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    1. Orenburg State Medical University (Orenburg, Russian Federation)
    2. City Clinical Hospital named after NI Pirogov (Orenburg, Russian Federation)

    Keywords:Ileocecal sphincter,microsurgery,restorative operation

    Abstract:In order to justify the possibility of performing microsurgical restorative operations on the ileocecal valve 151 objects (21 dogs and 130 corpses of people) were examined. Two series of experiments were carried out: intraluminal sphincteroplastics of the bauhin’s valve by microsurgical technique was per-formed on 12 animals and traditional technique was used in 9 dogs. The restorative operation was made on the 8th day after creating the model of the ileocecal valve insufficiency. On the basis of the obtained data on the morphological characteristics, morphometrical parameters and microsurgical anatomy of the ileocecal valve a mode of intraluminal correction of the ileocecal valve insufficiency has been developed by using microsurgical methods. New findings on the dynamics of healing of the ileocecal sphincter in different terms after restorative operation by microsurgical technique were obtained, morphological and functional characteristics of the ileocecal sphincter in different terms after the operation were defined. The received data show that the use of microsurgical technique in per-forming the restorative operation on the ileocecal sphincter makes it possible to improve the results of the operation thanks to the restoration of sphincter and antireflux properties. The risk of development of incompetent sutures is minimized due to favorably proceeding reparative processes.

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    Full text is published :
    Tretyakov A.A., Kagan I.I., Savin D.V., Dronova O.V. et al. CORRECTION ILEOCECAL VALVE VARIANT IN ITS DISEASE OF MICROSURGICAL TECHNIQUES. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2017;140(04):79-82
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