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    1. Region clinic hospital N 2 of Krasnodar (Krasnodar, Russian Federation)

    Keywords:amniotic fluid,hydrolase,pepsinogen,prematurity,intrauterine growth retardation,breast feeding

    Abstract:Ground: Newborn lacto trophy consists of own digestion by digestive enzymes of gastrointestinal tract and autolytic digestion by breast milk enzymes. Newborn digestive hydrolase are the initial digestive potential. Its determination can be predict the lacto trophy efficacy, but doesn’t be done now. Aim of the study: Revealing the ability of determination the newborn digestive potential according to digestive gland hydrolase content in the amniotic fluid and comparison it with the same enzymatic activities of the funic and venous blood serum, newborn gastric content. Materials and methods: According to parents agreement the amniotic fluid, funic blood samples, newborn gastric content, mother’s venous blood were taken from 76 parturient women (40 had complete and 36 had incomplete pregnancy). The following data were obtained by means of routine methods: lipase, a-amylase, alkaline phosphatase, pepsinogen I and pepsinogen II. The results were processed by methods of non-parametric statistics. Results: The assessment of digestive enzymatic potential of newborn digestive system may be done by hydrolytic enzymes determination. The analysis should be performed in amniotic fluid as its hydrolase and zymogens have fetal origination in the end of gestation. If the pregnancy is incomplete or intrauterine growth retardation is taken place the hydrolase and pepsinogen content in amniotic fluid is decreased. The probability of newborn dyspepsia is great. It required the earlier digestive correction and breast feeding technology. Conclusion: The content of hydrolytic enzymes in amniotic fluid, gastric content and funic blood serum, their alteration in incomplete pregnancy have diagnostic value in assessment of newborn digestive potential.

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    COMPLEX ASSESSMENT OF INFANT DIGESTIVE ENZYMATIC POTENTIAL. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2017;137(01):03-07
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