsk State Medical University from 2005 to 2014 were observed in 43 patients with diverticular disease of the colon. Complications of diverticular disease with acute diverticulitis, paradigmatically infiltrates, abscesses, perforations, peritonitis - 31 patients aged 24 to 84 years. Diverticular disease complicated by bleeding, 12 cases (all women), ranging in age from 63 to 77 years. Acute diverticulitis was found in 11 patients, paradiverticular infiltrates, abscesses, perforation, peritonitis in 20. Conservative treatment in 11 patients was effective. It included infusion therapy, use of broad-spectrum antibiotics, antispasmodics, enteral nutrition mixtures. 20 patients were operated urgent. n 4 cases the draining operations are performed from laparotomy, because laparoscopy was not possible because of the early migrated in open surgery. The average age of the patients in this group was 64.5 + 8,54 years. Acute diverticulitis they have developed for the first time and was consistent with Hinchey III. 8 patients underwent resection of the obstructive, the average age was of 56.10 + 5.43 years. Recurrent diverticulitis have a high complication rate. In Hinchey II-III laparoscopic lavage and drainage are the alternative to Hartmann’s operation.

      1. Ambrosetti P, Jenny A, Becker C et al. (2000) Acute left colonic diverticulitis compared performance of computed tomography and water-soluble contrast enema: prospective evaluation of 420 patients. Dis Colon Rectum 43:1363-1367.
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      6. Durmishi Y., Gervaz P., Brandt al. Results from percutaneous drainage of Hinchey stage II diverticulitis guided by computer tomography scan. SurgEndosc 2006;20:1129-1133.
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      12. Karoui M, Champault A, Pautrat K (2009) Laparoscopic peritoneal lavage or primary anastomosis with defunctioning stoma for Hinchey 3 complicated diverticulitis: results of a comparative study. Dis Colon Rectum 52:609-615.
      13. Lawrimore T, Rhea J (2004) Computed tomography evaluation of diverticulitis. J Intensive Care Med 19:194-204.
      14. Mutch MG (2010) Complicated diverticulitis: are there indications for laparoscopic lavage and drainage? Dis Colon Rectum 53:1465-1466.
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      16. Rafferty J., Shellito P., Hyman N. H., Buie W. D. Standards Committee of the American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons. Practice parameters for sigmoid diverticulities. Dis Colon Rectum 2006; 49: 939-944.
      17. Salem L, Flum DR (2004) Primary anastomosis or Hartmann’s procedure for patients with diverticular peritonitis? A systematic review. Dis Colon Rectum 47:1953-1964.
      18. Schoetz D. J. Diverticular disease of the colon: a century old problem. Dis Colon Rectum 1999;42:703-709.
      19. Siewert B., Tye G., Kruskal al. Impact of CT-guided drainage in the Treatment of Diverticular Abscesses: Size Matters. AJR 2006; 186: 680-686.
      20. Taylor CJ, Layani L, Ghusn MA, White SI (2006) Perforated diverticulitis managed by laparoscopic lavage. ANZ J Surg 76:962-965.
      21. Toorenvliet BR, Swank H, Schoones JW et al. (2010) Laparoscopic peritoneal lavage for perforated colonic diverticulitis: a systematic review. Colorectal Dis 12:862-867.

    Full text is published :
    Shtofin S.G., Chekanov M.N., Lyovkin O.Yu., Chekanov A.M. et al. THE COMPLICATED DIVERTICULAR DISEASE - TACTICS . Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2017;147(11):78-81
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    1. Chuvach State University (Cheboksary, Russian Federation)
    2. Ogarev Mordovia State University (Saransk, Russian Federation)

    Keywords:intestinal anastomosis failure,nasogastric,retrograde intestinal intubation,enteral nutrition

    Abstract:Purpose of the study. Improving of results of treatment of the intestinal anastomosis failure. Material and methods. The method of treatment failure intestinal anastomosis is to move the jejunal loops with anastomotic leak on the anterior abdominal wall with the combination of nasointestinal and retrograde intubation of the jejunum through the ileostomy. It was used in 5 patients of the main group. In 11 patients with the comparison group it was used without retrograde intubation of the jejunum. Results. In the group with using of the nasogastric intubation and retrograde intestinal all 5 operated patients recovered. Conclusion. The main advantages of combined intestinal intubation are the earlier recovery of intestinal paresis and following self-healing of intestinal fistula.

      1. Агаев Э. К. Несостоятельность швов кишечных анастомозов у больных после экстренной и неотложной резекции кишечника. Хирургия, 2012, № 1, С. 34-37.
      2. Антоненко И. В., Матвеев А. И., Суханова Н. В. и др. Еюностомия по Майдлю в лечении несостоятельности швов анастомоза верхних отделов желудочно-кишечного тракта. Хирургия, 2003, № 9, С. 24-27.
      3. Кригер А. Г., Звягин А. А., Королев С. В. и др. Хирургическое лечение несформированные тонкокишечных свищей. Хирургия. 2011, № 7, С. 4-13.
      4. Кригер А. Г., Кубышкин В. А., Берелавичус С. В., Горин Д. С., Калдаров А. Р. и др. Хирургическое лечение больных с тонкокишечными свищами.Хирургия.2015, № 12, С. 86-95.
      5. Прохоров Г. П., Федоров Н. Ф. Способ лечения несостоятельности кишечных анастомозов. Казанский медицинский журнал. 2010, № 4, С. 549-559.
      6. Петров В. П. Несостоятельность швов анастомоза после чрезбрюшной резекции прямой кишки. Вестник хирургии. 2001, № 6, С. 59-64.
      7. Петров В. П., Кузнецов И. В., Домникова А. А. Интубация тонкой кишки при лечении больных с перитонитом и кишечной непроходимостью Хирургия. 1999, № 5, С. 41-44.
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      10. Tong CY, Lim LL, Brody RA. High output enterocutaneous fistula: a literature review and case stady. Asia PacJ Clin Nutr. 2012, V. 21, № 3, P. 464-469.
      11. Baradi H., Walsh R. M., Henderson J. M. et al. Postoperative jejunal feeding and outcome of pancreaticoduodenectomy. J. Gastrointest. Surg. 2004, V. 8, N 4, P. 428-433.
      12. Willcutts K. The art of fistuloclysis: nutritional management of enterocutaneous fistulas. Pract. Gastroenterol. 2010, № 87, P. 47-56.
      13. Marco B., Gianotti L., Gentilini O. et al. Early postoperative enteral nutrition improves gut oxygenation and reduces costs compared with total parenteral nutrition. Crit. Care Med. 2001, № 29, P. 242-248
      14. Nicola W. Nutrition support to patients undergoing gastrointestinal surgery. Nutr. J. 2003, № 2, - P. 1-5.
      15. Baradi H., Walsh R. M., Henderson J. M. et al. Postoperative jejunal feeding and outcome of pancreaticoduodenectomy. J. Gastrointest. Surg. 2004, Vol. 8, N 4, P. 428-433.

    Full text is published :
    Prokhorov G.P., Belyaev A.N., Chekanov M.N., Mizurov N.A. et al. THE METHOD OF INTUBATION INTESTINAL IN PATIENTS WITH ANASTOMOSIS FAILURE . Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2017;147(11):82-85
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    1. KSMA - Branch Campus of the FSBEI FPE RMACPE MOH Russia (Kazan, Russian Federation)
    2. REGIONAL clinical hospital № 7 (Kazan, Russian Federation)

    Keywords: acute pancreatitis,protease,protease activity,sera,urine,zymography method

    Abstract:The aim of the investigation was to study the spectrum of proteolytic enzymes and their distribution by molecular mass and type of active centers in the urine and serum of patients with acute pancreatitis. Materials and methods. The study included 48 patients with acute pancreatitis and 19 healthy volunteers. In patients and in healthy was determined presence and activity of proteolytic enzymes in urine and serum gelatin gel zymography method. Results. In the urine of patients with acute pancreatitis, no enzymes with proteolytic activity were found. All healthy volunteers we showed the presence of three protease with molecular masses of 170, 144 and 121 kDa, patients had an additional protease - 121 kDa (n=24), 53 kDa, 42 kDa (n=5) and 23-26 kDa (n=18) in serum. The protease 121 kDa was presented in 50 % of patients of mild, moderate and severe degrees of severity. Protease 53kDa, 42kDa and 23-26 kDa were more often in severe patients. Protease activity of 170 kDa and 112 kDa was significantly higher (p <0.05) than in healthy volunteers and decreased during the treatment. Protease that were absent in healthy volunteers (121, 23и 26 kDa) also decreased its activity in the treatment process, but the convalescence of patient was not accompanied by the disappearance of their activity. Conclusions. In sera of patients with acute pancreatitis, a broader spectrum of proteases was found in comparison with healthy volunteers. In the urine of patients with acute pancreatitis, no enzymes with proteolytic activity were found.

      1. Hirota M., Ohmuraya M., and H. Baba. /Genetic background of pancreatitis.// Postgrad. J. Med, 2006 82: 775-778
      2. Johnson C. D., Lempinen M., Imrie C. W., P. Puolakkainen, E. Kemppainen, R Carter. and C. McKay. / Urinary trypsinogen activation peptide as a marker of severe acute pancreatitis // British Journal of Surgery 2004; 91: 1027-1033
      3. Geert W. Schmid-Schönbein. / The autodigestion hypothesis: Proteolytic receptor cleavage in rheological and cardiovascular cell dysfunction1// Biorheology -1 (2017) 1-13
      4. Chen P., Yuan Y., Wang S., Zhan L., Xu J. / Serum matrix metalloproteinase 9 as a marker for the assessment of severe acute pancreatitis // Tohoku J Exp Med. 2006 Mar;208(3):261-6
      5. Guo J.1, Xue P., Yang X.N, Liu X.B, Huang W., Xia Q. / Serum matrix metalloproteinase-9 is an early marker of pancreatic necrosis in patients with severe acute pancretis // Hepatogastroenterology. 2012 Jul-Aug;59(117):1594-8
      6. Johnson C. D., Lempinen M., Imrie C. W., P. Puolakkainen, E. Kemppainen, R Carter. and C. McKay. / Urinary trypsinogen activation peptide as a marker of severe acute pancreatitis // British Journal of Surgery 2004; 91: 1027-1033
      7. Elin Hadler-Olsen, Bodil Fadnes, Ingebrigt Sylte, Lars Uhlin-Hansen, Jan-Olof Winberg. / Regulation of matrix metalloproteinase activity in health and disease // FEBS Journal Volume 278, Issue 1, pages 28-45, January 2011
      8. Bu C. H., Pourmotabbed T / Mechanism of Ca2+ dependent activity of human neutrophil gelatinase // J BiolChem 271-14308-14315. 1996

    Full text is published :
    Zinkevich O.D., Safina N.A., Chikaev V.F., Malkov T.S. et al. PROTEOLYTIC ENZYMES IN URINE AND BLOOD SERUM IN PATIENTS WITH ACUTE PANCREATITIS. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2017;147(11):86-91
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    1. N. V. Sklifosovsky Research Institute for Emergency Medicine of the Moscow Healthcare Department (Moscow, Russian Federation)

    Abstract: Objective: to study the effect of colistin on changes in the qualitative and quantitative composition of the cavity microflora of the jejunum and cecum in hypochlorhydria. Materials and Methods: The experiments were performed on 10 male rats of the Wistar line weighing 400-450 g. Under the conditions of hypochlorhydria caused by the pariet, the effect of intragastric administration of colistin on the cavity microflora of the jejunum and cecum was studied. Results. It has been shown that the administration of colistin for 7 days under hypochlorhydria conditions leads to changes in the composition of the microflora of the cecum and protects proximal sections of the small intestine from excessive colonization.

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      2. Lo W., Chan W. W. Proton pump inhibitor use and the risk of small intestinal bacterial overgrowth: a meta-analysis // Clin. Gastroenterol. Hepatol. - 2013. - Vol.11, N.5.-Р. 483-490.
      3. Скворцов В. В. Дисбиоз кишечника и антибиотик-ассоциированная диарея // Лечащий врач. - 2008. - № 2.-С. 43-47.
      4. Бельмер С. В. Антибиотик-ассоциированный дисбактериоз кишечника // Русский медицинский журнал. - 2004. - № 3. - С. 148-151.
      5. Ohya T., Sato S. Effects of dietary antibiotics on intestinal microflora in broiler chickens // Natl. Inst. Anim. Health Q (Tokyo). -1983. - Vol.23, N.2. - P. 49-60.
      6. Beringer P. The clinical use of colistin in patients with cystic fibrosis // Curr. Opin. Pulm. Med.-2001. - Vol.7, N.6. - Р. 434-440.
      7. Тропская Н. С., Шашкова И. Г., Черненькая Т. В., Попова Т. С. Влияние колистина на электрическую активность тощей кишки и видовой состав микрофлоры кишечника // Биомедицина, № 2. - 2016, - С. 52-59.
      8. Тропская Н. С., Шашкова И. Г., Черненькая Т. В., Попова Т. С., Капанадзе Г. Д. Влияние кислотности желудочного сока на микрофлору кишечника // Биомедицина, 2016 - № 4. - С. 92-98.

    Full text is published :
    Tropskaya N.S., Shashkova I.G., Chernen’kaya T.V., Popova T.S. THE INFLUENCE OF SELECTIVE DECONTAMINATION OF GRAM-NEGATIVE FLORA ON INTESTINAL MICROBIOTA IN HYPOCHLORHYDRIA. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2017;147(11):92-95
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    1. Tver state medical university (Tver, Russian Federation)

    Keywords: symbiotic digestion,dysbiosis,classification,diagnosis,treatment

    Abstract: We examined 107 healthy people and 256 patients with diseases of the digestive system. In healthy symbiotic digestion (SP) made the whole microflora inhabiting the digestive tract, including 395 phylogenetic groups, more than 5,000 types of microorganisms with a total weight of 2.5-3 kg. Violation of the SP associated with disease and dysbiosis of various departments of the digestive tract. Presents data about the risk factors, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, classification, diagnosis and treatment of SD.

      1. Бутов, М. А. Дисбактериоз кишечника (классификация, диагностика, клиника и лечение) / М. А. Бутов, В. Ф. Гончаренко, Н. Ф. Роенко. - Рязань. - 2005. - 48 с.
      2. Бондаренко, В. М. Дисбактериоз кишечника как клинико-лабораторный синдром: современное состояние проблемы / В. М. Бондаренко, Т. В. Макулевич. - М.: ГЭОТАР - МЕДИА. - 2007. - 308 с.
      3. Ткаченко, Е. И. Микробиота здорового и больного: причины изменений, пути оптимизации / Е. М. Ткаченко // Экспериментальная и клиническая гастроэнтерология. - 2003. - № 5. - С. 176-180.
      4. Парфенов, А. И. Что нам дает вековой опыт познания симбионтной кишечной микрофлоры / А. И. Парфенов, В. М. Бондаренко // Архив патологии. - 2002. - № 2. - С. 21-25.
      5. Циммерман, Я. С. Учение о дисбиозе («дисбактериозе») кишечника: состояние проблемы и новые тенденции. В кн.: Избранные разделы клинической гастроэнтерологии (болезни пищевода, желудка, кишечника, поджелудочной железы и печени). / Я. С. Циммерман. - Пермь. - 2016. - С. 105-128.
      6. Чернин В. В. Язвенная болезнь, хронический гастрит и эзофагит в аспекте дисбактериоза мукозной микрофлоры эзофагогастродуоденальной зоны. / В. В. Чернин [и д. р.] Тверь: Триада. - 2004. - 125 с.
      7. Чернин, В. В. Дисбактериоз мукозной микрофлоры эзофагогастродуоденальной зоны при воспалительно-эрозивно-язвенных поражениях, его диагностика и классификация / В. В. Чернин, В. М. Бондаренко, В. М. Червинец // Терапевтический архив. - 2008. - № 2. - С. 21-25.
      8. Чернин, В. В. Дисбактериоз мукозной микрофлоры эзофагогастродуоденальной зоны, его диагностика и лечение. / В. В. Чернин [и д. р.]. М.: МИА. - 2011. - 141 с.
      9. Чернин, В. В. Симбионтное пищеварение человека: физиология, клиника, диагностика и лечение его нарушений. Новые аспекты. / В. В. Чернин. Тверь: Триада. - 2013. - 78 с.
      10. Чернин, В. В. Симбионтное пищеварение человека: физиология, клиника, диагностика и лечение его нарушений. / В. В. Чернин [и д. р.]. Тверь: Триада. - 2013. - 232 с.
      11. Чернин, В. В. Физиология симбионтного и собственного пищеварения человека / В. В. Чернин // Экспериментальная и клиническая гастроэнтерология. - 2015. - № 12 - С. 35-41.
      12. Шендеров, Б. А. Микроэкология человека и ее роль в поддержании здоровья /Б.А. Шендеров // М.: Метаморфизм № 5. - 2014. - С. 72-80.
      13. Михайлова, Е. С. Микробиоциноз полости рта как отражение микробиоциноза кишечника / Е. С. Михайлова [и д. р.] // Экспериментальная и клиническая гастроэнтерология. - 2016. - № 2. - С. 111-115. (патент № 2602697 на изобретение «Способ оценки состояния микробиоты пищеварительного тракта по микрофлоре ротовой жидкости»).
      14. Парфенов, А. И. Энтеросан - перспективный лекарственный препарат для лечения больных постинфекционным синдромом раздраженного кишечника / А. И. Парфенов, И. Н. Ручкина // Экспериментальная и клиническая гастроэнтерология. - 2011. - № 3. - С. 102-104.

    Full text is published :
    Chernin V.V. VIOLATION OF SYMBIOTIC DIGESTION AND DYSBIOSIS OF THE HUMAN DIGESTIVE SYSTEM. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2017;147(11):96-100
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    1. Polyclinic № 3 (Moscow, Russian Federation)

    Abstract: The study included 31 patients aged 18 to 50 years (mean age 35.8 years) with functional constipation. Of these, 25.8 % of males and 74.2 % of women. The diagnosis was established according to the clinical picture of the Rome IV criteria. All patients there was no “alarm symptoms”. When performing a colonoscopy or barium enema revealed no important pathology of the colon. All patients for 15 days was prescribed mineral water “Zayechickaya Gorkaya” in a dose of 100 ml for the night. Overall, 74.2 % of patients evaluated the effectiveness of mineral water “Zayechickaya Gorkaya“ as “well”, 16,1 % - “satisfactory” and 9.7 % was not fully achieved effect. On a background of reception of mineral water “Zayechickaya Gorkaya“ there were no significant adverse reactions. 29 % of patients reported periodic appearance of mild diarrhea, but only two of them described it as a negative phenomenon. Course reception natural high mineral sulphate-magnesium water “Zayechickaya Gorkaya“ leads to statistically significant decrease of the main symptoms of functional constipation. Most patients appreciate the laxative effect of mineral water as “good”. While no significant adverse reactions. The use of mineral water “Zayechickaya Gorkaya“ can be the first-line treatment therapy for functional constipation prior to use of laxatives, and if necessary, perhaps in combination with them.

      1. Suares N. C., Ford A. C. Prevalence of, and risk factors for chronic idiopathic constipation in the community: systematic review and meta-analysis //Am J Gastroenterology 2011;106:1582-1591.
      2. Lacy B. E., Mearin F., Chang L., et al. Bowel Disorders //Gastroenterology 2016;150:1393-1407.
      3. Ивашкин В. Т., Абдулхаков С. Р., Баранская Е. К. с соавт. Клинические рекомендации Российской гастроэнтерологической ассоциации по диагностике и лечению взрослых пациентов с хроническим запором // Росс. Журн. гастроэнтерол., гепатол., колопроктол. 2014;5:69-75.
      4. Бурков С. Г., Касимцева Е. В., Агафонова Л. Ю. Изменения толстой кишки и рациональный выбор препарата для лечения хронического запора у пациентов старческого возраста // Российский журнал гастроэнтерологии, гепатологии, колопроктологии. 2015. - № 1. - С. 23-29.
      5. Маев И. В., Черемушкин С. В., Кучерявый Ю. А., Черемушкина Н. В. Синдром раздраженного кишечника. Римские критерии IV //Consilium medicum 2016;18(8):79-85.
      6. Petraccia L., Liberati G., Masciullo S. G., et al. Water, mineral waters and health // Clinical nutrition 2006;25:377-385.
      7. Кручинина М. А., Пюрвеева К. В. Опыт применения чешских минеральных вод в гастроэнтерологической практике // Кремлевская медицина 2016;1:65-70.

    Full text is published :
    Burkov S.G., Golubev N.N. EXPERIENCE OF APPLICATION SULPHATE-MAGNESIUM MINERAL WATER “Zaichishka Bitter” IN FUNCTIONAL CONSTIPATION. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2017;147(11):101-104
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    1. Donetsk National Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine (Donetsk, Ukraine)

    Keywords: main and accessory pancreatic ducts, major duodenal papilla,biliopancreatic sphincter,discovery,Wirsung,Santorini,Vater,Oddi

    Abstract: The article describes a history of discovery and description of the main and accessory pancreatic ducts. The authors cited historical data about the murder of Wirsung, complexities of justice related to the naming of Wirsung and Santorini pancreatic ducts, as well as a modern view on these issues. Brief information about Vater, who described the major duodenal papilla, and Oddi, who studied the structure and function of biliopancreatic sphincter, is also presented. The article is illustrated with portraits of anatomists who contributed to the discovery of the pancreatic ducts, sphincter and duodenal papilla.

      1. Kuhlmann H. The Magic potions in the belly gland. - Hannover (Germany): Solvay Arzneimittel GmbH, 1999.
      2. Modlin I. M., Kidd M. The paradox of the pancreas: from Wirsung to Whipple. - Hannover: Politzki Print Productions, 2004.
      3. Ceska F., Jon B., Kaska M. Was the Wirsung duct discovery facilitated by intemperate alcohol consumption in the 17th centure Italy? Pancreatology, 2013, vol. 13, issue 3, suppl., p. S. 42.
      4. Коротько Г. Ф. Секреция поджелудочной железы. - Краснодар: Изд-во кубанского гос. мед. ун-та, 2005.

    Full text is published :
    Gubergrits N.B., Takhtashov G.S., Suprun A.A., Belyayeva N.V. UNDERWATER REEFS OF THE WIRSUNG AND SANTORINI DUCTS (about the history of the discovery of the pancreatic duct system) Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2017;147(11):105-110
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    1. Moscow state medical-dentistry University n. a. A. I. Evdokimov (Moscow, Russian Federation)

    Abstract: The article is dedicated to the milestones of the famous Russian physician, who made a great contribution to the study of liver diseases, professor Svetlana Dmitrievna Podymova. Professor S.V. Podymova pays great attention to the training of qualified specialists, conducting lectures and seminars, publishing textbooks and teaching handbooks, among which it should be noted: “Internal diseases. Differential diagnosis and therapy "(1995); "A guide for students and beginner doctors" (1995); “Internal Medicine Handbook for the General Practitioner. “From symptom and syndrome to diagnosis and treatment” (2007); “Propaedeutics of internal diseases” (2004, 2007, 2008). Professor S.D. Podymova is the author of a fundamental guide for physicians of Liver Disease (the first edition was published by Medicine in 1984, followed by 5 reprints), which plays a leading role in the training of medical personnel. Svetlana Dmitrievna Podymova - Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, a renowned scientist in the field of Hepatology, a recognized clinician, a highly qualified teacher, currently she is an employee of the Moscow Clinical Scientific and Practical Center.


    Full text is published :
    Lazebnik L.B. ANNIVERSARY OF SVETLANA DMITRIEVNA PODYMOVA. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2017;147(11):111-112
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    1. FSBI “Training and Research Medical Center” of Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation

    Abstract: The article is dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the birth of an outstanding scientist, the famous Russian practitioner-gastroenterologist, head of the department of gastroenterology at the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution “Central State Medical Academy” of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, Professor Oleg Nikolaevich Minushkin.


    Full text is published :
    Ardatskaya M.D. ANNIVERSARY OF OLEG NIKOLAEVICH MINUSHKIN. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2017;147(11):113-113
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    1. Orenburg State Medical University (Orenburg, Russian Federation)

    Abstract: the SCIENTIFIC AND EDUCATIONAL SEMINAR ON ENDOSCOPY OF THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM and PLENUM OF THE BOARD OF THE RUSSIAN ENDOSCOPIC SOCIETY took place on September 22-23, 2017 in Orenburg, Russia. The organises of the seminar were Russian Endoscopic Society, Orenburg State Medical University, the Ministry of Health of the Orenburg Region, the Regional Clinical Hospital, the Regional Clinical Hospital No. 1 of the city of Orenburg. The goal of the on-site Plenum of the Board of the Russian Endoscopic Society was the introduction of modern endoscopic technologies into the practical public health of the region for the improvement of the quality of medical care for patients, reduce the time spent in hospital, get a good functional and economic result of treatment, and draw attention to the need for cooperation of allied specialists.


    Full text is published :
    Dronova O.B., Tretyakov A.A. SCIENTIFIC AND EDUCATIONAL SEMINAR ON ENDOSCOPY OF THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM PLENUM OF THE BOARD OF THE RUSSIAN ENDOSCOPIC SOCIETY September 22-23, 2017 Orenburg. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2017;147(11):114-115
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    1. Moscow state medical-dentistry University n. a. A. I. Evdokimov (Moscow, Russian Federation)

    Abstract:Over 900 participants from different regions of Russia and neighbouring countries took part in the work of the XVIII Congress of the Gastroenterological Scientific Society of Russia (GSSR - NOGR), held on November 23-24, 2017. Practitioners, top scientists and everyone invested in digestive health shared with scientific advances, updates in clinical management during different symposia, lectures and discussions. The scientific programme included all features of gastroenterology in the interface with different disciplines. There were introduced a new classification of NSAID-associated lesions of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT), which systematised and structured all types of damage of the gastrointestinal mucosa, which the authors suggested to name the "Russian classification" and discussed clinical guidelines for the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of multifocal NSAID-associated gastrointestinal lesions. The congress decided: To approve the working group for the preparation of the National recommendations on NSAIDs - gastro, entero- and colopathy: Simanenkov V.I. Baranovsky A.Y. Bakulin N.V. Gaidukova I.Z. Bordin D.S. Tkachenko E. I. Sitkin S. I. Golovanova E. V. To prepare the recommendations of the GSSR on Chronic constipation. Responsible working group members: Turkina S.V., Golovanova E.V. To accept for discussion the classification of esophagitis, proposed by prof. Chernin V.V..,Tver. This classification was published in the journal Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology No. 7, 2017 and introduced at the the XVIII Congress of the GSSR. Prepare additions to the 2nd revision of recommendations for therapists “Diagnosis and treatment of NAFLD”, including recommendations on hyperammonemia in chronic liver diseases and on the differential use of essential phospholipids, ornithine aspartate, polyprenol and hepatoprotectors of other pharmaceutical groups. To submit a petition to the society for the treatment of IBD with a proposal to determine the titter of antibodies to infliximab during biological therapy. Apply with the petition to the JSC “Outpatient Patient” (prof. A. L. Vertkin) about introducing nifuroxazide into the first-aid kit. Lazebnik L. B., Golovanova E. V., Seliverstov P. V., Turkina S. V., Julay G. S., Borzakova S. N., Komissarenko I. A. To hold the XIX Congress of the GSSR in St. Petersburg (May 2018) and the XX Congress of the GSSR in Moscow in November 2018. To conduct exit plenums of the GSSR in Perm (March 3, 2018), the topic: “The Drug Hepatitis.” “Pathology of the digestive system in women” - Cheboksary (March 31-April 1, 2018). "The pathology of internal organs in chronic alcohol intoxication" - Saransk (18-19 April 2018). “Disorders of the digestive system during the gestational period” - Chelyabinsk (September 2018). “Differential diagnosis of diarrhea” - Omsk (November 2018). ‘Differential diagnosis of diarrhea” - St. Petersburg (December 2018).


    Full text is published :
    Lazebnik L.B. REPORT ON THE WORK OF THE XVIII GSSR CONGRESS. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2017;147(11):116-119
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