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    1. FGBNU «Russian Research Center of Surgery named of acad. B. V. Petrovsky” (Moscow, Russian Federation)
    2. Endoscopy unit of Municipal Clinical Hospital № 29 named. N. E. Bauman (Moscow, Russian Federation)

    Keywords:colorectal cancer, levomenthol solution, colon polyps

    Abstract:The purpose of the study: Evaluation of the effectiveness of the using of levomenthol solution in the lumen of the colon to improve visualization of pathological changes during total videocolonoscopy. Materials and methods: We examined 2 groups of patients according to 75 people. The first group was examined with using of levomenthol solution, which was insert in the channel of the endoscope into the lumen of the sigmoid colon during the colonoscopy. The second group was the control, the patients in this group underwent standard colonoscopy. Results: In the group surveyed with the help of drug exposure, it was discovered 56 neoplasias(44 of them size up to 0.5 cm). In the control group identified 28 lesions (11 of them size up to 0.5 cm). In the right part of colon in the two groups was found 30 different histological structure, in the left - 54 neoplasia. The time spent in the videocolonoscopy with the use of levomenthol, amounted to 14.05±3,03 min: time to the dome of the cecum is 5.1 ± 3,8 minutes, during breeding of the endoscope of 8.95 ± 2,67 min. In the control group, these data were 16.06±5,09 min, 6,3 ± 2,6 min and 9,76 ± 4,29 min, respectively. Conclusion: The application of levomenthol solution can significantly increase the efficiency of detecting epithelial tumors of the colon. In terms of levomenthol solution was detected in 4 times more the smallest polyps than standard colonoscopy. Time periods spent in study, was significantly lower in the group of levomenthol, compared to standard colonoscopy.

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    Full text is published :
    Khrustaleva M.V., Khodakovskaya J.А., Godzhello E.A., Dekhtyar M.А. et al. LEVOMENTHOL FOR IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF SCREENING VIDEOCOLONOSCOPY. Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal. 2018;152(04):71-75
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