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    1. Orenburg State Medical University

    Keywords:gastroesophageal reflux disease,children

    Abstract:210 clinical, endoscopic and morphological studies in children patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease were performed. Тhere were 115 (54,8 %) boys and 95 (45,2 %) girls. Their age was from 6 to 18 years. Endoscopically negative form of GERD with minimal clinical manifestations was in one third of the patients. The esophagitis A degree was in 41,1 % cases, the esophagitis B degree - in 17,6 %, the esophagitis C degree - in 7,6 %. HP was detected in the mucous membrane below the Z-line in 34,9 % cases, preneoplastic changes - in 10,9 % cases, mainly on the background of minimal degrees of the esophagitis. The peak incidence of GERD in children is 13-15 years old. The GERD of minimal degree is dominated in children, but preneoplastic changes of mucosa membrane with columnar epithelium is detected often on this background, which requires clarifying methods and morphological study for the prevention of more severe changes in the mucous membrane of the esophageal-gastric transition.

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