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    1. Saint-Petersburg state pediatric medical University (St. Petersburg, Russian Federation)

    Keywords:Nonceliac sensitivity to gluten,allergies to wheat,celiac disease

    Abstract:Nonceliac sensitivity to gluten (NCSG) is a new syndrome manifested by a gluten intolerance is not allergic and non-autoimmune condition in which eating gluten can cause symptoms similar to the manifestations of celiac disease. NCSG the diagnosis requires the exclusion of coeliac disease and allergies to wheat. NCSG occurs mainly by intestinal symptoms that appear soon after eating gluten-containing foods and are rapidly after discontinuation of gluten. NCSG is not accompanied by retardation in physical and sexual development, weight loss and autoimmune or allergic comorbidity. The basis for the development of this syndrome probably is the effect of microbiota and metabolites of gluten on the neuroreceptors, as well as a mild inflammation of the intestinal mucosa without atrophy. NCSG more characteristic of adults than children and often manifests at a young age. The article presents the differential diagnostic signs of NCSG, celiac disease and allergies to wheat.

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    Full text is published :
    Kornienko E.A. NONCELIAC SENSITIVITY TO GLUTEN. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2017;139(03):89-98
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    1. A. N. Ryzhikh State scientific center of coloproctology (Moscow, Russian Federation)

    Keywords:Biofeedback therapy (BFB-therapy),constipation

    Abstract:Biofeedback therapy (BFB-therapy) is one of the main treatment modalities for constipation caused by functional defecation disorder. This review contains and update on effectiveness and methods of BFB-therapy. Described are inclusion criteria for BFB-therapy based on Rome IV consensus as well as standard treatment protocol developed by US and European Societies of neurogastroenterology and motility. Perspectives for future research in BFB-therapy for chronic constipation are proposed

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    Full text is published :
    Golovenko A.O., Fomenko O.Yu., Egorova D.V., Belous S.S. BIOFEEDBACK THERAPY FOR TREATMENT OF CHRONIC CONSTIPATION. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2017;139(03):99-105
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