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    1. Scientific Center of Surgery named after M. A. Topchibashev (Baku, Azerbaijan)
    2. “Institute of Emergency and Reconstructive Surgery. VC. Husak “NAMS of Ukraine (Kiyv,Ukraine )
    3. Azerbaijan Medical University named after N. Narimanov (Baku, Azerbaijan)

    Abstract:As it is known, Doppler ultrasound is an effective method for the diagnosis of cirrhotic liver disease. This method allows visualization of the structural features of the liver, as well as to assess its hemodynamics in various pathological conditions. It is characterized by the relative simplicity and affordability. According to the reference data, the ultrasonic Doppler blood flow portal is considered to be the “gold” standard for the diagnosis of liver cirrhosis and portal hypertension. Based on the foregoing, we set a goal to study through experimental research the effectiveness of various methods of transplantation of stem cells to the liver for the hepatic hemodynamics upon simulated cirrhosis. We transplantated the cultured autologous mesenchymal multipotent stem cells to the liver in intrahepatically paracentetic, transportal and transarterial manner. Studies have shown that intra-arterial stem cell transplantation was the most efficient in comparison with intraparenchymal and transportal methods. The advantages of this transplantation method are primarily manifested themselves by comparative decline of the portal stagnation rates for 8 weeks of the treatment, as well as a decrease in the resistance index in the hepatic artery.

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