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    1. Moscow Clinical Scientific Center (Moscow, Russian Federation)
    2. Medical Radiological Research Center name by A. F. Tsyb (Moscow, Russian Federation)

    Keywords:mesenchymal stromal cells,reparative processes,inflammatory bowel diseases,model of colitis

    Abstract:Transplantation of allogenic mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) is used for the stimulation of reparative processes in various organs and tissues. The aim of our work was to assess the reparative potential of MSCs to bone marrow in acute and chronic damage to the intestines of Wistar rats induced by sodium dextran-sulfate (DS). An experiment to study the reparative capacity and safety of transplantation of MSCs bone marrow in acute and chronic intestinal damage induced by sodium DS was carried out on Wistar rats. Transplantation of mesenchymal stromal cells in this experiment showed improvement of the histological picture of the intestinal mucosa. Experience has demonstrated the feasibility of this method in the field of medical use of stem cells the type that is aimed at increasing the effectiveness of therapy of chronic inflammatory bowel diseases.

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      2. Timothy J., Nelson, M.D., Ph.D., Atta Behfar, M.D., Ph.D., and Andre Terzic, M.D., Ph.D. Strategies for Therapeutic Repair: The “R 3” Regenerative Medicine Paradigm. Clin Transl Sci. 2008 September 10; 1(2): 168-171.
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      10. Meisel R, Zibert A, Laryea M, et al. Human bone marrow stromal cells inhibit allogeneic T-cell responses by indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase-mediated tryptophan degradation. Blood. 2004;103:4619-4621.
      11. Griffin MD, Ryan AE, Alagesan S, et al. Anti-donor immune responses elicited by allogeneic mesenchymal stem cells: what have we learned so far? Immunol Cell Biol. 2013; 91:40-51.
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    Full text is published :
    Knyazev O.V., Khomeriki S.G., Trubitsyna I.E., Konoplyannikov A.G. TRANSPLANTATION OF MESENCHYMAL STROMAL CELLS OF BONE MARROW ON THE MODEL OF ULCERATIVE COLITIS. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2017;144(08):62-66
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    1. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University (Moscow, Russian Federation)
    2. Krasnoyarsk State Medical University named after Prof. V. F. Voino-Yasenetsky (Moscow, Russian Federation)
    3. Federal State Autonomous Institution “National Scientific and Practical Center of Children’s Health” Of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (Moscow, Russian Federation)

    Abstract:Objective: to develop an algorithm for step-by-step differential diagnosis of congenital cholestatic diseases in children based on a multifactorial statistical analysis of the characteristics of the course of diseases for their early detection and determination of the tactics of medical care. Patients and research methods. 81 children aged 1 month to 16 years (average age 5 years 2 months ± ± 6 months), of which 20 children with biliary atresia (BA), 17 children with hereditary tyrosinemia type 1 (HT1), 23 children with progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis (PFIHC), 21 children with Alagilla syndrome (SA). Were performed retrospective analysis of the history and clinical manifestations of disease in the debute; biochemical blood examination; hepatobiliscintiraphy (HBSH). Results. It was found that the most significant clinical symptoms at the onset of congenital cholestatic disease in infants is prolonged jaundice in the neonatal period, hypocolia or Acholia of the stool, hepatomegaly or hepatosplenomegaly in children born with intrauterine hypotrophy from pregnancy, which was threatened with interruption. Dyspepsia syndrome, fever, and rickets in disease onset is characteristic of hereditary tyrosinemia type 1. It has been proven that using HBSH differentiates the type of intrahepatic cholestasis - intracellular sinusoidal from ductular, as well as differentiation of PFIHC and BA from SA and NT1, for example, metabolic diseases involving liver pathology are considered. It is shown that the most significant laboratory parameters in the differential diagnosis of cholestatic diseases in young children are the levels of gammaglutamyltranspeptidase (GGT), total bilirubin with a predominance of direct fraction and alanine aminotransferase (ALT). A set of indicators of changes in GGT, ALT, and bilirubin allows to differentiate congenital cholestatic disease. An algorithm for step-by-step differential diagnosis of congenital cholestatic diseases in young children has been developed. Conclusions. A timely, step-by-step differential diagnosis of congenital cholestatic diseases in children allow early detection of these diseases and determine the correct patient management tactics, including screening for the necessary surgical treatment. Early differential diagnosis of cholestasis in infants will allow to prevent disability in children, as well as to influence such a significant indicator as infant and child mortality.

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    Full text is published :
    Volynets G.V., Khavkin A.I., Panfilova V.N., Nikitin A.V. DIFF ERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS OF CONGENITAL CHOLESTATIC DISEASES IN CHILDREN. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2017;144(08):67-74
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