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    1. Perm State Medical University. Acad. E. A. Wagner (Perm, Russian Federation)

    Keywords:history of surgery,S.S. Yudin,gastric resection,esophagoenteroanastomosis,military field surgery,cadaveric blood,Marfan syndrome

    Abstract:The purpose of the study. To present the history of the life and work of one of the greatest surgeons of modern times - S. S. Yudin. To justify the assumption of the presence of chromosomal abnormalities - Marfan’s syndrome Materials and methods. The study used bibliographical, historical-genetic and analytical methods Results. We have summarised information on the fate and scientific work of academician Sergey Sergeyevich Yudin and suggested the presence of chromosomal abnormalities - Marfan’s syndrome, as evidenced by: high growth and dolichostenomelia; hypermobility of joints; severe myopia; insufficiency of the aortic valve, the result of which was myocardial infarction. High adrenaline background, characteristic of the disease contributed to the highest health, lightning-fast reactions to events and emotional techniques of operations.

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    Full text is published :
    Nechaev O.I., Palatova L.F. SERGEI SERGEEVICH YUDIN AND MARFAN SYNDROME. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2017;138(02):114-118
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