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    1. Moscow state medical-dentistry University n. a. A. I. Evdokimov (Moscow, Russian Federation)
    2. City Clinical Hospital No. 2 named after Dr. F. Kh. Grail (Moscow, Russian Federation)

    Abstract:The article is devoted to the 95 years anniverssary of outstanding clinician-gastroenterologist, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation Yakov Saulovich Zimmerman. Professor Ya. S. Zimmerman is the author of a unique, repeatedly republished book, that has become a reference book for many “Wise thoughts about medicine and healing: sayings, aphorisms, quotes”, as well as memories of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 - “Military fate a purely civilian young man "(1995, 2010), and a collection of poems" Living Life Is Not a Field to Go "(2002). The article is published in Russian.


    Full text is published :
    Lazebnik L.B., Vologzhanina L.G. ANNIVERSARY YAKOV SAULOVICH TSIMMERMAN. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2017;144(08):101-102
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