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    1. The Loginov Moscow Clinical Scientifi c Center (111123, Moscow, Russia)
    2. Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “National Research Ogarev Mordovia State University” (43000 5 Saransk, Russia)
    3. “SM-Klinika” (Saint-Petersburg, Russia)
    4. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University (117997, Moscow, Russia)
    5. . I. Yevdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry, Ministry of Health of Russia (127473, Moscow, Russia)
    6. Novosibirsk State Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia (630091, Novosibirsk, Russia)
    7. Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education I. M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University of th e Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (Sechenov University) (119991, Moscow, Russia)
    8. North-Western State Medical University named after I. I. Mechnikov (191015, Saint-Petersburg, Russia)
    9. State Scientifi c Center Of Coloproctology (123423, Moscow, Russia)

    Keywords: Irritable bowel syndrome, diagnosis, treatment, ROMERUS

    Abstract: The irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is the most common functional disorder of gastrointestinal tract which can lead to reduced quality of life in a considerable proportion of youn g working-age population. Global prevalence of IBS is 10–20%, and clinical particulars of the disease depend on the region of habitation and race. Currently, the IBS is considered as a polyetiologic condit ion with underlying complex multicomponent pathophysiologi- cal mechanisms. Despite there are international standards of IBS diagnosis and treatment, this disorder remains one of the most complex gastroenterology diagnoses which imperfection is evidenced by the fact that diagnostic criteria for IBS have been revised three times. Besides, the similarity of IBS clinical symptoms with those of other gastroenterology diseases does not always enable to avoid the diagnostic errors. Medication treatment of IBS includes the use of drugs relievin g pain syndrome and normalizing intestinal motor function and frequency of bowel movements. However, as a rule symptomatic therapy is not suffi ciently eff ective and seldom results in prolonged remission leaving both do ctor and patient dissatisfi ed with treatment. In Russia no epidemiologic data on the IBS are avai lable. Also, there are diagnostic and therapeutic diffi culties with the IBS partly associated with limited access to IBS medicinal products not authorized in the Russian Federation. Therefore, currently in Russia we have the prerequisites for conducting a multicenter study to build the IBS patient registry (ROMERUS) which would allow us to collect the up-to-da te information on the particul ars of the IBS clinical picture and to evaluate current therapy and the possibility of applying modern Rome criteria for IBS to the population of Russian patients.

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    Full text is published :
    Maev I. V., Bordin D. S., Eremina E. U., Ilchishina T. A. et al. Irritable bowel syndrome. Modern aspects of epidemiology, pathogenesis and treatment (a review). Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology. 2018;158(10): 68–73. DOI: 10.31146/1682-8658-ecg-158-10-68-73
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    1. FSBEI HE “Moscow State Medical and Dental University named after A. I. Evdokimov” of Ministry of Health of Russian Federation (Moscow, Russia)

    Keywords: heartburn, Rome criteria, gastroesophageal refl ux disease, hypersensitive esophagus, functional heartburn, esophageal pH-impedance, high resolution esophageal manometry

    Abstract: The literature review represents current understanding of the spectrum of disorders, such as non-erosive refl ux disease, hypersensitive esophagus and functional heartburn, occurring in the absence of endoscopic data for damage to the mucous membrane of the esophagus and the main symptom of which is heartburn. Particular attention is paid to the importance of diff erential diagnosis of these disorders, which is carried out using various diagnostic methods and is necessary to choose proper treatment. 24-hour esophageal pH-impedance is the “gold standard” for the diagnosis of patients with heartburn and normal endoscopic picture. The article presents data on the main parameters of daily monitoring, diagnostic criteria that allow to establish the correct diagnosis with high accuracy. The diagnostic capabilities of high-resolution esophageal manometry and therapeutic approaches used in patients with non-erosive refl ux disease, hypersensitive esophagus and functional heartburn are also highlighted.

      1. Ivashkin V. T., Mayev I. V., Trukhmanov A. S., et al. Diagnostics and treatment of gastroesophageal refl ux disease: clinical guidelines of the Russian gastroenterological Association. Ross z gastroenterol gepatol koloproktol 2017; 27(4):75–95. DOI: 10.22416/1382–4376–2017–27– 4–75–95
      2. Clouse R.E., Richter J. E., Heading R. C.J. et al. Functional esophageal disorders. Gut. 1999;45(Suppl 2): II31–II36
      3. Galmiche J.P., Clouse R. E., Bálint A. et al. Functional esophageal disorders. Gastroenterology. 2006;130:1459– 1465
      4. Drossman D.A., Hasler W. L. Rome IV – Functional GI disorders: disorders of gut-brain interaction. Gastroenterology 2016; 150(6): 1257–61
      5. Savarino E., Zentilin P., Tutuian R. et al. Impedance-hY refl ux patterns can diff erentiate non-erosive refl ux disease from functional heartburn patients. J Gastroenterol 2012;47:159–168
      6. Yamasaki T., O’Neil J., Fass R. Update on Functional Heartburn. Gastroenterol Hepatol (N Y) 2017 Dec; 13(12): 725–734
      7. Aziz Q., Fass R., Gyawali C. et al. Functional Esophageal Disorders. Gastroenterology 2016;150:1368–1379
      8. El-Serag H.B., Sweet S., Winchester C. C. et al. Update on the epidemiology of gastro-oesophageal refl ux disease: a systematic review. Gut 2014;63:871–80
      9. Vakil N., Zanten S., Kahrilas P. et al. Global Consensus Group Th e Montreal defi nition and classifi cation of gastroesophageal refl ux disease: a global evidence-based consensus Am J Gastroenterol. 2006;101(8):1900–20
      10. Ivashkin V. T., Maev I. V., Trukhmanov A. S. Pishchevod Barreta [Barrett’s esophagus]. Vol. 1, Moscow, pp.45–47
      11. Katz P.O., Gerson L. B., Vela M. F. Guidelines for the diagnosis and management of gastroesophageal refl ux disease. Am J Gastroenterol 2013;108:308–28
      12. Dent J., Vakil N., Jones R. et al. Accuracy of the diagnosis of GORD by questionnaire, physicians and a trial of proton pump inhibitor treatment: the Diamond Study. Gut 2010;59:714–21
      13. Gyawali C., Kahrilas P., Savarino E. et al. Modern diagnosis of GERD: the Lyon Consensus Gut Published Online First: 03 February 2018
      14. Roman S., Gyawali C. P., Savarino E. et al. Ambulatory refl ux monitoring for diagnosis of gastro-esophageal refl ux disease: update of the Porto consensus and recommendations from an international consensus group. Neurogastroenterol Motil 2017;29:1–15
      15. Lundell L.R., Dent J., Bennett J. R. et al. Endoscopic assessment of esophagitis: clinical and functional correlates and further validation of the Los Angeles classifi cation. Gut 1999;45:172–180
      16. Patel A., Sayuk G. S., Gyawali C. P. Parameters on esophageal pH-impedance monitoring that predict outcomes of patients with gastroesophageal refl ux disease. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 2015;13:884–91
      17. Maev I. V., Barkalova E. V., Ovsepyan M. A., Kucheryavyi Y. A., Andreev D. N. Possibilities of pH impedance and high-resolution manometry in managing patients with refractory gastroesophageal refl ux disease. Ter Arkh. 2017;89(2):76–83.
      18. Kushnir V.M., Sathyamurthy A., Drapekin J. et al. Assessment of concordance of symptom refl ux association tests in ambulatory pH monitoring. Aliment Pharmacol Th er 2012;35:1080–7
      19. MC, Weusten B. L., Numans M. E. et al. Eff ect of proton-pump inhibitor treatment on symptoms and quality of life in GERD patients depends on the symptom-refl ux association. J Clin Gastroenterol 2008;42:441–7
      20. Frazzoni M., de Bortoli N., Frazzoni L. et al. Impairment of chemical clearance and mucosal integrity distinguish es 2017;52:444–451
      21. Patel A., Wang D., Sainani N. et al. Distal mean nocturnal baseline impedance on pH-impedance monitoring predicts refl ux burden and symptomatic outcome in gastro-oesophageal refl ux disease. Aliment Pharmacol Th er 2016;44:890–8
      22. Frazzoni M., Savarino E., de Bortoli N. et al. Analyses of the post-refl ux swallowinduced peristaltic wave index and nocturnal baseline impedance parameters increase the diagnostic yield of impedance-pH monitoring of patients with refl ux disease. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 2016;14:40–6
      23. Frazzoni M., Manta R., Mirante V. G. et al. Esophageal chemical clearance is impaired in gastro-esophageal refl ux disease – a 24-h impedance-pH monitoring assessment. Neurogastroenterol Motil. 2013;25:399–406
      24. Martinucci I., de Bortoli N., Savarino E. et al. Esophageal baseline impedance levels in patientswith pathophysiological characteristics of functional heartburn. Neurogastroenterol Motil 2014;26:546–55
      25. Farrе R., Blondeau K., Clement D. et al. Evaluation of oesophageal mucosa integrity by the intraluminal impedance technique. Gut 2011;60:885–92
      26. Kessing B., Bredenoord A., Weijenborg P. et al. Esophageal acid exposure decreases intraluminal baseline impedance levels. Am J Gastroenterol. 2011;106:2093– 209710
      27. Frazzoni L., Frazzoni M., de Bortoli N. et al. Critical appraisal of Rome IV criteria: hypersensitive esophagus does belong to gastroesophageal refl ux disease spectrum. Annals of Gastroenterology. 2018;31(1):1–7
      28. Ivashkin V. T., Maev I. V., Trukhmanov A. S., et al. High resolution manometry and new classifi cation of esophageal motility disorders. Ter Arkh. 2018; (5):93–100.
      29. Th e Chicago Classifi cation of Esophageal Motility Disorders, v3.0. International High Resolution Manometry Working Group. Neurogastroenterol Motil. 2015 February; 27(2): 160–174
      30. Kessing B.F., Bredenoord A. J., Smout A. J. Erroneous diagnosis of gastroesophageal refl ux disease in achalasia. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2011 Dec;9(12):1020–4.
      31. Zerbib F., Belhocine K., Simon M. et al. Clinical, but not esophageal pH-impedance, profi les predict response to proton pump inhibitors in gastro-esophageal refl ux desiase. Gut. 2012;61(4):501–506
      32. Riehl M.E., Pandolfi no J. E., Palsson O. S. et al. Feasibility and acceptability of esophageal-directed hypnotherapy for functional heartburn. Dis Esophagus. 2016 Jul;29(5):490–6
      33. Khajanchee Y.S., Hong D., Hansen P. D., Swanstrom L. L. Outcomes of antireflux surgery in patient with normal preoperative 24-hour pH test result. Am J Surg. 1999;3930:292–300

    Full text is published :
    Barkalova E. V., Kucheryavyy Y. A., Ovsepian M. A., Maev I. V., Andreev D. N. Heartburn in patients without esophagitis. diff erential diagnosis. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology. 2018;158(10): 74–79. DOI: 10.31146/1682-8658-ecg-158-10-74-79
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    1. Omsk State Medical University (Omsk, Russia)
    2. Siberian State Automobile and Highway University (SibADI) (Omsk, Russia)

    Keywords: connective tissue dysplasia, acid-related disease, 24-hour pH-monitirig, acidity variants

    Abstract: Aim. Study of the gastric acid features and acidity variants formation in patients with connective tissue dysplasia. Materials and methods: Gastric acidity variants had selected by Kohonen Self-Organizing Feature Maps. The 24-pH-metry was performed in patients with acid-dependent diseases and connective tissue dysplasia (n=42), patients acid-dependent diseases withоut connective tissue dysplasia (n=37), patients with connective tissue dysplasia withоut acid-dependent diseases (n=39), control group (n=36). Results. 1. The 5 gastric acidity variants had selected: hypoacidity, normally, hyperacidity, biliary and refl ux. 2. It was detected that biliary and refl ux variants diagnosed in patients with acid-dependent diseases and connective tissue dysplasia, hyperacidity variant diagnosed in patients with acid-dependent diseases withоut connective tissue dysplasia, hypoacidity variant diagnosed in patients with connective tissue dysplasia withоut acid-dependent diseases (n=39), normally variant diagnosed in control group patients (n=36). Conclusion. The acidity variants described in this study can be used in the work of general practitioner, therapist, gastroenterologist. The symptoms of the connective tissue dysplasia suggests a violation of the acidity so that can improve diagnostic of acid-related diseases in patients with connective tissue dysplasia.

      1. Ivashkin V. T., Mayev I. V., Trukhmanov A. S., Baranskaya Ye.K., et al. Diagnostics and treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease: clinical guidelines of the Russian gastroenterological Association. Ross z gastroenterol gepatol koloproktol 2017; 27(4):75–95. DOI: 10.22416/1382–4376–2017–27–4–75–95
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      5. Ivashkin V. T., Trukhmanov A. S. Sovremennyy podkhod k terapii gastroezofageal’noy refl yuksnoy bolezni vo vrachebnoy praktike [Modern approach to the treatment of gastroesophageal refl ux disease in medical practice]. RMZ Diseases of the digestive organs. 2003;5(2):43.
      6. Regiony Rossii. Sotsial’no-ekonomicheskiye pokazateli [Regions of Russia. Socio-economic indicators]. 2017: P32 Stat. Sat / Rosstat, 1402 p.
      7. Ivashkin V. T., Baranskaya Ye.K., Ivashkin K. V., et al. Statement of Th e expert council on acid-related diseases diagnostics and treatment. Russian Journal of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Coloproctology. 2015, Vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 91–92.
      8. Bart L Loeys, MD, PhD and Harry C Dietz, MD LoeysDietz Syndrome. GeneReviews, 2018.
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      10. Nechayeva G. I., Lyalyukova Ye.A., Akimova M. A., et al. YAzvennaya bolezn’ dvenadtsatiperstnoy kishki na fone displazii soyedinitel’noy tkani: osobennosti techeniya zabolevaniya, terapevticheskaya taktika [Duodenal ulcer on the background of connective tissue dysplasia:features of the disease, therapeutic tactics]. Moscow, Publishing House «Medpraktika-M», 2012, 100 p.
      11. Osipenko M. F., Livzan M. A. Approaches to diagnostic and therapy of gastritis associated with bile refl ux. Lechaschi Vrach Journal. 2012, no.2–12
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      13. Pasechnikov V. D., Pasechnikov D. V. Klinicheskoye znacheniye fenomena nochnogo kislotnogo proryva pri primenenii ingibitorov protonnoy pompy [Th e clinical signifi cance of the phenomenon of nocturnal acid breakthrough in the use of proton pump inhibitors]. Farmateka. 2004;13(90):28–32

    Full text is published :
    Rozhkova M. Yu., Nechaeva G. I., Lyalukova E. A., Kulikova O. M. Variants of acid-breasting function of the stomach in patients with connective tissue dysplasia. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology. 2018;158(10): 80–85. DOI: 10.31146/1682-8658-ecg-158-10-80-85
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