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    1. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University

    Keywords:children,motility,gastrointestinal tract,peripheral electrogastroenterography

    Abstract:Conducted a cross-sectional survey of schoolboys in schools on SAO Moscow. We studied 51 healthy children (31 girls and 20 boys) senior school period, from age 12 to 16 years (mean age 14±0,9 years). The main inclusion criterion in the study was the presence of I or II group of health according to the results of periodic medical examinations. I health group had 9 students, II group of health - 42 student. All children were held peripheral electrogastroenterography according to standard methods The result of the research, following data were obtained (M± σ): The Electrical activity of (Pi/Ps),%: Stomach 26.07 ± 4,7, Duodenum 2,9 ± 1,3, Jejunum 5.3 ± 2.2, Ileum of 14.2 ± 4, Colon 51,5 ± 8,5; the Coefficient of rhythm of (K): Stomach 17.8 ± 26,01, Duodenum 4.3 ± 7,5, Jejunum 6,9 ± 10,3, Ileum 10,6 ± 15,2, Colon 32,4 ± 47,3; The ratio of (Pi/Pi+1) Stomach/Duodenum 15.5 ± 9,3, Duodenum/Jejunum 0,6 ± 0,13, Jejunum/Ileum 0,4 ± 0,09, Ileum/Colon 0,4 ± 0,5.

      1. Koloski N. A., Talley N. J., Boyce Ph. M. Epidemiology and health care seeking in the functional GI disorders: a population-based study. Am J Gastroenterol, 2002, no 97, pp. 2290–2299.
      2. Peery A. F., Dellon E. S., Lund J. et al. Burden of Gastrointestinal Disease in the United States: 2012 Update. Gastroenterology. - 2012. - Vol. 143, № 5. - P. 1179-1187.
      3. Saps M., Nichols-Vinueza D. X., Rosen J. M., et al. Prevalence of functional gastrointestinal disorders in Colombian school children. J Pediatr. - 2014. - № 164. - Р. 542-545.
      4. Phatak U. P., Pashankar D. S. Prevalence of functional gastrointestinal disorders in obese and overweight children. Int J Obes. - 2014. - № 38. -Р. 1324-1327.
      5. Rasquin-Weber A., Hyman P. E., Cucchiara S. et al. Childhood functional gastrointestinal disorders. Gut. - 1999. - Vol. 45, № 2. - P. 60-68.
      6. Drossman D. A., Hasler W. L. Rome IV-Functional GI Disorders: Disorders of Gut-Brain Interaction. Gastroenterology. - 2016. - Vol.150, № 6. -Р. 1257-1261.
      7. Tack J., Talley N. J. Functional dyspepsia - symptoms, definitions and validity of the Rome III criteria. Nat Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol. - 2013. - № 10. -Р 134-141.
      8. Ganesh M., Nurko S. Functional dyspepsia in children. Pediatr Ann. - 2014. № 43. P. e101-e105.
      9. Romano C., Valenti S., Cardile S. et al. Functional dyspepsia: an enigma in a conundrum. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. -2016. - Vol. 63, № 6. - P. 579-584.
      10. Пиманов С. И. Римские IV рекомендации по диагностике и лечению функциональных гастроэнтерологических расстройств: Пособие для врачей / Пиманов С. И., Силивончик Н. Н. - М., - 2016. -144 стр.
      11. Haug T. T., Wilhelmsen I., Berstad A. Life events and stress in patients with functional dyspepsia compared with patients with duodenal ulcer and healthy controls. Scand J Gastroenterol. - 1995. - № 30. - Р. 524-530.
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      13. Ивашкин В. Т., Маев И. В., Шептулин А. А. и соавт. Клинические рекомендации Российской гастроэнтерологической ассоциации по диагностике и лечению функциональной диспепсии. Рос журн гастроэнтерол гепатол колопроктол. - 2017. - Т. 27, № 1. - С. 50-61.
      14. Feinle-Bisset C., Vozzo R., Horowitz M. et al. Diet, food intake, and disturbed physiology in the pathogenesis of symptoms in functional dyspepsia. Am J Gastroenterol. - 2004. - № 99. - Р. 170-181.
      15. Wingate D., Hongo M., Kellow J. al. Disorders of gastrointestinal motility: towards a new classification. J Gastroenterol Hepatol. -2002. - № 17 (Suppl). - Р. SI-S 14.
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      18. Эрдес C. И., Полищук А. Р., Топольскова И. А. Многоканальная внутрипросветная импеданс-pH-метрия и ее возможности при ГЭРБ у детей. Альманах клинической медицины. - 2015. - № 42. С. 12-22.
      19. Ступин В. А., Смирнова Г. О., Баглаенко М. В. и соавт. Периферическая электрогастроэнтерография в диагностике нарушений моторно-эвакуаторной функции желудочно-кишечного тракта. Лечащий врач. -2005. - № 2. - С. 60-62.

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    1. Federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education “The Kuban State Medical University”

    Keywords:iron-deficiency anemia,inflammatory bowel disease,celiac disease,erosively ulcerative gastritis

    Abstract:We retrospectively analyzed 268 medical records and 142 outpatient maps of sick children with a particular pathology of the digestive tract and concomitant iron deficiency anemia The structure of the pathology of the digestive tract with concomitant iron deficiency anemia was determined and a direct relationship was established between the severity of the anemic syndrome and the severity of the concomitant nosology.

      1. A. V. Malkovich, S. V. Belmer et al. The development of anemia in certain diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in children. Lechashhij vrach. 2010, no. 1, pp. 24–27.
      2. Anemiya pri vospalitel'nyh zabolevaniyah kishechnika. V kn. Anemiya - skrytaya ehpidemiya. - Per. s angl. - M.: MegaPro. - 2004. - S. 54-59.
      3. deVizia B., poggi V., Conenna R. Iron absorption and iron deficiency in infants. - PediatrGastroenterolNutr - 1998 - P. 21-27.
      4. Glikman, R. M. Vospalitel'nye bolezni kishechnika: yazvennyj kolit i bolezn' Krona. - Vnutrennie bolezni (pod red. Harrisona T. R. i dr.) - Per. s angl. M.: Medicina. - 1998. - T7. - S. 113-116.
      5. Shamir R., Levine A., Yalon - Hacohen M., et al. Faecfl occult blood in children with coeliac disease. - Eur j Pediatr- 2000. - № 4. - P. 159-167.
      6. Fisgin T., Yarali n., Duru F., Usta B., Kara A. Haemotologic manifestation of childhood celiac disease. ActaHaematol. - 2004. - P. 111, 211.
      7. Blanchard J., Bemstein C., Wajda A., Rawsthorne P. Small-area variations and sociodemographic correlates for the incidence of Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. Am. J. Epidemiol. - 2001. - P. 328-335.
      8. SHashel' V.AA., Nefedov P. V., Nastenko V. P. Sposob ocenki ehkologicheskogo sostoyaniya okruzhayushchej sredy. Patent № 2156975 G 01№ 33/00. Opub. 27.09.2000. Byul. № 27.

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    1. Federal Research Center “Krasnoyarsk Science Center” of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences - Scientific Research Institute for Medical Problems of the North

    Keywords:Helicobacter pylori,children,gastritis,Siberia

    Abstract:We had carried out cross-sectional survey with the help of standardized questionnaire which involved 966 schoolchildren in ages from 7 to 17 years in Aginskiy Buryatskiy Okrug aimed at obtaining the information on the presence of gastric intestinal symptoms. We picked up by random 68 subjects out of those mentioned above in order to perform gastroscopy including biopsy of antral sector of corpus gastricum. Morphological estimation of the mucosa was executed after Hematoxylin - Eosin and Giemsa staining. The share of Helicobacter pylori infection in the examined schoolchildren amounted to 64,7 %. Moreover high level of bacterial invasion was observed in 46,7 % of early schoolchildren. Identified infection in the boys matched to that in the girls. The indices were not associated with the presence of dyspepsia clinical signs in the examined subjects, including its specific variations. In children with erosive gastritis/ duodenitis the infection was marked in 100 % cases. Schoolchildren with Helicobacter pylori showed stronger activities in corpus gastricum as compared to non-infected children.

      1. Sheptulin A. A. Infekciya Helicobacter pylori i rak zheludka: sovremennoe sostoyanie problemy. Ros. ZHurn. gastroehnterol. gepatol. koloproktol. -2012. - № 2. - S. 77-82.
      2. Polivanova T. V., Vshivkov V. A., Murav'eva N. G. Gistoarhitektonika kollagenovyh volokon v slizistoj zheludka u shkol'nikov s sindromom dispepsii. Zabajkal'skij medicinskij vestnik. - 2015. - № 2. - S. 94-98.
      3. Shcherbak V. A., Shcherbak N. M. New data on the etiology and pathogenesis of chronic gastroduodenitis in children. Zabajkal'skij medicinskij vestnik, 2014, no 3, pp. 148–155 (in Russian).
      4. Tsukanov V. V., Amel'chugova O.S., Kasparov É. V., Butorin N. N., Vasiutin A. V., Tonkikh Iu.L., Tret' iakova O. V. Role of Helicobacter pylori eradication in the prevention of gastric cancer. Terapevticheskij arkhiv, 2014, no. 8, pp.124–7..
      5. Abbas M., Habib M., Naveed M. et al. The relevance of gastric cancer biomarkers in prognosis and pre- and post- chemotherapy in clinical practice. Biomed Pharmacother. - 2017. - № 95. - P. 1082-1090.
      6. Osadchuk M. M., Kupaev V. I., Osadchuk A. M. Helicobacteriosis. Actual and unresolved problems of pathogenesis and treatment. Practical medicine. 2012. no 1, pp. 16–21.
      7. Pisareva L. F., Boyarkina A. P., Ushakova I. V. Rak zheludka v regione Sibiri i Dal'nego Vostoka. Sibirskij onkologicheskij zhurnal. - 2009. - T. 33, № 3. - S. 36-43.
      8. Polivanova T. V., Vshivkov V. A., Furtsev V. I., Mishchik V. N. Age features of gastritis in schoolchildren of Tyva. Questions of children's dietology. 2013;11(3): 39–44.
      9. Talley N. J. Stanghellini V., Heading R. C. et al. Functional gastroduodenal disorders. Gut. - 1999. - Vol. 45, № 2. - P. 1137-1142.
      10. Aruin L. I., Kononov A. V., Mozgovoj S. I. Mezhdunarodnaya klassifikaciya hronicheskogo gastrita: chto sleduet prinyat' i chto vyzyvaet somneniya? Arhiv patologii. - 2009. - T. 71, № 4. - S. 11-17.
      11. Rebrova O. YU. Opisanie statisticheskogo analiza dannyh v original'nyh stat'yah. Tipichnye oshibki. Medicinskie tekhnologii. Ocenka i vybor. - 2011. - № 4. - S. 36-40.

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    1. Rostov state medical university
    2. Russian national research medical University named after N. I. Pirogov Ministry of Health of Russia

    Keywords:neuron specific enolase,gastroduodenitis,Helicobacter pylori,boys,girls

    Abstract:The purpose of this study was to assess changes in the level of neuron specific enolase (NSE) in boys and girls with chronic gastroduodenitis (CGD), taking into account the severity of the disease and the presence of Helicobacter pylori infection. Material and methods: we examined 73 children with CGD. The first group (32 people) included children with erosive gastroduodenitis of them with a positive examination result on the HP-infection and 16 patients (subgroup 1) and 16 negative tests for HР infection (subgroup 2). Group II included 41 children with superficial gastroduodenitis, 14 of them with a positive result of the survey on HР (subgroup 1) and 27 with negative tests for HР (subgroup 2). The control group (CG) consisted of 28 children I-II health groups. In the diagnosis of the disease was used endoscopic and morphological methods; urease, microscopy, molecular biological and serological tests were carried out for the verification of HР. Results: the analysis of the dynamics of the level of NSE showed high values of this index in boys group II subgroup 2 in comparison with children I group 2 subgroups (p≤0,01). High rates of NSE were detected in boys group I subgroup 1 and 2 group II subgroup compared to CG (p≤0,05, p≤0,01). The girls are a group 1 subgroup, the values of NSE above the level I group 2 subgroup, and CG (p≤0,05; p≤0,01). The girls of group II subgroup 2 of index of NSE is higher compared to patients of subgroup 1 and CG (p≤0,01; p≤0,01). The level of NSE in girls group II subgroup 1 were also higher than values of this index in CG (p≤0,05). The results indicate a possible role of NSE in the development of severe forms of the disease in the absence of pathogenic effects of HP and do not exclude a certain link with the function of sex hormones.

      1. Sapozhnikov V. G., Vorob'eva A. V. The clinical manifestations of chronic diseases of the digestive system in children. Journal of New Medical Technologies. 2015;22(1):23–27. (in Russian)..
      2. Reuka E. YU. Osobennosti klinicheskih proyavlenij gastroduodenitov, associirovannyh s H. pylori u detej // Byulleten' medicinskih Internet-konferencij (ISSN 2224-6150) [EHlektronnyj resurs]. - 2013. - T. 3, № 3. - S. 543-544. - Rezhim dostupa:
      3. Panova I. V. Funkcional'noe sostoyanie shchitovidnoj zhelezy u detej s Helicobacter pylori -associirovannoj patologiej verhnih otdelov pishchevaritel'nogo trakta v period stanovleniya pubertata // Medicinskie nauki. Fundamental'nye issledovaniya. - 2013. - № 2. - S. 136-139.
      4. Repeckaya M. N., Burdina O. M. Sovremennye osobennosti techeniya hronicheskogo gastroduodenita u detej // Permskij medicinskij zhurnal. - 2017. - T. XXXIV, № 3. - S. 19-24.
      5. Vorob'eva A. V. Osobennosti techeniya hronicheskogo gastroduodenita u detej (obzor literatury) // Vestnik novyh medicinskih tekhnologij. EHlektronnoe izdanie. - 2016. - № 1. - S. 229-234. - Rezhim dostupa: Publikaciya 8-2. URL: http: // 2016-1/8-2.pdf. DOI: 10.12737/18573.
      6. Dombayan S. H., Panova I. V. Osobennosti izmeneniya urovnya nejronspecificheskoj enolazy u detej I-II gruppy zdorov'ya v zavisimosti ot pokazatelej fizicheskogo razvitiya i pola // Vrach-aspirant. - 2016. - № 2.2(75). - S. 273-278.
      7. Dombayan S. H., Panova I. V., Letifov G. M. Pokazateli fizicheskogo razvitiya i dinamika izmenenij nejronspecificheskoj enolazy v perifericheskoj krovi u detej 8-15 let s hronicheskim gastroduodenitom // Vrach -aspirant. - 2017. - № 3(82). - S. 73-78.
      8. Ashmarin I. P. NEJROHIMIYA. M.: Izd. Instituta biomedicinskoj himii RAMN -1996. - 470 s.

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    1. Tula State University

    Keywords:chronic Helicobacter-associated gastroduodenitis,children

    Abstract:There were examined 202 children with chronic Helicobacter-associated gastroduodenitis. There was carried out endoscopic and pathomorphological examination of biopsies taken from the wall of the stomach and duodenum. The most frequent cases of chronic Helicobacter-associated gastroduodenitis among children are surface inflammation (65 % of patients); there are more rarely endoscopically detected: subatrophic (10.2 %), hypertrophic (14.5 %) and erosive (10.3 %) gastroduodenitis. In stomach was dominated gastritis with lesions of the glands without atrophy in chronic Helicobacter pylori gastroduodenitis in children. The greatest degree of seeding of the gastric mucosa of HP was found in children with hypertrophic gastroduodenitis.

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      7. Mirutko D. D., Sapotnickij A. V. Vyrazhennost' i aktivnost' hronicheskogo gastrita u detej i podrostkov v zavisimosti ot nalichiya infekcii Helicobacter pylory. Materialy XXII Mezhdunarodnogo Kongressa detskih gastroehnterologov Rossii i stran SNG «Aktual'nye problemy abdominal'noj patologii u detej» M. 17-19 marta 2015 g. Pod obshchej redakciej S. V. Bel'mera i L. I. Il'enko. M: ID «Medpraktika-M», 2015. S. 101-102.
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    1. “Kuban State Medical University” Health Ministry of Russia
    2. Children’s Regional Clinical Hospital
    3. “Russian Research Medical University. Pirogov “of Ministry of Health of Russia

    Keywords:digestive tract,children,congenital heart defects,small anomalies of heart development,ecology

    Abstract:As a result of specialized mass medical examinations, 2030 children with heart diseases aged 1 month to 15 years were examined in various districts and cities of Krasnodar region. There were 1047 boys (51.6 %), 983 girls (48.4 %). A retrospective epidemiological analysis of the territorial prevalence of congenital heart defects and anomalies in children in relation to the level of environmental pollution was carried out. Mathematical analysis of the effects of polluting factors on the condition of the digestive tract in all examined children showed a tendency to growth and change in the structure of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract with the growth of anthropogenic load. In children with small heart abnormalities from environmentally friendly places of residence, diseases of the upper digestive tract (3.8 %) are more often detected, with congenital heart defects - in addition to the latter, intestinal diseases are registered (2.4 %). The growth of anthropogenic load on the rise of all diseases in three or more times. The obtained data indicate, on the one hand, the relationship of gastroenterological diseases with the degree of environmental pollution, on the other, do not exclude the fact that the course of congenital defects and small anomalies of heart development lead to the formation of diseases of the digestive tract.

      1. Baranov, A. A. Detskaya gastroehnterologiya. Izbrannye glavy./A.A. Baranov, E. V. Klimanskaya, G. V. Rimarchuk // M., 2002. - 592 s.
      2. Zaprudnov, A. M. Podrostkovaya gastroehnterologiya: bolezn' nachinaetsya v detstve / A. M. Zaprudnov, K. I. Grigor'ev, YU. A. Knyazev [i dr.] // Vrach. - 2003. - № 5. - S. 7-10.
      3. Sitnikova, E. P. Sostoyanie pishchevaritel'noj sistemy detej s kardiorevmatologicheskoj patologiej//Vopr. sovremennoj pediatrii. - 2007. - T. 6, № 6. - S. 136-138.
      4. Onishchenko, G. G. Vliyanie faktorov vneshnej sredy na zdorov'e cheloveka// Immunologiya. - 2006. - № 6. - S. 352-355

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    1. “Kuban State Medical University” Health Ministry of Russia
    2. Children’s City Polyclinic № 3

    Keywords:vegetative dystonia syndrome,children,biliary tract,functional disorders

    Abstract:The purpose of the present study was to study the state of vegetative regulation in children with autonomic dystonia syndrome (SVD) and functional disorders of the biliary tract (FRBT). the incidence of SVD and functional disorders of the biliary tract among children aged 7-17 years in one of the secondary schools of the city of Krasnodar was studied according to the data of preventive medical examinations. The group of schoolchildren (252 people) with a syndrome of vegetative dystonia, consisting on a dispensary account is selected. Of these, 120 children had combinations of dysfunctional disorders of the biliary tract and the syndrome of vegetative dystonia. The functional state of the autonomic nervous system and the reserve capabilities of the cardio-respiratory system in school-age children with autonomic dystonia syndrome were assessed using Functional Samples (the Quetelet index, the Robinson index, the Skibinsky index, the Shapovalov index, the Ruthier index, the life index). Nonmedical correction of the revealed vegetative dysregulation, which testifies to disturbance of homeostasis at the preclinical stage, conducted in the conditions of medical offices of general educational institutions, will prevent the risk of pathological changes from the digestive system and improve the quality of life of patients.

      1. Belokon' N. A. Vegetososudistaya distoniya. Bolezni serdca i sosudov u detej // Rukovodstvo dlya vrachej: V 2 t. T. 1 / N. A. Belokon', M. B. Kuberger. - M.: Medicina, 1987. - S. 303-338
      2. SHvarkov S. B. Osobennosti vegetativnoj distonii u detej i podrostkov / S. B. SHvarkov // Zabolevaniya vegetativnoj nervnoj sistemy / pod red. A. M. Vejna. - M.: Medicina, 1991. -S. 508-549. Vegetativnaya distoniya. - M., 1996. - S. 234-329
      3. Vejn, A. M. Vegetativnye rasstrojstva: klinika, diagnostika, lechenie / A. M. Vejn. - M.: MIA, 2002. - 752 s.
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      5. Baevskij R. M. Ocenka adaptacionnyh vozmozhnostej organizma i riska razvitiya zabolevanij / R. M. Baevskij, A. P. Beresneva. - M.: Medicina, 1997. - 183 s
      6. Vasilenko YU. YU. Spektral'nyj analiz variabel'nosti ritma serdca v ocenke sostoyaniya vegetativnoj nervnoj sistemy u zdorovyh detej / YU. YU. Vasilenko, N. A. Geppe, O. S. Glazychev i dr. // Ros.ped. zhurnal. - 1999. - № 3. - S. 23-27
      7. Macheret E. L. Variabel'nost' ritma serdca v zavisimosti ot tipa techeniya sindroma vegetativnoj distonii / E. L. Macheret, N. K. Murashko, T. I. CHabani i dr. // Vestnik aritmologii. - 2000. - T. 16. - S. 17-20
      8. Bel'mer S. V. Funkcional'nye narusheniya organov pishchevareniya u detej / S. V. Bel'mer, T. V. Galasina, A. I. Havkin i dr. // Rekomendacii i kommentarii. - M.: RGMU, 2005. - 36 s.
      9. Golovanova E. S. Sposob opredeleniya sostoyaniya regulyacii parasimpaticheskogo otdela vegetativnoj nervnoj sistemy / E. S. Golovanova, A. I. Aminova // Prioritetnaya spravka. Zayavka na izobretenie № 200 1130847 ot 13.11.2001.
      10. Ursova N. I. Funkcional'nye narusheniya biliarnogo trakta u detej: algoritmy diagnostiki i lecheniya: ucheb. posobie / N. I. Ursova. - M.: O-Kratkoe, 2014. - S. 25-32.

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    1. Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy of the MOH of the Russian Federation

    Keywords:bacteriophages,ratanasopha,children,inhalation therapy

    Abstract:To evaluate the effectiveness of inhalation phagotherapy in diseases of the oropharynx in children. Patients and methods. 120 patients from 4 to 17 years, including 60 children with acute bilateral upper-jaw sinusitis, 30 people with acute hemisinusitis and pansinusitis, respectively. The efficiency of bacteriophages was assessed by three main criteria: 1. anoscopically picture with the use of endoscopic techniques with videoarchive; 2. data of bacteriological research; 3. X-ray computed tomography (CT) before treatment and after the therapy. Inhalation therapy was carried out using compressor nebulizers OMRON and PARISINUS. At admission of the patient, on the 5th and 10th days of the carried-out phagotherapy results of bacteriological research testify to lysis of the causative agent of the disease by the 10th days in 98 % of crops at all 120 patients of the investigated groups. CT data before and after treatment confirmed the positive dynamics and resolution of the process in 84 %. Phagotherapy in gastroenterology and otorhinolaryngology, especially in childhood, is a full-fledged method in complex therapy, allows optimizing the entire process of treating patients, in many cases copes with the problem of antibiotic resistance, prevents the development of early and late postoperative complications in many areas of surgical treatment of the pathology of the oropharynx.

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    1. «Privolzhsky Federal Research Medical Centre» of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

    Keywords:erythrocytes,Crohn’s disease,erythrocyte deformability,erythrocyte morphology,erythrocyte cytoskeleton,erythrocyte aggregation,lanthanum

    Abstract:The study was conducted in 17 patients with CD at the age of 10 to 17 years. The erythrocyte deformability, aggregate morphology in autologous plasma, state of membrane cytoskeleton and cell aggregation induced by lanthanum were studied. In patients with CD significant changes of average erythrocyte deformability and changes in distribution of the cell number for the degree of their deformability were revealed. Morphological pattern of erythrocyte aggregation was changed - along with the formation of «rouleaux» aggregates globular structures (clump) appeared. The stability of the erythrocyte cytoskeleton significantly decreases. Studying of human erythrocyte aggregation induced by lanthanum was shown that erythrocyte aggregation of patients at studied lanthanum concentration significantly different from normal cell aggregation. Current treatment resulted in improvement of rheological and membrane erythrocyte properties. However, complete normalization of erythrocyte properties did not occur. The results show significant changes in the rheological and membrane properties of erythrocytes in children with CD. Determination of rheological and membrane properties of erythrocytes allow to obtain additional information on the process of the disease and the effectiveness of its treatment.

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