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    1. Multidisciplinary medical center of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Moscow, Russian Federation)

    Keywords:esophageal-gastric junction,cardia,diaphragmatic constriction,metaplastic mucosa,Barrett’s esophagus,hiatal hernia

    Abstract:Endoscopic picture of esophageal-gastric junction in normal and pathological conditions is still a matter of attention of domestic and international medical community: endoscopists, gastroenterologists, morphology, as well as abdominal and thoracic surgeons. Endoscopic semiotics and target biopsy of pathological focus are the basis for the diagnosis and definition of further tactics for the patient. The main issues addressed in the review 1.Anatomical Z-line position relative to the outlet of the cardia and diaphragma 2. Histological features of esophageal-gastric junction in normal 3. Options endoscopic picture in normal and in condition of metaplastic mucosa 4. The endoscopic picture with hiatal hernia

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      4. Руководство Британского гастроэнтерологического общества по диагностике и ведению пациентов с пищеводом Барретта, 2013
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    1. Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education «Samara State Medical University» of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (Samara, Russian Federation)

    Keywords:Refractory to inhibitors of proton pump gastroesophageal reflux disease,diagnosis,treatment

    Abstract:Aim of the review. At a modern scientific level, to illuminate the problem of refractory to proton pump inhibitors (PPI) forms of gastroesophageal reflux disease (RFGERD). It is shown that PPI remain the standard and most effective therapy for gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Patients in whom GERD symptoms are refractory to PPI should be further examined to exclude other diseases. It is possible to use different treatment options: medication, endoscopic or surgical. The response to IPP therapy can be complete (no symptoms), partial or absent. In patients with a full response to treatment with PPI, no other treatment is foreseen. Patients with partial response may require endoscopic or surgical intervention. Currently, new methods of conservative therapy of RFGERD are being actively developed. Special hopes for improvement of the symptoms of RFGERD are currently associated with the means that can provide visceral analgesia.

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    Full text is published :
    Osadchuk A.M., Davydkin I.L., Gricenko T.A., Kurtov I.V. et al. REFRACTORY TO PROTON PUMP INHIBITORS GASTROESOPHAGEAL REFL UX DISEASE. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2017;144(08):55-61
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