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    1. FGAOU VO First Moscow State Medical University. THEM. Sechenov Ministry of Health of Russia (Moscow, Russian Federation)

    Keywords:genetic factors,features of a current,the diagnosis,the forecast,indications to treatment,schemes of treatment

    Abstract:The review purpose - despite achievements in a comprehension of a pathogenesis and treatment of autoimmune hepatitis still remain unresolved a number of questions, explaining clinical features, change of diagnostic criteria. New researches and emergence of larger cohorts of patients frame unique opportunities to transfer achievements of science to new methods of treatment which will help to improve quality of life and the forecast of patients with AIG. Along with the antibodies of histocompatability defining predisposition to a serious current the role of the transcription factor designated as the autoimmune regulator of the 1st type is undoubted; it is possible that mutations of this transcription factor cause loss of tolerance to liver autoantigens. As the target for influence of drugs is considered by “interface hepatitis”. At diagnostic observation over 25 patients from 3 to 18 years we noted continuously recurrent course of a disease from the death or transition to cirrhosis that determined terms of dispensary observation from 4 to 14 months. The explanation of diagnostic criteria of autoimmune hepatitis is given in article. At the same time accurately follows that the scheme of treatment of AIG depends on options of disease. The combination therapy of glucocorticosteroid drugs and azatioprin considerably increased life expectancy of these serious patients. Various concrete schemes of treatment are considered and advantages of alternative therapy and transplantation.

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    Full text is published :
    Podymova S.D. SOLVED AND UNSOLVED PROBLEMS IN THE DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT OF AUTOIMMUNE HEPATITIS. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2017;144(08):33-44
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    1. Volgograd state Medical University (Volgograd, Russian Federation)

    Keywords:pancreatitis,alcohol,pain syndrome,incretory insufficiency,secretory insufficiency,maldigestion,malabsorbtion,steatorrhea,amylase,enzyme preparations,proton pump inhibitors,H2-histamine blockers

    Abstract:This review represents the data on classification of chronic alcoholic pancreatitis; discusses symptoms of this disease; studies diagnostic standards at inspection of patients with alcoholic pancreatitis; acquaints with principles of complex treatment of this pathology.

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    Full text is published :
    Skvortsov V.V., Ustinova M.N., Khalilova U.A. DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT OF CHRONIC ALCOHOLIC PANCREATITIS . Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2017;144(08):45-51
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