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    1. Polyclinic № 3 (Moscow, Russian Federation)

    Abstract: The study included 31 patients aged 18 to 50 years (mean age 35.8 years) with functional constipation. Of these, 25.8 % of males and 74.2 % of women. The diagnosis was established according to the clinical picture of the Rome IV criteria. All patients there was no “alarm symptoms”. When performing a colonoscopy or barium enema revealed no important pathology of the colon. All patients for 15 days was prescribed mineral water “Zayechickaya Gorkaya” in a dose of 100 ml for the night. Overall, 74.2 % of patients evaluated the effectiveness of mineral water “Zayechickaya Gorkaya“ as “well”, 16,1 % - “satisfactory” and 9.7 % was not fully achieved effect. On a background of reception of mineral water “Zayechickaya Gorkaya“ there were no significant adverse reactions. 29 % of patients reported periodic appearance of mild diarrhea, but only two of them described it as a negative phenomenon. Course reception natural high mineral sulphate-magnesium water “Zayechickaya Gorkaya“ leads to statistically significant decrease of the main symptoms of functional constipation. Most patients appreciate the laxative effect of mineral water as “good”. While no significant adverse reactions. The use of mineral water “Zayechickaya Gorkaya“ can be the first-line treatment therapy for functional constipation prior to use of laxatives, and if necessary, perhaps in combination with them.

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    Full text is published :
    Burkov S.G., Golubev N.N. EXPERIENCE OF APPLICATION SULPHATE-MAGNESIUM MINERAL WATER “Zaichishka Bitter” IN FUNCTIONAL CONSTIPATION. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2017;147(11):101-104
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