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SCImago Journal & Country Rank

№ 06 (154) 2018

  • Уважаемые Читатели !
    В последние годы в литературе появляется большое количество работ (статьи, рекомендации), посвященных проблеме полиморбидности. Кроме этого, проводятся многочисленные «круглые столы», симпозиумы и конференции. Все это подтверждает актуальность данной темы. Действительно, наличие нескольких одновременно протекающих заболеваний изменяет клиническую картину, затрудняет диагностику, также возникают сложности в обследовании больных и назначении лекарственной терапии.
    Открывает номер статья, авторы которой многие годы занимаются проблемой полиморбидности. В статье подробно обсуждается терминология, классификационные критерии и схемы развития полиморбидности, приводятся наглядные примеры.
    Раздел «Клинической гастроэнтерологии» включает 10 оригинальных статей. В данном номере представлено большое количество работ, посвященных проблеме инфекции Helicobacter pylori, участвующей в развитии как заболеваний желудочно-кишечного тракта, так и в поражении других органов и систем.
    Первая статья профессора Жуховицкого В. Г. с соавторами знакомит читателей с возможностью использования антимикробной фотодинамической терапии при инфекции Helicobacter pylori и показывает высокую чувствительность данной бактерии in vitro.
    В следующей работе представлены результаты исследования слизистой оболочки полости рта и пародонта, подтверждающие тот факт, что инфекция Helicobacter pylori служит фактором формирования воспалительных заболеваний пародонта и инициирует развитие активного эрозивного гастрита.
    В последнее время достаточно много работ посвящено проблеме метаболического синдрома. Так, в работе проф. Звенигородской Л. А. с соавт. изучали клинико-диагностические особенности ГЭРБ при абдоминальном ожирении и выявили моторно-эвакуаторные нарушения, свидетельствующие о снижении эвакуаторной функции желудка и о наличии преимущественно щелочных рефлюксов.
    Группа авторов представила анализ состава микробиоты кишечника и оценила взаимосвязь с индексом массы тела и абдоминальным ожирением у лиц без клинических проявлений хронических заболеваний. Проведенное исследование позволило сделать заключение о том, что дисбаланс микробиоты кишечника ассоциирован с наличием ожирения.
    Наши коллеги из Хабаровска в своей работе показали, что у больных с синдромом раздраженного кишечника в сочетании с синдромом избыточного бактериального роста достоверно чаще наблюдается развитие воспалительных изменений в слизистой оболочке терминального отдела подвздошной кишки, и повышенный уровень фекального кальпротектина является статистически значимым предиктором воспаления у данной группы больных.
    Группа авторов из Ташкентского педиатрического медицинского института сделала заключение о том, что у детей при синдроме энтероколита, индуцированного белками пищи, выявлено снижение показателей витамина D в 2,25 раза по сравнению с нормой, что диктует необходимость дополнительного введения водного раствора витамина D.
    Достаточно интересными представляются статьи, посвященные проблемам патологии печени на фоне сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний.
    Изучение частоты, клинико-инструментальных ассоциаций и прогностического значения фенотипов сердечно-печеночного синдрома (СПС) при декомпенсации сердечной недостаточности позволило авторам сделать вывод о том, что смешанный тип СПС ассоциируется с выраженным повышением печеночных маркеров, высоким уровнем NT-proBNP, неблагоприятным прогнозом. У больных алкогольным циррозом печени выявлены структурно-функциональные изменения
    сердца в виде гипертрофии левого желудочка, диастолической дисфункции.
    Группа исследователей из «Уфимского НИИ медицины труда и экологии человека» изучала ассоциацию полиморфизма генов ферментов глютатион-S-трансфераз и предрасположенность к развитию профессиональных поражений печени у работников нефтехимических производств.
    В работе сотрудников кафедры семейной медицины Сеченовского университета представлен анализ особенностей формирования коморбидности и возрастные закономерности распределения факторов риска у пациентов с заболеваниями желудочно-кишечного такта, проживающих в сельской местности.
    Раздел «Обзоры» открывает статья, посвященная результатам различных отечественных и зарубежных исследований, касающихся изучению доброкачественных и злокачественных опухолей желудочно-кишечного тракта у больных акромегалией.
    Две другие работы представляют информацию о роли инфекции Helicobacter pylori в развитии железодефицитной анемии и розацеа, приведены результаты последних эпидемиологических исследований сочетания данных заболеваний и доказана необходимость проведения эрадикационной терапии.
    В разделе «Лекции» затрагиваются аспекты лечения пациентов с эметическим синдромом и дисфункцией сфинктера Одди.
    Экспериментальные работы посвящены проблемам развития гастропатии и изучению состава микробиоты под действием нестероидных противовоспалительных препаратов, исследованию моторики ЖКТ при сочетании ГЭРБ и запоров.
    Представленные клинические случаи на наш взгляд будут интересны для молодых специалистов и опытных гастроэнтерологов.
    В разделе «Дискуссии» приводится статья Клабукова И. Д. с соавторами – гипотеза об иммунологической природе желчекаменной болезни.
    Завершает выпуск познавательный обзор, посвященный ассоциативным симптомам заболеваний в гастроэнтерологии.
    Редакция журнала и авторы желают Вам приятного прочтения.
    Ответственный за выпуск редактор,

      доктор медицинских наук, профессор 
      И. А. Комиссаренко
    1. Moscow state medical and dental University. A. I. Evdokimov (Moscow, Russian Federation)

    Keywords:polymorbidity, comorbidity, multimorbidity, definition, analysis

    Abstract:The semantic problem of designation of a set of diseases is a subject for wide discussion both in the world medical community and in Russia. The article analyzes and clarifies the definitions of “polymorbidity”, “comorbidity” and “multi-morbidity” proposed to refer to the plurality of diseases in one patient. This allows you to objectively look at such a complex and multifaceted problem, which is a multiple pathology.

      1. Tokmachev Yu.K., Lazebnik L. B., Efremov L. I. And etc. the Reasons for diagnostic difficulties and errors in geriatrics. Rubbed.archive, 1984, – № 10, 145–148;
      2. Tokmachev Yu.K., Lazebnik L. B., Efremov L. I., etc. Ethics in geriatrics. Rubbed.archive, 1987, – № 11, 119–122
      3. Lazebnik L. B. Aging and polymorbidity // Consil. med. – 2005. – № 12. – P. 993–996.
      4. Feinstein AR. The pre-therapeutic classification of comorbidity in chronic disease. Journal of Chronic Diseases. 1970;23(7):455–468.
      5. Aryeva G. T., Sovetkina N. V. Ovsyannikova N. A. etc. and multimorbidity Comorbid condition in geriatrics (review) // Uspekhi gerantol. 2011. No. 4. S. 612–619
      6. Vertkin A. L., Skotnikov A. S. Comorbidity. lechashchij vrach. 6, 2013, 54–65
      7. Gudkov R. A., Konovalov O. E. the Comorbidity, multimorbidity, polypathy – three views of concurrent pathology. Bulletin of The peoples ‘ Friendship University of Russia. Series: medicine. 2015, 1,39–45
      8. van Oostrom S. H., Picave tHS, van Gelder B. M., Lemmens L. C., Hoeymans N., van Dijk C. E., Verheij R. A. Multimorbidity and comorbidity in the Dutch population – data from general practices. FGBMCPublicHealth. 2013 Aug30;12:715. doi: 10.1186/1471–2458–12–715.
      9. Komorbidnaya patologiya v klinicheskoj praktike. Klinicheskie rekomendacii. Obshcherossijskaya obshchestvennaya organizaciya Associaciya vrachej obshchej praktiki (semejnyh vrachej). Sekciya “Sochetannye patologii” 2017, otv. red. R. G. Oganov
      10. Tokmachev Yu. K., Lazebnik L. B., Efremov L. I. and others on the teaching of geriatrics in the clinic of internal diseases. Sov.medicine., 1988, vol. 9, 95–98
      11. Lazebnik L. B., Vyortkin A. L., Konev Yu.V., Li E. D., Skotnikov A. S. Starenie. Professional’nyj vrachebnyj podhod. EHksimo. Moskva.2014. 319 S.
      12. Lazebnik L. B., Konev V. Yu., Yefremov, I. L. Polypharmacy: geriatric aspect of the problem. Consilium medicum. 2007, vol. 9, № 12, 29–34
      13. Uemura M, Imataki O., Kawachi Y., Kawakami K., Hoshijima Y., Matsuoka A., Kadowaki. More detailed discussion of the nature of the NNT measure can be found in the EBM Note on summarising the effects of therapy in the journal Evidence-Based Medicine 1997;2:103–4.
      14. N. Charlson comorbidity index predicts poor outcome in CML patients treated with tyrosine kinase inhibitor. Int J Hematol. 2016 Nov;104(5):621–627. Epub 2016 Aug 4.
      15. Dunlay S. M., Chamberlain A. M. Multimorbidity in Older Patients with Cardiovascular Disease. Curr Cardiovasc Risk Rep. Author manuscript; available in PMC2017 Jan 1. Published in final edited form as: Curr Cardiovasc Risk Rep. 2016 Jan; 10: 3. Published online 2016 Jan 26. doi: 10.1007/s12170–016–0491–8 PMCID: PMC4889124
      16. Multimorbidity: Assessment, Prioritisation and Management of Care for People with Commonly Occurring Multimorbidity. NICE Guideline, No. 56. National Guideline Centre (UK).2017
      17. Jakovljević M., Ostojić L. Comorbidity and multimorbidity in medicine today: challenges and opportunities for bringing separated branches of medicine closer to each other. PsychiatrDanub. 2013 Jun;25 Suppl 1:18–28
      18. Morrison D, Agur K, Mercer S, Eiras A, González-Montalvo JI, Gruffydd-Jones K. Managing multimorbidity in primary care in patients with chronic respiratory conditions. NPJ Prim Care Respir Med. 2016 Sep 15;26:16043. doi: 10.1038/npjpcrm.2016.43.

    Full text is published :
    Lazebnik L. B., Konev Yu. V. HISTORICAL FEATURES AND SEMANTIC DIFFICULTIES OF USING THE TERMS DENOTING MULTIPLICITY OF DISEASES IN ONE PATIENT.Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2018;154(06):04-09
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    1. Gamaleya National Research Centre for Epidemiology and Microbiology, Ministry of Public Health (Moscow, Russian Federation)
    2. Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russian Federation)
    3. Sechenov The First Moscow Medical University, Ministry of Public Health (Moscow, Russian Federation)
    4. Federal Research and Clinical Center of Specialized Medical Care and Medical Technologies, Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia (Moscow, Russian Federation)

    Keywords:Helicobacter pylori, photosensitizers, antimicrobial photo-dynamic therapy

    Abstract:Helicobacter pylori, an etiopathogenetic factor of gastritis and gastric and duodenal ulcer disease, is highly sensitive in vitro to antimicrobial photodynamic therapy with zinc octakis(cholinyl)phthalocyanine (o-PCZ). The photosensitizing activity of o-PCZ with molecules bearing eight positively charged substituents, is due to electrostatic binding with negatively charged surface of the cell walls of bacteria. In the bound state, when excited by light, o-PCZ generates singlet oxygen, which has a bactericidal effect. Intensive absorption of o-PCZ in the far-red region of the spectrum allows to use in photodynamic therapy light of wavelengths with high penetrating capacity in the biological environment from led sources.

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      8. De Francesco V., Bellesia A., Ridola L. et al. First-line therapies for Helicobacter pylori eradication: a critical reappraisal of updated guidelines // Ann. Gastroenterol. - 2017. - v. 30. - P. 373-379.
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      21. Strakhovskaya M. G., Antonenko Y. N., Pashkovskaya A. A., Kotova E. A., Kireev V., Zhukhovitsky V. G., Kuznetsova N. A., Yuzhakova O. A., Negrimovsky V. M., and Rubin A. B. Electro-static binding of substituted metal phthalocyanines to enterobacte-rial cells: Its role in photodynamic inactivation. Biochemistry (Moscow). 2009;74(12):1305-1314.
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    Full text is published :
    Zhukhovitsky V.G., Kholina E.G., Strakhovskaya M.G. HELICOBACTER PYLORI PHOTODYNAMIC INACTIVATION IN VITRO WITH ZINC OCTAKIS (CHOLINYL) PHTHALOCYANINE.Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2018;154(06):10-15
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    1. Smolensk state medical University (Smolensk, Russian Federation)

    Keywords:chronic gastritis, Helicobacter pylori, hygiene, periodontitis

    Abstract:Aim. In the article frequency of defeat of mucous membranes of organs of cavity of mouth and tissues of paradontium is examined at intensifying of chronic erosive gastritis associated with Helicobacter pylori and herpes viral infection. Result. As a result of the study in patients suffering from chronic erosive gastritis associated with Helicobacter pylori and herpesvirus infection, Helicobacter pylori was detected in 100% of cases in the gastric mucosa in the study of biopsies by PCR, urease test, microscopy of smears and in the oral cavity in the study by urease test and PCR method, while the degree of contamination was regarded as high and medium. All patients were divided into 2 groups depending on the severity of the disease. Significantly more often in the first group of studies compared with the second identified high and very high rate of the CPU (χ2=14,280 at p<0.01); the index of hygiene is very poor and unsatisfactory (χ2=11,752; χ2=11,509, at p<0.01, respectively); gingivitis severe (χ2=20,847 when p<0.01); severe inflammation of the gums (χ2=14,849, p<0.01); the third stage of periodontal disease (χ2=26,615 at p<0.05) in the assessment of dental status. No periodontitis was observed in the control group. Conclusions. The infection of Helicobacter pylori serves as the base-line factor of forming of inflammatory diseases of paradontium, initiating development of active erosive gastritis, nosotropic closely associated with gingivitis and periodontitis.

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    Full text is published :
    Afanasenkova T. E., Dubskaya E. E., Dеvlikanova L. I. CHANGES OF THE MUCOUS MEMBRANE OF THE ORAL CAVITY IN THE CHRONIC EROSIVE GASTRITIS ASSOCIATED WITH HELICOBACTER PYLORI AND HERPES INFECTION.Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2018;154(06):16-21
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    1. GBUZ Moscow clinical scientific center of the Department of Health of Moscow (Moscow, Russian Federation)

    Keywords: upper digestive tract, motor function, gastroesophageal reflux disease, abdominal obesity

    Abstract:Aim. Dyskinesia of the upper digestivel tract is accompanied by the development of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) in abdominal obesity. GERD occurs in the United States at 29.8% of men and 32.5% women and 30% of adults in Western Europe. However, clinical and instrumental characteristics of GERD in obesity are not well understood. The aim - to explore the clinical and instrumental characteristics of GERD in obesity. Methods. The survey included 52 patients with clinical, radiographic and electromyographic studies. The control group consisted of 36 patients. Results. Electromyographic marked increase in retrograde motility of the stomach and esophagus, as well as reduced motor function of duodenum. X-ray showed signs characteristic of GERD. Esophageal pH monitoring revealed the presence of alkaline reflux. Conclusions. The features of GERD in abdominal obesity is the prevalence of dyspepsia and heartburn absence, motor-evacuation disorders showing a decrease in evacuation function of the stomach and the presence of predominantly alkaline reflux.

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    Full text is published :
    Zvenigorodskaya L. A., Lychkova A. E., Shinkin M. V., Puzikov A. M. DISTURBANCES OF MOTOR FUNCTION OF THE UPPER DIGESTIVE TRACT WITH THE DEVELOPMENT OF GASTROESOPHAGEAL REFLUX DISEASE IN ABDOMINAL OBESITY.Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2018;154(06):22-28
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    1. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University. Russian Clinical Research Center for Gerontology (Moscow, Russian Federation)
    2. Moscow institute of physics and technology (Moscow, Russian Federation)
    3. “National Medical Research Center of Cardiology” of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation (Moscow, Russian Federation)

    Keywords: gut microbiota, obesity

    Abstract:Purpose of the study. To study the association between the gut microbiota composition and body mass index and abdominal obesity in participants without clinical chronic diseases. Materials and methods. The study included 92 residents from Moscow and the Moscow region, men and women aged 25 to 76 years without clinical chronic non-communicable diseases are not receiving medication, but with the possible presence of cardiovascular risk factors, including obesity. All participants underwent a thorough preliminary examination, including physical examination, clinical and biochemical blood tests, electrocardiography, treadmill test, evaluation of the presence of the cardiovascular risk factors, as well as the sequencing of the variable regions of the V3-V4 16S rRNA gene of the gut microbiota and diet analysis. Results. The study revealed that opportunistic bacteria of the genera Serratia and Prevotella were largely represented in overweight patients and / or patients with abdominal obesity. Amylolytic bacteria of the genus Oscillosipa were less represented in individuals with abdominal obesity. Probiotic bacteria of the genus Bifidobacterium producing SCFA were significantly less represented in people who consumed a lot of cholesterol or ethanol. Conclusion. Gut microbiota imbalance with an increase in opportunistic bacteria level and a decrease in strictly anaerobic amylolytic bacteria is associated with obesity.

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      12. Dewulf E.M., Cani P. D., Claus S. P., Fuentes S., Puylaert P. G., Neyrinck A. M., Bindels L. B., de Vos W. M., Gibson G. R., Thissen J. P., Delzenne N. M. Insight into the prebiotic concept: lessons from an exploratory, double blind intervention study with inulin-type fructans in obese women // Gut. 2013. Т. 62. № 8. - C. 1112-21.
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    Full text is published :
    Kashtanova D. A., Tkacheva O. N., Kotowska Yu.V., Popenko A. C. et al. THE COMPOSITION OF THE INTESTINAL MICROBIOTA FROM HEALTHY RESIDENTS OF MOSCOW AND MOSCOW REGION WITH OBESITY.Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2018;154(06):29-35
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    1. Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “Federal Research Centre “Krasnoyarsk Science Centre” of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Science” (FRC KSC SB RAS), “Scientific Research Institute of medical problems of the North” (SRI MPN) (Krasnoyarsk, Russia)
    2. NUZ Road Clinical Hospital (Krasnoyarsk, Russia)
    3. Federal State-Funded Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Katanov Khakass State University” (Abakan, Russia)

    Keywords:GERD, dyspepsia, heartburn, esophagitis, overlap

    Abstract:Aim. To study the overlap syndrome of GERD and dyspepsia in a population study. Methods: A clinical and epidemiological study was performed, during which 1411 adult patients (506 indigenous and 905 alien inhabitants) were examined in an organized population with a coverage of 93%. Results. The prevalence of weekly heartburn was 12.2% in Caucasians and 8.3% in Khakassians (p = 0.03). Dyspepsia was detected in 20.2% of alien inhabitants and in 15.8% of indigenous people (p = 0.05). Dyspepsia was registered 7.1 times more often in Caucasians with weekly heartburn (p <0.001) and 6.3 times more often in the same group of Khakassians (p <0.001) compared to those without heartburn. Conclusions. It was concluded that there is overlap syndrome of GERD and dyspepsia in indigenous and alien inhabitants of Khakassia.

      1. Park K.S., Jee S. R., Lee B. E. et al. Nationwide Multicenter Study for Overlaps of Common Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders in Korean Patients With Constipation // J. Neurogastroenterol. Motil. - 2017. - Vol. 23, № 4. - P. 569-577
      2. Richter J.E., Rubenstein J. H. Presentation and Epidemiology of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease // Gastroenterology. - 2018. - Vol. 154, № 2. - P. 267-276.
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      4. Takeuchi T., Takahashi Y., Kawaguchi S. et al. Therapy of gastroesophageal reflux disease and functional dyspepsia overlaps with symptoms after usual-dose proton pump inhibitor: Acotiamide plus usual-dose proton pump inhibitor versus double-dose proton pump inhibitor // J. Gastroenterol. Hepatol. - 2018. - Vol. 33, № 3. - P. 623-630.
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      9. Aziz I., Palsson O. S., Törnblom H. et al. Epidemiology, clinical characteristics, and associations for symptom-based Rome IV functional dyspepsia in adults in the USA, Canada, and the UK: a cross-sectional population-based study // Lancet Gastroenterol. Hepatol. - 2018. - Vol. 3, № 4. - P. 252-262.
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      11. Ageyeva Ye.S., Shtygasheva O. V., Ryazantseva N. V., Tsukanov V. V. Molecular genetic factors influencing outcomes of Helicobacter pylori infection at Khakasia republic inhabitants. RJGHC. – 2010. – Vol.20. – No4. – P. 16–21.
      12. Tsukanov V. V., Khomenko O. V., Rzhavicheva O. S., Butorin N. N., Shtygasheva O. V., Maady A. S., Bichurina T. B., Amelchugova O. S. Prevalence of Helicobacter pylori and GERD at Mongoloids and Caucasians of Eastern Siberia. RJGHC. – 2009. – Vol.19. – No3. – P. 38–41.
      13. Rasmussen S., Jensen T. H., Henriksen S. L. et al. Overlap of symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease, dyspepsia and irritable bowel syndrome in the general population // Scand. J. Gastroenterol. – 2015. – Vol. 50, № 2. – P. 162–169.
      14. Min B.H., Huh K. C., Jung H. K. et al. Prevalence of uninvestigated dyspepsia and gastroesophageal reflux disease in Korea: a population-based study using the Rome III criteria // Dig. Dis. Sci. – 2014. – Vol. 59, № 11. – P. 2721–2729.
      15. Hsu C.S., Wen S. H., Hung J. S. et al. Overlap of Dyspepsia in Patients with Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease: Impact of Clinical, Metabolic, and Psychosocial Characteristics // Dig. Dis. Sci. – 2017. – Vol. 62, № 4. – P. 994–1001.

    Full text is published :
    Tsukanov V. V., Vasyutin A. V., Tonkikh J. L., Rzhavicheva O.S. et al. OVERLAP SYNDROME OF GERD AND DYSPEPSIA.Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2018;154(06):36-39
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    1. State educational government-financed institution of higher professional education “Far East state medical university”, Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation (Khabarovsk, Russia)
    2. Non-government healthcare institution “Khabarovsk-1 Road clinical hospital, Open Society «Russian Railways»” (Khabarovsk, Russia)

    Keywords:irritable bowel syndrome, fecal calprotectin, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, ileum mucosal inflammation

    Abstract:Aim. We aimed to determine possible interrelation between fecal calprotectin (FC) level, that small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) and ileum mucosal inflammation in patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Methods. Based on Rome III criteria, 495 IBS patients (376 female, mean age 36,6±0,4 years) were included. All patients underwent FC levels, ileocolonoscopy with biopsies of the terminal ileum and H2 lactulose breath test to evaluate the presence of SIBO. Results. Among the 495 IBS patients 57% had reproducibly elevated calprotectin, including 17% with levels higher than 100 µg/g. SIBO was more frequent among IBS patients with elevated FC levels (>100 μg/g) than in those with normal FC levels (0-50μg/g) (77,1% vs 64,8%, р=0,011). We found a correlation between abnormal levels of FC and the presence of SIBO (Spearman r=0,153, p=0,001). Faecal calprotectin greater than 100 µg/g was predictive of ileum mucosal inflammation in IBS patients (OR6,19, 95%CI 3,99-9,61, р<0,0001). The abnormal calprotectin level was correlated with the grade ileum mucosal inflammation (Spearman r=0,399, p<0,0001). Conclusion. In IBS patients with SIBO the low-grade ileum mucosal inflammation was more frequent than in patients with IBS without SIBO (OR2.69, 95% CI 1.79-4.04, p <0.0001). Elevated FC levels (>100μg/g) were associated with low-grade ileum mucosal inflammation in IBS patients (OR6,19, 95%CI 3,99-9,61, р<0,0001).

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    1. “Peoples Friendship University of Russia” (Moscow, Russian Federation)

    Abstract:Aim: The aim of this study was to assess the incidence, clinical and instrumental associations and prognostic value of cardiohepatic syndrome (CHS) phenotypes CHS in decompensated heart failure (DHF). Methods: CHS was diagnosed in 322 patients with DHF (190 male, 70±11 years (M±SD), arterial hypertension 87%, myocardial infarction 57%, atrial fibrillation 65%, type 2 diabetes mellitus 42%, left ventricular ejection fraction (EF) 38±13%, EF<40% 50%, NYHA IV 56%) when at least one liver function test (LFT) level exceeded upper normal limit on admission. Only alanine transaminase (ALT) and/or aspartate transaminase (AST) increase was considered as hepatocellular CHS, isolated increase of gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT), alkaline phosphatase (AP), direct bilirubin (DB) and total bilirubin (TB) due DB increase - as cholestatic CHS, the simultaneous increase of markers of cytolysis and cholestasis - as mixed CHS. Mann-Whitney U, Kruskal-Wallis and Pearson’s chi-square tests were used. P <0.05 was considered significant for paired comparison, <0,017 - for comparison of 3 groups. Results: CHS occurs in 85,1% patients, predominantly mixed (66,8%) and moderate (LFT increase ≤ 3UNL). Patients with mixed vs cholestatic CHS had higher levels of LFT, incidence of cholestatic markers increase, NT-proBNP level, hypoperfusion (high heart rate, lower systolic blood pressure (BP) and pulse BP on admission), higher rate of incidence of EF<35% and vasopressor therapy. No significant differences in signs of congestion were observed between groups. Mixed CHS was associated with higher all-cause death in 6 months (30 vs 23%, p<0.05). Conclusions: Mixed CHS predominates in patients with DHF and is associated with more pronounced LFT increase, higher NT-proBNP levels, hypoperfusion (lower systolic and pulse BP, EF <35%, use of vasopressors and inotropes, worse prognosis.

      1. Harjola V.P., Mullens W., Banaszewski M., et al. Organ dysfunction, injury and failure in acute heart failure: from pathophysiology to diagnosis and management. A review on behalf of the Acute Heart Failure Committee of the Heart Failure Association (HFA) of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC). Eur J Heart Fail., 2017, vol. 19, no. 7, pp. 821-836.
      2. Laribi S., Mebazaa A. Cardiohepatic Syndrome: Liver Injury in Decompensated Heart Failure. Curr Heart Fail Rep., 2014, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 236-40.
      3. Samsky M.D., Patel C. B. et al. Cardiohepatic Interactions in Heart Failure An Overview and Clinical Implications. J Am Coll Cardiol, 2013, vol. 61, pp. 2397-405.
      4. Poelzl G., Auer J. Cardiohepatic syndrome. Curr Heart Fail Rep., 2015, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 68–78.
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      9. Storozhakov G. I., Oskanova R. S., Ilchenko L. Yu., et al. Hypoxic hepatitis. Archives of internal medicine, 2014, vol. 6, No. 20, p. 42–47.
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      13. Samsky M.D., Dunning A., DeVore A.D., et al. Liver function tests in patients with acute heart failure and associated outcomes: insights from ASCEND-HF. Eur J Heart Fail., 2016, vol. 18, no. 4, 424–432.
      14. Nikolaou M., Parissis J., Yilmaz M. B., et al. Liver function abnormalities, clinical profile, and outcome in acute decompensated heart failure. Eur Heart J, 2013, vol. 34, no. 10, pp. 742-9.
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      22. Biegus J., Hillege H. L., Postmus D., et al. Abnormal liver function tests in acute heart failure: relationship with clinical characteristics and outcome in the PROTECT study. Eur J Heart Fail., 2016, vol. 18, no. 7, pp. 830-839
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      24. Scholfield M., Schabath M. B., Guglin M. Longitudinal Trends, Hemodynamic Profiles, and Prognostic Value of Abnormal Liver Function Tests in Patients with Acute Decompensated Heart Failure: an Analysis of the ESCAPE Trial. J Card Fail., 2014, vol. 20, no. 7, pp. 476-84
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    Full text is published :
    Soloveva A. E., Bayarsaikhan M., Villevalde S. V., Kobalava Z. D. LIVER INJURY MARKERS IN DECOMPENSATED HEART FAILURE: PHENOTYPES, CLINICAL AND PROGNOSTIC VALUE. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2018;154(06):45-51
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    1. “Peoples Friendship University of Russia” (Moscow, Russian Federation)

    Keywords:alcohol, liver liver, cardiac dysfunction, cardiac remodeling

    Abstract:Objective: To evaluate structural and functional cardiac changes in patients with alcoholic cirrhosis in relation to the severity of liver disease. Methods: Study included 80 patients with alcoholic liver cirrhosis (LC) without history of cardiovascular and respiratory disease. ECG, echocardiography were performed. Plasma values of NT-proBNP were evaluated in 60 patients. Results: Left ventricular ejection fraction was normal in all patients (mean value 65,3 ± 5,8%). Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) (LVMI 149,8 ± 20 g/m 2) and LV diastolic dysfunction were observed in 33 (40,7%) and 58 (71,6%) patients, respectively. Median NT-proBNP value was 621,5 pg/ml (min 33 pg/ml; max 3849 pg/ml), NT-proBNP elevation (> 125 pg/ml) was observed in 47 (58%) patients. NT-proBNP level positively correlated with the number of points on the Child-Pugh score (R =0,27, p < 0,05). There was no relationship between the severity of cirrhosis and structural and functional cardiac changes. Conclusion: Patients with alcoholic LC frequently demostrate structural and functional cardiac changes such as left ventricular hypertrophy, diastolic dysfunction. NT-proBNP elevation was observed in more than half of the patients and directly correlated with the severity of cirrhosis.

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    Ivanov A. S., Romanova V. A., Kolesnikova I. A., Arisheva O. S. et al. CARDIAC DYSFUNCTION IN ALCOHOLIC LIVER CIRRHOSIS. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2018;154(06):52-57
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    1. I. M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Moscow, Russian Federation)
    2. Smolensk state medical University Ministry Of Health (Moscow, Russian Federation)

    Keywords:arterial hypertension, obesity, women of reproductive age, liver remodeling

    Abstract:The aim was to improve and optimize the management tactics of women of reproductive age with somatic diseases on the basis of a comprehensive assessment of the main structural and functional characteristics of the hepatobiliary system at various stages of physiological gestation in the presence or absence of somatic pathology, as well as in the process of complex dynamic observation and examination for three years after delivery. Materials and methods: there were examined 535 outpatient and inpatient patients aged 16 to 45 years (mean age 27.9 ± 4.7 years, m 28, Mo 25) was conducted, including 383 patients with somatic pathology during pregnancy: group 1 (n=183) with gestational hypertension (GAG), group 2 (n=66) with chronic arterial hypertension (HAG), group 3 (n=134) of obese pregnant women. The control group consisted of 152 pregnant women without somatic pathology. Results: Analysis of structural and functional parameters of the hepato-biliary system showed that pregnant women with obesity have a moderate increase in one share of the liver (42.11% of cases), moderate hyperechogenicity of parenchyma (36.84%), difficulty in visualization of the diaphragm contour (26.31%). In gestational and chronic hypertension without obesity, these changes are expressed slightly. Conclusion: Linear and estimated the ultrasonic parameters of the liver (distal attenuation of the echo signal, hepatomegaly, hyperechogenicity, increased ehoplotnosti of the liver parenchyma and disruption of its calibre in conjunction with the expansion of the vena portae) correlated with hemodynamic, nutritional parameters and periods of gestation and are biomarkers of hypertension and obesity in women of reproductive age.

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      11. Konyshko N. A. Morozova T. E. Constitutional features of women with somatic pathology during pregnancy. Preventive and clinical medicine. – 2014. – № 4. – P. 72–78.
      12. Marinkin I. O., Sokolova T. M., Kiseleva T. V., Kuleshov V. M., Makarov K. Yu., Yakimova A. V. Cholestasis in pregnant women. Experimental and clinical gastroenterology. 2016;133(9):81–85.

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    1. Ufa Research Institute of Occupational Health and Human Ecology (Ufa, Russian Federation)

    Keywords:petrochemical plants, occupational toxic hepatitis, gene polymorphism

    Abstract:The aim of this study was to investigate the association of polymorphism of the glutathione-S-transferase genes with the risk of occupational liver diseases in workers of petrochemical plants. Materials and Methods. 544 DNA samples of petrochemical workers and 322 healthy persons DNA sample were used for genotyping by polymerase chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism. Results. It was found that the genotype Val/Val of polymorphic locus rs1695 of GSTP1 gene is less common in patients with toxic hepatitis (χ2=4,405, р=0,036) than in healthy workers. Analysis of the association of polymorphic loci GSTM1 and GSTT1 with the development of occupational liver lesions revealed no statistically significant results. Conclusion. The data obtained suggest that the homozygous genotype Val/Val of polymorphic locus rs1695 of the GSTP1 gene is protective of the development of occupational toxic hepatitis.

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    Full text is published :
    Valeeva Je. T., Bakirov A. B., Galimova R. R., Mukhammadiyeva G. F. THE ROLLE OF GENETIC PREDISPOSITION FOR OCCUPATIONAL LIVER DISEASES IN WORKERS OF PETROCHEMICAL PLANTS. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2018;154(06):64-68
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    1. First MOSCOW state medical University. I. M. Sechenov of the Ministry of health of the Russian Federation (Sechenov University) (Moscow, Russian Federation)
    2. Clinic “First doctor” (Moscow, Russian Federation)

    Keywords:comorbidity, risk factors, rural areas

    Abstract:Purpose. To analyze the features of formation of comorbidity and age-related patterns of distribution of risk factors (RF) in patients with diseases of the gastrointestinal tact (GIT) living in rural areas. Materials and methods. In 2015-2017.d. a retrospective analysis of the database of 2500 patients at two sites of General practitioners of Konakov district of Tver region was conducted. Of these, 350 (14% of all the studied out-patient charts) out-patient charts of patients aged 44-53 years (164 men and 186 women) were selected, which contained more complete information about the annual medical examination of the population. In addition, a survey of this population group was conducted for a more detailed retrospective analysis of the incidence and presence of PD during life depth up to 25-35 years. Results. Gastrointestinal diseases were detected in 42 patients (12% of the total group of patients studied); dorsopathy - in 84 patients (24%); arterial hypertension (AH) in 178 patients (50,86%); chronic kidney disease in 12 (3,4%), diabetes in 10 (2,9%) people; other diseases accounted for no more than 3% and 35 (10%) patients had no registered diseases. Basic FRENCH men for life was Smoking. Despite the high percentage of Smoking women aged 18-23 years (47.52%), almost all patients left a bad habit of 34 years. In an additional survey, 97% of women who had smoked earlier explained Smoking cessation to 34 g of children in their family and only 3% of respondents attributed Smoking cessation to deterioration of their health. It is important to note that although the prevalence of overweight in men increased slightly more than in women (40.3% and 36.6%, respectively) with age to 53 years, differences in the increase in the incidence of associated GC increased disproportionately (48.05% and 22.77%, respectively) Conclusion. Thus, the formation of comorbidity in rural areas occurs mainly at the age of 44-53 years. Among the features of comorbidity in these patients, it should be noted the frequent combination of gastrointestinal diseases with hypertension and dorsopathy, and relatively rare-with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and cerebrovascular diseases. The “diagnostic failure” observed at the age of 24-43 dictates the need to pay special attention to this age category for the purpose of timely examination and early detection of the initial stages of diseases.

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      7. Shalnova S. A., Deev A.D, Karpov Y. A. The arterial hypertension and ischemic heart disease in actual practice cardiologist // Cardiovascular Therapy and Prevention 2006. Vol. 5, № 2. Р. 73–80. (In Russ.)
      8. Denisov N. L., Grinevich V. B., Chernetsova Ye.V., Kravchuk Yu.A., Ivashkin K. V. The role of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in the formation of atherosclerotic vascular lesions in patients with abdominal obesity. Ross z gastroenterol gepatol koloproktol 2017; 27(1):62–71 (In Russ.) DOI: 10.22416/1382–4376–2017–27–1–62–71

    Full text is published :
    Denisov I.N., Zaugol’nikova T.V., Popova T. S., Morozova T.E. A RETROSPECTIVE ANALYSIS OF COMORBIDITY IN RURAL PATIENTS WITH DISEASES OF THE GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2018;154(06):69-73
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    1. Anokhin Research Institute of Physiology (Moscow, Russian Federation)
    2. Shemyakin & Ovchinnikov Institute of Bioorganic Chemisitry (Moscow, Russian Federation)

    Keywords: E-cadherin, desmoglein 2, cathepsin G, intestinal epithelium, epithelial barrier, immunofluorescence

    Abstract:Aim of the study. Determination of the potential opportunity of immune protease cathepsin G (Cat G) to participate in the regulation of homeostasis and protective reactions in the intestinal epithelium by interacting with cell adhesion proteins (cadherins). Materials and methods. Biopsies of the human duodenal mucosa were examined by confocal immunofluorescence microscopy using specific antibodies to desmogleins 1-3 (DSGs 1-3), E-cadherin and Cat G of human. Results. The presence of DSG 2 in the contact area of the basolateral membrane of epitheliocytes of intestinal villi and intestinal glands (crypts) with the basal membrane was demonstrated. DSGs 1 and 3 were not detected in the test samples. E-cadherin is located in the zone of the basolateral membrane of enterocytes, goblet cells and Paneth cells. E-cadherin-specific fluorescence is also found between the secretory granules of Paneth cells, which indicates the synthesis of this protein by Paneth cells and/or E-cadherin role in intracellular signaling. In inflammation (duodenitis II-III degree) Cat G-containing granules are localized near the basal membrane of villi and intestinal glands. Conclusions. The catalytic properties of Cat G and its close proximity to the cell adhesion proteins (DSG 2 and E-cadherin) indicate the possibility of interaction of these proteins and their role in the regulation of tissue metabolism, modification and maintenance of the barrier properties of the epithelium during the development of protective and / or pathological processes.

      1. Groschwitz K. R., Hogan S. P. Intestinal barrier function: molecular regulation and disease pathogenesis. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol., 2009, vol.124, no.1, pp. 3-20.
      2. Maretzky T., Reiss K., Ludwig A., et al. ADAM10 mediates E-cadherin shedding and regulates epithelial cell-cell adhesion, migration, and beta-catenin translocation. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U S A, 2005, vol.102, no.26, pp. 9182-9187.
      3. Halbleib J. M., Nelson W. J. Cadherins in development: cell adhesion, sorting, and tissue morphogenesis. Genes and development, 2006, no. 20, pp. 3199-3214.
      4. Sumagin R., Parkos C. A. Epithelial adhesion molecules and the regulation of intestinal homeostasis during neutrophil transepithelial migration. Tissue Barriers, 2015, vol. 3, no.1-2, p. e969100.
      5. Escaffit F., Perreault N,. Jean D. et al. Repressed E-cadherin expression in the lower crypt of human small intestine: a cell marker of functional relevance. Exp Cell Res, 2005, vol.302, no.2, pp. 206-220.
      6. Schneider M. R., Dahlhoff M., Horst D. et al. A key role for E-cadherin in intestinal homeostasis and Paneth cell maturation. PLoS One, 2010, vol.5, no.12, p. e14325.
      7. Korkmaz B., Moreau T., Gauthier F. Neutrophil elastase, proteinase 3 and cathepsin G: physicochemical properties, activity and physiopathological functions. Biochimie, 2008, vol. 90, no. 2, pp. 227-242.
      8. Packer M., Patterson-Kane J.C., Smith K. C., Durham A. E. Quantification of immune cell populations in the lamina propria of equine jejunal biopsy specimens. J. Comp. Pathol., 2005, vol.132, no.1, pp. 90-95.
      9. Hasan M., Hay F., Sircus W., Ferguson A., Nature of the inflammatory cell infiltrate in duodenitis., J. Clin. Pathol., 1983, vol. 36, no. 3, pp.280-288.
      10. Zamolodchikova T. S., Shoibonov B. B., Svirshchevskaya E. V., Shcherbakov I. T., Khrennikov B. N. Cathepsin G in the immune defense of the human duodenum: New sources for biosynthesis. Human Physiology. 2017;43(3):102–110.
      11. Yui S., Osawa Y., Ichisugi T., Morimoto-Kamata R. Neutrophil Cathepsin G, but Not Elastase, Induces Aggregation of MCF-7 Mammary Carcinoma Cells by a Protease Activity-Dependent Cell-Oriented Mechanism. Mediators Inflamm., 2014, vol. 2014, p.971409, doi: 10.1155/2014/971409.
      12. Jerke U., Hernandez D. P., Beaudette P. et al. Neutrophil serine proteases exert proteolytic activity on endothelial cells. Kidney Int., 2015, vol. 88, no.4, pp.764-775.
      13. Gumber S., Nusrat A., Villinger F. Immunohistological characterization of intercellular junction proteins in rhesus macaque intestine. Exp Toxicol Pathol., 2014, vol. 66, no. 9-10, pp. 437-444.
      14. Son E. D., Kim H., Choi H. et al. Cathepsin G increases MMP expression in normal human fibroblasts through fibronectin fragmentation, and induces the conversion of proMMP-1 to active MMP-1. J. Dermatol. Sci., 2009, vol. 53, no. 2, pp.150-152.
      15. Zamolodchikova T. S., Tolpygo S. M., Svirshchevskaya Ye. V. The role of cathepsin G in the modulation of immune reactions involving local renin-angiotensin systems. Medical Immunology (Russia) – Meditsinskaya Immunologiya. 2017;19(S):41
      16. Liu T. J., Shi Y. Y., Wang E. B. et al. AT1R blocker losartan attenuates intestinal epithelial cell apoptosis in a mouse model of Crohn’s disease. Mol. Med. Rep., 2016, vol.13, no. 2, pp.1156-1162

    Full text is published :
    Zamolodchikova T.S., Tolpygo S.M., Svirshchevskaya E.V. СADHERINS AND СATHEPSIN G IN THE REGULATION OF HOMEOSTASIS AND PROTECTIVE REACTIONS IN THE INTESTINAL EPITHELIUM. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2018;154(06):74-77
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    1. Moscow clinical scientific and practical center. A. S. Loginov (Moscow, Russian Federation)

    Keywords: GERD, constipation, motor activity of intestine

    Abstract:The aim is to study the electromotor activity of the gastrointestinal tract in patients with GERD with concomitant functional constipation Material and methods. A study was made of the electromotor activity of the gastrointestinal tract in 70 patients with GERD with concomitant functional constipation and 64 patients with GERD with normal stool. Electromotor activity (EMA) was recorded with the help of skin electrodes in the area of the projection of the stomach and sigmoid colon on the anterior abdominal wall. The amplitude-frequency characteristics of slow-wave and spike activity on the electromyogram curve were measured. Results. EMA of the stomach in patients with endoscopically confirmed GERD and the presence of constipation was characterized by increased slow-wave and spike activity. Thus, the frequency of slow waves of the EMA of the stomach exceeds the norm by 78%. The amplitude of slow waves exceeds the norm by half. EMA of the sigmoid colon in patients with endoscopically confirmed GERD and the presence of constipation was characterized by a decrease in slow-wave activity: the frequency of slow waves of the sigmoid colon EMA was 70% of the norm; The amplitude of the slow wave activity is only 0.13 ± 0.06 mV. Conclusion. In patients with GERD and concomitant functional constipation, the incidence of gastroesophageal reflux is high, the gastrointestinal tract EMA was characterized by a more pronounced motor activity of the smooth muscles of the stomach and reduced motor activity of the sigmoid colon, which creates the conditions for an increase in intestinal pressure.

      1. Vasiliev Y. Gastroesophageal reflux disease in the stage of reflux esophagitis: diagnosis and therapy/V. Vasilyev//Farmateka. – 2004. – № 13. – P. 1–5
      2. Lychkova A. E. Serotonin regulation of motor function of the small intestine. Experimental and clinical gastroenterology 2011; 3:130–135.
      3. Sanders K. M. A case for interstitial cells of Cajal as pacemakers and mediators of neurotransmission in the gastrointestinal tract // Gastroenterology. – 1996. – Vol. 111. – Р. 492–515.
      4. Shemerovskij K. A. Hronofiziologicheskie osobennosti gastroduodenal’noj mioehlektricheskoj aktivnosti i ehvakuatornoj funkcii kishechnika. Avtoref dis dokt med nauk. Spb., 2004
      5. Lychkova A. E., Puzikov A. M. Electrical activity of the digestive tract and its enteral correction Experimental and clinical gastroenterology 2015;120(8):25–29.

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    1. Federal public budgetary educational institution of higher education “Altay State Medical University” of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia (Barnaul, Russia)

    Keywords: peptide complex, peptic ulcer disease, experimental gastropathy, oxidative stress, cyclooxygenase, antioxidant activity

    Abstract:The aim was to investigate the influence of the peptide complex from pork kidney tissues on indicators of free radical oxidation and the expression of COX-1,2 in experimental Indometacine-induced gastropathy. Materials and methods: There were examined 67 male Wistar rats. Experimental peptic ulcer disease was reached by the injection into the stomach of 60mg/kg Indometacine. The experimental group had got 75mg/kg for 7 days up to the Indometacine injection. The concentration of enzymes COX-1, 2 in blood plasma and gastric homogenate were determined by the method of enzyme immunoassay. The activity of free radical oxidization processes was evaluated by the coloring intensity of the products of the corresponding biochemical reactions. Results: In the experimental group the concentration of COX-2 in the gastric mucosa was reduced by 26.5% comparing to the intact group. Thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances concentration was redused in 2,3 times comparing to the control group. Increased under the effect of indomethacin, the concentrations of superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase were equal the concentrations of healthy rats. Conclusion: The injection of a peptide complex from pork kidney tissues for 7 days is accompanied by reducing of the inflammatory process in the gastric mucosa, as evidenced by a decrease in the concentration of COX-2 in the stomach homogenate, as well as reducing of oxidative damage to gastric cells and strengthening their enzyme antioxidant protection.

      1. Lorenc C. E. Zharikov A. Yu., Bobrov I. P. et al. Gastroprotective effect of peptide complex / / Siberian scientific medical journal. – 2017. – Vol. 37, № 6. – P. 5–9.
      2. Novikov V. E., Kryukova N. Oh. Krikova A. V. NSAIDS-induced gastropathies and their prevention // Reviews of clinical pharmacology and drug therapy. – 2008. – Vol. 6, № 1. – P. 26–30.
      3. Kursov S. V., Nikonov V. V. Cyclooxygenase: physiological effects, inhibitor action and prospects for further use of paracetamol (analytical review) // medicine of emergency conditions. –2016. – Vol. 76, № 5. – P. 27–35.
      4. Radbil O. S. Free radicals and diseases of the digestive system // Clinical medicine – 1989. – № 3. – P. 17–21.
      5. Shcherbatykh A. V., Kulinsky V. I., Bolsheshapov A. A., Sokolova S. V. lipid Peroxidation and antioxidant system in gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer and postgastrectomy syndromes // Siberian scientific medical journal.. – 2005. – № 3. – P. 9–13.
      6. Lelyavina T. I., Ineshina E. G., ZHigaev, G. F., et al. lipid Peroxidation and nonhealing gastroduodenal ulcer// Siberian scientific medical journal – 2002. – Vol. 34, № 5. – P. 46–48.
      7. Zharikova G. V., Zharikov A. Yu., Kiselev V. I. et al. The influence of peptide complex from the tissues of pig kidneys on the indicators of free radical oxidation in experimental urolithiasis // Siberian scientific medical journal 2017. – Vol. 37, № 2. – P. 17–21
      8. Stepanov Yu. M., Breslavets Yu. S. Dynamics of the content of COX-2 in the mucosa of the stomach and duodenum on the background of medicamentous correction of NSAID-gastropathy. Gastroenterology, 2013, volume 47 No. 1, C36–42
      9. Usmanova sh. e, Yakubov A. V. the state of oxidative stress in the gastric mucosa and ways of its correction in indomethacin-induced gastropathy. Modern medicine, topical issues, 2014, № 28, p. 88–97

    Full text is published :
    Lorents S. E., Zharikov A. Yu., Mazko O. N., Makarova O. G. et al. INFLUENCE OF THE PEPTIDE COMPLEX FROM PORK KIDNEYS TISSUES ON INDICATORS OF FREE RADICAL OXIDATION AND THE EXPRESSION OF COX-1,2 IN EXPERIMENTAL GASTROPATHY. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2018;154(06):81-85
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    1. N. V. Sklifosovsky Research Institute for Emergency Medicine of the Moscow Healthcare (Moscow, Russian Federation)

    Keywords: acetaminophen, intestinal microflora, experiment, rats

    Abstract:Objective: To study the qualitative and quantitative composition of microflora in the jejunum and the cecum in acetaminophen administration. Materials and methods: The experiments were carried out on 30 rats male Wistar rats weighing 400-450 g. The influence of intragastric administration of acetaminophen (500 mg/kg) on the microflora in the jejunum and cecum has been studied. Results: It is shown that administration of acetaminophen within 21 days no changes composition of the jejunal microbiota, but leads to decrease species composition and to significant inhibition of lactobacillus and bifidobacterium in the cecum..

      1. Fedos’ina E. A., Zharkova M. S., Mayevskaya M. V. Bacterial intestinal microflora and liver diseases // Russian journal of gastroenterology, Hepatology and Coloproctology – 2009. – Vol. 19. – № 6. – P. 73–81.
      2. Larson A.M., Polson J., Fontana R. J., Davern T. J. et al. Acetaminophen-induced acute liver failure: results of a United States multicenter, prospective study // Hepatology. – 2005. – Vol. 42, № 6. – Р. 1364–1372.
      3. Bessems J.G., Vermeulen N. P. Paracetamol (acetaminophen)-induced toxicity: molecular and biochemical mechanisms, analogues and protective approaches // Crit. Rev. Toxicol. – 2001. – Vol.31, № 1. -Р. 55–138.
      4. Iqubal A., Iqubal M. K., Haque S. E. Experimental hepatotoxicity Inducing agents: A Review // International Journal of Pharmacological Research. – 2016.-Vol. 6,№ 11.-Р.325–335.
      5. Nikolaeva I. V., SHejbak V.M., Lelevich S. V., Kravchuk R. I. Struktura mikrobiocenoza kishechnika krys, poluchavshih acetaminofen // Vestnik Vitebskogo gosudarstvennogo medicinskogo universiteta. – 2014. – T. 13, № 1. – S. 56–62.
      6. Dresa I. K., Tchesevic V. T., Zabrodskaya S. V., Y. Z. Maksimchik, etc. Hepatotoxic effects of acetaminophen. Tread properties of tryptophan derivatives / / Biomedical chemistry. – 2010. – Vol. 56. – № 6. – P. 710–718
      7. Parmar S.R., Vashrambhai P. H., Kalia K. Hepatoprotective activity of some plants extract against paracetamol induced hepatotoxicity in rats // J Herbal Med Toxicol. –2010. – Vol. 4, № 2.-Р.101–106.
      8. Sivkov A. V., Sinyukhin V. N., Arzumanov S. V., Stetsyuk E. A., Korobova, T. A. Uremic toxins in blood of patients with end-stage renal failure with intestinal dysbiosis // Experimental and clinical urology. – 2014. – № 2. – P. 94–97.
      9. Wu G.D., Chen J., Hoffmann C., Bittinger K. et al. Linking long-term dietary patterns with gut microbial enterotypes // Science. –2011. -Vol.334.-№ 6052. – P. 105–108.
      10. Possamai L.A., McPhail M.J., Khamri W., Wu B. et al. The role of intestinal microbiota in murine models of acetaminophen induced hepatotoxicity // Liver Int. –2015. – Vol. 35, № 3.-Р.764–773.
      11. Clayton T.A., Baker D., Lindon J. C., Everett J. R., Nicholson J. K. Pharmacometabonomic identification of a significant host-microbiome metabolic interaction affecting human drug metabolism // Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. – 2009. – Vol. 106, № 34.-Р. 14728–14733.
      12. Nowak A, Libudzisz Z. Ability of intestinal lactic bacteria to bind or/and metabolise phenol and p-cresol // Ann Microbiol. –2007. -Vol. 57, № 3. – P 329–335.

    Full text is published :
    Tropskaya N. S., Vilkova I. G., Kislykova E. A., Kislicina O. S. et al. THE CHANGE OF INTESTINAL MICROFLORA IN NONSTEROIDAL ANTI-INFLAMMATORY DRUG ACETAMINOPHEN ADMINISTRATION. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2018;154(06):86-89
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    1. Moscow clinical scientific and practical center. A. S. Loginov (Moscow, Russian Federation)
    2. Moscow Research and Practical Centre for Narcology of the Department of Public Health (Moscow, Russian Federation)
    3. Federal State Budgetary Educational Establishment of Higher Education Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE) (Moscow, Russian Federation)
    4. Federal State-Funded Educational Institution of Higher Education "Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation" (Moscow, Russian Federation)

    Keywords: Alcohol, rat, alcohol-associated internal injuries

    Abstract:Purpose. Experimentally determine the volume and time stages of damage formation associated with the use of low-alcohol (SAN) and energy drinks (EN) in rats. Material and methods. 45 white Wistar rats were used, the experimental animals were divided into three series consisting of three groups. The first a series of age - 1.5 month; the second a series of - 12 months. The third series-24 months. In each series of 3 groups: 1-I control (intact), animals had the free access to clean water and customary food. 2nd experimental group rats with free access to water and food was added to the drinking bowl with AL “Red Bull” or SAN “Black Russian”. Autopsy after 14 and 45 days, or if necessary, when the animals died from drinking. After the autopsy, the abdominal and thoracic cavities were examined. To assess the revealed injuries, the damage index (di) was calculated, which was calculated by the number of organs with injuries and divided by the number of animals in the group. Conclusion. Experimental animal studies have established a single pathogenetic mechanism and cause-and-effect relationship between blood flow disorders associated with alcohol and multiple (polymorbidity) internal injuries. Low-alcohol drinks (cocktails) are not harmless drinks, they cause multiple toxic damage to the internal organs in the “young” rats appear damage characteristic of the “old” animals. In this case, aging is not age, but disease. Low-alcohol and energy drinks are conducive to the use of stronger drinks (“Rare” - Red bull + vodka). Decrease in the instinct of self-preservation-refusal of food and drink in combination with polymorbidity of lesions of internal organs leads to death of animals. Easy access for young people and the widespread availability of low-alcohol and energy drinks (cocktails) are a subject of discussion and attention for educators and doctors.

      1. Лазебник Л. Б. Полиморбидность у пожилых // Сердце. 2007. № 7. С. 25–27 [Lazebnik L. B. Polimorbidnost’ u pozhilyh // Serdce. 2007. № 7. S. 25–27 (in Russian)].
      2. Pakhomova IG, Zinovieva E. N. Gastroesophageal reflux disease in a polymorbid patient: features of therapy / / BC. – № 10 of May 30, 2017. Pp. 760–764.
      3. Gubergric N.B, Krjuk N. A. Osobennosti lechenija bol’nyh hronicheskim pankreatitom v sochetanii s gastrojezofageal’noj refljuksnoj bolezn’ju // Gastrojenterologija Sankt-Peterburga. 2007. № 1–2. S. 114 (in Russian).
      4. Torosyan EA, Torosyan A. C., Semerjyan V. V. “Black hole” of medicine – polymorbidity Bulletin of new medical technologies. 2008. T. 15. No. 1. P. 202–204.
      5. Lazebnik LB, Konev Yu.V., Efremov L. I. Polymorbidity in geriatric practice: quantitative and qualitative assessment. Clinical gerontology. 2012. T. 18. № 1–2. Pp. 36–42.
      6. Pavlova TV, Maslov PV, Markovskaya VA, Pavlova LA, Proschayev KI, Goncharov I. Yu., Kolesnikov DA Pathomorphological mechanisms of kidney involvement in the polymorbide continuum of a human with thermal trauma (experimental study) Modern problems of science and education. 2012. № 4. S. 59.
      7. Serebrova SY, Prokofiev AB, Zhuravleva MV, Sichinava IV, Smolyarchuk EA, Galstyan LR, Kurguzova D. O., Pankratova N. A. Comorbidity and polymorbidity in adults and children in the light of the problem of NVP-gastropathy. Experimental and clinical gastroenterology. 2016. No. 6 (130).
      8. Mysak A. R. Polymorbidity of internal pathology in females with mammary tumors. Issues of regulatory legal regulation in veterinary medicine. 2013. № 3. P. 79–81.
      9. Briskin B. S. Polymorbidity of the elderly and surgical problems. Clinical gerontology. 2007. T. 13. № 5. S. 3–7.

    Full text is published :
    Fedotova Т.F., Mikhalev I.V., Efremov L.I., Kleschev V.N. et al. ALCOHOL ASSOCIATED INTERNAL INJURY IN RATS. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2018;154(06):90-93
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    1. Moscow regional scientific and clinical research Institute named after M. F. Vladimirsky (Moscow, Russian Federation)

    Keywords: acromegaly, gastrointestinal tract, neoplasms, colon polyps, colon diverticula

    Abstract:Acromegaly is a severe neuroendocrine disease caused by increased production of somatotropic hormone by adenohypophysis tumor. The somatotropic hormone is indirectly, via insulin-like growth factor-1, acts on all organs and systems of the body, causing a large number of complications, including those of the gastrointestinal tract. Numerous cases of diagnosing both benign and malignant neoplasms have been described in the literature in this group of patients. About 15% of patients with acromegaly die from cancer, especially colon cancer, which frequency varies from 2 to 14 times the increase in comparison with the general population. However, there is an extremely low amount of studies of the upper part of the digestive tract in patients with acromegaly. The article reflects the results of various domestic and foreign studies on the upper and lower divisions of the gastrointestinal tract of patients with acromegaly, malignant and benign neoplasms of the stomach and colon, diverticular disease in patients with acromegaly, as well as possible prerequisites for their development, based on the pathogenesis of the underlying disease.

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      7. Loeper S, Ezzat S. Acromegaly: re-thinking the cancer risk. Rev Endocr Metab Disord. 2008;9(1):41-58. doi: 10.1007/s11154-007-9063-z.
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      9. Bengtsson B.A, Edén S, Ernest I, Epidemiology and long-term survival in acromegaly. A study of 166 cases di agnosed between 1955 and 1984. Acta Med Scand. 1988;223(4):327-35. doi: 10.1111/j.0954-6820.1988.tb15881.x.
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      12. Rajasoorya C, Holdaway I.M, Wrightson P, Determinants of clinical outcome and survivial in acromegaly. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 1994;41(1):95-102. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2265.1994.tb03789.x
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      14. Dedov I. I., Molitvoslovova N. N., Rozhinskaya L. YA., Mel’nichenko G. A. Federal’nye klinicheskie rekomendacii po klinike, diagnostike, differencial’noj diagnostike i metodam lecheniya akromegalii.// Problemy ehndokrinologii. 2013. T. 59, N6. S. 4–18
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    Full text is published :
    Titaeva A. A., Belousova E. A., Tereshchenko S. G. BENIGN AND MALIGNANT NEOPLASMS OF THE GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT IN PATIENTS WITH ACROMEGALY. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2018;154(06):94-97
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    1. Public budgetary educational institution of higher education «Ogarev Mordovia State University» of Ministry of Education of Russia (Saransk, Russian Federation)

    Keywords: mechanical jaundice, Remaxol, reparative regeneration, oxidative stress, hypoxia, endogenous intoxication

    Abstract:Goal. To study the effects of complex therapy with Remaksol on the reparative process of a laparotomic wound in the early postoperative period in patients with mechanical jaundice. Material and methods of investigation. We performed clinical and laboratory studies in 40 patients with mechanical jaundice of a non-tumoral nature, 22 patients received Remaxol in their early postoperative period (daily intravenous infusion of 400.0 ml for 5 days). The control group consisted of 18 patients with chronic calculous cholecystitis. Patients underwent cholecystectomy, choledochotomy with choledocholithoextraction or the formation of choledochoduodenoanastomosis. Results. Under mechanical jaundice the reparative potential of tissues is significantly reduced. One of the most important mechanisms of inhibition of tissue regeneration is the deterioration of their bioenergetics. Membrane destabilizing phenomena of regenerating structures are also of great importance due to excessive activity of peroxide oxidation of membrane lipids and activation of phospholipases. Negative factors, aggravating regeneration, in patients were hypoxia, endotoxemia and hypoalbuminemia. Application in the early postoperative period in the complex therapy of Remaxol leads to a significant correction of factors detrimental to the reparative process, which is responsible for the improvement of tissue healing in conditions of cholestasis. Correction of endogenous intoxication and hypoalbuminemia is associated with the hepatoprotective effect of the drug. Conclusion. The Remaxol use increases the reparative potential of laparotomic wounds in patients with mechanical jaundice.

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      3. Bolevich SB, Stupin VA, Gakhramanov TV, Khokonov MA, Silina EV, Men’shova NI, Bogdanova LS. Free radical processes at patients with pathologies of biliary ducts and methods of their correction. Khirurgiya. Zhurnal imeni N. I. Pirogova. 2010;(7):65–70.
      4. Silina E. V., Stupin V. A., Gakhramanov T. V., Khokonov M. A., Bolevich S. B., Men’shova N.I., Sinelnikova T. G. Oxidative stress in patients with mechanical jaundice of different origin and severity. Clinical Medicine. 2011;89(3):57–63
      5. Khilko S. S., Butyrskii A. G. About biochemical parameters in experimental obstructive jaundice and the ways of their correction. Tavricheskiy Mediko-Biologicheskiy Vestnik. 2017;20(2):134–139.
      6. Vinogradova T. I., Sukhanov D. S., Zabolotnykh N. V., Kovalenko A. L., Vasil’eva S. N., Romantsov M. G. Comparative study of remaxol and ademethionine effects on reparative regeneration processes in liver under surgical invasion conditions. Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology. 2011;74(2):34–38.–2092–2011–74–2–34–38
      7. Sukhanov D. S., Vinogradova T. I., Zabolotnyh N. V., Vitovskaya M. L., Momot D. S., Elkin A. V. The pharmacological activity of succinatecontaining hepatoprotectors in experimental liver damage. Scientific medical bulletin of Yugra. 2014;1–2(5–6):189–192

    Full text is published :
    Vlasov A. P., Zaitsev P. P., Vlasova T. I., Grigoriev A. G. et al. OPTIMIZATION OF A LAPAROTOMIC WOUND REPARATIVE REGENERATION UNDER MECHANICAL JAUNDICE. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2018;154(06):98-104
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    1. M. Sechenov first Moscow state medical University (Moscow, Russian Federation)

    Keywords: H. Pylori, iron deficiency, anemia

    Abstract:The article analyzes the results of recent studies on the relationship of iron deficiency, iron deficiency anemia and H. Pylori infection. The results of recent epidemiological studies of the combination of these diseases and the proposed theory of the pathogenesis of iron deficiency in infection with HP, including the role of chronic inflammation supported by HP in the formation of anemia of chronic diseases.

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    Full text is published :
    Shulyat’eva N.V., Drozdov V. N., Serebrova S. Yu., Starodubcev A. K., Shih E. V. THE VALUE OF THE H. PYLORI INFECTION IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF IRON DEFICIENCY. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2018;154(06):105-110
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    1. Institute of advanced training of the Federal medical and biological Agency of Russia» (Moscow, Russian Federation)
    2. MSMSU them. A. I. Evdokimov (Moscow, Russian Federation)
    3. Lyubertsy Kozhno-Venerologicheskiy Dispanser (Lyubertsy, Russian Federation)

    Keywords: rosacea, Helicobacter pylori, proton pump inhibitors

    Abstract:The available numerous literature data indicate that Helicobacter pylori infection (HP) plays an important role in the etiology and pathogenesis of diseases that are not related to the digestive system (atherosclerosis, diabetes, thrombocytopenic purpura, Sjogren’s disease), including skin diseases (chronic urticaria, atopic dermatitis, itching, psoriasis, red flat lichen, focal alopecia, rosacea, etc.). The role of Helicobacter pylori infection during these diseases is described in detail and the need for eradication therapy is proved. The importance of studying gastrointestinal lesions in patients with this pathology for the purpose of complex pathogenetic therapy is confirmed.

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    Full text is published :
    Matushevskaya E. V., Komissarenko I. A., Matushevskaya Yu.I. THE ROLE OF HELICOBACTER PYLORI IN THE PATHOGENESIS OF ROSACEA. TREATMENT WITH PROTON PUMP INHIBITORS. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2018;154(06):111-115
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    Keywords: nausea, vomiting, diagnostics, treatment

    Abstract:The article is devoted to the problem of the emetic syndrome. Details are presented etiology, basic variants and diagnostic criteria for the disease. The article focuses on the aspects of treatment of patients with an emetic syndrome.

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    Full text is published :
    Strokova О. А., Ereminа E. Yu. EMETIC SYNDROME: PRINCIPLES OF DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2018;154(06):116-121
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    1. Scientific Research Institute of Molecular Biology and Medicine (Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan)
    2. Kyrgyz State Medical Academy named after I. K. Akhunbayev (Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan)
    3. Kyrgyz Russian Slavic University named after the First President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin (Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan)
    4. FSAEI HE First Moscow State Medical University named after I. M. Sechenov (Moscow, Russian Federation)
    5. Family Medicine Center № 7 (Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan)

    Keywords: gut microbiota, dysbiosis, epigenome, regulation

    Abstract:The development and introduction of high-performance molecular genetic methods into practice allowed us, in recent years, to increase our knowledge of the epigenome and microbiome, which shed light on the mechanisms of development of various pathologies, such as cancer, immune-mediated, metabolic and cardiovascular diseases. It was found that the dysbiosis of gut microbiota (GM), which often accompanies these diseases, can affect the epigenetic mechanisms of the regulation of the activity of individual genes either directly through a change in the composition of GM, or indirectly, through changes in metabolites, which are various biologically active substances (short-chain fatty acids, biotin, folic acid and other biologically active molecules). Indeed, correlations between epigenetic mechanisms regulating the activity of host genes, on one hand, and changes in the composition of its gut microbiota or metabolites produced by intestinal microorganisms, on the other, have been established in certain diseases. It served as the basis for assuming that GM can become a diagnostic marker for certain diseases, and that treating the intestinal dysbiosis by transplanting healthy microflora is an effective therapeutic strategy. In this article, we discuss the relationship between dysbiosis of the gut microbiota and the host’s epigenome, as well as the possibility of using the microbiome and epigenome as diagnostic and therapeutic targets.

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    Full text is published :
    Aitbaev K.A., Murkamilov I.T., Fomin V.V., Murkamilova Zh.A. INFLUENCE OF GUT MICROBIOTA ON EPIGENETICS: MECHANISMS, ROLE IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF DISEASES, DIAGNOSTIC AND THERAPEUTIC POTENTIAL. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2018;154(06):122-129
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    1. Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (Moscow, Russian Federation)
    2. Volgograd State Medical University (Volgograd, Russian Federation)

    Keywords: Oddi’s sphincter, dysfunction, “biliary pain”, “pancreatic pain”, diagnostics, treatment

    Abstract:This article is devoted to the clinical picture, approaches to diagnosis and treatment of Oddi´s sphincter dysfunction.

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    Full text is published :
    Khalilova U. A., Skvortsov V. V., Lunkov M. V. DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT OF ODDI´S SPHINCTER DYSFUNCTION. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2018;154(06):130-133
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    1. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Institute for regenerative medicine (Moscow, Russian Federation)

    Keywords: cholelithiasis, cholangiopathy, toll-like receptors, gallstone disease, gallstones

    Abstract:It is believed that gallstone formation in the biliary tree is a disease associated with alterations of the normal functioning of the organism, and often accompanied by metabolic dysfunction. Recent scientific data allow us to take a fresh look at the problem by proposing an original hypothesis about gallstone formation as a protective immunological reaction of the biliary three cells aimed to isolate exogenous microorganisms and to stop overexpression of toll-like receptors (TLR). In this paradigm, the cholelithiasis appears to be an autoimmune cholangiopathy, therapy of which is associated with the normalization of the immune status of cholangiocytes and down-regulation of its membrane receptors.

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    Full text is published :
    Klabukov I. D., Krasilnikova O. A., Lyundup A. V., Dyuzheva T. G. IMMUNOLOGICAL CAUSES OF GALLSTONE DISEASE (ORIGINAL HYPOTHESIS). Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2018;154(06):134-142
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    1. Moscow Regional Research and Clinical Institute («MONIKI») (Moscow, Russian Federation)
    2. A.I.Yevdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry (Moscow, Russian Federation)

    Keywords: neuroendocrine tumors, diarrhea, lanreotide Autogel, somatostatin analogs, antiproliferative effect

    Abstract:Neuroendocrine tumors (NET) are a rare, but dangerous disease, and often have malignant character. The frequency is about 35 cases at 100.000 population, with 2-5 new cases on 100.000 people a year. The majority of NET produce the active substances in various degree influencing exocrine function and motility of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT). The frequent clinical manifestation of NET is diarrhea. It is necessary to carry out a differential diagnosis of NET in patients with the persistent not stopped diarrhea and/or ulcer damage of a GIT. The purposes of treatment of NET are the elimination of primary tumor (and its metastasizes - if they are) and normalization of a hormonal background that leads to a regress of clinical symptoms. The randomized controlled studies PROMID and CLARINET with a high degree of substantiality have shown symptomatic improvement and significant anti-proliferative effect of somatostatin analogs in the treatment of NET. In the CLARINET study, the lanreotide Autogel was effective at a wide range of patients with highly - and moderate differentiated NET (Ki-67 <10%), including with primary tumor in a small intestine and pancreas, with a primary tumor of unknown localization, and with metastatic damage of a liver. Now somatostatin analogs are considered as the first line of drug treatment of patients with highly - and moderate differentiated NET of digestive tract regardless of the extent of metastatic damage of a liver.

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      27. Buil-Bruna N, Dehez M, Manon A, Nguyen TX, Trocóniz IF. Establishing the Quantitative Relationship Between Lanreotide Autogel®, Chromogranin A, and Progression-Free Survival in Patients with Nonfunctioning Gastroenteropancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors. AAPS J. 2016 May;18(3):703–12. doi: 10.1208/s12248–016–9884–3.
      28. Caplin ME, Pavel M, Ćwikła JB, Phan AT, Raderer M, Sedláčková E, Cadiot G, Wolin EM, Capdevila J, Wall L, Rindi G, Langley A, Martinez S, Gomez-Panzani E, Ruszniewski P CLARINET Investigators. Anti-tumour effects of lanreotide for pancreatic and intestinal neuroendocrine tumours: the CLARINET open-label extension study. Endocr Relat Cancer. 2016 Mar;23(3):191–9. doi: 10.1530/ERC-15–0490.
      29. Wolin EM, Pavel M, Cwikla JB, Phan AT, Raderer M, Sedlackova E. Final progression-free survival analyses for lanreotide autogel/depot 120 mg in metastatic enteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumors: the CLARINET extension study. J Clin Oncol. 2017, Vol. 35, no. 15_suppl: 4089–4089. DOI: 10.1200/JCO.2017.35.15_suppl.4089
      30. Phan AT, Caplin ME, Pavel ME, Cwikla J B, Raderer M, Sedláčková E, Cadiot G, Wolin EM, Capdevila J, Wall L, Rindi G, Langley A, Gomez-Panzani E, Ruszniewski PB. Effects of lanreotide Depot/Autogel in pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors: a subgroup analysis from the CLARINET study. J Clin Oncol. 2015. Vol. 33, no. 3_suppl:233–233. DOI: 10.1200/jco.2015.33.3_suppl.233
      31. Cwikla JB, Wolin EM, Pavel M, Phan AT, Raderer M, Sedláčková E, Cadiot G, Capdevila J, Rindi G, Lombard-Bohas C, Liyanage N, Truong Thanh X–M, Ruszniewski P, Caplin M. Ann Oncol. 2017. Vol. 28, Issue suppl_5,
      32. Massironi S, Conte D, Rossi RE. Somatostatin analogues in functioning gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumours: literature review, clinical recommendations and schedules.// Scand J Gastroenterol. 2016; 51 (5): 513–523.
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      35. Mehrvarz Sarshekeh A, Halperin DM, Dasari A. Update on management of midgut neuroendocrine tumors. Int J Endocrine Oncol. 2016;3(2):175–189. doi:10.2217/ije-2015–0004.

    Full text is published :
    Ilovayskaya I. A. DIARRHEA AS A CLINICAL MARKER OF NEUROENDOCRINE TUMORS. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2018;154(06):143-149
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    1. North-western State Medical University n. a. I. I. Mechnikov (St. Petersburg, Russian Federation)
    2. Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education I. M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (Moscow, Russian Federation)

    Keywords: ursodeoxycholic acid, Grinterol®, cytolysis syndrome, cholestasis syndrome

    Abstract:The influence of therapy with ursodeoxycholic acid Grinterol® on the clinical and biochemical parameters of patients with hepatobiliary pathology under conditions of real polyclinic practice was studied. The study involved 300 centers in 25 cities of the Russian Federation. The number of participants was 10213 patients. The study included patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, alcoholic liver disease, chronic viral hepatitis, drug damage to the liver, cirrhosis, сholecystitis with biliary sludge. An assessment of the dynamics of clinical symptoms and biochemical markers of hepatic cytolysis and cholestasis demonstrated the high clinical effectiveness of therapy with Grinterol®, safety and the minimum side effects in all the examined groups. According to the results of the study, the use of the medicinal preparation Grinterol® seems very appropriate for the treatment of diseases of the hepatobiliary system.

      1. Grinevich V. B., Sas E. I. Physiological effects of bile acids. RMJ. Medical review. 2017. No. 2, Pp. 87–91. (in Russian)
      2. Lapina TL, Kartavenko IM. Ursodeoxycholic acid: effect on the mucosa of the upper gastrointestinal tract. Ros Zhurn Gastroenterologii Gepatologii Koloproktologii. 2007; no. 17(6), pp. 51–7. (In Russian)
      3. I. I. Chukaeva, N. V. Orlova. Clinical management of patient with refractory gastroesophageal reflux disease. Medicinskij alfavit 2017, vol. 2 no. 34 pp 22–27 (In Russian)
      4. McQuaid KR, Laine L, Fennerty MB, Souza R, Spechler SJ. Systematic review: the role of bile acids in the pathogenesis of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease and related neoplasia. Aliment Pharmacol Ther., 2011 Jul, 34(2): 146–65.
      5. Banerjee B, Shaheen NJ, Martinez JA et al. Clinical Study of Ursodeoxycholic Acid in Barrett’s Esophagus Patients. Cancer Prev Res (Phila), 2016 Feb 23. pii: canprevres.0276.2015.
      6. Ilchenko А. А. Bolezni zhelchnogo puzyrya i zhelchnykh putej [Diseases of the gallbladder and biliary tracts], Meditsinskoe informatsionnoe agentstvo, 2011, p. 880 (in Russian)
      7. Wijaya I. The Role of Ursodeoxycholic Acid in Acute Viral Hepatitis: an Evidence-based Case Report. Acta Med Indones., 2015 Oct, 47(4): 352–7.
      8. Rejzis А.R., Matanina N. V., Nikitina T. S., et al. Primenenie preparatov ursodezoksikholevoj kisloty (Ursosana) v lechenii ostrykh i khronicheskikh virusnykh gepatitov [The use of drugs ursodeoxycholic acid (ursosan) in the treatment of acute and chronic viral hepatitis], informatsionnoe pis’mo FGUN CNIIE Rospotrebnadzora, 2006, pp. 1–19 (in Russian)
      9. T.L. Lapina, I. M. Kartavenko, V. T. Ivashkin Pathogenic and therapeutic role of bile acids at reflux-gastritis, Russian Journal of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Coloproctology, 2016 vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 86–93 (in Russian)
      10. Mehtiyev S.N., Mehtiyev O. A. Algorithm for the management of patients with functional disorders of the biliary tract. Lechaschiy Vrach, 2013, no. 4, pp. 52–59. (in Russian)
      11. O. N. Minushkin, L. V. Maslovsky, O. A. Eremenko, O. F. Shaposhnikova, M. S. Makarova. Biliary sludge as the initial stage of cholelithiasis. Therapy and prevention, Meditsinskiy Sovet, 2017, no. 5, pp. 65–69 (in Russian).
      12. Lazebnik L.B. et al. Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: clinic, diagnostics, treatment, Eksperimental’naya i Klinicheskaya Gastroenterologiya 2017; 138 (2), pp. 22–37 (in Russian)
      13. Bojtsov S. А., Chuchalin А. G. Dispansernoe nablyudenie bol’nykh khronicheskimi neinfektsionnymi zabolevaniyami i patsientov s vysokim riskom ikh razvitiya [Clinical follow-up of patients with chronic non-infectious diseases and patients at high risk of their development], Moscow, 2014, p. 112 (In Russian)
      14. A.A. Shipovskaya, O. P. Dudanova. Intrahepatic cholestasis in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Therapeutic Archive, 2018, vol. 90, no. 2, pp. 69–74 (in Russian)
      15. Kazyulin A. N. Place of ursodeoxycholic acid in the therapy of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease at different stages: steatosis, steatohepatitis, fibrosis / cirrhosis, RMJ. 2017. No. 17. pp. 1248–1257 (in Russian)
      16. Oh B, Choi WS, Park SB, Cho B, Yang YJ, Lee ES, Lee JH. Efficacy and safety of ursodeoxycholic acid composite on fatigued patients with elevated liver function and/or fatty liver: a multi-centre, randomised, double-blinded, placebo-controlled trial. Int J Clin Pract., 2016 Apr, 70(4): 302–11.
      17. Plevris J. N., Hayes P. C., Bouchier I. A. D. Ursodeoxycholic acid in the treatment of alcoholic liver disease. Gastroenterol // Hepatol. 1991; 3: 6536–6541
      18. Roma M.G., Toledo F. D., Boaglio A. C. et al. Ursodeoxycholic acid in cholestasis: linking action mechanisms to therapeutic applications // Clin. Sci. (Lond.). 2011. Vol. 121. № 12. P. 523–544.
      19. Landar’ L. N., CHudakov N. V. Alcoholic liver disease, therapeutic treatment, Nauka i obrazovanie: sokhranyaya proshloe, sozdayom budushhee, 2018, pp. 210–214. (in Russian)
      20. V. M. Makhov, L. N. Ugryumova, A. A. Balakhonov, Z. A. Mamieva Ursodezoksiholevaja acid: therapist’s view, Meditsinskiy Sovet, 2017. No. 5. Pp. 112–116 (in Russian)
      21. Vertkin A.L., Torubarov S. F. Alkogol’-assotsiirovannye sostoianiia v klinike vnutrennikh boleznei. Opredelenie, taktika vedeniia. Ambulatornyi priem. 2017; 1 (3): 57–62. (in Russian)
      22. O. N. Minushkin, I. V. Zverkov, Yu. S. Skibina. Some approaches to treatment of patients with chronic (biliary) reflux gastritis, Medical Alphabet, 2017, vol. 2, no. 19, pp. 28–31. (in Russian)
      23. Polunina Т. Е. Biliary dysfunction. Rome Consensus IV. Therapy. 2017;6(16), pp. 100–112. (in Russian)

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    1. “Russian Medical Academy of Continuing Professional Education” Russian Federation Ministry of Health (Moscow, Russian Federation)
    2. First Moscow state medical University. I. M. Sechenov Russian Ministry Of Health (Moscow, Russian Federation)

    Keywords: СYР2С19, Helicobacter pylori, eradication therapy, proton pump inhibitors

    Abstract:The clinical situation in which the dependence of the result of Н. pylori eradication therapy on the genotype СYР2С19 controlling the metabolism rate of proton pump inhibitors is described. When carrying the allele variant СUR2С19 * 17 (homo-, heterozygote), a person refers to the “fast metabolizers” of this group of drugs. In view of this anti-Helicobacter therapy can not be achieved in the proper amount.

      1. И.В. Маев, Ю. А. Кучерявый, Д. Н. Андреев «Причины неэффективности антигеликобактерной терапии». РЖГК. -2013. - Т. 23. -№ 6. - с. 62-72
      2. «Актуальные вопросы оказания медицинской помощи больным с кислотозависимыми заболеваниями в клинической практике». Медицинский алфавит № 19 (316) 2017. Практическая гастроэнтерология. - Том № 2. - стр. 11
      3. Сычев Д.А. «Фармакогенетическое тестирование: клиническая интерпретация результатов»2011. стр.48
      4. Malfertheiner P., Megraud F., O’Morain C.A. et al. Management of Helicobacter pylori infection - the Maastricht IV/ Florence Consensus Report // Gut. 2012. Vol. 61. № 5. P. 646-664
      5. С. И. Пиманов, Е. В. Макаренко. Рекомендации Маастрихт V/Флорентийского консенсуса по лечению хеликобактерной инфекции. ConsiliumMedicum. 2017; 8.1: 8-27
      6. Ивашкин В. Т., Маев И. В., Лапина Т. Л., Шептулин А. А., Трухманов А. С., Абдулхаков Р. А. и др. Лечение инфекции Helicobacter pylori: мейнстрим и новации // Российский журнал гастроэнтеролии, гепатолии, колопроктологии. 2017. № 27(4). С. 4-21

    Full text is published :
    Bojko E.N., Denisenko N.P., Grishina E.A., Ryzhikova K.A. et al. THE INFLUENCE OF GENE POLYMORPHISMS СУР2С19 ON THE EFFECTIVENESS OF ERADICATION THERAPY OF H. PYLORI. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2018;154(06):160-163
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    1. State funded medical institution “City clinical hospital № 15 named after O. M. Filatov” Department of healthcare of Moscow. (Moscow, Russian Federation)
    2. State funded institution of higher professional education “Moscow State Medical and Dental University of A. I. Evdokimov” (Moscow, Russian Federation)

    Keywords:rapidly progressing glomerulonephritis, mixed cryoglobulinemia, nephrotic and nephritic syndrome, systemic vasculitis, chronic viral hepatitis C, pulse-therapy, immunosuppressive therapy

    Abstract:The present study demonstrates severe course of glomerulonephritis with underlying nephrotic and acute nephritic syndrome with rapidly progressing kidney failure and skin lesion associated with chronic viral hepatitis C. Unfortunately despite the combined immunosuppressive therapy the patient still had azotemia and the nephrotic syndrome was progressing. It was impossible to conduct antiviral therapy because of acute kidney damage, as the clearance of the pegylated interferon decreases under kidney failure. The therapy by monoclonal antibodies to CD20 was not discussed. Kidney damage remains the main cause of death of patients with mixed cryoglobulinemia. The presented clinical case emphasizes the urgency of the problem of extrahepatic aspect of chronic viral hepatitis C and proves the role of lymphotropic chronic viral hepatitis C in the mechanism of the development of rapidly progressing glomerulonephritis. The development of the scheme of modern antiviral therapy and relapse prevention is needed.

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      16. Saadoun D., Rigon M. R., Sene D. et al. Rituximab plus Peg-interferon –alfa/ribavirin compared with Peginterferon-alfa/ribavirin in hepatitis C-related mixed cryoglobulinemia. Blood.2010; 116:326–334.
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      18. Dunaeva N. V., Karaev V. E., Vorob’eva O.A., Mazing A. V., Lapin S. V., Smirnov A. V. Protivovirusnaya terapiya hronicheskogo gepatita S, oslozhnennogo sistemnym krioglobulinemicheskim vaskulitom // ZHurnal Inektologii. Original’noe issledovanie. -Tom 8.-№ 2.-2016. –S.40–47.

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    1. “Polyclinic № 3” of Affairs Management for the President of Russian Federation (Moscow, Russian Federation)

    Keywords:medical metaphors, gastronomic medical terms, gastronomic medical metaphors

    Abstract:In the article are collected “gastronomic” Russian- and the English-speaking medical metaphors connected with digestive system. Terms are grouped on nozologic and organic sign. The diseases having “gastronomic” symptoms are shortly outlined.

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    Full text is published :
    Burkov S. G., Golubev N. N. ASSOCIATIVE SYMPTOMS OF DISEASES IN GASTROENTEROLOGY. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2018;154(06):170-173
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    1. North-western State Medical University n. a. I. I. Mechnikov (St. Petersburg, Russian Federation)

    Abstract:The 19th Congress of the Gastroenterological Scientific Society of Russia (GSSR - NOGR) and the 20th Anniversary International Slavic-Baltic Scientific Forum "St. Petersburg - Gastro-2018" took place in St. Petersburg, on May 16-18, 2018 as a friendly event to the Russian Scientific Medical Society of Physicians. About 2000 delegates from 23 countries took part in the work of the Congress and Forum, the scientific program of which covered a wide range of issues of diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of the most important diseases of the digestive organs and comorbidities. Within the framework of the Congress and Forum, seven plenary sessions were held on the following issues: “Gastroenterology and nutrition in the 21st century: from fundamental knowledge to clinical perspectives”, “Efficacy and safety of modern pharmacotherapy and diet therapy of diseases of the digestive organs”, “Modern approaches to patient management with functional and organic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract "," Current approaches to the management of patients with dyspepsia and Helicobacter pylori-associated diseases "," Microbiota and its role in the pathogen ese and sanogenesis of diseases ”,“ Diseases of internal organs through the microbiotology prism ”“ Actual gastroenterology for the practicing physician ”. The article is in Russian.


    Full text is published :
    Sitkin S. I., Seliverstov P. V. A REPORT OF THE XIX CONGRESS OF THE GASTROENTEROLOGICAL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY OF RUSSIA. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2018;154(06):174-175
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