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    1. Gorky Donetsk National Medical University, Donetsk, 283045, Ukraine
    2. Husak Institute of Emergency and Reconstructive Surgery, Donetsk, 283045, Ukraine

    Keywords: cholelithiasis, hereditary spherocytosis, children

    Abstract: Hereditary spherocytosis (Minkowski-Shoffar disease) - protein-dependent mebranopathy, leading to the destruction of red blood cells, is one of the causes of gallstone disease. The purpose of this work: to acquaint doctors of various specialties with a possible complication of hereditary spherocytosis in the form of cholelithiasis. The article briefly presents etiopathogenesis, clinical features, diagnosis and treatment of this disease. Two clinical cases of cholelithiasis with hereditary hemolytic microspherocytic anemia of Minkowski-Shoffar are described.
    Results. In the cases presented, there was a severe course of hereditary spherocytosis with hemolytic crises. A detailed picture of suprahepatic jaundice due to microspherocytosis, a decrease in the osmotic resistance of red blood cells, was accompanied by anemia, an increased content of reticulocytes, an increase in the level of indirect bilirubin. The formation of large amounts of thick bile created the conditions for the formation of stones in the gallbladder. Patients had surgical treatment of gallstone disease.
    Conclusion: pediatricians, family doctors, hematologists need to remember about the possible complication of hereditary spherocytosis in the form of gallstone disease for forehanded diagnosis and treatment.

      1. Shabalov N. P. Detskaya gastroenterologiya: rukovodstvo dlya vrachey [children’s gastroenterology: the management for doctors]. M.: MEDpress-inform. 2011. 736 р. [In Russian].
      2. Kuvshinnikov V. A., Shenets S. G. Gemoliticheskie anemii u detey: ucheb.-metod. Posobie [Hemolitic anemias at children: educational and methodical grant]. Minsk: BGMU. 2013. 40 р. [In Russian].
      3. Fadeeva O. Yu., Ratmanova G. A., Votyakova O. I., et al. Zhelchnokamennaya bolezn’ u detey, bol’nykh gemoliticheskimi anemiyami [Cholelithiasis at the children sick with hemolitic anemias]. Zemskiy Vrach. 2015, Vol. 27, no. 3, pp. 35-36. [In Russian].
      4. Karaul’ko I. V. Sluchay nasledstvennoy gemoliticheskoy mikrosferotsitarnoy anemii Minkovskogo-Shoffara [Case of hereditary hemolitic microspherocytic anemia of Minkowski-Shoffara]. Problemy zdorov’ya i ekologii. 2008, no. 4, pp. 131-132. [In Russian].
      5. Mikheeva O. M., Akopova A. O., Okhapkina T. G., Ivkina T. I. Gastroenterologicheskie oslozhneniya u bol’nykh s nasledstvennym mikrosferotsitozom [Gastroenterological complications at patients with a hereditary microspherocytosis]. Meditsinskiy alfavit. Prakticheskaya gastroenterologiya. 2015, Vol. 7, no. 1. рр. 44-46. [In Russian].
      6. Pushkareva T. I., Romantsova. E. B. Gemoliticheskie anemii: uchebnoe posobie [Hemolitic anemias: manual]. - Blagoveshchensk: Bukvitsa. 2010. 33 р. [In Russian].
      7. Sokolova T. A. Geneticheskie aspekty nasledstvennykh gemoliticheskikh anemiy (membranopatiy) [Genetic aspects of hereditary hemolitic anemias (membranopathies)]. Uspekhi sovremennogo estestvoznaniya. 2012, no 10. рр. 26-33. [In Russian].
      8. Mitsura E. F. Nasledstvennyy sferotsitoz u detey: sovremennye predstavleniya (obzor literatury) [Hereditary spherocytosis at children: modern representations (overview of literature)]. Problemy zdorov’ya i ekologii. 2011, Vol. 28, no. 2, рр. 39-44. [In Russian].
      9. Mitsura E. F., Volkova L. I. Nasledstvennye gemoliticheskie anemii u detey: printsipy diagnostiki i lecheniya (lektsiya) [Hereditary hemolitic anemias at children: principles of diagnostics and treatments (lecture)]. Problemy zdorov’ya i ekologii. 2013, Vol. 36, no. 2, рр. 25-29. [In Russian].
      10. Nagornaya N. V., Vilchevskaya E. V., Bordyugova E. V., et al. Gemoliticheskie anemii u detey [Hemolitic anemias at children]. Zdorov’ye rebenka. 2013, no. 8, рр. 175-180. [In Russian].
      11. Bondarenko E. M., Kupaeva V. A. Klinicheskiy sluchay sochetaniya nasledstvennogo sferotsitoza s sindromom Zhil’bera [Clinical case of a combination of a hereditary spherocytosis to Gilbert’s syndrome]. Vestnik molodogo uchenogo. 2015, no. 4. рр. 50-53. [In Russian].
      12. Tamary H., Aviner S., Freud E., et al. High incidence of early cholelithiasis detected by ultrasonography in children and young adults with hereditary spherocytosis. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2003; 25(12): 952-954.
      13. Konca Çapan, Söker Murat, Taş Mehmet Ali, Ruken Yıldırım. Hereditary Spherocytosis: Evaluation of 68 Children. Indian J Hematol Blood Transfus. 2015; 31(1): 127-132.
      14. Grona V. N., Litovka V. K., Latyshov K. V., Grona T. G. Zhelchnokamennaya bolezn’ u rebenka s bessimptomnym v anamneze techeniem gemoliticheskoy anemii [Cholelithiasis at the child with the asymptomatic course of hemolitic anemia in the anamnesis]. Zdorov’ye rebenka. 2011, no. 3. рр. 126-128. [In Russian].
      15. Poddubnyy I. V., Evstaf’yeva I.I., Isaev A. A., Tolstov K. N. Laparoskopicheskaya splenektomiya u detey s mikrosferotsitarnoy anemiey i β-talassemiey [Laparoscopic splenectomy at children with microspherocytic anemia and a β-thalassemia]. Rossiyskiy vestnik detskoy khirurgii, anesteziologii i reanimatologii. 2012. Vol. II, no. 4. рр. 11-16. [In Russian].

    Full text is published :
    Bordyugova E. V., Marchenko E. N., Yuldashevа S. A., Shevtsovа E. I. Cholelithiasis in children with hereditary spherocytosis. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology. 2019;171(11): 31–35. (In Russ.) DOI: 10.31146/1682-8658-ecg-171-11-31-35
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    1. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University 8–2, Trubetskaya St., Moscow, Russian Federation, 119991
    2. Russian National Research Medical University N. I. Pirogov, Ministry of Health of Russia, Moscow, Russia
    3. State budget organization of public health service “Children’s city polyclinic № 99 of public health department of the city of Moscow”, fi lial № 2, Staroalekseevskaya St. h.18, Moscow, Russia

    Keywords: medical organization, situational analysis, SWOT analysis, healthy child’s offi ce, health programming, counseling, prevention, health-saving technologies, nurses with higher education, nursing education

    Abstract: The aim is to analyze the activities of nurses in the offices of a healthy child in children’s policlinics in Moscow to optimize counseling and improve the quality of preventive work.
    Materials and methods. The data of official statistics and statistical reports of the office of a healthy child clinic. The method of statistical analysis of data for the study period, analysis of medical services and quantitative method of SWOT-analysis of 75 parents of children who visited the office of a healthy child.
    Results and discussion. Analysis of the office of a healthy child clinic revealed additional opportunities for the organization of primary prevention of gastroenterological diseases. It was found that the leading position on perenatal counselling is given to the nurse, and nurses with higher medical education have the advantage. It is advisable to revise the regulatory framework for the functioning of the Cabinet of healthy child and provide modern equipment, the introduction of modern methods of organization of work taking into account the training/retraining of nurses with higher education. In the course of advisory and educational work, a nurse with higher education uses the accumulated psychological and pedagogical skills, and parents receive professional information on the development of young children, which ultimately ensures the introduction of new health-saving technologies into practice.
    Conclusion. The results of the situational analysis of the activities of a nurse in a healthy child’s office allow us to optimize the process of counseling the speed of decision-making to improve the quality of preventive work in a children’s policlinic.

      1. Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 15, 2014 No. 294 “On Approval of the State Program of the Russian Federation“ Health Care Development ” (Meeting of the Legislation of the Russian Federation of April 28, 2014 No. 17, Art. 2057).
      2. Zaprudnov A. M., Grigoriev K. I., Kharitonova L. A., Bogomaz L. V. Modern aspects of the prevention of diseases of the digestive system in children. Experimental and clinical gastroenterology. 2013; № 1: 3-14.
      3. Leschenko M. V., Derinova E. A., Makarova Z. S., et al. The cabinet of a healthy child in terms of health care reform. Vopr perinatol and pediatrician. 2017; 62: (6): 104-109.
      4. Goncharova O. V. Educational programs for the care of a child in the offices of a healthy child in children’s health care facilities. Medizinskyi sovet (Medical advice). 2013. № 1: 73-79.
      5. Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 267 dated August 16, 2002 «On Making Addenda to the Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated August 27, 1999 No. 337 «On the Nomenclature of Specialties in Health Care Institutions of the Russian Federation».
      6. Methodical recommendations «The organization of the work of the office of a healthy child in a children’s clinic» (approved by the Ministry of Health of the USSR of 23.03.1987 No. 11-11 / 6-25).
      7. Zubkova N. Z., Skvortsova E. S., Prilepina I. A., Leshchenko M. V. Organization of the work of the study of a healthy child in the children’s clinic. Guidelines. M., 2007: 72 р.
      8. Order of the Ministry of Healthcare and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated July 23, 2010 No. 541n «On the approval of the qualification reference book of managers, specialists and employees, the section «Qualification characteristics of employees in the field of health care».
      9. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 964 of September 3, 2015 «On Approval of the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Vocational Education in the Direction of Training 34.03.01 Nursing (Bachelor’s degree)» [Electronic resource]. Portal of the Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Education.
      10. Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of 05.06.1998 No. 186 «On the upgrading of skills of specialists with secondary medical and pharmaceutical education», as amended by the order of the Ministry of Health of Russia No. 332 dated August 5, 2003.
      11. Aleksandrova O. V., Vasnetsova O. A. Marketing research nursing care. Medizinskaya Sestra (Nurse). 2010;7: 7-9.

    Full text is published :
    Nemtyryova L. F., Grigoriev K. I., Balashova I. V. Marketing analysis of the role of a nurse in counseling parents in the offi ce of a healthy child in children's polyclinic. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology. 2019;171(11): 36–43. (In Russ.) DOI: 10.31146/1682-8658-ecg-171-11-36-43
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    1. State Pediatric Medical University, Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Russia

    Keywords: children, hereditary diseases, hereditary liver diseases, diagnosis, principles of therapy

    Abstract: In the genesis of the development of chronic liver and liver diseases in childhood insufficiency, the leading place belongs to hereditary liver diseases. Timely diagnosis allows you to identify this pathology at an early age and choose the right treatment tactics, and improve the prognosis. The article presents a modern view of diseases such as alpha 1-antitrypsin deficiency, neonatal hemochromatosis, erythropoietic protoporphyria, cystic fibrosis. The treatment of such diseases should be comprehensive, based on the principle of an interdisciplinary approach.

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      6. Kayler L.K, Rasmussen CS, Dykstra DM, Punch JD, Rudich SM, Magee Js. Liver transplantation in children with metabolic disorders in the US. Am J Transplant 2003; 3:334-339.
      7. Sigurdsson L, Reyes J, Kocoshis SA, Hansen TW, Rosh J, Knisely AS. Neonatal hemochromatosis: outcomes of farmacologic and surgical therapies. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 1998; 26: 85-89.
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      10. Grabhorn E, Richter A, Burdelski M, Rogiers X, Ganschou R. Neonatal haemochromatosis: long term experience with favorable outcome. Pediatrics 2006; 118: 2060-2065.
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      13. Whitington PF, Hibbard JU. High dose immunoglobulin during pregnancy for reccurent neonatal haemochromatosis. Lancet 2004; 364:1690-1698.
      14. Murray KF, Kowdlay KV. Neonatal hemochromatosis. Pediatrics 2001; 108:960-964.
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      17. Pirlich M, Lochs H, Schmidt HH. Liver cirrhosis in erythropoietic protoporphyria: improvement of liver function with ursodeoxycholic acid. Am J Gastroenterol 2001; 96: 3468-3469.
      18. McGuireBM, Bonkovsky HL, Carthers RLJr, Chung RT, Goldstain LI, Lake JR. Liver transplantation for erythropoietic protoporphyria liver disease. Liver Transpl 2005; 11:1590-1596.
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      20. Colombo C, Russo MC, Zazzeron L, Romano G. Liver disease in cystic fibrosis. J pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 2006; 43(suppl1):49-55.

    Full text is published :
    Revnova M. O., Gaiduk I. M., Bairova S. V., Koltunceva I. V., Mishkina T. V., Ivanov D. O. Hereditary diseases of the liver of the neonatal period. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology. 2019;171(11): 44–50. (In Russ.) DOI: 10.31146/1682-8658-ecg-171-11-44-50
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    1. Ivanovo State Medical Academy, Ivanovo, Russia

    Keywords: children, regular medical examination, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease

    Abstract: Schedules of regular medical checkups for children with ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease by paediatricians and medical specialists, of laboratory and instrumental examinations are offered, a complex of prophylactic, therapeutic and rehabilitation measures is described. Key aspects of the programme are its complex character, continuity, division into stages and use of modern diagnostic methods. Problems of diet therapy, medication and many other aspects of the follow-up of children with ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease are discussed. Criteria of the effectiveness of the programme are: the absence of exacerbations and omplications of diseases, normal physical and sexual development of a child, improvement of the quality of the patient’s life.

      1. Pediatric Gastroenterology. Editors S. V. Belmer A. I. Havkin, P. L. Scherbakov. Moscow, MEDPRACTICA -M, 2010. 476 p.
      2. Pediatric Gastroenterology. Editors N. D. Shabalov. Moscow, MEDpress- inform, 2013. 760 p.
      3. Pediatric Gastroenterology: practical guidance. Editor I. Yu. Melnikova. Moscow. GEOTAR-media, 2017. 480 p.
      4. Clinical recommendations of the Russian Ministry of Health. Ulcerative colitis at children. Moscow, 2016. 53 p.
      5. Clinical recommendations. Identification of level of calprotectin in the coprofiltrates for differential diagnostics and monitoring of efficiency of treatment of patients with inflammatory diseases of intestines. Moscow, 2015. 10 p.
      6. The order of the Russian Ministry of Health dated 21.03.2017 no. 124n «Concerning the statement of an order and terms of carrying out routine medical examinations of citizens for detection of tuberculosis».
      7. Pediatric Clinical nutrition. Editors T. E. Borovik, K. S. Ladodo. Moscow, MIA, 2008. 606 p.
      8. The order of the Russian Ministry of Labour and Social Protection dated 17.12. 2015 no. 1024n “Concerning the classifications and criteria used during the implementation of medical and social examination of citizens by federal state institutions of medical and social examination”.
      9. Methodological guidelines of the Russian Ministry of Health 3.3.1879-04 “Immunoprophylaxis of infectious diseases. The investigation of vaccination complications”.
      10. Methodological guidelines of the Russian Ministry of Health “Monitoring of post-vaccination complications and their prevention”.
      11. Methodological guidelines of the Russian Ministry of Health “Medical contraindications to carrying out preventive inoculations by means of preparations of the national calendar”.
      12. Recommendations of the society of pediatric gastroenterologists, hepatologists and nutritionists. Rehabilitation of children with digestive disorders. Proceedings of the XXIV International Congress of Pediatric Gastroenterologists of Russia and CIS “Actual problems of abdominal pathology in children”. Editors S. V. Belmer, L. I. Ilyenko. Moscow, MEDPRAKTIKA-M, 2017. pp. 208-257.
      13. Recommendations for the medical care of students “Control over the compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements for the conditions and organization of physical education in educational institutions”. Moscow, 2014; 38 p.
      14. The order of the Russian Ministry of Health dated 18.08.2017 no. 514 “On the procedure for preventive medical examinations of minors”.

    Full text is published :
    Rusova T. V., Ratmanovaga G. A. Regular medical examination of children with ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology. 2019;171(11): 51–58. (In Russ.) DOI: 10.31146/1682-8658-ecg-171-11-51-58
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