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    1. N. I. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia, Moscow, Russia

    Keywords: peptic ulcer, history of medicine, Helicobacter pylori, antisekretornaja therapy, selective proximal vagotomy

    Abstract:This article describes the historical information about advances in the study of peptic ulcer in historical context. Submitted to the dramatic collision of diff erent theories of occurrence ulcers. Examples from the study of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of ulcers shows the dialectics of scientifi c and clinical progress both in our country and abroad. Special attention is paid to ulcers in children, because historically that the issue in the USSR and Russia became studied earlier and at a higher level. Endoscopic examinations of children in our country have been put in place much earlier, which allowed based on the results of years of research to formulate appropriate recommendations and prepare highly qualifi ed specialists. Particular attention is paid to the success of surgery in the treatment of peptic ulcer disease, the role of Helicobacter pylori in Genesis of ulcers. The results presented in the article clear understanding the achievements of medical practice practitioners have managed to improve the quality of life of patients with peptic ulcer and signifi cantly reduce their disablement. .

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    Full text is published :
    : Grigorуev K. I., Zaprudnov А. M., Kharitonova L. A. Peptic ulcer disease — historical dynamics: views on etiopathogenesis and treatment from a position of pediatricians. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology. 2019;161(1): 155–165. (In Russ.) DOI: 10.31146/1682-8658-ecg-161-1-155-165
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