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    1. Omsk State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia (Omsk, Russian Federation)
    2. Regional Clinical Hospital (Omsk, Russian Federation)
    3. Nizhnevartovsk District Clinical Hospital (Nizhnevartovsk, Russian Federation)

    Keywords:cholecystocholangiolithiasis,minimally invasive surgery,fibrocholangioscopy,postoperative period,quality of life,ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA)

    Abstract:In the study, two groups of patients were compared: 31 patients operated with a single-step minimally invasive surgical method and 28 patients who were operated with a two-stage surgical procedure. To study the long-term results of treatment in patients with cholecystocholangiolithiasis who underwent surgical treatment, a questionnaire survey (questionnaire SF-36) and a survey including clinical (complaints, examination), laboratory tests (blood and urine test, bilirubin level, ALAT, ACAT, AF) and instrumental (ultrasound, fibrogastroduodenoscopy) research methods. The obtained results of the conducted study testify to the undoubted advantage of one-stage minimally invasive surgical treatment of patients with cholecystocholangiolithiasis. Quality of life indicators in patients taking UDCA drugs at the postoperative stage of smoking were better in comparison with patients who did not take UDCA, which may serve as an additional reason for prescribing UDCA drugs after cholecystectomy. The received results of the conducted research testify to an undoubted advantage of one-stage minimally invasive surgical treatment of patients with cholecystocholangiolithiasis.

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