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    1. SPb GBUZ children’s hospital No. 4 (St. Petersburg, Russian Federation)
    2. North-Western State Medical University named after I. I. Mechnikov (St. Petersburg, Russian Federation)
    3. Scientific Research Institute of Children's Infections (St. Petersburg, Russian Federation)
    4. St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University (St. Petersburg, Russian Federation)

    Abstract: The aim of this work was the demonstration of a clinical case of complications during cystic fibrosis with the development of the syndrome of pseudo-Bartter reflecting the difficulties of differential diagnosis of the disease. Presents a clinical case of late diagnosis of a severe form of cystic fibrosis have an infant with clinical manifestations of congenital herpes virus infection.

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    Full text is published :
    Borisenko T.S., Gonchar N.V., Orlov A.V., Konev A.I. LATE DIAGNOSIS OF A SEVERE FORM OF CYSTIC FI BROSIS IN AN INFANT WITH CONGENITAL HERPES VIRUS INFECTION. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2017;142(06):145-149
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